Powerbuilder 10.5: upgrade or migrate away? - migration

We've recently started to support a PowerBuilder 10.5 application and the question has come whether or not we should think about alternatives or keep the app running in PB 10.5. It is a classic PB app; an administrative software, build upon an Oracle DB.
Right now, the app works great, but there are two reasons why we reconsider:
The sole developer of this app is about to retire. He's the only one
who has all the PB-knowledge to support this app.
We might want to improve the offered services of the app. So integrations with other tools are right around the corner.
I'm not very familiar with PB, but I've read it (only the newest versions) is now supported by Appeon. The latest version is now 2017 R3, with a 2019 version coming up.
I'm wondering what the pro's & con's are of trying to update the current 10.5 version to the latest version. Is it worth it to update? Or what are the pro's & con's of sticking to the 10.5 version?
Or should we consider moving to a newer technology, since so few Powerbuilders are to be found nowadays? And if so, what technology would you advise?
Rather than just differences between the older and newer PB-versions, I'm looking for motivations to upgrade/migrate/do nothing at all.

So, there's no clear cut answer, but we can throw around some ideas on the non-technical bullet points (as requested).
Staying on 10.5: There's a lot to be said for "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." If it works and you're happy with what it does, don't move it.
However, since you've said that you're planning on moving it forward, you might want to consider that 10.5 doesn't support current operating systems (within a year, Windows systems currently supported by MS will be only Win8 and Win10), which were nothing but figments of imagination when 10.5 was out. Your 10.5 app may work on Win10 now, but that's solely because of MS's work on backward compatibility for apps, and that you haven't leveraged an area in PB that had a problem in a then-future version of Windows. If you need to add functionality, being on a version that at least suggests that it works on your operating system could be helpful.
Parallel argument for databases, the exception being that if your app uses SQL Anywhere, the database that used to come for free in several PB packages. It is now something you'd have to purchase separately.
One thing to remember about trying to move forward with an old version of anything is support. If you get stuck, the vendor will basically not talk to you, and the peer community has been shrinking, so you've got less chance of getting into a dialog with fellow developers.
Upgrading: Upgrading is usually a minor effort. The most frequent reasons I've seen exceptions to this: deprecated functionality, and coding that depends on behaviours that didn't stay consistent between versions (some behaviours are promised to stay consistent, but not all). Run a migration test with a trail version with your PB expert to get that question off the table.
One thing to keep in mind when upgrading is that the licensing model has changed. PB used to have a perpetual model (buy once, use forever), but it's now a subscription model. Whether this is an improvement for you or not is up to you to figure out.
Whether it is "worth it" to upgrade, in my mind it usually boils down to
OS support
DB support
vendor support
peer support
deprecated features, and whether I use them
new features, and whether I would use them (and you asked us not to discuss these last two items, which need to be weighed very individually anyway, and are well documented on Appeon's site)
"Migrating": I've put "migrating" in quotes, because I don't believe there's a technology that lets you "migrate" in the sense of a code translation. (I'll let you read one of my old tirades about wanting to "migrate" off PB.) What I'll talk about here is rewriting in a new technology. Both pulling business rules out of an old PB system and redesigning/rewriting in another technology is a big effort.
The biggest argument in favour these days is getting and keeping PowerBuilder talent. Getting people with PB under their belt is hard, and judging legitimate talent is challenging, even with someone with PB on your side of the interview table. (Leverage your retiring guy if you want to move forward with PB.) Training someone with PB is no small task either. Someone once asked me, not an educator, if I could come up with a course and train his team in a week. I laughed. After a two week course designed and given by professional educators from the then-vendor Powersoft, I came home and wrote incredibly embarrassing code. I also needed lots of time practicing, and getting feedback from my peers. If you can get someone or train someone, if they are only doing PB work a couple of weeks per year, those PB "muscles" will atrophy. No matter the technical arguments of PB vs something else, if you can't get PB talent to maintain it, PB is a dead end.
I'm afraid I'm not one to suggest an alternative technology. It used to be that, in terms of of rich client apps, you couldn't go wrong with choosing Microsoft, but since then, MS has sent the development community on some wild goose chases, that have ended in deprecated technologies. I wouldn't want to be the guy looking into the future to guess.
Good luck.

