Add multi-page watermark to PDF - pdfbox

I have this merged PDF with Acroform only.
And I want add watermark to it.
I add watermark_1.pdf to page 1,3,5
I add watermark_2.pdf to page 2,4,6
And it works well with this code:
PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load(new File(filePath));
HashMap<Integer, String> overlayGuide = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
for (int i = 0; i < doc.getNumberOfPages(); i = i + 2) {
overlayGuide.put(i + 1, FOLDER + "watermark_1.pdf");
overlayGuide.put(i + 2, FOLDER + "watermark_2.pdf");
Overlay overlay = new Overlay();
overlay.overlay(overlayGuide); File(filePath));
But this way force me to separate my watermark into two file while my original watermark is into one file see watermark_2pages.pdf.
My question is it possible to configure overlay of PDFBox and use watermark_2pages.pdf.pdf and apply it to page 1 and 2 of my form directly (i.e. without having two watermark PDF file)?


ImageMagick.Net - convert pdf to tiff

I am running into an issue when converting from pdf to tiff. Here is the code I used (based on a sample provided in the documentation):
private void convImageMx(string pdfFile)
var settings = new MagickReadSettings();
// Settings the density to 300 dpi will create an image with a better quality
settings.Density = new Density(300, 300);
settings.ColorType = ColorType.TrueColor;
string tifpath = Path.GetDirectoryName(pdfFile) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pdfFile);
using (var images = new MagickImageCollection())
// Add all the pages of the pdf file to the collection
images.Read(pdfFile, settings);
var page = 1;
foreach (var image in images)
// Write page to file that contains the page number
image.Format = MagickFormat.Ptif;
image.Crop(image.Width, image.Height);
image.Write(tifpath + "_p_" + page + ".tif");
When I provide a multiple pdf as input, I get multiple tiff files - one file per page. However, each file contains 7 pages which are shrinking images of the original page and the size is very large (original pdf size is 328k, the size of one tiff is 67mb!).
I think I need to set the compression property as well as crop property correctly. But did not find any documentation with .NET.
[EDIT] I commented the line with density so that the size issue is fixed. However, the repeating images is still an issue.

How to add watermark on existing pdf file

I am trying to add watermark on pdf file using PdfSharp, I tried from this link
but am not able to get how to get the existing pdf file page object and how to watermark on that page.
Basically, the samples are only snippets. You can download the source and with that you get a bunch of samples, including this watermark example.
The following comes from PDFSharp-MigraDocFoundation-1_32/PDFsharp/samples/Samples C#/Based on GDI+/Watermark/Program.cs
Quite simple, really ... I am only showing the code up to the for loop that goes over each page. You should have a look at the full file.
const string watermark = "PDFsharp";
const int emSize = 150;
// Get a fresh copy of the sample PDF file
const string filename = "Portable Document Format.pdf";
File.Copy(Path.Combine("../../../../../PDFs/", filename),
Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), filename), true);
// Create the font for drawing the watermark
XFont font = new XFont("Times New Roman", emSize, XFontStyle.BoldItalic);
// Open an existing document for editing and loop through its pages
PdfDocument document = PdfReader.Open(filename);
// Set version to PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5) because we use transparency.
if (document.Version < 14)
document.Version = 14;
for (int idx = 0; idx < document.Pages.Count; idx++)
//if (idx == 1) break;
PdfPage page = document.Pages[idx];

How to convert existing pdf files to A4 size using pdfbox?

