Allen Browne's ConcatRelated() Error 3061: Too few parameters - sql

I am trying to create a list of products at a given warehouse.
Allen Browne's ConcatRelated() function seems to be the tried and true method to create lists using when a linked variable is the same, but I can't get it to work.
I have broken my information down into a single query... "qry_Products"
SELECT qry_AX_LineItems_LINES.Warehouse, tblREF_Chemical.[Sales Name]
FROM qry_AX_LineItems_LINES INNER JOIN tblREF_Chemical ON
qry_AX_LineItems_LINES.ItemId = tblREF_Chemical.[Item Number]
GROUP BY qry_AX_LineItems_LINES.Warehouse, tblREF_Chemical.[Sales Name];
It produces a table with the Sales Name and Warehouse(s).
What I need to see happen is a list of the Sales Names when their warehouse matches.
I have tried using the function in a textbox of my form...
=ConcatRelated("[Sales Name]","[qry_Products]"," Warehouse ='" & [Warehouse]
& "'")
It causes an Error 3061 and leaves the cell blank.
I double checked my syntax within the quotes by using Dlookup(), and it produced the first result of the list.
I have also tried altering my query...
SELECT qry_AX_LineItems_LINES.Warehouse, ConcatRelated("[Sales Name]","
[tblREF_Chemical]") AS Expr1
FROM qry_AX_LineItems_LINES INNER JOIN tblREF_Chemical ON
qry_AX_LineItems_LINES.ItemId = tblREF_Chemical.[Item Number];
Unfortunately it then lists every product in my database as a list.
I also tried creating a new query to reference the one producing minimal information.
SELECT ConcatRelated("[Sales Name]","qry_Products") AS Expr1
FROM qry_Products;
I know that the initial query is correct but when I go to run the new query I get multiple pop-ups of Error 3061 and empty cells for results.
I double checked that I am copying the module exactly.
Module is named "Concat".
I'm reading every help guide out there but I just can't see what I should try next.
Thank you so much for time and any advice!
SubForm frm_LineItems
Query qry_Products

I found another thread that gives an alternative to the Allen Browne method.
This seems to be working.
'Concat Returns lists of items which are within a grouped field
Public Function Concat(strGroup As String, strItem As String) As String
Static strLastGroup As String
Static strItems As String
If strGroup = strLastGroup Then
strItems = strItems & ", " & strItem
strLastGroup = strGroup
strItems = strItem
End If
Concat = strItems
End Function
with Query SQL
Max(Concat(WH, [Sales Name])) AS Products
FROM [qry_Products]
I wanted to leave this here in case anyone else was having a similar issue.


Remove duplicates from a FIELD in SQL table

I have a situation where records imported into an access database contain some duplicates values in a specific field. I do not want to remove any rows in the table with duplicates, rather just the duplicate values in the specific field in the relevant rows. I tried a building a query around a kind of split in string but is hasn't worked. How do I process this?
Example of rows in table currently
What I need to achieve
Take a deep look at your data...
If there's a duplicate within a field, every occurance of string is separated by , ,.
I'd suggest to create custom function as is described here
Public Function String_Split(sInput As String, _
lIndex As Long, _
Optional sDelim As String = ", ,") As String
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
String_Split = Split(sInput, sDelim)(lIndex)
On Error Resume Next
Exit Function
String_Split = "Error!"
Resume Error_Handler_Exit
End Function
Then, use it in update query:
UPDATE YourTable
SET [Needs Details] = String_Split([Needs Details], 0)
If you want to preview the result of String_Split function, before you run update query, use this:
SELECT [Pupil Ref], [Needs Details], String_Split([Needs Details], 0) NewDetails
FROM YourTable
That's all!
You have duplication based on ", ," so if you find where that happens then take the left from that point.
Base your query on this:
select *, iif(instr(field1,", ,")>1, left(field1,instr(field1,", ,")-1), field1)
from table1

Concatrelated with two parameters

I am trying to use Allen Browne's ConcatRelated function in a database for City Council Ordinances. I have one working properly, but this one in an unbound field should produce a string of councilor names of those who voted yes. It has two parameters and keeps returning a 3601 error, too few parameters. Votes are tallied as 'Y' or 'N'. I will need a sister string for 'N'
=ConcatRelated("[Lname]","[qryVoteTally2]","CO2_IDfk =" & [CO2_ID] & " AND " & "Vote = 'Y'")
The underlying SQL is
SELECT mmVotes.CO_ID2fk, mmVotes.Vote, tblSponsors.Lname
FROM mmVotes LEFT JOIN tblSponsors ON mmVotes.Counc_ID = tblSponsors.Spon_ID
The query works on its own. Why?

