Carousel with nativescript-vue - carousel

How can I create carousel with nativescript-vue? I can create couple of single components such as welcome1.vue, welcome2.vue with a button and animation, but I have no idea how can I add the dots to make it real carousel/introduction flow. I know there is an NS plugin for it, but I'm not sure how can I integrate it into vue project.
Any help would be appreciated!

npm install nativescript-carousel
Then run
rm -rf platforms
Register the plugin in your app
Open your app.js or main.js and add the following line at the top:
Vue.registerElement('Carousel', () => require('nativescript-carousel').Carousel)
Vue.registerElement('CarouselItem', () => require('nativescript-carousel').CarouselItem)
Put this into your vue component:
Remember to warp the <Carousel> inside a <GridLayout> if you're Android.
<Carousel height="100%" width="100%"
pageChanged="myChangeEvent" pageTapped="mySelectedEvent"
indicatorColor="#fff000" finite="true" bounce="false"
showIndicator="true" verticalAlignment="top"
android:indicatorAnimation="swap" color="white"
<CarouselItem id="slide1" backgroundColor="#b3cde0" verticalAlignment="middle">
<Label text="Slide 1" backgroundColor="#50000000" horizontalAlignment="center"/>
<CarouselItem id="slide2" backgroundColor="#6497b1" verticalAlignment="middle">
<Label text="Slide 2" backgroundColor="#50000000" horizontalAlignment="center"/>
<CarouselItem id="slide3" backgroundColor="#005b96" verticalAlignment="middle">
<Label text="Slide 3" backgroundColor="#50000000" horizontalAlignment="center"/>
<CarouselItem id="slide4" backgroundColor="#03396c" verticalAlignment="middle">
<Label text="Slide 4" backgroundColor="#50000000" horizontalAlignment="center"/>
then run tns run android --bundle

Did you try nativescript-pager, it has official support for Vue and got a demo app too.


Positioning actionbar items on android

I have this code
<ActionBar title="Action Items">
<StackLayout orientation="horizontal">
<Image src="res://icon" width="40" height="40"
verticalAlignment="center" />
<Label text="NativeScript" fontSize="24"
verticalAlignment="center" />
<NavigationButton text="Go Back" android.systemIcon="ic_menu_back"
<ActionItem (tap)="onShare()" ios.systemIcon="9"
ios.position="left" android.systemIcon="ic_menu_share"
<ActionItem (tap)="onDelete()" ios.systemIcon="16"
ios.position="right" text="delete" android.position="popup">
<StackLayout class="home-panel">
<!--Add your page content here-->
<Label textWrap="true" text="Play with NativeScript!"
class="h2 description-label">
<Label textWrap="true"
text=" Write code in the editor or drag and drop components to build a NativeScript mobile application."
class="h2 description-label" />
<Label textWrap="true"
text="Scan the QR code with your mobile device and watch the changes sync live while you play with the code."
class="h2 description-label" />
export default {
data() {
return {
first: "Once"
<style scoped>
.home-panel {
vertical-align: center;
font-size: 20;
margin: 15;
.description-label {
margin-bottom: 15;
which produces
My question is how come the back button aligned itself left and the others right without explicitly coding left or right?
<NavigationButton text="Go Back" android.systemIcon="ic_menu_back"
and the other buttons are aligning to the right
<ActionItem (tap)="onShare()" ios.systemIcon="9"
ios.position="left" android.systemIcon="ic_menu_share"
<ActionItem (tap)="onDelete()" ios.systemIcon="16"
ios.position="right" text="delete" android.position="popup">
<NavigationButton/> is by default on the left, as it's just calls into the native setNavigationIcon api:
While the other <ActionItem> elements are added with the Menu api:
For your other question, you can do the following:
<Label :text="`${first} Play with NativeScript!`" textWrap="true" class="h2 description-label" />
:text makes it a binding, the then you pass in a regular JavaScript string literal.
An alternative would be:
:text="first + ' Play with NativeScript!'"
Both ways should work fine.

