SendKeys() method ignores some characters when sending to a text box - selenium

I move my Selenium installation to a new server, since then some tests using logins no longer work.
After investigation, I found that the password field was populated with an incorrect value. Therefore the tests failed.
I'm trying to do the following :
Here is how the field is populated after those lines:
The "!" character was the only one missing. It worked on the previous server. Some other suspicious characters (like $ éà<) also worked.
I've looked at locale settings (culture differences) between the servers.
From these characters sent in a Password string:
All of these worked correctly:
"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\ _ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}
Only these failed to be sent correctly:
I've also tried in other fields (such as a Description field) and see the same failure.
I've tried to see if the command was sent correctly to the selenium server, but the logs seem to suggest it worked:
08:05:35.850 DEBUG [ReverseProxyHandler.execute] - To upstream: {"value":["!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~?"]}
It means that the server receives the command correctly, but for some reason the driver or the server doesn't execute properly.

Try this:
Maybe is for the validates from field.

You can try using clipboard:
public static void SendValueFromClipboard(this IWebElement txtField, string value)
txtField.SendKeys(OpenQA.Selenium.Keys.Control + "v");
This is written on C#, you will need to rewrite it in language, you are using.

After looking into multiple system settings i discovered that both my piloting and executing machine add the same regional settings (Format : French(Switzerland) , Keyboard : French(Switzerland), and I didn't look any further.
While fiddling around i discovered this setting :
As it turns out , the Language for non-Unicode programs was set to French(Switzerland) on the machine executing the tests. Changing it to English(UK) resolved the problem.
Probably a bug in chromedriver.

Your solution doesn't work for me, since I already have that setting set to English, but here's a solution I found if anyone else's interested.
Just change your keyboard to ENG UK in task bar.


Set the RequestResponseSerializer in ElasticClient

We've seen a resurrection of this issue in a recent update of Elasticsearch (
We set the SourceSerializer when creating the Client connection but that doesn't seem to help.
Debugging in, I see that RequestResponseSerializer defaults to Nest.InternalSerializer. This JSON serializer has the DateParseHandling field set to DateTime when we want DateTimeOffset. I suspect that this may be the cause of my problem.
Is there a way to set RequestResponseSerializer to verify my theory?
ADDITION: I was able to verify my theory above by altering the NEST code directly. I edited the InternalSerializer::CreateSettings() method to include DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.DateTimeOffset and that solved the issue.
Now how to set/modify this value for RequestResponseSerializer without modifying NEST code directly...
Turns out my issue was the same as and seemed to be fixed in v6.2.0 (
I was running v6.1.0
Upgraded my version to v6.3.1 and all looks well.

AutoIT send() commands not working properly

So I have a game client with 2 input fields: id pass and 1 button: login.
My login credentials are: $id=1234 and $pass=a_bCd.
I'm using AutoIT scripting to automate the login process (my script automatically inputs the id and pass in the login fields) and my AutoLogin() function looks like:
send($id + "{tab}")
send($pass + "{enter}")
Sometimes it works fine, but sometimes my script introduces 1234a- or 1234a_ in the ID field and the rest of the characters in the pass field. I tried many solutions like controlsend("Game","","","1234{tab}a_bCd{enter}"), or changing sleep() values, etc. but the input still goes wrong sometimes. Figured the send delay or sleep would have the problem, still don't know what to do.
Manually inserting the id and pass works properly. What would be a good solving of this problem? Thanks
I have had the same troubles with send. This post on may help you with WinAPI_Keybd_Event() (documentation here):
#include <WinAPISys.au3>
_WinAPI_Keybd_Event(0x11, 0) # Push CTRL down
_WinAPI_Keybd_Event(0x11, 2) # Lift CTRL up again
This helped me with my problems.
NOTE: Sometimes, when your script breaks because of an error, it may happen that one of the keys on your keyboard is still pressed (i.e. pushed down but never lifted up). I use the on-screen keyboard that is integrated in Windows for these moments...
2 Solutions:
You add Strings with &:
send($id & "{tab}")
send($pass & "{enter}")
If that does not work just separate it:
And you don't need that sleep