Expected function / variable error message

i am trying to write a simple append query using SQL for my access database. Upon trying to execute the code, the message i am getting is:
Complilation error. Exepected function or variable
The query is a query which joins 4 tables and pastes the fields into another table. When using a standard MS Access query it works fine. I then generated and copied the SQL code (below) but unfortunately cannot get the query to work.
A final note about something strange. Unlike all the other SQL queries i have successfully written, this one, upon writing the Application.DoCmd.RunSQL (st_sql) into VBA, the space between the "L" and the "(st_sql) for some reason gets truncated.. Strange, this doesnt happen for any other string in the Whole routine where i successfully have other append queries.
Below is the code:
st_sql = "INSERT INTO[tblContactReporting03]([ID Project],[tblProjManagementPhaseHierarchy],[tblProjManagementSubPhaseHierarchy],[ID_Event],[SubTask_Hierarchy],[Project],[Sub project],[Project_Phase],[Project_Sub_Phase],[ContactFullName],[Role_Type],[type],[Event],[Effective_date],[Commitment],[Sub_task_name],[Status],[Notes])" & _
"SELECT[tblProjectMasterList].[ID Project],[tblProjManagementPhase].[Hierarchy],[tblProjManagementSubPhase].[Hierarchy],[tblContactReporting02].[ID_Event],[tblContactReporting02].[SubTask_Hierarchy],[tblProjectMasterList].[Project],[tblProjectMasterList].[Sub project],[tblProjManagementPhase].[Project_Phase],[tblProjManagementSubPhase].[Project_Sub_Phase],[tblContactReporting02].[ContactFullName],[tblContactReporting02].[Role_Type],[tblContactReporting02].[type]," & _
"[tblContactReporting02].[Event], [tblContactReporting02].[Effective_date],[tblContactReporting02].[Commitment],[tblContactReporting02].[Sub_task_name],[tblContactReporting02].[Status],[tblContactReporting02].[Notes]" & _
"FROM[tblProjectMasterListINNER JOIN ([tblProjManagementPhase] INNER JOIN ([tblContactReporting02] INNER JOIN [tblProjManagementSubPhase] ON [tblContactReporting02].[ID_Project_Sub_Phase] = [tblProjManagementSubPhase].[ID_Project_Sub_Phase]) ON ([tblContactReporting02].[ID_Project_Phase] = [tblProjManagementPhase].[ID_Project_Phase]) AND ([tblProjManagementPhase].[ID_Project_Phase] = [tblProjManagementSubPhase].[ID_Project_Phase])) ON [tblProjectMasterList].[ID Project] = [tblProjManagementPhase].[ID_Project]" & _
"ORDER BY [tblProjectMasterList].[ID Project], [tblProjManagementPhase].[Hierarchy], [tblProjManagementSubPhase].[Hierarchy], [tblContactReporting02].[ID_Event], [tblContactReporting02].[SubTask_Hierarchy];" & _
I'd recommend a Debug.Print st_sql before running so that you'll be able to debug the constructed SQL.
The error you're getting is because RunSQL is a sub, not a function, so you need to call it 1) without parentheses:
Application.DoCmd.RunSQL st_sql
or 2) preceed it with Call and use parentheses:
Call Application.DoCmd.RunSQL(st_sql)
You can use syntax 2 for functions that when you don't need to use their return value.

How do I save the result of an SQL COUNT query with VBA in Access 2007?

I'm trying to count the number of records in a table that meet a certain criteria. My preference is to use SQL, not Dcount, as I want to get better at SQL. Here's my current code below:
Dim countString As String
Dim count
countString = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Engagement Letters` WHERE 'Client ID' = " & Me.cboSelectClient
count = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(countString).Fields(0).Value
Yeah I know, I've used spaces in my tables and field names - I will change that. Though I think I should still be able to run this query as is, so I will leave it as is for now.
When I run the above, I get runtime error 3464 - data type mismatch in criteria expression. I've had the below dcount function work fine:
count = DCount("[Engagement Letter ID]", "Engagement Letters", "[Client ID] = " & Me.cboSelectClient)
And also the below COUNT query without the WHERE works fine:
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Engagement Letters`"
My knowledge of SQL is very minimal, and my knowledge of more advanced VBA is also quite minimal, so I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. Can anyone help me with this?
Try building your string like this.
countString = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Engagement Letters]" & vbCrLf & _
"WHERE [Client ID] = " & Me.cboSelectClient
Debug.Print countString
Use square brackets around object (table and field) names which include spaces or any characters other than letters, digits, and the underscore character.
For the table name, you used `Engagement Letters`, and the backticks appear to work the same as square brackets. Perhaps they always work equally well, but I don't know for sure because I use the brackets exclusively. And brackets instead of backticks might help you avoid this mistake ...
WHERE 'Client ID' = " & Me.cboSelectClient
... that was asking the db engine to compare the literal string, "Client ID", to the numerical value (?) you pulled from cboSelectClient.
I used vbCrLf between the 2 parts of the SELECT statement because I find that convenient when examining the completed string (via Debug.Print).

