How to save a string from a Telerik RadWatermarkTextbox - xaml

I have this line of code in my Setup.xaml file:
<telerik:RadWatermarkTextBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2" x:Name="IMAPServer" WatermarkContent=""/>.
When the user clicks on the box they can type the server they're using into it, but I'd like to be able to save the text in this box when they press a button to go to the next page, so I can save the server in a .JSON file. How do I do this? Do I need to create a function in my Setup.xaml.cs and call it in Setup.xaml?

I'm not familiar with that telerik TextBox but for a regular TextBox, you can bind the Text like so:
<TextBox Text="{Binding SomeProperty}" />
Then in your viewmodel class, you have the text saved to the "PropertyOnViewModel" property, which is a string.


Vertical alignment of content in TextBox (UWP)

does anyone know how to set text of textbox in vertical center of the box? I'm trying to make my universal app responsive, and textbox size adapts as it should, but I would need text in to be always in vertical center.
Thanks for all your time and help in advance!
My code:
FontFamily="Segoe UI Light"
d:LayoutOverrides="TopPosition, BottomPosition" />
There's a little more to it than that. Inside the template for TextBox are several elements. Including presenters for the placeholder text and a delete button etc.
You could add an attached property to target the embedded ScrollViewer and achieve most of what you want like this;
<TextBox ScrollViewer.VerticalContentAlignment="Center" ..../>
Except if you're using placeholder "watermark" text and stuff, you may have to make a copy of the template and vertical position everything in there.
Hope this helps, cheers.

CompositeCollection containing an ICollectionView

I'm trying to implement a tab control, where each item comes from an ICollectionView of my viewmodel. Each tab page, for the items from the ICollectionView will be the same. However, I would like there to be an extra tab page for configuration options.
So an example tab header 'screenshot' might be:
tabA | tabB | tabC | config
on another instance, it could be
tabA | config
I can define the header for each item using ItemTemplateSelectors, and the content using the ContentTemplateSelectors. So that bit should be okay.
I'm having trouble with adding the config page item since I do not know where to add it. I thought I could set the tab's ItemsSource to be a CompositeCollection, where the final item is the config page object. I have failed to achieve this.
In the following example, I can view the tab headers being populated correctly according to the designer sample data which I have set up - I have not yet added the config page.
<controls:MetroTabControl ItemsSource="{Binding View}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Value.siteDisplayName}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Value.siteComment}"/>
As you see, I have set the ItemsSource to be {Binding View}. This "View" comes from my ViewModel and is an ICollectionView.
Ideally i'd be able to do some magic like:
<CollectionContainer Collection="{Binding View}"/>
But the problem is that when I do the above, the designer preview of the control acts as if there are no items in the ItemsSource.
For reference, each item in the {Binding View} is a object which contains a Value property, the value property containing an object that contains, in this example, a siteDisplayName and siteComment.
For reference, the DataContext for the tab is defined the dockpanel that contains it, as follows.
<DockPanel DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource Configurator}}"
d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance cfuid:ConfigSiteVMSampleData, IsDesignTimeCreatable=true}"
For reference, the Configurator is my viewmodel and is instantiated in the xaml as:
<cfvmc:ConfigSiteVM x:Key="Configurator" />
So, the actual question would be:
How do I add my "config page" at the end of the tab control? Preferably via using the above-hoped method of adding an extra config-page object on the CompositeCollection; however if this is not possible [1] i'm open for suggestions.
[1] I think it doesn't work because the {Binding View} is an ICollectionView and the CompositeCollection requires a "collection" and doesn't accept a "view"
Thank you.
I decided to do it through code behind. This means that I do lose my ability to use the design-time data to preview my UI; but it works at run time.
So, in the xaml I have.
<controls:MetroTabControl Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"
Grid.Row="0" Grid.RowSpan="2"
ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=ucMe, Path=TabSitesCollection}">
Where ucMe is the UserControl and TabSitesCollection is a
protected CollectionViewSource m_TabSitesCollectionViewSource;
protected CompositeCollection m_TabSitesComposites;
public ICollectionView TabSitesCollection
get { return m_TabSitesCollectionViewSource.View; }
That gets initialised in the constructor as follows
public ConfigSiteView()
m_TabSitesComposites = new CompositeCollection();
m_TabSitesCollectionViewSource = new CollectionViewSource();
m_TabSitesCollectionViewSource.Source = m_TabSitesComposites;
Then, on the Loaded event I can do
m_TabSitesComposites.Add(new CollectionContainer() { Collection = GetModel.View });
m_TabSitesComposites.Add(new TabItem() { Header = "hi" });
m_TabSitesComposites.Add(new TabItem() { Header = "ho" });
This results in almost my desired UI
I now simply need to spiff up my settings tab item and i'm done.
For reference, the xaml designer does not have any preview data - Unless I change the xaml so that the preview loads up (which then breaks the actual execution)
It would have been nice to have it both work while running, and on preview, but I haven't figured out how to do that, and it's not a current priority.