I would recommend migrating.
You will find several companies that offer migration to both java and .net which are the leading platforms.
In terms of UI for me currently the only option is web. Using other technologies does not make a lot of sense.
If your company uses a lot of MS stack, like MS OS, SQL server. Exchange, Sharepoint etc I will recommend migrating to C# otherwise migrating to Java makes more sense

Terry's answer is quite good but the point about migration was not addressed with respect to the new features in PowerBuilder 2019.
One major feature of PowerBuilder 2019 is a C# DataStore (compatible with .NET Core) and DataWindow object migration utility. The C# DataStore has the same APIs and transaction mechanism as the PowerScript DataStore. It is documented in detail on the Appeon Website: https://www.appeon.com/support/documents/appeon_online_help/powerbuilder/api_reference/PowerBuilder.Data/DataStore/IDataStore/IDataStore.html
Should you decide C# is the way to go, this feature of PowerBuilder 2019 makes the migration effort a "port" of the PowerScript non-visual code rather than a rewrite (for the reasons mentioned above).
Here is example PowerScript code:
public function datastore of_retrieve (date ad_start, date ad_end, decimal adec_amt);
Datastore lds
lds = Create Datastore
lds.dataobject = "d_order_customer"
lds.Retrieve(ad_start, ad_end, adec_amt)
Return lds
end function
Here is the same example in C# using the C# DataStore:
public IDataStore GetOrderCustomerInfo(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, decimal amount)
IDataStore dataStore = new DataStore("d_order_customer", _context);
dataStore.Retrieve(startDate, endDate, amount);
return dataStore;


What is MAGIC programming language? Which other language is closest in syntax? [closed]

