What is the best way to handle Page Objects for different environments? - selenium

We have two sits to support, for an example US and Canada. Some pages are exactly the same and some have different options. How I can use page object pattern define pages for this situation and reduce the duplicates?
Let's take the Login page, For US as follows,
import { by, element, ElementFinder } from 'protractor';
export class Homepage {
public startNowButton: ElementFinder;
public signinLink: ElementFinder;
constructor() {
this.startNowButton = element(by.css('button[sso-modal="SignUp"]'));
this.signinLink = element(by.linkText('Sign in'));
For Canada, there is an additional checkbox,
export class Homepage {
public startNowButton: ElementFinder;
public signinLink: ElementFinder;
public loanPurposeRadio: string;
constructor() {
this.startNowButton = element(by.css('button[sso-modal="SignUp"]'));
this.signinLink = element(by.linkText('Sign in'));
this.loanPurposeRadio = '[ng-form="loanPurposeField"] label';
If I want to support both sites then what is the best way to model page objects this kind of situations rather creating two classes? Thanks

I am not JS expert. I did not verify the below code. I am explaining based on how i would achieve that in Java. you can modify accordingly.
I would be creating an abstract class HomePage which defines all the common functionalities for all locales. USHomePage, CAHomePage classes should extend the HomePage. Or, You can also use USHomePage as Base class HomePage and CAHomePage will extend this.
Now in the below example, you have all the functionalities of US home page & you have also added specific features of CA.
For ex:
export class CAHomepage extends HomePage {
public loanPurposeRadio: string;
constructor() {
this.loanPurposeRadio = '[ng-form="loanPurposeField"] label';
Now you could maintain some of kind factory class to return specific instance of HomePage depends on the site you test.
var homePageFactory = {
"US": () => { return new HomePage() },
"CA": () => { return new CAHomePage() },
"UK": () => { return new UKHomePage() }
Based on the locale/country, you can access specific home page. Your tests are not tied to specific site & instead they are very generic. Depends on the site you test, they behave differently.
var lang = "US"
var homePage = homepageFactory[lang]();


Modelina Csharp Generator Add Inheritance

I am playing around with asyncapi/modelina CSharpGenerator. I would like to add inheritance to the generated class something like this
public class UserCreated: IEvent
Is that possible? Can we add additional dependencies other than the generated ones?
Inheritance is, unfortunately, one of those features that have gotten put on the backburner, and still is.
Fortunately, it is possible to accomplish it, but it does require you to overwrite the entire rendering behavior, which might not be maintainable in the long run. You can find the full example in this PR: https://github.com/asyncapi/modelina/pull/772
const generator = new CSharpGenerator({
presets: [
class: {
// Self is used to overwrite the entire rendering behavior of the class
self: async ({renderer, options, model}) => {
//Render all the class content
const content = [
await renderer.renderProperties(),
await renderer.runCtorPreset(),
await renderer.renderAccessors(),
await renderer.runAdditionalContentPreset(),
if (options?.collectionType === 'List' ||
model.additionalProperties !== undefined ||
model.patternProperties !== undefined) {
renderer.addDependency('using System.Collections.Generic;');
const formattedName = renderer.nameType(model.$id);
return `public class ${formattedName} : IEvent
${renderer.indent(renderer.renderBlock(content, 2))}
What is happening here is that we create a custom preset for the class renderer and overwrite the entire rendering process of itself.
This will generate based on this input:
public class Root : IEvent
private string[] email;
public string[] Email
get { return email; }
set { email = value; }
Regarding dependencies, please see https://github.com/asyncapi/modelina/blob/master/docs/presets.md#adding-new-dependencies. You can do this in the self preset hook.
You can read more about the presets here: https://github.com/asyncapi/modelina/blob/master/docs/presets.md