Default colors is not showing in fonts Xamarin.Forms

Default Emojis are working fine in my Xamarin.Forms app and it's colorful. When I add Twitter color fonts its become B/W (black-white). This Procedure I followed.
[assembly: ExportFont( "TwitterColorEmoji.ttf", Alias = "TwitterColorEmoji" )]
Here is the example code in xaml
<!-- This is not working -->
<Label x:Name="emojilbl" Text="\U+1F1E9" Margin="20,0,0,0"></Label>
<!-- This is not working -->
<Image BackgroundColor="Black">
<!-- This is working fine with default font -->
<Label Text="🇦🇨" Margin="20,0,0,0" FontSize="40"/>
Why emoji is not showing its own color.
Thank for the help in advanced.
Solved issue by changing "Embedded resource" to "Resource" option.

Nativescript Vue: List data getting jumbled on top of each other

I have a list of data and when it renders, it's rendering on top of each other. The data is a fairly long list of objects and I am using multiple fields. I made a playground example by reducing the data list size and only using field (display_name) and it's still happening.
It seems to happen in random spots of the list but I am unsure as to how to resolve or more importantly, why it's happening. I thought it may have had to do with my key not being unique but I made sure it was and it's still happening. I included a playground and added screenshots. Any ideas?
EDIT: (Adding Template)
for="(movie,index) in this.movies"
<FlexboxLayout class="item-row" :key='`flex` + index' flexDirection="row" width="100%" height="100%" justifyContent="space-between">
<Stacklayout orientation="horizontal">
<Image :key='`img-flag` + index' marginTop="-22" class="flag-image" marginBottom="-22" :src="movie.image" height="100%" />
<Label :key='`display-name` + index' :text="movie.display_name" />
<Image :key='`heart-1` + index' #tap="handleToggleFavorite(movie)" width="20" :src="movie.favorite ? heartFilled : heartUnfilled" />
Looking at your mockup, I think you can achieve it with a simple GridLayout.
<GridLayout columns="auto,*,auto" class="list-group-item">
<Image col="0" :src="movie.image"
class="m-5 thumb img-circle">
<Label col="1" :text="movie.display_name"></Label>
<Image col="2" src="path_to_icon" class="thumb">

Is it possible to render elements conditionally in NativeScript-Vue?

I hope you can help me to solve my problem.
I am working on a Nativescript-Vue Application and I want to render this conditionally:
<Label if="isRendering" text="This is a text"></Label>
But this does not work.
I already tried it with <v-template if="..."></v-template> but this also does not work.
If i am not mistaken, in Vue.js it is possible to render conditionally with v-if and i am searching for a possibility to make it in Nativescript-Vue.
Thank you
It's the same like in Vue.js.
Instead of using if you should be using v-if.
Playground example
<Label v-if="isRendering" text="This is a text"></Label>
But if you want to use an if in a ListView it's different.
<ListView for="item in listOfItems" #itemTap="onItemTap">
<Label :text="item.text" />
<v-template if="$odd">
<!-- For items with an odd index, shows the label in red. -->
<Label :text="item.text" color="red" />
But more info about that in the docs

windows 10 - UWP - drop down button

I'm trying to have a 'drop down button'.
I don't know if the is the good naming, but I need to have :
But I really have no idea how to do it, or even how this is named.
Any idea ?
It's not exactly what is on your mock, but what about MenuFlyout? It's almost the same and you don't need any magic for that. Plus it feels native for UWP users:
<Button Content="Button 1">
<MenuFlyoutItem Text="Action 1"/>
<MenuFlyoutItem Text="Action 2"/>
<MenuFlyoutItem Text="Action 3"/>
<Button Content="Button 2"/>
<Button Content="Button 3"/>
There is API addition with DropDownButton in Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 17686 (line 487).
public class DropDownButton : Button
Been a while, but for anyone wondering, the image drawn more accurately represents a tree hierarchy then anything else
Try "TreeView" from there its standard intuitive coding