What Does SET CSPACE=1 Do in SQL/KBSQL - sql

What does this do? I'm using KBSQL but suspect this instance would be identical to SQL.

CSPACE is a column modifier to control the display format in a SELECT or WRITE clause, and is mutually-exclusive with the modifier COLUMN. It takes an integer, and controls the number of blank characters to display between columns.
SET CSPACE = 1 creates one space between each column.


How to get value string with regexp in bigquery

Hi i have string in BigQuery column like this
cancellation_amount: 602000
after_cancellation_transaction_amount: 144500
refund_time: '2022-07-31T06:05:55.215203Z'
cancellation_amount: 144500
after_cancellation_transaction_amount: 0
refund_time: '2022-08-01T01:22:45.94919Z'
i already using this logic to get cancellation_amount
but the output only amount 602000, i need the output 602000 and 144500 become different column
Appreciate for helping
If your lines in the input (which will eventually become columns) are fixed you can use multiple regexp_extracts to get all the values.
regexp_extract(file,r'cancellation_amount:\s*([^\n\r]*)') as cancellation_amount
regexp_extract(file,r'. after_cancellation_transaction_amount:\s*([^\n\r]*)') as after_cancellation_transaction_amount
FROM table_name
One issue I found with your regex expression is that .*cancellation_amount won't match after_cancellation_transaction_amount.
There is also a function called regexp_extract_all which returns all the matches as an array which you can later explode into columns, but if you have finite values separating them out in different columns would be a easier.

Exclude rows when column contains a 1 in position 2 without using function

I have a column that will always be 5 digits long, and each digit will always be a 1 or a 0. I need to put in my where clause to exclude when the second position is equal to 1. For example 01000 is to be excluded but 10010 is to be kept. I currently have:
WHERE (SUBSTRING(field, 2, 1) <> '1') or field IS NULL
How do do this without using the Substring function?
Edit:Also, the column is a varchar(10) in the database. Does this matter?
You could use the like operator to check that character directly:
WHERE field LIKE '_1%' OR field IS NULL
Use LEFT and RIGHT and then check that is 1 or not as below-
WHERE RIGHT(LEFT(field,2),1) <> '1' OR field IS NULL
If 'field' is of a string type, you need to use string functions to manipulate it. SUBSTRING or some other flavor of it.
You can also convert it to binary and use bitwise AND operator but that won't solve the root issue here.
You are facing the consequences of someone ignoring 1NF.
There is a reason why Codd insisted that every "cell" must be atomic. Your's is not.
Can you separate this bitmap into atomic attribute columns?

SSRS - Need to hide column inside a group

I have a requirement to hide a column, if no value exits in that column. But i have a grouping(Parent : Employee Number, Child: Category) in the report. In some of the group result may have value, but some of then does not have.
Example screen shot attached.
If you check the above image, second employee(Shiju) does not have Category. So for the second employee(Shiju) - need to hide Category column.
I tried with "Column Visibility" option and Column Groups > select Column > write expression in "Hidden" property. Following is the expr.
=iif(CountDistinct(Fields!Cat.Value) = 0,True,False)
These two options did not work.
Please give any solution for this.
Thanks in advance.
Your expression is almost correct, you just need to format the 0 else it will treat it as nothing:
The other thing to check is that the field is actually null or nothing rather than blank strings or spaces.

Coldfusion Query of Queries with Empty Strings

The query I start out with has 40,000 lines of empty rows, which stems from a problem with the original spreadsheet from which it was taken.
Using CF16 server
I would like to do a Query of Queries on a variably named 'key column'.
In my query:
var keyColumn = "Permit No."
var newQuery = "select * from source where (cast('#keyColumn#' as varchar) <> '')";
Note: the casting comes from this suggestion
I still get all those empty fields in there.
But when I use "City" as the keyColumn, it works. How do the values in both those columns differ when they both say [empty string] on the query dump?
Is it a problem with column names? What kind of data are in those cells?
where ( cast('Permit No.' as varchar) <> '' )
The problem is the SQL, not the values. By enclosing the column name in quotes, you are actually comparing the literal string "P-e-r-m-i-t N-o-.", not the values inside that column. Since the string "Permit No." can never equal an empty string, the comparison always returns true. That is why the resulting query still includes all rows.
Unless it was fixed in ColdFusion 2016, QoQ's do not support column names containing invalid characters like spaces. One workaround is to use the "columnNames" attribute to specify valid column names when reading the spreadsheet. Failing that, another option is to take advantage of the fact that query columns are arrays and duplicate the data under a valid column name: queryAddColumn(yourQuery, "PermitNo", yourQuery["Permit No."]) (Though the latter option is less ideal because it may require copying the underlying data internally):

How to create list as a parameter in SSRS?

I have a report in 2005 SSRS which I want to add a parameter to. The parameter would be comprised of a group of zip codes, but be selected as a single item in the list.
For example, I would like to have 5 zip codes as one selection in the list and 3 for another, etc:
Select 11111,22222,33333,44444,55555,66666 AS Boondock
Select 77777,88888,99999 AS Timbuck
Select Zip Codes NOT IN (11111-99999) AS Everything Else
So my selections in the dropdown would be:
Everything Else
Can anyone help me with how I should go about creating this parameter?
Create a simple string parameter to present to the user. Let's call it ZipCodeSet.
Create a dataset that examines the #ZipCodeSet parameter and returns the appropriate list of zip codes. Call it ZipCodeSelection.
Create an internal multivaue parameter that uses ZipCodeSelection as both its Available Values and Default Values. Call it SelectedZipCodes.
Use SelectedZipCodes in your report's datasets.
The easiest solution here would probably to use a Calculated Field on your dataset, called LocationDescription, for example:
=SWITCH(Fields!ZipCode >= 11111 and Fields!ZipCode <= 66666, "Boondock", Fields!ZipCode >= 77777 and Fields!ZipCode <= 99999, "Timbuck",True, "Everywhere Else")
The lone true statement at the end is due to the SWITCH expression reading left-to-right and exiting once it evaluates one of the switches as TRUE. This way for each of the items in your table of ZipCodes you will always end up with a TRUE result.
I assume you're evaluating a range of ZipCodes, and not exact values of 11111,22222, and so on? If so, the switch will have more values. A sample of your data would help if you want an exact answer.
Once you have built your Calculated Field, you can then set up a Parameter (called #LocationParameter) with available values based on a query of your LocationDescription field, then just filter your dataset using:
= Fields!LocationDescription
Operator: =
(if you want multiple selections on your parameter, change the operator to IN)
Hope that helps.