How to check equality between two integers in Coq? - equality

I'm trying to check the equality between two integers in Coq, but I get this error: "The term "first = second" has type "Prop" which is not a (co-)inductive type.". Is there any library in Coq that provides equality checking? Here is my code:
Definition verify_eq (first : Z) (second : Z) : Z :=
if first = second then 0 else 1.

You're in luck! In the same module where Z is defined (I'm assuming ZArith in the standard library), there's a term Z.eqb : Z -> Z -> bool that gives a a boolean test for integer equality (technically it's in the submodule Z — that's why there's a Z in the name).
Require Import ZArith. (* I assume you already imported this, since you're using Z *)
Definition verify_eq (first : Z) (second : Z) : Z :=
if Z.eqb first second then 0 else 1.


Type Level Fix Point while Ensuring Termination

It is possible to represent to some how make unFix total? Possibly by restricting what f is?
record Fix (f : Type -> Type) where
constructor MkFix
unFix : f (Fix f)
> :total unFix
Fix.unFix is possibly not total due to:
MkFix, which is not strictly positive
The problem here is that Idris has no way of knowing that the base functor you are using for your datatype is strictly positive. If it were to accept your definition, you could then use it with a concrete, negative functor and prove Void from it.
There are two ways to represent strictly positive functors: by defining a universe or by using containers. I have put everything in two self-contained gists (but there are no comments there).
A Universe of Strictly Positive Functors
You can start with a basic representation: we can decompose a functor into either a sigma type (Sig), a (strictly-positive) position for a recursive substructure (Rec) or nothing at all (End). This gives us this description and its decoding as a Type -> Type function:
-- A universe of positive functor
data Desc : Type where
Sig : (a : Type) -> (a -> Desc) -> Desc
Rec : Desc -> Desc
End : Desc
-- The decoding function
desc : Desc -> Type -> Type
desc (Sig a d) x = (v : a ** desc (d v) x)
desc (Rec d) x = (x, desc d x)
desc End x = ()
Once you have this universe of functors which are guaranteed to be strictly positive, you can take their least fixpoint:
-- The least fixpoint of such a positive functor
data Mu : Desc -> Type where
In : desc d (Mu d) -> Mu d
You can now define your favourite datatype.
Example: Nat
We start with a sum type of tags for each one of the constructors.
data NatC = ZERO | SUCC
We then define the strictly positive base functor by storing the constructor tag in a sigma and computing the rest of the description based on the tag value. The ZERO tag is associated to End (there is nothing else to store in a zero constructor) whilst the SUCC one demands a Rec End, that is to say one recursive substructure corresponding to the Nat's predecessor.
natD : Desc
natD = Sig NatC $ \ c => case c of
ZERO => End
SUCC => Rec End
Our inductive type is then obtained by taking the fixpoint of the description:
nat : Type
nat = Mu natD
We can naturally recover the constructors we expect:
zero : nat
zero = In (ZERO ** ())
succ : nat -> nat
succ n = In (SUCC ** (n, ()))
This specific universe is taken from 'Ornamental Algebras, Algebraic Ornaments' by McBride but you can find more details in 'The Gentle Art of Levitation' by Chapman, Dagand, McBride, and Morris.
Strictly Positive Functors as the Extension of Containers
The second representation is based on another decomposition: each inductive type is seen as a general shape (i.e. its constructors and the data they store) plus a number of recursive positions (which can depend on the specific value of the shape).
record Container where
constructor MkContainer
shape : Type
position : shape -> Type
Once more we can give it an interpretation as a Type -> Type function:
container : Container -> Type -> Type
container (MkContainer s p) x = (v : s ** p v -> x)
And take the fixpoint of the strictly positive functor thus defined:
data W : Container -> Type where
In : container c (W c) -> W c
You can once more recover your favourite datatypes by defining Containers of interest.
Example: Nat
Natural numbers have two constructors, each storing nothing at all. So the shape will be a Bool. If we are in the zero case then there are no recursive positions (Void) and in the succ one there is exactly one (()).
natC : Container
natC = MkContainer Bool (\ b => if b then Void else ())
Our type is obtained by taking the fixpoint of the container:
nat : Type
nat = W natC
And we can recover the usual constructors:
zero : nat
zero = In (True ** \ v => absurd v)
succ : nat -> nat
succ n = In (False ** \ _ => n)
This is based on 'Containers: Constructing Strictly Positive Types' by Abbott, Altenkirch, and Ghani.

How do you operate on dependent pairs in a proof?

