ByteBuddy java agent requires application dependency which is increasing agent jar size - byte-buddy

I am a writting a java agent using byte buddy, it works great, I am using lot of #Advice.OnMethodEnter annotations to add code to an existing class.
I have the following concern:
I am adding lot of application/3rd party dependency to the agent,
which is increasing the size of the agent jar
I am concerned if I will run into classversion issues etc, if the
version of application dependency changes.
Can you please suggest if there is a way to avoid adding application dependency to the byte buddy java agent? Looks like in javassist, I can add the code to a method by using eg.
final String reportCode = MetricsCollector.class.getName() +
".report(" +
"\"" + behavior.getLongName() + "\", " +
"System.nanoTime() - $_traceTimeStart" +

For this case, you are not supposed to include the library code in your agent; rather you should compile against the library in a provided scope dependency and then use the AgentBuilder.Transformer.ForAdvice class to let Byte Buddy apply the advice based on your code and the library code that is found on the user's class loader at runtime.


How can I build an Agroal connection at runtime with native support

I'm trying to build a dynamic database connection via Agroal inside a native image. It's not possible to use the default config params because I don't know the connection params at compile time. Is that even possible right now?
The connection is built like this at runtime:
I'm currently seeing this error:
Class io.agroal.pool.ConnectionHandler[] is instantiated reflectively but was never registered.
Register the class by using org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.RuntimeReflection
The installed features include: [agroal, cdi, jdbc-h2, jdbc-mysql, jdbc-postgresql, kotlin, narayana-jta, resteasy, resteasy-jackson]
It runs fine on the JVM, but not using Graal. It feels like it should be possible and I'm probably missing something here. I was hoping adding agraol extension would be sufficient but obviously isn't picked up correctly.
The current situation is that we configure Agroal for native images only if you have a datasource defined using Quarkus configuration.
Thus for your use case, for now, you will have to do what we do automatically manually. What we do being registering some classes for reflection and including some resources in the native image.
See and
Obviously, that's not ideal. Could you open an issue on our GitHub so that we can discuss it internally and see if we should/can improve the situation?
In the end, you would still need some reflection registration for your JDBC driver though.

ADTF SDK: import manifest AND handle it

I'm trying to run a full ADTF configuration from my own C++ command-line application using the ADTF SDK. ADTF version: 2.9.1 (pretty old).
Here's what I have (want) to do:
Load manifest file
Load globals-xml
Load config-xml
2 & 3 are done, using the session-manager service - see ISessionManager interface: , functions LoadGlobalsFromFile & LoadConfigFromFile.
The problem is that I don't know how to do point 1: currently, instead of loading a manifest, I manually load the list of services myself using _runtime->RegisterPlugin, _runtime->CreateInstance and _runtime->RegisterObject.
What I've managed to do is to load only the namespace service and use the INamespace interface which has a method for loading manifest files: - see ImportFile with ui32ImportFlags = CF_IMPORT_MANIFEST.
But this only loads the manifest settings into the namespace, it doesn't actually instantiate the services. I could do it manually, by:
Do _runtime->RegisterPlugin for every url under
root/plugins/ in the namespace
Do _runtime->CreateInstance for every objectid under
root/services/ in the namespace
But I want this to be more robust and I'm hoping there's already a service that handles the populated namespace subsequently and does these actions. Is there such a service?
Note: if you know how this could be done in ADTF3 that might also be of help for me, so don't hesitate to answer/comment
See "Flow of the system" on this page:
Apparently the runtime instance itself handles the manifest file (see run-levels shutdown & kernel) but I don't know how I'm supposed to tell it where it is.
I've tried setting the command-line arguments to be count = 2 and the 2nd = manifest file path when instantiating cRuntime. It doesn't work :).
In ADTF3 you can just use the supplied cADTFSystem class to initiate an ADTF system and then use the ISessionManager interface to load a session of your choice.
Found the answer, not exactly what I expected though. I tried debugging adtf_runtime.exe to find out what arguments it passes to cRuntime.
The result is indeed similar to what I've suspected (and actually tried):
arg1 = adtf_runtime.exe (argv[0] in adtf_runtime)
arg2 = full path to manifest file (e.g. $(ADTF_DIR)\bin\adtf_devenv.manifest)
arg3 = basename of manifest file, without extension (e.g. "adtf_devenv")
While this suggested that cRuntime indeed is responsible with loading and handling the manifest, it turned out to be NOT quite so, passing the same arguments to it did not do the job. The answer came when I noticed that adtf_runtime.exe was actually using an extension of cRuntime called cRuntimeEx which is NOT part of the SDK (at least I haven't found it).
This class IS among the exported symbols of the ADTF SDK library, i.e. a "dumpbin /symbols adtfsdk_290.lib" renders at some point:
public: __cdecl adtf::cRuntimeEx::cRuntimeEx(int,char const * *
const,class ucom::IException * *)
but it is NOT part of the SDK (you won't find a header file defining it).
Among its methods you'll also find this:
protected: long __cdecl adtf::cRuntimeEx::LoadManifest(class adtf_util::cString const &,class std::set,class std::allocator > *,class ucom::IException * *)
Voila. And thus, unfortunately, I cannot achieve what I wanted in a robust fashion. :)
I ended up manually implementing the manifest-loading logic, since cRuntimeEx is not made available within the SDK. Something along these lines:
Use a cDOM instance to load the manifest file
Call FindNodes("/adtf:manifest/environment/variable") to find the environment-variables that need to be set and set them using "cSystem::SetEnvVariable"
Call FindNodes("/adtf:manifest/dependencies/platform") to find library dependencies and use cDynamicLinkage::Load to load the libraries that target the current platform (win32/linux)
Call FindNodes("/adtf:manifest/plugins/plugin") to find the services to be loaded using _runtime->RegisterPlugin (you may also handle "optional" attribute)
Call FindNodes("/adtf:manifest/services/service") to find the services that need to be created using _runtime->CreateInstance and _runtime->RegisterObject (you may also handle "optional" attribute)
And, finally, call FindNodes("/adtf:manifest/manifests/manifest") to (recursively) load child-manifests (you may also handle "optional" attribute)
The only thing you need to do is start the adtf launcher with the meta files (manifest. This works for adtf 2 as well as for adtf 3. It can be done (console) application. If you also want to do a little bit more in adtf 3, you can use adtf control instead of adtf launcher with its scripting interface (see the scripts under examples)

