WebStorm not showing terminal path on the first instance - intellij-idea

I love WebStorm and have been using it for almost 2+ years now. Recently I am facing the problem when you open up a project and click terminal it is not showing terminal current path on the first instance. Just getting blank screen.
Every time I need to hit enter at least once or twice to get the current path.
This problem is occurring for my colleagues as well.
We all use WebStorm effectively. Would be great if any one help to solve this problem please.
This is my WebStorm version

It seems to be a known issue, please see on JetBrains' issue tracker: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-192373 .


Flutter Outline View - "Nothing to show"

Hi has anyone already tried the new "Flutter Outline"-View?
I only see "Nothing to show" what I do wrong? Has anyone an idea?
Click to red restart dart analysis server button. It works for me.
Edit: the below was the solution for the time. It seems this started to happen again recently and the solution is different. Please check the highly voted answer below for this. https://stackoverflow.com/a/61165205/679553
As I can tell from the Gitter chat, you are under the alpha channel, because you probably installed Flutter SDK through the IntelliJ plugin (this is a bug).
Open a terminal/command window and type flutter channel. You'll see that you are in the alpha channel, which is actually abandoned. You need to be in the dev channel, but for some reason switching from alpha to dev does not work. Do this:
flutter channel master
flutter doctor
flutter channel dev
flutter doctor
flutter channel
This should tell you that you are in dev channel. Now restart IntelliJ and try again.
If it still won't work, maybe you are on Windows like me? I filed a bug report about that.
From my experience, hold Ctrl/Command and click on that widget to activate your FLutter Outline.
right click in the file and select 'reformat code with dartfmt' it will format your code and then left click in the file and select dart outline.
just run
flutter pub upgrade
it works for me
Hover mouse pointer over any class/property, then press Alt + Enter on the keyboard.
You can see all of the items in the Flutter Outline.
This happened to me too. What I did is just went to the 'main.dart' file, the outline for the main file appeared, and then switch back to the current file and the outline worked. I do this every time and it solves the issue.
To fix this issue, open Dart Analysis from the bottom tab and then click on Restart Dart Analysis Server icon (the red refresh icon). Now, reopen the Flutter Outline. This should fix the issue.
Screenshot of Dart Analysis

WebKitGTK WebInspector doesn't close

I'm working on a project using WebKitGTK and I'm having trouble with the WebInspector after having enabled it using the enable-developer-extras property.
I can open it fine, but when I click the close, pop-out into own window, or switch to sidebar buttons they don't do anything. In my application there's literally no way to close WebInspector once you've opened it.
It doesn't appear to be anything I've changed in my code because I remember it working before, but when I check those commits from Git they're now broken as well. At the same time however it does look like something I'm doing because other applications on my computer using WebKitGTK have their WebInspector working perfectly (and yes, I checked out their code).
So my question is: Has anyone faced a similar issue? And does anyone have an idea how it might be fixed?
You're probably hitting this bug. Workaround is to add a dummy call to webkit_web_view_get_inspector somewhere.

Intellij search in file causes full screen box to appear

Apologies if this belongs on a different stack exchange site.
Using Intellij Ultimate v 2017.1.1 on OSX Sierra, when I do a search in file, using CMD+f, I get an unusable full screen search dialog. Has anyone seen this ? Images attached.
Before clicking CMD+f (all is well)
I try to search for something:
Any help appreciated. The Internets has so far yielded no help.
This issue is already fixed, please see https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-170295 for details.
It was caused by the Swing MigLayout misbehavior when system DPI was extremely high.
This can happen if you accidentally paste a huge block of code into the finder, try CMD+f and then CMD+a and finally delete.

Google Cloud Terminal issues

I'm having issues when connecting to our google cloud containers.
The terminal gets restricted to a certain size and it is behaving odd, when using vim for example the application hangs for 10-20 sec if you press Page-Down, but that's something i'm able to work around, the real issue is the following.
When typing a command and the width goes over the width-length of the prefixed size of the terminal, you suddenly don't know where your cursor is.
The same is for editing a file in vim and you start to scroll down or write a shellscript for example and the last line of the document gets updated, only the last line of the file gets updated and the scrolling behavior is suddenly very broken.
This is what the pre-set size of the terminal looks like when editing
a file.
Setting the TERM enviroment variable to "xterm", "xterm-color" makes the colors and the "clear" function work but does not solve these issues.
If anyone else has experienced these issues and know how to fix them, sharing that knowledge would make life worth living again!
Updating your glcoud components to the latest version solved this problem, now i'm able to run fullscreen vim and life is wonderful!
gcloud components update

XCode crashes on start up

Yes, this happens to people. Yes, I've looked at all the solutions.
This is different.
XCode starts and there is no error message, it just freezes. This is the screen I get:
That's it. No errors. I can't interact with it, I can't close it. The only thing I can do is use Show All Windows. There are five and yes I don't need them all (never did! don't know why I have them) but I can't close any of them. To get rid of it I need to do a hard reset.
I've tried deleting the library file in Finder as this was one of the solutions.
Anyone any ideas?
I think it's XCode 6 (the latest) but I can't tell because I can't access the menu.
I ended up scouring Stackoverflow for ways to clear the startup process.
You hold cmd+shift when you start XCode - ONLY from the task bar, this does NOT work if you go into the Applications folder - and it will load blank.
Then you can load your project.