This is a follow up to this question. Thanks to Kwartz I now have a state of the proposition if b divides a then b divides a * c for any integer c, namely:
alsoDividesMultiples : (a, b, c : Integer) ->
DivisibleBy a b ->
DivisibleBy (a * c) b
Now, the goal has been to prove that statement. I realized that I do not understand how to operate on dependent pairs. I tried a simpler problem, which was show that every number is divisible by 1. After a shameful amount of thought on it, I thought I had come up with a solution:
-- All numbers are divisible by 1.
DivisibleBy a 1 = let n = a in
(n : Integer ** a = 1 * n)
This compiles, but I was had doubts it was valid. To verify that I was wrong, it changed it slightly to:
-- All numbers are divisible by 1.
DivisibleBy a 1 = let n = a in
(n : Integer ** a = 2 * n)
This also compiles, which means my "English" interpretation is certainly incorrect, for I would interpret this as "All numbers are divisible by one since every number is two times another integer". Thus, I am not entirely sure what I am demonstrating with that statement. So, I went back and tried a more conventional way of stating the problem:
oneDividesAll : (a : Integer) ->
(DivisibleBy a 1)
oneDividesAll a = ?sorry
For the implementation of oneDividesAll I am not really sure how to "inject" the fact that (n = a). For example, I would write (in English) this proof as:
We wish to show that 1 | a. If so, it follows that a = 1 * n for some n. Let n = a, then a = a * 1, which is true by identity.
I am not sure how to really say: "Consider when n = a". From my understanding, the rewrite tactic requires a proof that n = a.
I tried adapting my fallacious proof:
oneDividesAll : (a : Integer) ->
(DivisibleBy a 1)
oneDividesAll a = let n = a in (n : Integer ** a = b * n)
But this gives:
12 | oneDividesAll a = let n = a in (n : Integer ** a = b * n)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When checking right hand side of oneDividesAll with expected type
DivisibleBy a 1
Type mismatch between
Type (Type of DPair a P)
(n : Integer ** a = prim__mulBigInt 1 n) (Expected type)
Any help/hints would be appreciated.
First off, if you want to prove properties on number, you should use Nat (or other inductive types). Integer uses primitives that the argument can't argue further than prim__mulBigInt : Integer -> Integer -> Integer; that you pass two Integer to get one. The compiler doesn't know anything how the resulting Integer looks like, so it cannot prove stuff about it.
So I'll go along with Nat:
DivisibleBy : Nat -> Nat -> Type
DivisibleBy a b = (n : Nat ** a = b * n)
Again, this is a proposition, not a proof. DivisibleBy 6 0 is a valid type, but you won't find a proof : Divisible 6 0. So you were right with
oneDividesAll : (a : Nat) ->
(DivisibleBy a 1)
oneDividesAll a = ?sorry
With that, you could generate proofs of the form oneDividesAll a : DivisibleBy a 1. So, what comes into the hole ?sorry? :t sorry gives us sorry : (n : Nat ** a = plus n 0) (which is just DivisibleBy a 1 resolved as far as Idris can). You got confused on the right part of the pair: x = y is a type, but now we need a value – that's what's your last error cryptic error message hints at). = has only one constructor, Refl : x = x. So we need to get both sides of the equality to the same value, so the result looks something like (n ** Refl).
As you thought, we need to set n to a:
oneDividesAll a = (a ** ?hole)
For the needed rewrite tactic we check out :search plus a 0 = a, and see plusZeroRightNeutral has the right type.
oneDividesAll a = (a ** rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral a in ?hole)
Now :t hole gives us hole : a = a so we can just auto-complete to Refl:
oneDividesAll a = (a ** rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral a in Refl)
A good tutorial on theorem proving (where it's also explained why plus a Z does not reduce) is in the Idris Doc.

What is eq_rect and where is it defined in Coq?

From what I have read, eq_rect and equality seem deeply interlinked. Weirdly, I'm not able to find a definition on the manual for it.
Where does it come from, and what does it state?
If you use Locate eq_rect you will find that eq_rect is located in Coq.Init.Logic, but if you look in that file there is no eq_rect in it. So, what's going on?
When you define an inductive type, Coq in many cases automatically generates 3 induction principles for you, appending _rect, _rec, _ind to the name of the type.
To understand what eq_rect means you need its type,
Check eq_rect.
here we go:
: forall (A : Type) (x : A) (P : A -> Type),
P x -> forall y : A, x = y -> P y
and you need to understand the notion of Leibniz's equality:
Leibniz characterized the notion of equality as follows:
Given any x and y, x = y if and only if, given any predicate P, P(x) if and only if P(y).
In this law, "P(x) if and only if P(y)" can be weakened to "P(x) if P(y)"; the modified law is equivalent to the original, since a statement that applies to "any x and y" applies just as well to "any y and x".
Speaking less formally, the above quotation says that if x and y are equal, their "behavior" for every predicate is the same.
To see more clearly that Leibniz's equality directly corresponds to eq_rect we can rearrange the order of parameters of eq_rect into the following equivalent formulation:
: forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Type) (x y : A),
x = y -> P x -> P y

Unique variable names in Z3

I need to rely on the fact that two Z3 variables
can not have the same name.
To be sure of that,
I've used tuple_example1() from test_capi.c in z3/examples/c and changed the original code from:
// some code before that ...
x = mk_real_var(ctx, "x");
y = mk_real_var(ctx, "y"); // originally y is called "y"
// some code after that ...
// some code before that ...
x = mk_real_var(ctx, "x");
y = mk_real_var(ctx, "x"); // but now both x and y are called "x"
// some code after that ...
And (as expected) the output changed from:
tuple_sort: (real, real)
prove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies x = 1
disprove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies y = 1
y -> 0.0
x -> 1.0
tuple_sort: (real, real)
prove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies x = 1
disprove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies y = 1
BUG: unexpected result.
However, when I looked closer, I found out that Z3 did not really fail or anything, it is just a naive (driver) print out to console.
So I went ahead and wrote the exact same test with y being an int sort called "x".
To my surprise, Z3 could handle two variables with the same name when they have different sorts:
tuple_sort: (real, real)
prove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies x = 1
disprove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies y = 1
x -> 1.0
x -> 0
Is that really what's going on? or is it just a coincidence??
Any help is very much appreciated, thanks!
In general, SMT-Lib does allow repeated variable names, so long as they have different sorts. See page 27 of the standard. In particular, it says:
Concretely, a variable can be any symbol, while a function symbol
can be any identifier (i.e., a symbol or an indexed symbol). As a
consequence, contextual information is needed during parsing to know
whether an identifier is to be treated as a variable or a function
symbol. For variables, this information is provided by the three
binders which are the only mechanism to introduce variables. Function
symbols, in contrast, are predefined, as explained later. Recall that
every function symbol f is separately associated with one or more
ranks, each specifying the sorts of f’s arguments and result. To
simplify sort checking, a function symbol in a term can be annotated
with one of its result sorts σ. Such an annotated function symbol is a
qualified identifier of the form (as f σ).
Also on page 31 of the same document, it further clarifies "ambiguity" thusly:
Except for patterns in match expressions, every occurrence of an
ambiguous function symbol f in a term must occur as a qualified
identifier of the form (as f σ) where σ is the intended output sort of
that occurrence
So, in SMT-Lib lingo, you'd write like this:
(declare-fun x () Int)
(declare-fun x () Real)
(assert (= (as x Real) 2.5))
(assert (= (as x Int) 2))
This produces:
(define-fun x () Int
(define-fun x () Real
(/ 5.0 2.0))
What you are observing in the C-interface is essentially a rendering of the same. Of course, how much "checking" is enforced by the interface is totally solver specific as SMT-Lib says nothing about C API's or API's for other languages. That actually explains the BUG line you see in the output there. At this point, the behavior is entirely solver specific.
But long story short, SMT-Lib does indeed allow two variables have the same name used so long as they have different sorts.

When (exactly) can equality be proposed between different types using '='?

In the documentation, it says:
Equality in Idris is heterogeneous, meaning that we can even propose
equalities between values in different types:
idris_not_php : 2 = "2"
That particular example compiles, but the hole is presented as being of type fromInteger 2 = "2". Given that fromInteger 2 can belong to any type that is an instance of Num, maybe the compiler isn't quite clever enough to deduce that the value of 2 is not a String?
In comparison, the following slightly different code fails to compile:
idris_not_php : S (S Z) = "2"
The compiler reports a type mismatch between Nat and String.
Also, the following does compile successfully:
Num String where
(+) x y = y
(*) x y = y
fromInteger n = "2"
idris_not_php : 2 = "2"
idris_not_php = the (the String 2 = "2") Refl
And these two compile:
idris_not_php : S (S Z) ~=~ "2"
idris_not_php = ?hole
two_is_two : 2 ~=~ 2
two_is_two = Refl
Is there any particular rule about when = can be used between things that are of different types, or is it just a matter of using ~=~ when = doesn't work? Are ~=~ and = semantically identical, and if so, why is ~=~ even necessary?
This answer have some theoretical notes about heterogeneous equality in Idris. And this answer has example of why you may need (~=~).
I just want to add a little about idris_not_php : 2 = "2" example. This can be type checked if you have Num instance for String type just as you did. Integral constants in Idris are polymorphic. Though, any reasonable program wouldn't have such instance for String because it doesn't make sense.