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I have recently heard about Magic programming language from several sources and didn't recall ever hearing about it before. It was mentioned that it is a programming language from Israel.
I did some googling and couldn't find much information about it. I couldn't find any code examples, and wikipedia didn't have any information on it either.
I think this is the site for it http://www.magicsoftware.com/en/products/?catID=70 though I am not sure, as it mentions uniPaaS instead of magic. However other material on the site indicates that this is the new name for it.
I was interested in learning more about it from it's practitioners, rather than the company. I saw several claims on the internet that it provided really fast application development, similar to claims made by RoR proponents when it came out.
How does it compare to VB?
Is it still a better RAD tool than current .net or mvc frameworks like django, ror ...etc?
How hard is it to learn?
If you can post some sample code it would be most helpful as well.
Could this site be it? Though it links back to the page above.
You're right my friend, Magic is the original name of the "programming language", nowadays is called UniPaaS (Uni Platform as a Service), I use it to develop some business application. Maybe is the fastest way to create an applications(data manipulation), you can create apps in just a few days, but like everything in life has its own drawbacks:
it's very weird so that makes it
difficult to learn.
you do not have all the control of what's happening in the background
and you have to pay a lot for licensing (servers,clients, etc)
If you are interested in learning this, you can download a "free" version of the software that only works with sqlite databases called UniPaaS Jet.
Magic Language is as it’s called today uniPaaS, it used to be Magic than eDeveloper and now uniPaaS as PachinSV menchend before.
uniPaaS is an application platform enabling enterprises, independent software vendors (ISVs) and system integrators (SIs) to more successfully build and deploy business applications.
You can download the free version of uniPaaS Jet here: http://web.magicsoftware.com/unipaas-jet-download,
try it yourself and see how easy it is to use.
Magic technology as you descried is a Magic Software Enterprises tool (uniPaaS), you can find more information on:
official website: www.magicsoftware.com/en/products/?catID=70&pageID=55
uniPaaS Jet developer group on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/unipaasJet/
Magic developer zone: devnet.magicsoftware.com/en/unipaas
Let me know if you find the information helpful
As PachinSV explained, there is a RAD once called Magic, then eDeveloper, now UniPaaS. This RAD is dedicated for database applications. Programming in this RAD does not look like anything else I know, you mostly don't write code as with usual languages, but it is nearly impossible to explain just with words. The applications are interpreted, not compiled.
As PachinSV said, when developing, you must follow UniPaaS' way of doing things. This is probably why so many people never manage to use Magic properly: if you thought like Magic before learning about it, then you will adapt to it easily; but if you have a long and successful experience using other database development tools, then often the Magic paradigm will never become natural to you. The learning curve is quite steep, you must learn a lot of things before being able to write a little application.
Previous versions stored the "code" inside a database table. The last version, UniPaas stores the code in xml files. I could send you an example, if PachinSV does not answer you before. But the files are pretty big: the smallest xml file I have in a test app is 4000 bytes, and any application is made of at least 11 files, an empty application is 7600 bytes. You must also understand that developers never use those files (they are undocumented AFAIK), they are only the storage format used internally by UniPaaS. The only way to use them is to set them up as a UniPaaS application.
I'm still an active MAGIC Developer... This is the old name used and its a completely different paradigm like some of you mentioned. I've been developing it from Magic version 8.x to eDeveloper 9.x to 10.x then renamed to UniPAAS.
The newer version is much easier to use and it is still very RAD in the sense that there is little or no code you write... a lot of the common programming tasks like IO, SQL command...etc is handled by the tool and is transparent ( so even less code to write since we use it in almost all types of applications)... Its mostly an Enterprise tool... you wouldnt use it for small application...
You can download the free version to learn the paradigm... but the enterprise licenses are expensive.. you need both the development tool and the runtime license if you want to deploy... so it can be costly for small scale projects...
I enjoy it personally, especially when you have to do quick proof of concepts or a quick data migration or porting onto any db platform and bridging any existing system through a wide range of gateways they provide with the licensed version.. It is up to date with the commonly used web technology out there...like SOAP, RIA ...
It's more popular in Europe... The HQ in the States is in Irvine... we used to have 2 branches in Canada but it closed down in 2001 .... Visit the Magic User Group on Yahoo... Its a very active forum with lots of cool people who will help you out in your quest...
I Programmed with Magic for 6 years and found it to be a amazingly fast tool, easy to understand if you are a competent database programmmer because all operations are really about data manipulation. It is certainly a niche area develop in and because of this jobs are few and far between. As it is interpreted there are really no bugs to make. It will work with many databases/connections simultaneously but there is a big memory and processing hit.
Drawbacks :
Little control over communications between machines and devices
No mobile API as yet
Niche area so few skilled practitioners or companies willing to invest.
Good Points :
You can say you are a Magician; you can impress people with uber fast apps development (really)
It is easy to understand if you don't have a PHD in Maths
zero programming "bugs" can creep in. What you do is what you get.
Developed in The original Magic PC referred to by several of the above folks.
It is exactly this: FAST, FAST, but expensive and rigid in what it will allow you to do. It works on a tick tack toe like matrix. Dropping in commands into the various sections determines when they are run. The middle column is run indefinitely until you break the cycle. It is like a do Until loop. If you have to do an item once you put it into this infinite loop and end it after one cycle.
The first column procedures are run first, ONCE, before the infinite middle column is run. The 3rd column of commands is run after the infinite cycle, once. It is very efficient and logical once you get over the idea of an infinite loop.
Types can be specified and an associated program to present the type. Then everywhere the type is used all the settings automatically kick in. I like especially that one can write the program and 5 months later change the name of a variable and it is carried throughout the program. In fact the program does not use your name for anything. The internal name of any and all variables is hidden to the end user, so of course it is not a problem to change a name. It takes a minute to write an input program for any table. It takes a minute to write an export/import program for all the data files in the database.
Attaching to a type of database like Btrieve or SQL independent of the program itself.
I stopped using the language because they demand more for the runtime engine than I could charge for the programs I wished to run with it. Bill Gates went the opposite direction. VB is superior in control and being able to drop `10 datagridviews onto the same screen, but development is 10 times slower.
It's niche then is PROOF of concept for a program in a big company or conversion, importing, exporting for a development company. It is good for $25k programs that are database heavy and not going mobile.
uniPaaS, Magic PC
I did some Magic work around 1993. It was a DOS based 4GL that came from Israel. Haven't seen it since.
How does it compare to VB?
It doesn't.
Is it still a better RAD tool than current .net or mvc frameworks like django, ror ...etc?
If you mean "is it more Rapid", then yes, otherwise no.
How hard is it to learn?
About as hard as learning MS Access.
Coincidentally, if you want to get an idea of what it is and how it works, I've found that comparing it to MS Access is handy. It works in much the same way from a user's or developer's perspective. Obviously what happens in the background is vastly different, but if you've ever developed a form in design view in Access, Magic will seem very familiar.
Google tells me there's also MAGIC/L. All I could find about it was this blurb:
A procedural language written in
Forth. Originally ran on Z80's under
CP/M and later available for IBM-PCs
and Sun 3s.
The only Magic programming language that I know about is one used by a company called Meditech. It's a proprietary language derived from MUMPS.
The language is truly miserable - here's a sample.

