select from a table with a list of case class values in where clause - squeryl

I have a val employees: List[Employee] and I need to query a table in a performant way, around these lines:
employees.foreach(employee => Select from employees_salary etable
where == and etable.salary < 50000)
I want to filter val employees who have salary < 50000 but I want to fire one single query to database using squeryl. As I am still learning squeryl, don't know how to do this. Your help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance for help

Assuming employees is your table mapping, ie: org.squeryl.Table[Employee], then you would just need to use squeryl's query syntax. In your case, ,it would look something like this:
from(employees)(etable =>
where(etable.salary lt 50000)
You can call toList on the above if you need the resultset as a List[Employee]


Fusion of two queries in active record rails

How could these two queries be merged in Rails 5?
.where(kind: "opening")
Event.where("cast(strftime('%w', starts_at) as int) = ?", date.wday)
.where(kind: "opening")
.where(weekly_recurring: true)
I need to take all these events in one query for performance.
Thanks for the help
If you want to combine results then
Event.where(starts_at: "opening").where("cast(strftime('%w', starts_at) as int) = ?", date.wday).where(kind: "opening").where(weekly_recurring: true)
If you want two separate results in one query, i dont think active records has such method.
I have always easier to write complex queries such as the one you need directly in SQL; It will be faster for you to write than trying to shoehorn it into ActiveRecord.
In your case, I would do something like this:
query = "starts_at between #{date.beginning_of_day} and #{date.end_of_day}
and kind = 'opening'
and weekly_recurring = true
and cast(strftime('%w', starts_at) as int) = #{date.wday}"
I find this approach easier and more maintanable.

Django Queries: related subquery

I have 3 Models: Offer, Request and Assignment. Assignment makes a connection between Request and Offer. Now I want to do this:
select *
from offer as a
where places > (
select count(*)
from assignment
where offer_id = and
to_date > "2014-07-07");
I am not quiet sure how to achieve this with a django QuerySet... Any tips?
Edit: The query above is just an example, how the query in general should look like. The django model looks like this:
class Offer(models.Model):
places = models.IntegerField()
class Request(models.Model):
class Assignment(models.Model):
from_date = models.DateField()
to_data = models.DateField()
request = models.ForeignKey("Request",related_name="assignments")
offer = models.ForeignKey("Offer",related_name="assignments")
People now can create a offer with a given amount of places or a request. The admin then will connect a request with an offer for a given time. This is saved as an assignment. The query above should give me a list of offers, which have still places left. Therefore I want to count the number of valid assignments for a given offer to compare it with its number of places. This list should be used to find a possible offer for a given request to create a new assignment.
I hope this describes the problem better.
Unfortunately related subqueries aren't directly supported by ORM operations. Usage of .extra(where=...) should be possible in this case.
To get the same results without using a subquery something like the following should work:
The exact query depends on the model definitions.
query = '''select *
from yourapp_offer as a
where places > (
select count(*)
from yourapp_assignment
where offer_id = and
to_date > "2014-07-07");'''
offers = Offer.objects.raw(query):

Query: getting the last record for each member

Given a table ("Table") as follows (sorry about the CSV style since I don't know how to make it look like a table with the Stack Overflow editor):
If using Ruby Sequel, how should I write my query so I will get the following dataset in return.
I get the most current (largest end date value) record for EACH (distinct) member from the original table.
I can get the answer if I convert the table to an Array, but I am looking for a solution in SQL or Ruby Sequel query, if possible. Thank you.
Extra credit: The title of this post is lame...but I can't come up with a good one. Please offer a better title if you have one. Thank you.
The Sequel version of this is a bit scary. The best I can figure out is to use a subselect and, because you need to join the table and the subselect on two columns, a "join block" as described in Querying in Sequel. Here's a modified version of Knut's program above:
require 'csv'
require 'sequel'
# Create Test data
DB = Sequel.sqlite()
field :id
String :member
String :data
String :start # Treat as string to keep it simple
String :end # Ditto
# That was all setup, here's the query
ds = DB[:mytable]
result = ds.join(ds.select_group(:member).select_append{max(:end).as(:end)}, :member=>:member) do |j, lj, js|
Sequel.expr(Sequel.qualify(j, :end) => Sequel.qualify(lj, :end))
puts result.all
This gives you:
{:id=>1, :member=>"001", :data=>"abc", :start=>"2012-12-01", :end=>"2999-12-31"}
{:id=>3, :member=>"002", :data=>"ghi", :start=>"2009-01-01", :end=>"2999-12-31"}
{:id=>4, :member=>"003", :data=>"jkl", :start=>"2012-01-01", :end=>"2012-10-31"}
In this case it's probably easier to replace the last four lines with straight SQL. Something like:
puts DB[
"SELECT a.* from mytable as a
join (SELECT member, max(end) AS end FROM mytable GROUP BY member) as b
on a.member = b.member and a.end=b.end"].all
Which gives you the same result.
What's the criteria for your result?
If it is the keys 1,3 and 4 you may use DB[:mytable].filter( :id => [1,3,4]) (complete example below)
For more information about filtering with sequel, please refer the sequel documentation, especially Dataset Filtering.
require 'csv'
require 'sequel'
#Create Test data
DB = Sequel.sqlite()
field :id
field :member
field :data
field :start #should be date, not implemented in example
field :end #should be date, not implemented in example
#Create Test data - end -
puts DB[:mytable].filter( :id => [1,3,4]).all
In my opinion, you're approaching the problem from the wrong side. ORMs (and Sequel as well) represent a nice, DSL-ish layer above the database, but, underneath, it's all SQL down there. So, I would try to formulate the question and the answer in a way to get SQL query which would return what you need, and then see how it would translate to Sequel's language.
You need to group by member and get the latest record for each member, right?
I'd go with the following idea (roughly):
FROM table t1
LEFT JOIN table t2 ON t1.member = t2.member AND t2.end > t1.end
Now you should see how to perform left joins in Sequel, and you'll need to alias tables as well. Shouldn't be that hard.

how to write django inner query sql?

how to write the sql bellow to django model sql language ?
select id,author_id from forum_node as answer_node where node_type='answer' and
'android' in (select tagnames from forum_node as question_node where
id=answer_node.parent_id );
could any one give help
Hard to say exactly without seeing you model classes, but selecting the relevant Forum_Node objects will look something like this:
Or, to get just the id and author_id:
).values_list('id', 'author_id')

Limit models to select

I have a database table called Event which in CakePHP has its relationships coded to like so:
var $belongsTo = array('Sport');
var $hasOne = array('Result', 'Point', 'Writeup', 'Timetable', 'Photo');
Now am doing a query and only want to pull out Sport, Point, and Timetable
Which would result in me retrieving Sports, Events, Points, and Timetable.
Reason for not pulling everything is due the results having 17000+ rows.
Is there a way to only select those tables using:
I have had a look at the API but can't see how its done.
You should set recursive to -1 in your app_model and only pull the things you require. never use recursive of 2 and is awesome.
just $this->Event->find('all', array('contain' => array()));
if you do the trick of recursive as -1 in app_model, this is not needed, if would just be find('all') like you have