OAuth2 Resource Owner Password Credentials with Dynamic Client registration - authentication

I am implementing login within a new native application (iOS and Android) and deciding on the kind of authentication to adopt. There are some quite clear guidelines around OAuth that state that this should be done using an external agent (browser) and this leads me to Authorization Code Grant with PKCE
Implementation here: https://appauth.io/
However, my designers and product owners are sceptical. They dont see that kind of login very much (they dont like the address bar) and want to explore the Resource Owner Password Credentials option. Essentially direct login. Their argument is that it is simple and familiar.
I dont want to compromise security and as such I am resisting this option. But... I have read some articles that seem to suggest that this could be secure if I dynamically generate the client used for the auth request:
The authorization server MUST NOT issue client passwords or other
client credentials to native application or user-agent-based
application clients for the purpose of client authentication. The
authorization server MAY issue a client password or other credentials
for a specific installation of a native application client on a
specific device.
This is backed up by AppAuth documentation here:
Am I interpreting this correctly? I am considering initial user registration in-app that returns an access token that can be used to dynamically generate a client (with secret) that can be used for login using ROPC.
I am thinking to be secure then this dynamically generated client should only be used for login for the single user - one client per user, but maybe one client per device is also secure enough.
It seems a little 'hand rolled', so I am nervous. Am I right to be so?


Questions about Native applications and openId Authorization code flow

I have a few concerns with an OpenId Connect strategy that I would like to use and have been unable to find specifics on what the security concerns may be and any glaring issues with it I am overlooking.
Currently, I have an OpenId Connect implementation using Openiddict with Authorization Code flow. For the client, I have a React-Native app using react-native-app-auth.
I see from other questions on SO and from issues posted on the Openiddict repo that the recommended approach to third-party providers (e.g. Google) is: Client -> Auth server -> Google Auth -> Auth server -> Client/Auth server code and token exchange
However, it seems that a better approach from a UX standpoint (when using a SPA or native app) would be to implement something similar to GoogleSignIn on the client and either handle the identity on the server using an IdToken or authorization code from Google. This introduces an issue as the flow previously recommended could not be used as the entire initial challenge and redirect from Auth server to Google Auth has been skipped.
I have seen that this issue is mitigated by not using the authorization code grant and instead implementing a custom assertion grant. This seems to be an alright approach but would require exposing a custom grant and handling the flow differently on the client and server for local and third-party logins.
My proposed solution continues to use the authorization code flow and instead of adding a custom grant type the client could just pass a third-party identifier "Google" and the token or authorization code in the additional parameters of the OIDC authorize request. The authorize endpoint could then detect the provider and token, perform token validation, create a user or principal from it, and create an authorization code to send back to the client for the code/token exchange. This flow would look like the following:
1. Get the id token from the provider Client -> GoogleSignIn -> Client
2. Pass token to auth server and initiate code / token exchange Client -> Auth Server -> Auth server Verify Google IdToken (JWKS, issuer, audience, provider specific validation, etc...) or exchange auth code -> Auth server -> Client/Auth server code and token exchange
One downside to this approach would be the additional hops to verify the token on the server side. If the token was returned from GoogleSignIn, they themselves said that it could be trusted. https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/openid-connect#obtainuserinfo
I see that it is generally recommended to place the auth server between the client and the third-party but in this process the server is still between the client and auth server but only after the initial exchange from the client and third-party.
In general am I missing something with this flow?
In this case would it be necessary to verify the token on the server side?
Is there some better way to approach this that I have completely overlooked?
Am I making this too complicated and UX should not be this much of a concern?
Instead of adding the provider and token to the additional parameters would it make more sense to pass it in the body of a post request? I don't see the issue with passing it via query string but that's also part of the reasoning for the authorization code grant from my understanding.
Apologies in advance for anything I have missed or omitted for brevity that should have been included.
I'm not sure I understand the UX problem - your existing architecture feels really good. If you want to login directly to Google, just send an acr_values=google query parameter in the authorization redirect, to bypass any authentication selection screens. The exact value will depend on how Openiddict represents the Google authentication option, and some providers use a non-standard parameter such as idp. Have a closer look at the OIDC request parameters.
A key OAuth goal is that the Authorization Server (AS) - Openiddict in your case - shields your apps from all of the provider differences and deals with their nuances and vendor specific behaviour. Your apps then also only receive one type of token, and only ever use simple code. As an example, the Curity AS supports all of these options, none of which requires any code in applications.
If a user is already signed in then it can, as you say, look unnatural to spin up the system browser and them it is dismissed immediately.
A common option is to show the consent screen or an interstitial page to keep the user informed - and the user clicks one extra button. This can also be useful for getting password autofill to work. My code example and blog post shows how this might look, though of course you can improve on my basic UX.
I find this term misleading, since refresh tokens are most commonly used when the user is there. Are you just asking how to deal with tokens in a mobile client? Aim for behaviour like this:
Standard messages for API calls with access tokens in an authorization bearer header
Standard refresh token grant messages to refresh access tokens - eg as in this code
Note also that mobile apps can save tokens to encrypted secure mobile storage that is private to the app. This can improve usability, eg by avoiding logins every time the app is restarted. You should think through scenarios such as stolen devices and token lifetimes though.