How do you handle technology updates in long running projects?

Let's assume you're in the middle of a long running project (long running = several years) and, as expected, there will be several things coming up with brand new releases. There might be a new .Net Framework with brand new features (e.g. Linq, Entity Framework, WPF, WF...), a new Visual Studio or V.next of your favorite Control Library, a new Mock Framework and a lot more things.
What are your guidelines for handling these technology updates? Do you adopt them instantly or do you ignore them until the end of the project? Do you have different guidelines for different things (Tools, Frameworks, supporting stuff)?
In my experience, these decisions are always made on a case-by-case basis. Several factors are considered, including:
How mature is the new technology? Does the organization like to be at the forefront working with bleeding edge new technologies, or does it prefer to work with proven tools and methodologies?
What skill sets do your people have? Are they consistent with use of the new technology, or is more training needed? Will improved productivity outweigh the time it takes to come up to speed?
What investment do you have in the existing technology? What is the cost of moving to the new technology? How much rework and rewriting of code is involved?
What is the requirement? Is it supported by the existing techology, or are new tools needed to fulfill the requirement?
What are the performance expectations? Does the new technology provide a performance improvement that cannot be met with the old technology?
What about the technological culture? Is the organization vendor specific (e.g. a Microsoft shop)? Can open-source code be used?
What is the scope of the project? Is it a large project that would benefit from supporting technologies like frameworks and tools, or is it a small project that would be unduly weighed down and complicated by these things?
How is the new technology supported? Does the vendor have good documentation? Is there someone you can talk to if you have problems? Or are you an organization that has people that know how to solve problems without a support contract?
Is the technology comfortable to work with? Does it seem to make sense? Is it clean and elegant? Do other people seem to like it? Are other people having problems with it?
Is the technology the latest flavor of the week? Has it proven itself in the battlefield to produce tangible results, or is it just a religion?
How much time do you have to learn the new technology and iron out the kinks? Do the benefits outweigh the costs?
As a very brief example, I chose Link to SQL for my most recent project, because the project was complex enough to warrant an ORM, L2S performs well and is lightweight, we are a Microsoft Shop, and it is my sense that the Entity framework is not quite ready for prime time (even though Microsoft says that it will be the go-to framework for the future).
Stick with what you've started with.
A large and long running project often comes with a huge and highly complex code-base. Any change or upgrade to a new version of a library can add bugs in very subtle and unexpected ways.
Also: For large projects the tools and libraries used should have been tested and evaluated in the design-phase. Unless you find a show-stopper or a security issue it's best to not upgrade.
Always remember: Don't change horses in the middle of a stream. :-)
I would say different factors pitch in, like-
Say a software is nearing its end of life, for example last April, Microsoft retired mainstream support for SQL Server 2000, and your product uses it then its wiser to go for the next version of SQL Server in your next release.
Another factor which comes into play is how much value does the new features in the latest release of a software would bring to your product. It may well be the case that the new release of .NET framework has something which does not add any value to your product, then that does not build a strong case to upgrade.
Budget is also an important factor. I think you need to upgrade licenses in order to step up to the next release unless you are already part of something like software assurance.
Training to the team is also a factor. If the latest release is going to add to your product then you will have to train your team as well.
Well, there could be other telling factors too. These were the ones off the top of my head. I hope it helps.
If you're talking about a framework-specific example, the biggest piece of advice I'll give you is keep the system and your application separate. This is why I love patterns such as Model-View-Controller - it keeps your code modular and means you can upgrade sections without breaking the app as an entirety.
On a more practical level, if your framework has a Git or SVN repository, checkout the usual 'system' directory from the repo, then you can call 'svn update' occasionally to keep up with the latest and greatest builds.
I would suggest that the project not last that long. Develop the application in smaller pieces with iterations every couple months. That way, as new technology comes out, you can make the necessary change and implement updates as you go rather then have to decide to redevelop the whole application. As you say, trying to develop the whole application as things change just doesn't work.
As another poster said, it's certainly a case-by-case basis thing. What you can upgrade and when is determined mostly by how hard or easy it is to test the new version of the system. Having a comprehensive automated test suite for your application helps a lot with this.
Generally, I try to update to the latest stable release of libraries and so on as often as possible, because that makes maintenance easier. If you don't update, you may find yourself patching or working around bugs in the version of the library you are using. If you update less frequently, each update will be more work because you have more changes to deal with, and it's been longer since you last touched the system, and thus you remember less about it.