Using x:Bind inside the GridView's ItemTemplate layout User Control in UWP

In the Universal Windows Platform API, how do I use x:Bind inside of a User Control (intended to be the layout for a GridView's ItemTemplate) to bind to instance properties of a GridView's ItemSource?
I'm trying to re-create the layout found in Windows 10 stock apps like Sports, News, Money, etc.
I'm using a two GridViews for the main area of the app; one for "featured articles" (2 large photos w/ headlines) and one for all the other articles (smaller photos w/ headlines).
I'm able to bind to a data source that I supply in the code behind (a List where NewsItem is a POCO with a Image and Headline property) Here's the pertinent parts of the MainPage.xaml:
<Page ...
xmlns:data="using:NewsApp.Models" />
<GridView Name="FeaturedItems" Grid.Row="0">
<DataTemplate x:DataType="data:NewsItem">
<Grid Name="mainPanel" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Width="500" >
<Image Source="{x:Bind Image}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
<TextBlock Text="{x:Bind Headline}" />
The Image and Headline bind just fine (even though they've not been styled correctly). However, instead I think I need to bind to a User Control to get the styling options I want, control over resizing esp. when using Visual State Triggers and to simplify the XAML in general (at least, this was the technique suggested to me.)
So, I added a new User Control to the project (FeaturedItemControl.xaml), and copied in the DataTemplate's child Grid:
<UserControl ... >
<Grid Name="mainPanel" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Width="500" >
<Image Source="{x:Bind Image}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
<TextBlock Text="{x:Bind Headline}" />
And then back in the MainPage.xaml, I change the DataTemplate to reference the new FeaturedItemControl:
<GridView Name="FeaturedItems" Grid.Row="0">
<DataTemplate x:DataType="data:NewsItem">
<local:FeaturedItemControl HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" />
However, I get the error message for both Image and Headline properties: Invalid binding path 'Headline': Property 'Headline' can't be found on type 'FeaturedItemControl'.
I've tried a few things but am flailing just throwing code at the problem without understanding what I'm doing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Using Depechie's answer, I formulated this little cheat cheat for posterity:
Do note that you MUST use this technique to utilize the VisualStateManager with items inside your data bound controls' (GridView, ListView) data templates.
1) Create a User Control.
2) Cut the content of the DataTemplate in your page and paste it into the User Control replacing the template's Grid.
3) Reference the User Control from inside the Data Template:
4) Modify the contents of the User Control changing x:Bind statements to utilize notation:
<Image Source="{x:Bind NewsItem.LeadPhoto}" />
<TextBlock Text="{x:Bind NewsItem.Headline}" />
<TextBlock Text="{x:Bind NewsItem.Subhead}" />
5) Add this in the User Control's Code Behind:
public Models.NewsItem NewsItem { get { return this.DataContext as Models.NewsItem; } }
public ContactTemplate()
this.DataContextChanged += (s, e) => Bindings.Update();
Well it's possible to use x:Bind in user controls, but you'll need to add some extra code behind.
I encountered the same problem in my project, you can see the result here :
So what you need to do is, create a property in the code behind of your user control that points to the correct DataContext.
If you do that, you can use properties of that DataContext in the xaml of your control: for example:
Do note that in the constructor of your control you do need to add: DataContextChanged += (sender, args) => this.Bindings.Update(); because the datacontext will change depending on the page where your control is used!
Then on the page where you are placing this control, you'll also need to do the same to enable the x:bind to work.
You'll see this in my example on the MainPage.DeviceFamily-Mobile.xaml and MainPage.xaml.cs files.
Hope this helps.
x:Bind isn't really hierarchical like Binding/DataContext is. Additionally when you're not directly inside a DataTemplate (such as inside your user control) the object that x:Bind tries to use is 'this' rather than 'this.DataContext'. My current line of thinking on how to solve this sort of issue is to try not to use UserControls anywhere. Instead preferring DataTemplates contained within a ResourceDictionary. There are some pretty strong caveats to this approach though, you will for example crash the xaml compiler if you use x:Bind inside a data template that was created from the ResourceDictionary item template (add new item). you can find a pretty complete example here its important to note in the sample where they show the ResourceDictionary being used that its not actually just a ResourceDictionary.xaml its also a ResourceDictionary.xaml.cs (this is where the generated code from x:Bind ends up)
Another option is to add Headline and Image as properties on your user control and x:Bind them from the template, then inside the user control x:Bind as you are currently doing, but now the x:Bind generated path 'this.Headline' will exist. Unfortunately the order things are actually bound means that the x:Bind's you have inside your user control will have to be OneWay rather than the default OneTime. this is because x:Bind OneTime does the bind inside the InitializeComponent call, and any set of properties/DataContext stuff doesn't get done until after that has already run.
So to sum this up, you have two options, use data templates everywhere, or bind to properties that are directly on the user control.

How to make button bound to ICommand enable/disable when text changes, as opposed to losing focus of TextBox

I have a Windows Store XAML app with a "Save" button, which points to an ICommand property in my ViewModel.
<Button Content="Save"
Command="{Binding DataContext.SaveNewNote, ElementName=grid, Mode=OneWay}"
CommandParameter="{Binding DataContext.CurrentItem, ElementName=grid}" />
on the propertychanged event of my Note model, that fires the CanExecutedChanged event - every time (every keystroke). However, this button will only enable/disable once I leave focus of one of the related textboxes.
In other words, there is a "Name" textbox. If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name.Text), then CanExecute is set to false. This seems to execute with every keystroke.
I would expect to see this bound Save button enable and disable with each keystroke. HOWEVER, instead, I see the button enable/disable only when I tab out of the textbox.
How can I get this bound button to respect the CanExecuteChanged event on every keystroke, instead of when the texbox loses focus?
The comments by #will and #patrick on the original post both had the correct answer. To do this, you must set the "UpdateSourceTrigger" to "PropertyChanged" and that gives the intended results.
<TextBox Grid.Row="1" PlaceholderText="Enter a short description here"
Text="{Binding NoteAbstract, Mode=TwoWay,

XAML button content changing based on VB variable

Beginner here. I want to create a button in XAML which has text based on a variable in VB. I have the variable set in VB with
Dim ButtonName1 = "Test"
What will I need to do to make the button content display ButtonName1?
It is really quite easy. Your Button has a Name Property that you can use to reference it in your code behind, note in this example it is Button1 you just need to assign your string to the Button's Content Property
<Button Content="Button" Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10,10,0,0" Name="Button1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" />
Dim ButtonName1 = "Test"
Button1.Content = ButtonName1