WebdriverIO function reusability pattern

I am transitioning from Selenium to WebdriverIO and I'm running into some difficulty regarding function reusability. Let me demonstrate with an example:
lets say I have a navigation bar with 3 links above. When I land on this page, I want to check if each link exists. My function may look something like this:
class LoginPage extends Page {
get clientsLink() { return $('//a[contains(., "Clients")]'); }
isTabDisplayed() {
if (this.clientsLink.isDisplayed()) {
return true;
} else {
this is fine except I would have to write 2 more getters for Accounts and Packages and so my class would look like this:
class LoginPage extends Page {
get clientsLink() { return $('//a[contains(., "Clients")]'); }
get accountsLink() { return $('//a[contains(., "Accounts")]'); }
get packagesLink() { return $('//a[contains(., "Packages")]'); }
isClientTabDisplayed(tab) {
if (this.clientsLink.isDisplayed()) {
return true;
} else {
isAccountsTabDisplayed(tab) {
if (this.accountsLink.isDisplayed()) {
return true;
} else {
isPackagesTabDisplayed(tab) {
if (this.packagesLink.isDisplayed()) {
return true;
} else {
at this point, my anxiety kicks in and I start to think of ways I can reuse the isTabDisplayed function where I can pass a string to the getter with my tab name, or something along the lines of that.
Unfortunately, getters do not accept parameters and so far I have not found any resources on google that can help me to solve this issue (most common being Page Object Model which doesn't seem to address this problem)
Is my thought process out of line that I am striving for reusable code in UI testing or am I not googling for correct patterns?
Page Objects in WebdriverIO are just plain ES6 classes. Have a look through the documentation on ES6 classes to understand how you can create functions that you can pass arguments in to.
Now, that being said, what you're doing here isn't necessary. Instead of creating a function which references a getter, why not just reference that getter directly in your test?
const login = new LoginPage();
const isAccountsTabDisplayed = login.accountsLink.isDisplayed();
There's really no reason to create a wrapper function around this.

singleton object in react native

I'm new in react native.I want store multiple small small strings to common singleton object class and want to access it from singleton object for all component. Can anyone help me singleton object implementation for react native.
Component 1 -- Login button -- >> success --> need to store userID into singleton object.
Component 2 --> get stored userID from singleton object. How can i implement it.
Here is a simple way of doing it...
export default class CommonDataManager {
static myInstance = null;
_userID = "";
* #returns {CommonDataManager}
static getInstance() {
if (CommonDataManager.myInstance == null) {
CommonDataManager.myInstance = new CommonDataManager();
return this.myInstance;
getUserID() {
return this._userID;
setUserID(id) {
this._userID = id;
And here is how to use it...
import CommonDataManager from './CommonDataManager';
// When storing data.
let commonData = CommonDataManager.getInstance();
// When retrieving stored data.
let commonData = CommonDataManager.getInstance();
let userId = commonData.getUserID();
Hope this works out for you :)
I suggest making a static class that stores data using AsyncStorage.
You mentioned in a comment that you are already using AsyncStorage, but don't like spreading this functionality throughout your app. (i.e. try-catches all over the place, each component needing to check if a key is available, etc.) If this functionality were in a single class, it would clean up your code a lot.
Another bonus to this approach is that you could swap out the implementation pretty easily, for example, you could choose to use an in-memory object or AsyncStorage or whatever and you would only have to change this one file
NOTE: AsyncStorage is not a safe way to store sensitive information. See this question for more info on the security of AsyncStorage and alternatives.
That said, this is how I imagine a global data holder class might look:
export default class dataManager {
static storeKeyValue(key, value) {
// your choice of implementation:
// check if key is used
// wrap in try-catch
// etc.
static getValueForKey(key) {
// get the value out for the given key
// etc...
Then to use this class anywhere in your app, just import wherever it's needed like so:
import dataManager from 'path/to/dataManager.js';
// store value
dataManager.storeKeyValue('myKey', 'myValue');
// get value
const storedValue = dataManager.getValueForKey('myKey');
EDIT: Using Flux, Redux, or a similar technology is probably the preferred/suggested way to do this in most cases, but if you feel the Singleton pattern works best for your app then this is a good way to go. See You Might Not Need Redux
There is a workaround for this, react native packager require all the modules in the compilation phase for a generating a bundle , and after first require it generates an internal id for the module, which is from then on referenced in the whole run-time memory , so if we export an instance of a class from the file, that object will be referenced every-time whenever that file is imported .
Solution I :
class abc {
module.exports = new abc()
Solution II : I assume you want to get your strings which are static and wont change , so you can declare them as static and access them directly with class name
FYI :this works with webpack also.
I might be too late for this, but I might as well share my own implementation based on Yeshan Jay's answer.
export default class Data {
static instance = null;
_state = {};
static get inst() {
if (Data.instance == null) {
Data.instance = new Data();
return this.instance;
static get state() {
return Data.inst._state;
static set state(state) {
Data.inst._state = state;
static setState(state) {
Data.inst._state = {...Data.inst._state, ...state}
And here's how you use it. It's pretty much mimicking React Component's state behavior, so you should feel at home with little to no adjustment, without the need to frequently modify the Singleton to add new properties now and then.
import Data from './Data'
// change the whole singleton data
Data.state = { userId: "11231244", accessToken: "fa7sd87a8sdf7as" }
// change only a property
Data.setState ({ userId: "1231234" })
// get a single property directly
console.log("User Id: ", Data.state.userId)
// get a single property or more via object deconstruction
const { userId, property } = Data.state
console.log("User Id: ", userId)
TS Class Example:
export class SingletonClass
private static _instance: SingletonClass;
public anyMetod(_value:any):any
return _value;
public static getInstance(): SingletonClass
if (SingletonClass._instance == null)
SingletonClass._instance = new SingletonClass();
return this._instance;
throw new Error("Error: Instantiation failed: Use SingletonClass.getInstance() instead of new.");

