Cant get ngx-restangular working on ionic 4 project getting Error: Cannot find module "core-js/fn/object" [closed] - ngx-restangular

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Cant get restangular working on ionic 4 project getting
Error: Cannot find module "core-js/fn/object"
at Object.<anonymous> (
at __webpack_require__ (
at Object.364 (`enter code here`00:75)
at __webpack_require__ (
at Object.359 (
at __webpack_require__ (
at webpackJsonpCallback (

solved it by running
npm i core-js


Even I install tensorflow_federated, I cannot import it [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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How can I resolve this error?
I tried to uninstall and install Tensorflow and tensorflow_federated for several times but facing the same error again and again.

Odoo Error occured but Not showing error details [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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odoo Error has occured..But its not showing any error while clicking see details
how to solve this

Getting unexplainable error "Requiring unknown module '4'" [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I don't even know where to begin because i'm not requiring no such module.
I've tried to save every file in my project.
I've tried to reload my apps on expo
Im using a Samsung A10 E android phone to run this app with expo go
completely restart expo on both devices

I get an error when i build my project in kotlin [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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[![is anyone this how to fix this problem during build? please][1]][1]
when i build my project this error shows up and i dont know how to fix it someone would have a solution
Run your application with ./gradlew clean build command to see what's exactly wrong with your code. Just paste it into the Terminal in Android Studio.
The problem came from the build which bugged due to a version difference between the variant builds

I am trying to use native-base,after installing got this error [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am new to react-native.
After installing native-base third party library on my project got an error:
Unable to resolve "#expo/vector-icons/Fontisto" from "node_modules\native-base\dist\src\basic\IconNB.js".