dlookup multiple tables and set textbox to result access 2007

I'll try and break down my problem as best I can and explain what I'm trying to achieve. Firstly, I have three tables:
**RFI** (stands for Request For Information)-
Fields: rfi_id, Customer_id .....
**RFI_project** -
Fields: rfipro_id, project_id, rfi_id *"....." represents other unnecessary fields*
**Customer** -
Fields: Customer_id, company .....
I have an access form with two comboboxes. On the first combobox I select the name of a project at which point the second textbox changes to show those *rfi_id*'s where there is a match with the project name selected.
Now what I'm trying to do is this - When I select an *rfi_id* in the second combobox I want it to display in a textbox on my form the company where there the *rfi_id* value matches the value in the combobox. It's a bit tricky due to the way the tables are is what I'm essentially trying to display in the textbox field in SQL terms:
SELECT, RFI.Customer_id
FROM Customer, RFI
WHERE (((Customer.Customer_id)=[RFI].[Customer_id]) AND ((RFI.rfi_id)=[Forms]![Request for Info Form]![Combo90]))
In order to do this I have tried the following to no avail. In the after update event of my second combobox I have inserted the following:
companyTB = DLookup("company", "Customer", "Customer_id =" & DLookup("Customer_id", "RFI" And "rfi_id =" & [Forms]![Request for Info Form]![cmbRFI]))
When I change the combobox value I get the error Run-time error '13': Type mismatch. I've tried searching for what I've done wrong but this is a very broad error apparently and I can't find anything similar (or that I understand). I also tried this instead -
companyTB = DLookup("company", "Customer", "Customer_id =" & DLookup("Customer_id", "RFI", "rfi_id =" & cmbRFI))
which gives me the following error - Run-time error '3075': Syntax error(missing operator)in query expression. Anyway, would anybody be kind enough to give me a breakdown of what I need to do to achieve this, or what I'm doing wrong (or maybe a better way to do it?). Forgive me for being to seemingly stupid at this, I've only just begun working with access more in depth in the last 3 weeks or so. Thank you.
Your first DLookUp has incorrect syntax:
companyTB = DLookup("company", "Customer", "Customer_id ="
& DLookup("Customer_id", "RFI" And "rfi_id ="
& [Forms]![Request for Info Form]![cmbRFI]))
I have broken it into three lines to make this easier to see. The second line has And between "RFI" and "rfi_id" when it should have a comma.
companyTB = DLookup("company", "Customer", "Customer_id ="
& DLookup("Customer_id", "RFI", "rfi_id =" & cmbRFI))
The error you are getting on your second combo seems likely to be due to the result returned by cmbRFI. You can check this by filling in an actual rfi_id, rather than the reference to the combo and by setting a text box equal to cmbRFI and see what it is returning. Combo can be difficult because the displayed column and the bound column can be different.
It can be convenient to set up your combobox with several columns, as shown in your query, so the rowsource might be:
SELECT rfi.ID,, RFI.Customer_id
FROM Customer
ON Customer.Customer_id=RFI.Customer_id
(or the three tables, joined, if necessary)
Column count = 3
Column widths = 2cm;0;0
Bound column = 1
You can now refer to the second column in your textbox:
= cmbRFI.Column(1)
Columns are numbered from zero.
It is always worth reading up on sql before working with Access:
Fundamental Microsoft Jet SQL for Access 2000
Intermediate Microsoft Jet SQL for Access 2000
Advanced Microsoft Jet SQL for Access 2000
Your last Dlookup statement seems absolutely fine so I'm a little confused as to why it isn't working, you may be able to get round the problem like this though:
Combox2_AfterUpdate (Or whatever the event is called)
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = Currentdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT C.Company, R.Customer_ID " & _
"FROM Customer As C, RFI As R " & _
"WHERE C.Customer_ID = R.Customer_ID " & _
"AND R.RFI_ID =" & [Forms]![Request for Info Form]![Combo90] & " " & _
"ORDER BY C.Company")
CompanyTB = rs!Company
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub