Multiple mongoDB related to same django rest framework project - restframeworkmongoengine

We are having one django rest framework (DRF) project which should have multiple databases (mongoDB).Each databases should be independed. We are able to connect to one database, but when we are going to another DB for writing connection is happening but data is storing in DB which is first connected.
We changed default DB and everything but no changes.
(Note : Solution should be apt for the usage of serializer. Because we need to use DynamicDocumentSerializer in DRF-mongoengine.
Thanks in advance.

While running connect() just assign an alias for each of your databases and then for each Document specify a db_alias parameter in meta that points to a specific database alias:
from mongoengine import connect
from mongoengine import Document
class User(Document):
name = StringField()
meta = {'db_alias': 'user-db'}
class Book(Document):
name = StringField()
meta = {'db_alias': 'book-db'}

I guess, I finally get what you need.
What you could do is write a really simple middleware that maps your url schema to the database:
from mongoengine import *
class DBSwitchMiddleware:
This middleware is supposed to switch the database depending on request URL.
def __init__(self, get_response):
# list all the mongoengine Documents in your project
import models
self.documents = [item for in dir(models) if isinstance(item, Document)]
def __call__(self, request):
# depending on the URL, switch documents to appropriate database
if request.path.startswith('/main/project1'):
for document in self.documents:
document.cls._meta['db_alias'] = 'db1'
elif request.path.startswith('/main/project2'):
for document in self.documents:
document.cls._meta['db_alias'] = 'db2'
# delegate handling the rest of response to your views
response = get_response(request)
return response
Note that this solution might be prone to race conditions. We're modifying a Documents globally here, so if one request was started and then in the middle of its execution a second request is handled by the same python interpreter, it will overwrite document.cls._meta['db_alias'] setting and first request will start writing to the same database, which will break your database horribly.
Same python interpreter is used by 2 request handlers, if you're using multithreading. So with this solution you can't start your server with multiple threads, only with multiple processes.
To address the threading issues, you can use threading.local(). If you prefer context manager approach, there's also a contextvars module.


Python architecture, correct way to pass configurable initialization object to project modules

I have a big architecture question about how to pass set of configurable / replaceable objects to modules of my project?
For example the set may be a bot, logger, database, etc.
Currently I'm just importing they, it make a big problem when you want to replace them during a tests.
Lets' say import will hard to test and patch
I had tried a multiple solutions but failed with them:
Option 1:
Create some base class with which will accepts set of such objects (db, bot, etc).
Every logic class (who need this set) will inherit this class.
AFAIK the similar approach there in SqlAlchemy ORM.
So the code will looks like:
Class Config:
db: DB
import app.config
Config.db = Mock()
import app.config
def create_app(db):
app.config.Config.db = db
import app.config
def handle_text(text):
The problem with this case is that most likely you can't importing as from app.config import Config
because it will lead to wrong behavior and this is implicit restriction.
Option 2
Pass this set in __init__ arguments to every instance.
(It's ma be a problem if app has many classes, > 20 like in my app).
def __init__(..., config: ProductionConfig):
Option 3
In many backend frameworks (flask for example) there are context object.
Well we can inject our config into this context during initialization.
my_handler(update, context):
context.user.handle_text(text=update.text, db=context.db)
The problem with this approach is that every time we need to pass context to access a database in our logic.
Option 4
Create config by condition and import it directly.
This solution may be bad because conditions increases code complexity.
I'm following rule "namespace preferable over conditions".
db = get_test_db() if DEBUG else get_production_db()
bot = Mock() if DEBUG else get_production_bot()
P.S. this question isn't "opinion based" because in some point the wrong solutions will leads to bad design and bugs therefore.

How to validate API response against multiple instance of data base from feature file in Karate API automation?

I have developed a script which executes against one DB instance e.g.: db1. The code to connect to DB is written in Background section. Now what i want to do is, i have to execute same test script against diffrent db instance e.g.:db2
Feature:Execution against multiple DB instance.
* def db_properties = {db_username,db_password,db_connection_string,driver}
* def createConnection = path to read .java file
* def readFromDB = new createConnection(db_properties)
In * def db_properties, i have hard coded the actual values of username, password, conenction string and driver.What exactly i want to do is, i have to validate my API response agains't another DB instance e.g. build is deployed in another environment, and db properties which i have mentioned is diffrent environment. How can i do it?
This has nothing to do with Karate. Maybe the solution is to have 2 sets of DB connection values in your karate-config.js. Please figure out a solution that is appropriate for your situation.

No such table Django Database

So I created a model for storing credentials from Gmail users.
I wanted to make migrations but it says that there is no such table:
django.db.utils.OperationalError: no such table: mainApp_credentialsmodel
My models:
from django.db import models
# Create your models here.
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db import models
import json
class CredentialsModel(models.Model):
id = models.ForeignKey(User, primary_key=True,on_delete=models.CASCADE)
credential = models.CharField(max_length=1000)
Calling that model for checking authorization:
store = CredentialsModel.objects.all()
creds = store.get()
if not creds or creds.invalid:
flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('mainApp/client_secret.json', SCOPES)
creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store)
service = build('gmail', 'v1', http=creds.authorize(Http()))
python makemigrations
If that error keep happening, check your migrations folder and check the files inside. Also check If your database is online, in case you have a database online, I've got this problem last week, but it was a problem with azure.
In last case I would create the table (model) again, changing the name to something similar, but If you have a significant amount of data in that table, then I think you can't do that.
It looks like your authorization code - including the query on CredentialsModel - is at module level. This means it runs when the module is imported, which happens before the migration has had a chance to run.
You must ensure that any database-accessing code is inside a function or method and is not invoked globally.

Renaming an Amazon CloudWatch Alarm

I'm trying to organize a large number of CloudWatch alarms for maintainability, and the web console grays out the name field on an edit. Is there another method (preferably something scriptable) for updating the name of CloudWatch alarms? I would prefer a solution that does not require any programming beyond simple executable scripts.
Here's a script we use to do this for the time being:
import sys
import boto
def rename_alarm(alarm_name, new_alarm_name):
conn = boto.connect_cloudwatch()
def get_alarm():
alarms = conn.describe_alarms(alarm_names=[alarm_name])
if not alarms:
raise Exception("Alarm '%s' not found" % alarm_name)
return alarms[0]
alarm = get_alarm()
# work around boto comparison serialization issue
alarm.comparison = alarm._cmp_map.get(alarm.comparison) = new_alarm_name
# update actually creates a new alarm because the name has changed, so
# we have to manually delete the old one
if __name__ == '__main__':
alarm_name, new_alarm_name = sys.argv[1:3]
rename_alarm(alarm_name, new_alarm_name)
It assumes you're either on an ec2 instance with a role that allows this, or you've got a ~/.boto file with your credentials. It's easy enough to manually add yours.
Unfortunately it looks like this is not currently possible.
I looked around for the same solution but it seems neither console nor cloudwatch API provides that feature.
But we can copy the existing alram with the same parameter and can save on new name

How to write a Python script that uses the OpenERP ORM to directly upload to Postgres Database

I need to write a "standalone" script in Python to upload sales taxes to the account_tax table in the database using ONLY the ORM module of OpenERP. What I would like to do is something like the pseudo code below.
Can someone provide me a more details on the following:
1) what sys.path's do I need to set
2) what modules do I need to import before importing the "account" module. Currently when I import the "account" module I get the following error:
AssertionError: The report "report.custom" already exists!
3) What is the proper way to get my database cursor. In the code below I am simply calling psycopg2 directly to get a cursor.
If this approach cannot work, can anyone suggest an alternative approach other than writing XML files to load the data from the OpenERP application itself. This process needs to run outside of the the standard OpenERP application.
import sys
# set Python paths to access openerp modules
# import OpenERP
import openerp
# import the account addon modules that contains the tables
# to be populated.
import account
# define connection string
conn_string2 = "dbname='test2' user='xyz' password='password'"
# get a db connection
conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_string2)
# conn.cursor() will return a cursor object
cursor = conn.cursor()
# and finally use the ORM to insert data into table.
If you wanna do it via web service then have look at the OpenERP XML-RPC Web services
Example code top work with OpenERP Web Services :
import xmlrpclib
username = 'admin' #the user
pwd = 'admin' #the password of the user
dbname = 'test' #the database
# OpenERP Common login Service proxy object
sock_common = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy ('http://localhost:8069/xmlrpc/common')
uid = sock_common.login(dbname, username, pwd)
#replace localhost with the address of the server
# OpenERP Object manipulation service
sock = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8069/xmlrpc/object')
partner = {
'name': 'Fabien Pinckaers',
'lang': 'fr_FR',
#calling remote ORM create method to create a record
partner_id = sock.execute(dbname, uid, pwd, 'res.partner', 'create', partner)
More clearly you can also use the OpenERP Client lib
Example Code with client lib :
import openerplib
connection = openerplib.get_connection(hostname="localhost", database="test", \
login="admin", password="admin")
user_model = connection.get_model("res.users")
ids =[("login", "=", "admin")])
user_info =[0], ["name"])
print user_info["name"]
You see both way are good but when you use the client lib, code is less and easy to understand while using xmlrpc proxy is lower level calls that you will handle
Hope this will help you.
As per my view one must go for XMLRPC or NETSVC services provided by Open ERP for such needs.
You don't need to import accounts module of Open ERP, there are possibilities that other modules have inherited object and had altered its behaviour as per your business needs.
Eventually if you feed data by calling those methods manually without using Open ERP Web service its possible you'll get undesired result / unexpected failures / inconsistent database state.
You can use Erppeek to browse data, but not sure if you can really upload data to DB, personally I use/prefer XMLRPC
Why don't you use the xmlrpc call of openerp.
it will not need to import account or openerp . and even you can have all orm functionality.
You can use python library to access openerp server using xmlrpc service.
Please check
It is officially supported by OpenERP SA.
If you want to interacti directly with the DB, you could just import psycopg2 and:
conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname='dbname', user='dbuser', password='dbpassword', host='dbhost')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute('select * from table where id = %d' % table_id)
cur.execute('insert into table(column1, column2) values(%d, %d)' % (value1, value2))
Why you want to fix it like that?! You should create a localization module and define data in XML files. This is the standard way to fix such a problem in OpenERP.
You want to insert sales taxes for which country? Explain more plz.
from openerp.modules.registry import RegistryManager
registry = RegistryManager.get("databasename")
with registry.cursor() as cr:
user = registry.get('res.users').browse(cr, userid, listids)
print user