Storing client secret on client side

I'm using an external service called auth0 in order to get an access token and let my users use my api. Auth0 is using Oauth2 protocol.
In short The user adds a username and a password, I'm doing a call to auth0 by using a client_id (apps have an id) and client_secret and I get an jwt access token in return. Then from there I carry this access token to have access to my own api since I can check its validity.
I have been looking around about how secure it is to store client_id and client_secret on the client side (e.g. web (javascript)/mobile (native or hybrid with ionic)) and everybody was saying that it's not secure since everybody can reverse engineer the code and get the client_id and client_secret. Ok...I can take it...what Can I do with them if I don't have credentials in order to get the access token?
Given that I don't want to store the client_id and the client_secret, one solutions I have thought is to make a direct call to my api (Java) with the credentials and then my api make a call to auth0 and return the corresponding access token. In this way the client_id and client_secret is stored in the backend and somebody cannot get them easily. Is that safe?
However I have some endpoints, e.g. creating use account, sending sms for phone validation etc, that cannot have credentials. How do I protect the api in such case? If I can't store my own access token on the client side how could I get an access token and access my own api without credentials?
One possible solution that OAuth spec suggests is that you could have three different servers for your application.
backend server and an additional authentication server.
The preferred way of doing this would be that the client would send the user credentials to the authentication server. The authentication server would be a back-end server which contains the client secret
The authentication server will authenticate the credentials and return back the token.
The client will then use the token obtained from the authentication server to access the resource API server.
If you wanna know more check out this video
In my opinion you are almost certainly using the wrong OAuth flow. I use Auth0 with Ionic as both a web app and a native Cordova app. I don't have the client secret in my client code at all.
If you follow the Auth0 quickstarts (https://auth0.com/docs/quickstarts), you should be choosing (Native/Mobile App) if you are deploying to app stores, and (Single-Page App) if you are deploying the web version of Ionic. From there you can pick Cordova (for native) or Angular (for SPA). These should give you instructions that implement OAuth flows which DO NOT require your client secret. My guess would be you are referencing a "Regular Web App" quickstart, which runs server-side and CAN safely hold the client secret. That's not the world you're coding in if you are using Ionic Hybrid/Native.
I would consider wrapping the call to Auth0 into your own server side implementation as safe. Your API takes user credentials and then calls Auth0 and this way your client_id/secret are secure on your server and the client can be reverse-engineered all the way without compromising your security.
Regarding the other APIs which cannot have credentials you are pretty much out of luck. Their very use case is to be used by an unauthenticated third party, so at least the account creation API cannot really be protected. However you can still use some nicely designed constraints to limit the attack surface. E.g. you can require an email address/phone number to register and you will not allow the same address/phone number twice. If you set up your process that you first need to confirm your email address before you can validate your phone number this will make the life of an attacker a lot harder. He would need a real working email address, and some automation to receive your confirmation mails before he could get to call your SMS service. You could also rate-limit the service per IP-address so an attacker cannot cause your SMS cost to skyrocket by issuing a lot of calls for SMS validation in a short period of time.