I want to set a size(A4) to an existing document.
I am using pdfbox for watermarking. I used the following link to add watermark. Here I am using another file in which watermark text is there. Latter we are only adding this layer as overlay to original file.
Here the problem arises when file with watermark text is with different size than original document to which the watermark is to be added. In those case the watermark is not getting added properly in terms of position.
Version: I am using pdfbox 1.8. I tried with 2.0 but I am more comfortable with this version.
Here is the code
PDDocument originalPdfFile = PDDocument.load(filename);
PDRectangle pdRect=new PDRectangle(595, 842);//Here I am setting height and width in terms of points
List PageList = originalPdfFile.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
int noOfPages=PageList.size();
System.out.println("No of pages in original document="+noOfPages);
PDPage page=new PDPage();
//PDPage page=new PDPage(PDPage.PAGE_SIZE_A4);
//Here also I tried to add page size
for (int i = 0; i < PageList.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("Original Document size in page before cropping: "+(i+1)+", Page Resolution: "+page.getMediaBox());
System.out.println("Original Document size in page after cropping: "+(i+1)+", Page Resolution: "+page.getMediaBox());
//System.out.println("Original Document size in page: "+i+", Height: "+page.getMediaBox().getHeight()+",Width: "+page.getMediaBox().getWidth());
PDRectangle rec=page.getMediaBox();
HashMap<Integer, String> overlayGuide = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
for(int i=0; i<originalPdfFile.getNumberOfPages(); i++)
overlayGuide.put(i+1, "C:/drm/final/final.pdf");
//watermarktext.pdf is the document which is a one page PDF with your watermark image in it.
Overlay overlay = new Overlay();
//pdf will have the original PDF with watermarks.
The above code add watermark successfully but I am not able to shrink the page.
This line
PDRectangle pdRect=new PDRectangle(595, 842);
crops the page but it cuts the contains of the page, which I don't want. I want the contains but to should be fit in that page and the page should be of specified size(like A4 in my case).

Adding an imported PDF to a table cell in iTextSharp

I am creating a new PDF that will contain a compilation of other documents.
These other documents can be word/excel/images/PDF's.
I am hoping to add all of this content to cells in a table, which is added to the document - this gives me the goodness of automatically adding pages, positioning elements in a cell rather than a page and allowing me an easier life at keeping content in the same order as i supply (such as img, doc, pdf, img, pdf etc)
Adding images to the table is simple enough.
I am converting the word/excel docs to PDF image streams. I'm also reading in the existing PDF's as a stream.
Adding these to a new PDF is simple enough - by way of adding a template to the PdfContent byte.
What I am trying to do though is add these PDF's to cells in a table, which are then added to the doc.
Is this possible?
Please download chapter 6 of my book. It contains two variations on what you are trying to do:
ImportingPages1, with as result time_table_imported1.pdf
ImportingPages2, with as result time_table_imported2.pdf
This is a code snippet:
// step 1
Document document = new Document();
// step 2
PdfWriter writer
= PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(RESULT));
// step 3;
// step 4
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(MovieTemplates.RESULT);
int n = reader.getNumberOfPages();
PdfImportedPage page;
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
page = writer.getImportedPage(reader, i);
// step 5
The pages are imported as PdfImportedPage objects, and then wrapped inside an Image so that we can add them to a PdfPTable.

Use PDFBox to Merge Pages?

I know I can use PDFBox to merge multiple PDF's into one PDF. But is there a way to merge pages? For example, I have a header in PDF and want it to be inserted to the top of the first page of the combined PDF and push everything down. Is there a way to do it using PDFBox API?
Here is some code that works to copy two files into a merged one with multiple copies of each one. It copies by pages. It's something I got using the information in the answer to this question: Can duplicating a pdf with PDFBox be small like with iText?
So all you have to do is to make one copy only of the first page of doc1 and one copy only of all pages of doc2. There's a comment where you'll have to make a change to leave off some pages.
final int COPIES = 1; // total copies
// Same code as linked answer mostly
PDDocument samplePdf = new PDDocument();
InputStream in1 = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(DOC1_NAME);
PDDocument doc1 = PDDocument.load(in1);
List<PDPage> pages = (List<PDPage>) doc1.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
// *** Change this loop to only copy the pages you want from DOC1
for (PDPage page : pages) {
for (int i = 0; i < COPIES; i++) { // loop for each additional copy
// Same code again mostly
InputStream in2 = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(DOC2_NAME);
PDDocument doc2 = PDDocument.load(in2);
pages = (List<PDPage>) doc2.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
for (PDPage page : pages) {
for (int i = 0; i < COPIES; i++) { // loop for each additional copy
// Then write the results out
File output = new File(OUT_NAME);
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(output);;