How often do you reevaluate and upgrade your development environment and dev. tools? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I was curious how often other software developers reevaluated their development environments and tools. I used to work at a large corporation with rigid toolsets that everyone hated, but could do nothing about. So nobody ever really updated their development environments because we couldn't in that environment.
Now that I'm in my own start-up I find I can spend endless time evaluating new tools and development environments, but that I really shouldn't and can't afford to. I've committed to spending 1 day a month looking at new development tools and trying them out to see if it is worth switching.
How often do you try out new IDE's, editors, bug tacking tools, debuggers? Or update to newer versions of your own?
It's an ongoing process, but I don't make major changes more often than every two years or so. A major change involves too much time, and the tradeoff isn't generally worth it. Major changes might be defined as changing the whole target or compiler architecture and toolchain for an existing project.
Note that major changes can occur between projects - a new project can settle on a completely different architecture and toolchain with no significant cost. But care should be taken not to go too bleeding edge here. An evaluation process is needed to prevent selection of a setup that will not support the project later as the project grows in complexity.
But for minor changes I simply upgrade my tools and environment as I find opportunity and reason to do so.
For me, upgrades are event-driven, not timer-driven. I keep my ear to the ground for new tools (libraries, IDEs, CASE tools, etc) and evaluate them as they show up on my radar.
Working with Microsoft technologies, I move to the newest version if there's no compelling reason holding me back. With OSS, I use what I know unless there's something compelling pushing me forward.
IDE's. I tend to stick with one I know will grow, and support my language. In my dev environment it's vim. It is actively developed, and has many many scripts(kinda like plugins) as well as documentation for DIY. Also leaning an IDE takes time, and becoming good at it, using it efficiently takes more time.
Revision Control. I try to stay just below the bleeding edge. The benefits of new features are important. For example Subversion 1.4, only supported rudimentary merging. Subversion 1.5 has overhauled their merging system, and added new features.
Task and project management. I tend to do that only every couple of years, and only if there is a good perceived benefit. Otherwise I will continue to upgrade my current system to the current stable release every couple of months.
Libraries. They are a toss up. Since most everything I do does not end up in a shipped out product. I feel more free to upgrade often, but we tend to shy away from upgrading when backwards comparability is broken.
Hope my $0.02 was useful.
At work, we upgrade a tool when our version reaches end of support lifetime. We upgrade to the next-older version.
At home, I upgrade as soon as I can find a copy of the new thing free (i.e. some deals where attending 3 webcasts will send you a copy of vs2008 std edition, user groups, etc.).
I only update unless I'm really missing out on a certain piece of functionality, or realize that NOT using one tool instead of another leads to more tasks taking longer/being less efficient.
IDEs - This can be tricky but I have gone through a few different progressions over the years. Sometimes being on a project or a specific feature can trigger an upgrade. For example, someone implemented a feature using LINQ so what was an ASP.Net 2.0 project became a 3.5 project overnight. Other times, it is just what is currently in use. A point here is that a change can impact a whole team so it isn't a change to be made lightly.
Bug tracking tools - This is also in that land of centralized stuff that has to be carefully managed. Since this is a QA tool, I'd hope they have their own policies of how often to look for updates and when to install them as sometimes new features can be cool to get. The dev team equivalent would be when to update the wiki.
Version control - These are individually managed since most of us use Tortoise SVN so we each have a local client copy. So, the updates are done when someone wants to do it. I like to stay up to date as much as possible, personally.
OS - While part of this can be controlled on a department basis, there are enough different pieces to update that sometimes I'll run an update on my own. I'm not sure when we'll move to Windows 7 as I know we aren't going to Vista and I'd think at some point we'd get off XP as I've been on XP now for about 5 years as before that I was on Windows 2000 Professional for a few years and NT 4.0 before that.
PC - There is a policy that every 3 years we get new machines I believe. When I started where I am now, I was on a P4 box, so the upgrade to a dual-core box was very nice as well as a good RAM boost from 2 GB to 4 GB.