atlassian-plugin.xml contains a definition of component-import. This is not allowed when Atlassian-Plugin-Key is set

This is what I get when I run atlas-create-jira-plugin followed by atlas-create-jira-plugin-module selecting option 1: Component Import.
The problem is that all tutorial examples appear to have plugin descriptor generated by old SDK version (that won't deploy with newer versions of SDK/Jira at all), which do not feature Atlassian-Plugin-Key, so I can't find my way to import a component.
I'm using SDK 6.2.3 and Jira 7.1.1.
Any hint - how to get this sorted out?
anonymous is correct. The old way of doing things was to to put the <component-import> tag in your atlassian-plugin.xml. The new way and also recommended is to use Atlassian Spring Scanner. When you create your add-on using atlas-jira-create-plugin and your pom.xml has the <Atlassian-Plugin-Key> tag and the dependencies atlassian-spring-scanner-annotation and atlassian-spring-scanner-runtime then you are using the new way.
If you have both the dependencies, you are using Atlassian Spring Scanner version 1.x. If you only have atlassian-spring-scanner-annotation then you are using version 2.x.
You don't have to omit/comment out Atlassian-Plugin-Key in your pom.xml and you don't have to put component-import in your atlassian-plugin.xml.
For example, you want to add licensing for your add-on and need to import the component PluginLicenseManager. You just go straight to the code and your constructor might look like this:
public MyMacro(#ComponentImport PluginLicenseManager licenseManager) {
this.licenseManager = licenseManager;
And your class like this:
public class MyMacro implements Macro {
If memory serves me right, be sure to check for null because sometimes Atlassian Spring Scanner can't inject a component. I think on version 1, writing an #EventListener, it could not inject a ConversionContext. But when writing a Macro, it was able to inject a ConversionContext.
According to
component-import is not needed. You can replace it by #ComponentImport annotation in your Java.
Found answer here:
It looks like I've somehow been missing that Atlassian-Plugin-Key can be omitted, and it must be done when you need to import components.
This key just tells spring not to 'transform' plugin's Spring configuration, which must happen as part of components import process..

Error in starting second JVM when one is already started

I am developing a client-server software in which server is developed by python. I want to call a group of methods from a java program in python. All the java methods exists in one jar file. It means I do not need to load different jars.
For this purpose, I used jpype. For each request from client, I invoke a function of python which looks like this:
def test(self, userName, password):
Classpath = "/home/DataSource/DMP.jar"
"- Xmx512m",
"-Djava.class.path=%s" % Classpath)
NCh = jpype.JClass("Common.NChainInterface")
n = NCh(self._DB_ipAddress, self._DB_Port, self._XML_SCHEMA_PATH, self._DSTDir)
For one function it works, but for the second call it cannot start jvm.
I saw a lot of complain about it but I could not find any solution for that. I appreciate it if any body can help.
If jpype has problem in multiple starting jvm, is there any way to start and stop jvm once? The server is deployed on a Ubuntu virtual machine but I do not have enough knowledge to write for example, a script for this purpose. Could you please provide a link, or an example?
Check isJVMStarted() before startJVM().
If JVM is running, it will return True, otherwise False.
def init_jvm(jvmpath=None):
if jpype.isJVMStarted():
For a real example, see here.
I have solved it by adding these lines when defining the connection:
if not jpype.isJVMStarted():
jpype.startJVM(jvmPath, args)
This issue is not resolved by et9's answer above.
The problem is explained here.
Effectively you need to start/stop the JVM at the server/module level.
I have had success with multiple calls using this method in unit tests.

How can I test command-line applications using maven?

I work on a complex, multi-module maven project. One of the modules is an executable jar that implements a command-line application. I need to integration test this application. I need to run it several times, with several different command-lines and validate the exit status and stdout/err. However, I can't find a plugin for maven that claims to support this, and also can't track down a JUnit library that supports testing command-line applications.
Before you say 'don't test the main method - instead do bla', in this case I really do mean to test the main method, not some subsidiary functionality. The whole point is to run the application as a user would in its own VM and environment, and validate that it is behaving itself - parsing command-line options correctly, exiting with the write status and hot-loading the right classes from the right plugin jars.
My current hack is to use apache-exec from within a junit test method. It appears to be working, but is quite fiddly to set up.
public void testCommandlineApp()
throws IOException
CommandLine cl = new CommandLine(resolveScriptNameForOS("./runme")); // add .sh/.bat
exec.setExitValues(new int[] { 0, 1, 2 });
int exitCode = exec.execute(cl);
assertEquals("Exit code should be zero", 0, exitCode);
Why not simply use a shell script, using the maven-exec-plugin to build your classpath?
STDOUT=$(mvn exec:java -DmainClass=yourMainClass --arg1 --arg2=value2)
# validate STDOUT
# validate RETURN_CODE
You can even use something like shunit2 if you prefer a more structured approach.