SQL to find best row in group based on multiple columns? - sql

Let's say I have an Oracle table with measurements in different categories:
CREATE TABLE measurements (
category CHAR(8),
value NUMBER,
error NUMBER,
created DATE
Now I want to find the "best" row in each category, where "best" is defined like this:
It has the lowest errror.
If there are multiple measurements with the same error, the one that was created most recently is the considered to be the best.
This is a variation of the greatest N per group problem, but including two columns instead of one. How can I express this in SQL?

WITH cte AS (
SELECT m.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY category ORDER BY error, created DESC) rn
FROM measurements m
SELECT category, value, error, created
FROM cte
WHERE rn = 1;
For a brief explanation, the PARTITION BY clause instructs the DB to generate a separate row number for each group of records in the same category. The ORDER BY clause places those records with the smallest error first. Should two or more records in the same category be tied with the lowest error, then the next sorting level would place the record with the most recent creation date first.


How to select 1 row per id?

I'm working with a table that has multiple rows for each order id (e.g. variations in spelling for addresses and different last_updated dates), that in theory shouldn't be there (not my doing). I want to select just 1 row for each id and so far I figured I can do that using partitioning like so:
SELECT dp.order_id,
MAX(cr.updated_at) OVER(PARTITION BY dp.order_id) AS updated_at
but I have seen other queries which only use MAX and list every other column like so
SELECT dp.order_id,
MAX(dp.ship_address) as address,
MAX(cr.updated_at) as updated_at
this solution looks more neat but I can't get it to work (still returns multiple rows per single order_id). What am I doing wrong?
If you want one row per order_id, then window functions are not sufficient. They don't filter the data. You seem to want the most recent row. A typical method uses row_number():
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by order_id order by created_at desc) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum = 1;
You can also use aggregation:
select order_id, max(ship_address), max(created_at)
from t
group by order_id;
However, the ship_address may not be from the most recent row and that is usually not desirable. You can tweak this using keep syntax:
select order_id,
max(ship_address) keep (dense_rank first order by created_at desc),
from t
group by order_id;
However, this gets cumbersome for a lot of columns.
The 2nd "solution" doesn't care about values in other columns - it selects their MAX values. It means that you'd get ORDER_ID and - possibly - "mixed" values for other columns, i.e. those ADDRESS and UPDATED_AT might belong to different rows.
If that's OK with you, then go for it. Otherwise, you'll have to select one MAX row (using e.g. row_number analytic function), and fetch data that is related only to it (i.e. doesn't "mix" values from different rows).
Also, saying that you
can't get it to work (still returns multiple rows per single order_id)
is kind of difficult to believe. The way you put it, it can't be true.

How to get the most frequent value SQL

I have a table Orders(id_trip, id_order), table Trip(id_hotel, id_bus, id_type_of_trip) and table Hotel(id_hotel, name).
I would like to get name of the most frequent hotel in table Orders.
SELECT hotel.name from Orders
on Orders.id_trip = Trip.id_hotel
JOIN hotel
on trip.id_hotel = hotel.id_hotel
FROM (SELECT hotel.name, rank() over (order by cnt desc) rnk
FROM (SELECT hotel.name, count(*) cnt
FROM Orders
GROUP BY hotel.name))
WHERE rnk = 1;
The "most frequently occurring value" in a distribution is a distinct concept in statistics, with a technical name. It's called the MODE of the distribution. And Oracle has the STATS_MODE() function for it. https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/functions154.htm
For example, using the EMP table in the standard SCOTT schema, select stats_mode(deptno) from scott.emp will return 30 - the number of the department with the most employees. (30 is the department "name" or number, it is NOT the number of employees in that department!)
In your case:
select stats_mode(h.name) from (the rest of your query)
Note: if two or more hotels are tied for "most frequent", then STATS_MODE() will return one of them (non-deterministic). If you need all the tied values, you will need a different solution - a good example is in the documentation (linked above). This is a documented flaw in Oracle's understanding and implementation of the statistical concept.
Use FIRST for a single result:
SELECT hotel.name, COUNT(*) cnt
FROM orders
JOIN trip USING (id_trip)
JOIN hotel USING (id_hotel)
GROUP BY hotel.name
) t
Here is one method:
select name
from (select h.name,
row_number() over (order by count(*) desc) as seqnum -- use `rank()` if you want duplicates
from orders o join
trip t
on o.id_trip = t.id_trip join -- this seems like the right join condition
hotels h
on t.id_hotel = h.id_hotel
) oth
where seqnum = 1;
** Getting the most recent statistical mode out of a data sample **
I know it's more than a year, but here's my answer. I came across this question hoping to find a simpler solution than what I know, but alas, nope.
I had a similar situation where I needed to get the mode from a data sample, with the requirement to get the mode of the most recently inserted value if there were multiple modes.
In such a case neither the STATS_MODE nor the LAST aggregate functions would do (as they would tend to return the first mode found, not necessarily the mode with the most recent entries.)
In my case it was easy to use the ROWNUM pseudo-column because the tables in question were performance metric tables that only experienced inserts (not updates)
In this oversimplified example, I'm using ROWNUM - it could easily be changed to a timestamp or sequence field if you have one.
MAX( R ) R
That is, get the total count and max ROWNUM for each value (I'm assuming the values are discrete. If they aren't, this ain't gonna work.)
Then sort so that the ones with largest counts come first, and for those with the same count, the one with the largest ROWNUM (indicating most recent insertion in my case).
Then skim off the top row.
Your specific data model should have a way to discern the most recent (or the oldest or whatever) rows inserted in your table, and if there are collisions, then there's not much of a way other than using ROWNUM or getting a random sample of size 1.
If this doesn't work for your specific case, you'll have to create your own custom aggregator.
Now, if you don't care which mode Oracle is going to pick (your bizness case just requires a mode and that's it, then STATS_MODE will do fine.