Asterisk dial command return dialed number

I'm looking for a variable that can tell me which number 'won' the call on a multi-target Dial command.
I'm not getting anything from the ${DIALEDPEERx} variables. Sounds like these vars are broken but I don't know if this is what I should be using.
Ancient version 1.2.14 deployed at this site. All clients are SIP
Thanks anyone
Only realistic way do that - cal via Local channle like freepbx do(check source) or use Macro on answer(i am afraid not work in 1.2)
Parse the contents of the CDR record for the file. One of the fields is dstchannel which will hold a value like SIP/1002-9786b0b0.
Also keep in mind that the call variable stack is wiped on hangup, unless you have an "h" (hangup) extension defined for the context. So, you can most easily handle your post-call processing there.
Further Reading:
Please Note:
if this answer turns out to solve your problem, please "accept" it for the benefit of others trying to solve the same problem later
Hi all I have a solution to this problem. It is working fine for both normal dial and multi target dial.
In dialstring add a macro, here I am adding "followme" macro.
$agi->exec("dial", "SIP/,rtTgM(followme)");
Then after call is answered it ll go to context
In this context you write one script to get the connected calls information by
The way I managed to do it is as follows
exten => s,1,NoOp(${CHANNEL})
You will see that the actual extension that answered is containes in ${CHANNEL}
If 1001 answered the channel will be something like SIP/1001-00017cf1
Just use the CUT command to cut it by / and -

Why escaping quote doesn't work with my webservice?

I access to my webservice like that:
It works fine, but when I try:
it failed, ok this I understand, but if I encode the url like that:
I get the error Bad Request - Error in query syntax. too
What is the solution?
The reason it's failing is because %27 is equal to '.
Everything is encoded before being sent to the web server, even if the URL box doesn't say so.
This will become hard to maintain and possibly confuse your users. I'd change it so you aren't padding the variable with ' and that way you can use http://localhost/SuiPService/SuiPDataService.svc/GetShowCodeFiltered?&showName=auto' if you need to have a ' after it.
Also, if you need the '' around auto. Consider doing this on the server side.
It looks like your using this to build an SQL query...
See here for the reason PHP deprecated it for that exact reason:
Hope this helps,
Jeffrey Kevin Pry

Issue with setting ADMIN password on Windows CE

I have wrote a user manager script the uses NTLMSetUserInfo to set passwords of some users, including ADMIN... What I have noticed though is that if I do this the username / password combination works perfectly for all scenarios such as Telnet, HTTP Auth etc but NOT file browsing.
Upon further inspection I noticed that when setting the Admin password through the built in CE configuration web pages it works.
The registry for Admin looks like so when I use NTLMSetUserInfo
NT = [hex value]
The registry for Admin contains an extra field, Password when I set the admin password via the CE web pages.
NT = [hex value]
Password = [hex value]
I figure NTLMSetUserInfo doesn't set the global CE password for Admin properly, hence not being able to file browse onto the box.
I found the following function in the CE web code parsing DLL that does the job called SetPassword. I wrote a separate function to deal with Admin cases but I cannot get it to compile. Here is a snippet of it
#include <windbase.h>
bool UserAccounts::SetAdminPassword(const std::string &passwordOld, const std::string &password)
wchar_t wpass[512];
wchar_t wpassold[512];
mbstowcs(wpass, password.c_str(), 512);
mbstowcs(wpassold, passwordOld.c_str(), 512);
return SetPassword(wpassold, wpass) == TRUE;
This will not compile stating that 'SetPassword': identifier not found. I notice in the CE documentation for SetPassword it has the following line
To use this function, you must include
the password component, Fspass, in
your Cesysgen.bat file.
I'm not sure what this means as I am pretty new to PlatformBuilder etc...
Can anyone help me or point me in the right direction?
Add the following to the top of your code file:
extern "C" BOOL SetPassword(LPWSTR lpszOldPassword, LPWSTR lpszNewPassword);
The linker will do the rest.
I can't give an exact answer right now (never used this authentication). But, I just tried to use (actually compile) SetPassword in a cloned version of the bluetooth AudioGateway driver I have and it compiles without problems.
When I tried to use it in a subproject or a regular independent project I had the same error that you got. So a quick solution might be to do this in a driver and see if it works.
Regarding the comment in the docs I assume they it goes down to having the SYSGEN_FSPASSWORD selected in the catalog though I did not trace this yet. I guess you have this selected if you can set passwords and such.