Best practice for first-party auth in a native app

We have an auth infrastructure based on OAuth2 that is integrated into a variety of web apps within our organization. We also have a pure native application with no middle-ware of its own, and we want to integrate authentication into this native application. This application already has its own internal login mechanism with a native login screen, and we don't want to have it start launching external components like web browsers in order to display login windows. We are both the app provider and the auth provider, so the concern of the app having visibility into the user's credentials is less of an issue -- we trust ourselves to not intentionally do anything untoward with the user's credentials, and it's the same people writing a login form in the app as writing it on a web site. :-)
We are trying to figure out how best to support having the application continue to collect credentials the way it does now, but use them to obtain an auth token within our auth framework. With the APIs in place right now, the only way I can see for it to be done is to bake a Client Secret into the native app so that it can use a Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant request, since the code that would normally be making this call doesn't have a server side to live in. This feels really wrong, somehow. :-P
As far as I can see it, many of the structures of OAuth don't really apply to this app because it's not living in the context of a web browser, it doesn't have any concept of a "domain" nor any sort of "cross-domain" restrictions. It has been suggested that perhaps we create middleware for this app just for the purpose of exchanging authentication codes for tokens, but the rationale for that seems to be that this middleware theoretically ought to be able to somehow vet requests to determine whether they are legitimately from the application, and I don't see any way to do that that couldn't be faked by anyone with access to the client application code. Basically, the only purpose such middleware would serve would be to make the Client Secret irrelevant with respect to getting auth codes for credentials.
One thought that came to us was, how does something like Windows do it? Windows very obviously uses a native login form, but then some flow exists whereby the credentials that are entered are used for authentication and presumably, deep in the internals of the OS, for obtaining an auth token. Does anybody know if this architecture is documented anywhere? Does Microsoft's architectural choices here have any relation to OAuth2? What is the "best practice" for an application if you take it as a given that it doesn't have middleware and has its own native login form?
FWIW you don't need a client secret to use ROPC Grant to obtain or refresh tokens if the client is configured as a public client, i.e. a client that isn't capable of storing a secret.
RFC8252 OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps encourages using a native user agent for your scenario, using authorization code flows with PKCE. Authorization services like Okta and Auth0 have jumped onboard too, although they still recommend ROPC if the client is "absolutely trusted".
RFC6819 OAuth 2.0 Security discourages ROPC, but also says "Limit use of resource owner password credential grants to scenarios where the client application and the authorizing service are from the same organization", which are first-party apps.
So while the security verdict seems to be that authorization code+PKCE is the best practice, the UX hurdle of showing a user a browser window to log into a native app seem to be keeping ROPC alive. It's difficult to tell if that UX is jarring because people aren't used to it or because people can't get used to it.

Is OAuth 2.0 redundant/unnecessary if the client is the same as the resource owner?

In section 1.1 of RFC 6749, there are four roles: resource owner, resource server, client, and authorization server.
Does OAuth become redundant or unnecessary if the client and the resource owner are the same entity?
For example, I have a closed API and a front-facing web server. (The front-facing web server would be both the client and the resource owner.) I am trying to decide whether to switch to OAuth 2 authentication instead of using the current username/password authentication method. Is there any added security for moving to OAuth 2 if the API remains closed to third-party applications? (That is, no third-parties will ever have access to the API.)
In the case where the Resource Owner and Client/Resource Server roles coincide OAuth 2.0 may become less relevant from a security point of view, since one of the primary objectives of OAuth not to expose primary credentials of the user to the client becomes moot. That is also the reason why the so-called Resource Owner Password Credentials grant is considered to be a legacy/deprecated flow.
However, it may still make sense to follow the OAuth 2.0 pattern for a number of reasons:
the ability to leverage a standardized protocol through stock libraries and
frameworks without relying on custom code
the fact that in your case the Resource Server is still made strictly OAuth 2.0 compliant, dealing with Clients presenting access tokens, irrespective of what the Client/Resource Owner relationship/implementation is; this would make it easier to allow for 3rd-party client access in a future scenario
the fact that you concentrate verification of user credentials on a single path between Client and Authorization Server so each of your Resource Servers don't need to be bothered by checking user credentials individually, possibly dealing with different authentication mechanisms
and perhaps most importantly, also security-wise: once the user has authenticated through the Client using his primary credentials, the Authorization Server can issue a refresh token as well as an access token; the Client can store and use the refresh token to a new access token when the old one expires; this frees the Client from storing the primary user credentials if it wants to keep accessing the API for a long period of time without requiring explicit user interaction and authentication and makes the resulting system less vulnerable for leakage/loss of user credentials since the user credentials (password) are not stored in the Clients
If you have the following issue then you should use OAuth;
Let's say you a Gmail like web mail provider. Some of your users are using a third party app which logs in into your user's account and auto replies certain emails for you. Or you are Facebook like social network web site where some of your users use a third party app which analyzes your friend networks and prints a 2D graph for you. In this case your users are giving away their usernames and passwords. How would they prevent a certain third party app accessing their account after they gave away their username and password? Simply by changing their password. Now you have another problem; other third party apps won't be able to access the user's account. Then the user have to re-give away his password to other apps he trusts. Now this is problem too because it is not user friendly. OAuth is simply a temporary password that your user gives away to a third party app developer. He can revoke it whenever he wants without changing his own password.
Other than that OAuth is unnecessary. Just use a session cookie if you are not going to have third party app developers. It is a random string stored in user side. And on the server side will have whatever you want. Just look how PHP sessions are used and stored on server side. You can define their lifespan and refresh time automatically from php.ini.