SQL Server: I have multiple records per day and I want to return only the first of the day

I have some records track inquires by DATETIME. There is an glitch in the system and sometimes a record will enter multiple times on the same day. I have a query with a bunch of correlated subqueries attached to these but the numbers are off because when there were those glitches in the system then these leads show up multiple times. I need the first entry of the day, I tried fooling around with MIN but I couldn't quite get it to work.
I currently have this, I am not sure if I am on the right track though.
FROM SourceLog AS SL
Here's one approach using row_number():
select *
from (
select *,
row_number() over (partition by userid, cast(added as date) order by added) rn
from sourcelog
) t
where rn = 1
You could use group by along with min to accomplish this.
Depending on how your data is structured if you are assigning a unique sequential number to each record created you could just return the lowest number created per day. Otherwise you would need to return the ID of the record with the earliest DATETIME value per day.
--Assumes sequential IDs
group by
--the conversion is used to stip the time value out of the date/time
convert(date, [YourDateTime]

Suppress Nonadjacent Duplicates in Report

Medical records in my Crystal Report are sorted in this order:
Group 1: Score [Level of Risk]
Group 2: Patient Name
Because patients are sorted by Score before Name, the report pulls in multiple entries per patient with varying scores - and since duplicate entries are not always adjacent, I can't use Previous or Next to suppress them. To fix this, I'd like to only display the latest entry for each patient based on the Assessment Date field - while maintaining the above order.
I'm convinced this behavior can be implemented with a custom SQL command to only pull in the latest entry per patient, but have had no success creating that behavior myself. How can I accomplish this compound sort?
Current SQL Statement in use:
SELECT "EpisodeSummary"."PatientID",
LEFT OUTER JOIN "FOOBARSYSTEM"."RiskAssessment" "RiskRating"
ON (
), "SYSTEM"."Facility" "Facility"
AND "RiskRating"."PatientID" IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY "EpisodeSummary"."Program_Value"
The SQL code below may not be exactly correct, depending on the structure of your tables. The code below assumes the 'duplicate risk scores' were coming from the RiskAssessment table. If this is not correct, the code may need to be altered.
Essentially, we create a derived table and create a row_number for each record, based on the patientID and ordered by the assessment date - The most recent date will have the lowest number (1). Then, on the join, we restrict the resultset to only select record #1 (each patient has its own rank #1).
If this doesn't work, let me know and provide some table details -- Should the Facility table be the starting point? are there multiple entries in EpisodeSummary per patient? thanks!
SELECT es.PatientID
FROM SYSTEM.EpisodeSummary es
--Derived Table retreiving highest risk score for each patient)
) AS RN -- This code generates a row number for each record. The count is restarted for every patientID and the count starts at the most recent date.
FROM RiskAssessment
) rrd
ON es.patientID = rrd.patientid
AND es.episode_number = rrd.episode_number
AND es.facilityid = rrd.facilityid
AND rrd.RN = 1 --This only retrieves one record per patient (the most recent date) from the riskassessment table
ON es.facilityid = f.facilityid
ORDER BY es.Program_Value

Find row number in a sort based on row id, then find its neighbours

Say that I have some SELECT statement:
SELECT id, name FROM people
I have a few million rows in the people table and the ORDER BY clause can be much more complex than what I have shown here (possibly operating on a dozen columns).
I retrieve only a small subset of the rows (say rows 1..11) in order to display them in the UI. Now, I would like to solve following problems:
Find the number of a row with a given id.
Display the 5 items before and the 5 items after a row with a given id.
Problem 2 is easy to solve once I have solved problem 1, as I can then use something like this if I know that the item I was looking for has row number 1000 in the sorted result set (this is the Firebird SQL dialect):
SELECT id, name FROM people
ROWS 995 TO 1005;
I also know that I can find the rank of a row by counting all of the rows which come before the one I am looking for, but this can lead to very long WHERE clauses with tons of OR and AND in the condition. And I have to do this repeatedly. With my test data, this takes hundreds of milliseconds, even when using properly indexed columns, which is way too slow.
Is there some means of achieving this by using some SQL:2003 features (such as row_number supported in Firebird 3.0)? I am by no way an SQL guru and I need some pointers here. Could I create a cached view where the result would include a rank/dense rank/row index?
Firebird appears to support window functions (called analytic functions in Oracle). So you can do the following:
To find the "row" number of a a row with a given id:
select id, row_number() over (partition by NULL order by name, id)
from t
where id = <id>
This assumes the id's are unique.
To solve the second problem:
select t.*
from (select id, row_number() over (partition by NULL order by name, id) as rownum
from t
) t join
(select id, row_number() over (partition by NULL order by name, id) as rownum
from t
where id = <id>
) tid
on t.rownum between tid.rownum - 5 and tid.rownum + 5
I might suggest something else, though, if you can modify the table structure. Most databases offer the ability to add an auto-increment column when a row is inserted. If your records are never deleted, this can server as your counter, simplifying your queries.