Can't get started with the Hello World Electron app example - syntax-error

I've gone through the "Your first Electron app" and followed this and other tutorials to get started, but once I use npm start or npm run start or electron . I always get an error message that I can't understand.
The code I used was copied from the Writing Your First Electron App | Electron Documentation tutorial.
I tried to run node index.js to maybe get a better error message, but it didn't help me.

I figured it was an encoding-issue in the end. I created my files using TotalEdit Pro as unicode-files, but node/electron seems to want UTF-8. Now it works.


Why development server doesn't open on new tab when I run 'npm start' in react-native?

I am quite new to react-native and was following youtube tutorial for learning purposes. I have created basic react-native app with expo init FirstProject. Everything is working fine but when I run npm start, development server does not open on new tab. In every tutorial when npm start is run, it starts development server like this development server. Thats not case for me, I have tried several solutions but none has worked me. I haven't changed any file at all, so I hope there is no purpose of sharing my App.js as it is default. I don't get any errors, but still development server doesn't open in new tab. This is what I get: My terminal after I run npm start. Help would be greatly appreciated.
The Web UI is no longer part of the expo-cli, it was removed in version 6.0.0. You are most likely watching tutorials that are using versions prior to that release.
If you would like to read more, here is the official post from Expo:

I am building an app using Expo but for some reason all of a sudden the 'npm' start command no longer works

I am fairly new to React Native. I am building a basic app using expo-cli. I don't have a deep understanding on how it works, but I've been following tutorials online on how to use it. Today, I was working on it and used 'npm start' command to launch the expo portal so I could demo my app on a virtual machine but it says it can no longer find the link to the .json file. Can someone please help me to get it working again.
Looks like you're one directory up? Try cd WhatsUp and then run npm start again.

undefined is not a function(evaluation 'object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(arguments[i])')

I'm trying to run an app which I take from git. I ran npm install and react-native run-android then it occurred an error:
I have found solution on Internet for 2 days but there is no result. Can anyone fix this error please?
There's an actual workaround for this, and it worked for me. Try to activate Debug Js Remotely on your developer options, Reload and your app will work. As I said it's a work around, but you can continue working on your app

Expo not publishing

When I try to publish my Expo apps, it seems to have problems with apps that have un-optimized assets. I try to run expo optimize on these but sometimes I can't get this to work so I try publishing anyway, from the browser console, and it never finishes. I tried this earlier today and it got through Optimizing assets... in the publish process, and then go stuck on Building Javascript Bundle. Right now I'm trying again and it appears to be stuck on Optimizing /Users/TuzMacbookPro2017/Development/QMG-local/APPS/ELECTRO/assets/electro-icon-1024.png.
Even with this un-optimized asset I can get through expo build:ios without any apparent problems.
Any solutions?
I had the same problem. Could not publish from the web console.
I am using: Expo SDK 35, expo-cli 3.1.0
I managed to publish the app from the command line at my project root.
first, run:
expo optimize
second run:
expo publish
When the process finishes, the cli will then output an URL that you can visit to check the published app.
Something like this:
I hope this helps.

React Native Example App does not run in Expo Snack

I'm learning React Native and trying to add a component to an Expo Snack for testing. I can't even get the example app to work though.
Is it something different about how Snacks work vs. a desktop development environment? I've encountered that type of difference using JSFiddle, for example.
I straight copy-pasted the code from the Github repo into and it gave me an error:
Device: (946:881) Unable to resolve module 'module://expo-font.js'
Evaluating module://expo-font.js
Evaluating module://react-native-numeric-input.js
Evaluating module://App.js
Loading module://App.js
I've gotten this error before, but I've never been able to figure out why. Is it an issue with the package, which was updated just 7 days ago, or something else? Please advise.
It may be due to missing of node modules in your project compared to the Github project. As the Stack.expo browser won't give us full freedom to install custom modules, I suggest you to download VS Code and open the Github project in it, then do "npm install" from cmd and "react-native run-android/ios".