Does the cost of MSDN Subscriptions represent a deterrent to .NET adoption

I know just the question is a bit of heresey, but I'm curious...
Sure, there are the express editions. But when Microsoft is effectively competing for 'hearts and minds' in an OSS world, it seems more than a bit counterproductive to charge devs who wholeheartedly support .NET high subscription fees for Microsoft software. It's hard to imagine that, in the context of Microsoft's overall sales, dev licenses represent such a significant revenue stream as to justify the downsides.
So my question is: do you know of any instances where MSDN subscription rates have deterred a team from adopting .NET for a project - where cost played a role in a decision to go OSS instead?
I think MS has made huge inroads to making .Net cheaper to access and work with. With competent Express versions of Visual Studio and Sql Server, the only thing you need to pay for is Windows itself (both in your dev environment and server/production environment).
The only thing holding .Net back now is it may not be the right tool for every job regardless of cost.
It does to me. It makes me ask maybe I should try and become a Microsoft MVP because they get all the software for free.
You can't buy Expression Blend and Design for anything but the highest level on the License and that just ticks me off.
I don't think so, especially with the empower program for small ISVs -- $375 gets you 5 MSDN licenses and other goodies. After that there are Microsoft Action Packs as well as the entire partner program.
I've always gotten legal, free copies of Visual Studio. You can either download the Express versions which will handle most people's needs or go to the Launch events where they literally give out copies to everyone who shows up.
.NET Framework is a free download, so really the only thing left is a box running Windows.. and I'd be willing to bet that you've got one of those kicking around somewhere.
There's no reason to purchase an MSDN subscription.
It's not a barrier to entry, but it certainly represents a glass ceiling. You get a lot of things with the Express editions, but not EVERYTHING. There's a lot of little perks that come with the Pro versions - addins for instance +cough+ Resharper +cough+. I'd say you need Visual Studio 20xx Pro at a minimum to do any mid-range to Enterprise level development.
The cost of MS developer tools was the sole reason behind my Year of Linux. It's tough seeing all the free development tools for Linux, OS X and Java. If my job didn't depend on keeping up to date with .NET, I'd leave it for dead in a heartbeat.
In my view MSDN subscriptions are not a huge deterrant, as not only are there express editions, there are also trial versions of most products, and I think a basic MSDN subscription is not that expensive.
However licencing costs and licencing complexity of certain developer tools as well as certain products can be a huge obstacle which unfortunately is often not thought about at the beginning of projects.
I am aware of a number of projects which have chosen alternative technologies due to licencing costs and licencing complexity.
I'm currently on the Empower program but I'll be paying the full fare when it runs out
for the same reason I pay A$800/year for an AutoCAD subscription - it easily saves me more time & hassle than it costs in the long run by having everything I need at my fingertips.
I think I'm getting value for money when I consider both the licenses as well as the community - most of which I suppose is free anyway.
I consider it a legitimate cost of running my business and it's tax-deductible anyway.
I am trying to restart my career, my life, etc and my previous MSDN Universal sub expired in 2005. At the time it expired, I stopped working for a while. That coincided with Microsoft changing the cost and structure of that subscription program. To acquire a similar subscription today is out of the question. I do not have the funds. I am currently developing with old technology (VB6 and ASP) and will do so until I have the funds to purchase the MSDN sub that I want. I have downloaded the "express" versions of VS 2008 and SQL 2008 but, lets be frank, any serious developer is going to want to utilize the features that arent available in "express". In exploring this issue here on StackOverflow, I have seen others talk about the Empower program. It looks promising and I shall investigate it.
But, yes, the barrier to entry is the cost. Hopefully Empower lowers that, for a while. I agree with the requirement that after it expires I will need to pay full fare. I think thats only fair.