Is it possible to pass though a template option to a module (as a variable parameter)

I have a page that uses a module for defining form content. It is rather generically usable but needs different resulting pages after form actions have been triggered (button click, etc.).
class CreateOrganisationPage extends Page {
static url = "#contact/organisation/create"
static at = {
static content = {
form(wait: true) {
module BusinessEntityFormModule, businessEntityName: 'organisation'
The module implementing the form content contains a UI control saveCommand that requires that a page ViewBusinessEntityPage is navigated to after submitting. In order to keep that module more reusable across different tests I wanted to provide that page as a parameter.
What is the best approach to do so?
class BusinessEntityFormModule extends Module {
String businessEntityName = "entity"
String idPrefix = "edit"
static content = {
self {
def id = "$idPrefix-" + StringUtils.capitalize(businessEntityName)
$("form", id: id)
saveCommand(to: ViewBusinessEntityPage) {
Simply define a property for the destination page in your module and use it in the content definition:
class BusinessEntityFormModule extends Module {
Class postSavePage
static content = {
saveCommand(to: postSavePage) {
And then set it when defining the module as part of the page:
class CreateOrganisationPage extends Page {
static content = {
form(wait: true) {
module BusinessEntityFormModule, businessEntityName: 'organisation', postSavePage: ViewBusinessEntityPage

NancyFx Authentication per Route

From what I saw in the source code RequiresAuthentication() does an Authentication check for the whole module. Is there any way to do this per Route?
I had the same problem. However it turns out the RequiresAuthentication works at both the module level and the route level. To demonstrate, here is some code ripped out my current project (not all routes shown for brevity).
public class RegisterModule : _BaseModule
public RegisterModule() : base("/register")
Get["/basic-details"] = _ => View["RegisterBasicDetailsView", Model];
Get["/select"] = _ =>
return View["RegisterSelectView", Model];
Of course the only problem with doing it this way is that all the protected routes in the module need to call RequiresAuthentication. In the case of my module above, I have another 5 routes (not shown) all of which need protecting, so that makes six calls to RequiresAuthentication instead of one at the module level. The alternative would be to pull the unprotected route into another module, but my judgement was that a proliferation of modules is worse than the additional RequiresAuthentication calls.
namespace Kallist.Modules {
#region Namespaces
using System;
using Nancy;
public static class ModuleExtensions {
#region Methods
public static Response WithAuthentication(this NancyModule module, Func<Response> executeAuthenticated) {
if ((module.Context.CurrentUser != null) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(module.Context.CurrentUser.UserName)) {
return executeAuthenticated();
return new Response { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized };
I ran into the same issue, here's how I solved it.
var module = new MyModule();
module.AddBeforeHookOrExecute(context => null, "Requires Authentication");
_browser = new Browser(with =>
with.RequestStartup((container, pipelines, ctx) =>
ctx.CurrentUser = new User { UserId = "1234", UserName = "test"};
I can now use this.RequiresAuthentication() at the module level and run my unit tests.