Security for "Private" REST API

I am currently developing a web application that is right now comprised of a front end which displays and interacts with the data using a REST API we have written. The only thing that will ever use the API is our front end website, and at some point a mobile app that we will develop.
I have done a lot of reading about how OAuth is the ideal mechanism for securing an API and at this point I am starting to have a good understanding of how it works.
My question is -- since I am never granting access to my API to a third-party client, is OAuth really necessary? Is there any reason it is advantageous? Furthermore, because the back end is simply the API, there is no gateway for a user to authenticate from (like if you were writing an app using the Twitter API, when a user authenticates they would be directed to the Twitter page to grant to access then redirected back to the client).
I am not really sure which direction to go in. It seems like there must be some approach halfway between http authentication and OAuth that would be appropriate for this situation but I'm just not getting it.
From my point of view, one of the scenarios that favor OAuth over other options is to work with untrusted clients, no matter if these are developed by you or a third party.
What's an untrusted client? Think from the point of who handles the credentials that grant access to your API.
For example, your web application could interact with your API in two falvors:
Your web app server side talks to your API. Your web app server is a trusted client because the credentials to access your API can only be access by whom have access to the server...You and your team. You could authenticate your web app server with a client_id and a client_secret.
You may want to make calls directly to your API from your Web app client, which runs on the end user's browser using JavaScript. The end user's browser is an untrusted client. If you were to deliver the credentials to your API down to the browser, anyone could check the JavaScript code and steal your credentials.
A third party Native App is also untrusted. A malicious developer that uses your API could save the credentials of and end user of your platform.
Your Native App is a trusted client and could manage the authentication with a simple username , password and a client id identifying your App.
How can OAuth help? OAuth Authorization code and Implicit grants can help you with this issue. These flows only work with clients that support a redirect, like a browser. And let you authenticate an untrusted client and a user against your Authorization Server to gain access to your Resource Server, your API, without exposing the credentials. Take a look at the RFC to see how it is done.
The good thing of OAuth is that it not only supports these redirect based authentication flows, but it also supports client credentials grant and user credentials grant. So an OAuth Authorization Server would cover all cases.
OAuth 2.0 originally seems like a PITA if you think about having to build a lot of it yourself, but most languages have some really solid OAuth 2.0 setups which you can just bolt in with varying amounts of fiddling. If you're using a framework like Laravel or RoR then it's barely any work.
PHP: http://oauth2.thephpleague.com/
Ruby (Rails or Grape): https://github.com/doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper
If you don't want to redirect users as suggested in your post then ignore other comments and answers that talk about two legged flows. You can use the client_credentials grant type to have apps just provide their client id and secret in return for an access token, which is nice and easy.
I would ask how private are we talking, because if the only systems talking to it are within the backend and have no interaction with the outside world you could probably leave it wide open and just rely on the network to keep it safe (VPN/Firewall).
But if it's private in the sense of "our iPhone app uses it" then you definitely want to go with OAuth 2.0, or something like it.
2 legged OAuth is probably what you want to use. It's basically hashing a shared key, but you have the advantage of not having to write the code yourself.
Here's a related question: Two-legged OAuth - looking for information
You should use Oauth for mobile device to API layer communication.
However, there is no benefit of Oauth in this web UI layer to middle-layer access (machine to machine).
On the other hand there are some potential issues
Managing the access token expiry becomes a pain. Consider that your UI has to cache the access token across multiple nodes in a cluster. Refresh it when expired, and the fact that UI layer is negotiating security with backend will just take extra time once in a while.
In two legged Oauth (OAuth Client Credential as in v2.0) does not support any encryption. So you still need to send key and secret both to the server for getting an access token.
Backend has to implement issuing access token, refresh token, validating access token etc, without any significant benefit