How to avoid short-lifespan enterprise applications?

A while ago another question referred to the (possibly urban tale) statistic that
... the average lifespan of software is about 3 years
At the time I came up with the following reasons (and I'm sure there are more possibly better ones):
A new major system (ERP, CRM, etc.) is implemented and it has an "integrated" module to replace the old app.
Same, but no integrated app - but the existing app is not adaptable (the people left, technology has changed, current IT policies have changed, users don't like the existing app.)
The company you acquired the basic app from, to customize it for your needs has disappeared.
Or you don't get along well with them any more.
The technology for the existing app is "obsolete" (according to the framework vendor/Microsoft/consultant/industry expert/new IT manager who has management's ear.)
"We're phasing out (Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows 2000/Windows XP/NT) and we need matching technology in our apps".
"We've learned a lot from (App Version n) and we'll do a lot better the second/third/fourth/n+1th time."
Job justification for developers/IT manager/Division VP/consulting company.
The users hate it.
We've merged/acquired a competitor/been acquired by a competitor and theirs is better.
Some of these are unavoidable (e.g. your company gets bought), but overall this is surely smething that needs to be avoided. Does your organization intentionally fight this syndrome? What effective strategies would you recommend?
That's why an application needs to be easy to expand, and you should be able to easily add-in all the buzzwords.
If you have a solid base code, most of the buzzwords are related to the UI (Vista Controls, Ajax, .net, ASP.net 3.5)...
You could be running COBOL in the back-end ( I wouldn't).
A new major system is implemented - There's nothing you can do.
current IT policies have changed, - The app should be adaptable.
users don't like/hate the existing app - why? cosmetic changes in the UI can fix this most of the time.
The company you acquired the basic app from, to customize it for your needs has disappeared. - I wouldn't do that, I'd prefer to write it myself.
The technology for the existing app is "obsolete" (according to the framework vendor/Microsoft/consultant/industry expert/new IT manager who has management's ear.) - same as the above, if the back-end is solid, you should follow these in the front-end.
"We're phasing out (Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows 2000/Windows XP/NT) and we need matching technology in our apps". - a simple compatibility test and minor UI elements solve this.
I'll also say that this is different when you compare in-house to commercial apps, if you're doing an in-house app, change guarantees your job (if you know what you're doing). If you're doing a commercial app, change is an opportunity to make more money, new features would get you upgrades from existing clients and new clients who are looking for the buzzwords, these buzzword could become your advantage when compared to a competitor.
The average lifetime of software I write at the moment is probably a few days. (I write a lot of scripts, so I might be an aberration. ;-) But the core system I work with is probably 15 to 20 years old now. The underlying OS is about 30 years old. There is nothing inherently wrong with either old or young software. In fact, software ages best when it's possible to adapt it to new uses.
Having layers of abstraction between functional parts make it easier to replace functionality in a system. For instance, we've gone through several different tape libraries on our system and now we are considering going to disk archives in the future. Since the "archive" portion of our system sits behind an abstraction layer, we can replace it fairly easily without replacing the rest of the system.
When possible, it's also best to use standard parts. That way, if you run into some limitation, it's likely others will have the same problems and more likely someone will come up with a fix.
Continuous improvement - add useful features at regular intervals
No show-stopping bugs in new versions - testing, testing, testing...
be nice to your clients and treat them with respect (most users really don't want to change their ERPs every three years so if you have a good realtions with them they'll be on your side)
Stay current with new technologies and integrate them in your application when needed
When gathering requirements and someone says "Situation X will always be the case, no exceptions", make it configurable. It will always change, no exceptions.
Most companies don't make it for 5 years. Their software implementations wouldn't be expected to last as long.