Migrate java web project IBM RAD to Intellij - intellij-idea

We have a project that developed in IBM RAD 8.5 and using WebSphere Server.
I want to migrate the project to Intellij idea and use tomcat to jBos for server.
When I try to add the dependencies jars, still I got this error.
"Error:(14, 36) java: unmappable character (0xE7) for encoding UTF-8"
I think I am missing something huge. Could you please explain me what is the trick under the hood of migrating. I have .classpath, .project web.xml, build.xml. How to edit them to get completely free from RAD.


No support for Wildfly 9.0.0.Final in Intellij 12.1.6

When I add a new Application Server IntelliJ, pointing to the home path of the Wildfly 9.0.0.Final, IntelliJ shows me this warning:
"The selected directory is not a valid Jboss home"
Is this a question of Wildfly configuration someone from Wildfly team must fix or it is a question of too old IntelliJ or maybe the 'Jboss integration plugin' needs to be updated?
This is a a result of too old version of Intellij IDEA.
Or as you point out jboss integration plugin, which is bundled with IDEA itself.
There is also a trick to make IDEA belive it still supports newer version of WildFly.
We had it in place for some time in WildFly distro but was later removed as IDEA got official support for wildfly.
in short, this is the workaround https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly/blob/8.x/build/build.xml#L1551
all you need to do is to go to WILDFLY_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/as/version/main/ folder
and make copy of wildfly-version-xx.jar and rename the copy to jboss-as-version-xx.jar
where xx is the version of the wildfly.

Glassfish Eclipse Plugin for Juno

Somehow, at some point, I installed this version of the Eclipse Glassfish Plugin for Juno:
Oracle GlassFish Server Tools
I'm trying to help a co-worker install it too. But the latest version from the marketplace is
Oracle GlassFish Server Tools
I think I must have gotten it from here which is referenced in this accepted anser but that site is now dead. That site is also referenced in this question
Does anyone know what the heck is going on with Eclipse Glassfish Plugin for Juno and Glassfish, and/or a different place from where we can get the version I seem to have?
Or else, tell me where I can report this problem to the team that maintains this plugin other than SO?
Oracle is currently migrating the GlassFish plugins - see
for details.
The old update site http://dlc.sun.com.edgesuite.net/glassfish/eclipse/juno/ is working again (despite appearing empty when you open the URL in your web browser).

Error configuring JBoss 7 with Netbeans7

I want to configure Jboss 7.1.1 final in Netbeans 7.0.1. But I am getting an error "Provide a JBoss application server 6,5,4 Location". How can I add the latest JBoss AS?
Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately, NetBeans doesn't support JBoss AS 7 at least as of NetBeans 7.2. A patch adding support has existed for some time, but was unfortunately not merged for the 7.2 release. There seems to be relatively little interest in AS7 in the NetBeans community.
I eventually gave up on NetBeans supporting AS 7 and moved to JBoss Developer Studio - basically a roll-up of Eclipse and JBoss Tools with preinstalled AS7 support, some bug fixes and polish.
There are a few NetBeans features I miss and it took a little learning, but overall I'm happy and there's enough really good stuff that I'm not going to bother going back.
I was stuck with JBoss 6.1 until I coded my own solution to deploy my projects.
Check the ant script here:

Has anyone been able to hotdeploy using m2eclipse on Websphere 6.1 with MyEclipse?

I've been looking around for a while how can I hotdeploy my projects when using m2eclipse plugin on MyEclipse and working with Websphere 6.1.
What I've done so far is to deploy my full application using the was6 maven plugin (http://mojo.codehaus.org/was6-maven-plugin/) but that plugin will only deploy the EAR into the Websphere.So whenever I have to change just one line of code I have to redeploy the application again. The server doesn't take the changes just by saving the modified source code or JSP file.
I am working with MyEclipse 8.5 IDE and with the original m2eclipse plugin (Not Maven4MyEclipse).
Has anyone been able to do that? And if so how?
Thanks in advance
JRebel is a commercial solution that would make your life much easier. It's cheap (like $60). I actually bought a personal license intead of waiting for my company to purchase it. There is a free 30 day trial!
JRebel will hotswap your .class files and resources. No need to maven package, just save the resource in Eclipse, and JRebel will put on the server. There a few limitations, but in my opinion, its a life save.
We have used JRebel on Jetty, and I have read it is supported on WAS.

m2eclipse and RAD 7.5

I am using Maven to automate a project that is being developed in RAD 7.5.
I've installed m2eclipse in RAD 7.5 , updated ( manually ) maven dependencies , and it builds Maven way within RAD.
My main question : what is the best practice using m2eclipse with RAD?
Should we keep both ( RAD and maven ) settings in the project workspace or remove all RAD settings and stick with Maven only?
Also , I am wondering about m2eclipse dependency management feature. I was hoping that it will update pom.xml with the new dependency when I add it to the classpath and vise versa ( in case we are keeping both configurations ). Is this a correct assumption?
this doesn't seem to happen. Maybe I need to give it another try....
Any suggestions are very much appreciated!
The article "Java EE development using Rational Application Developer 7.5.5 and Maven" (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/display/rad/Articles) is OK but the site is wrong.
Since RAD 7.5.5 is based on Eclipse 3.4.2 you need to point here:
My main question : what is the best practice using m2eclipse with RAD? Should we keep both (RAD and maven) settings in the project workspace or remove all RAD settings and stick with Maven only?
I don't work with RAD so I'm not sure my answer will be totally accurate but when working with Eclipse, m2eclipse takes care of the .classpath and the .project files and everything is derived from the pom.xml, not the other way around. I don't think it's different with RAD.
[...] I was hoping that it will update pom.xml with the new dependency when I add it to the classpath and vise versa (in case we are keeping both configurations). Is this a correct assumption?
I don't think so, m2eclipse won't translate a random dependency (that may not be available in any repo) into a maven artifact and add the coordinates to the pom.xml. Edit the pom.xml or use the wizard to add a dependency. As I said above, it works the other way around, things are derived from a pom.xml.
As there seem to be many open issues with m2eclipse (at least 0.10+) and RAD 7.5, I'm thinking of going the manual way in RAD with the eclipse:rad goal:
Please to go to http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/display/rad/Articles
See section Java EE, article "Java EE development using Rational Application Developer 7.5.5 and Maven".
This is a best-practices paper published by Rational Application Developer development team.
Be aware that the comment from Pascal might have performance implications during publishing to WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Portal Server.
The developerWorks forum for Rational Application Developer contains also quite a number of posts.
The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies, or opinions of IBM.