Odoo - Bulk Update Product Variant Internal ID - odoo

I am working with odoo community edition 11 and have been looking for the correct way to bulk import internal reference numbers for product variants.
I have attempted to export the data in a usable format however each time I am able to get the necessary fields, the product variants are duplicated in the export. In the image below you can see that each product in this case is shown twice.
With approximately 1800 variant products currently, this issue isn't something that's a simple workaround. And this number is expected to increase dramatically over the next few weeks.
I'm looking for guidance on how to get the initial export of all product variants with no assigned internal reference to function properly.
The fields I need to be able to bring down is the product ID (reference for import) the internal reference (or blank) and the variant attributes assigned to that particular product variant.
Any assistance in pushing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
** Output from first answer below:

Go to Inventory > Master data > Product variants, select a product and got to action>export, select radio button Export all Data. Select columns 'Display name, Internal Reference, ID', then choose save export and save the export with any name. Now cancel the export, select all product variants, go to export again and this time keep 'Import compatible' selected, choose that saved export from earlier.
You will have exported list of product variants with column Full name which contains 'variant attributes' in it. and you can import this modifying the Internal reference column.
For example, check this from a new demo database in odoo:


Adding new product with category tree - specific price problems

I installed an add-on for bulk action (called ba_importer v 1.1.24), I upload an Excel file with my data and create a group of products.
I can set the categories' tree or manually add ID of main categories and associated. I tried with no luck to use the tree features (like Home/Products/etc) and so I use all the ID of main category and all the associated. The result is a product with the correct categories set, but with no specific price from the customer group linked to a category.
I tried to edit a single product, remove all categories and set it one by one (set one, save, set one, save etc.) and then the specific price from the group linked to a category appears to the product.
Is there a better solution? I'm thinking about make a personal PHP page that reads an Excel file and sets all the information about the product, but I'm scared to face the same problem with the specific price. 
There is no such thing as "category-related specific price",
if you have specific prices tied to customer groups , these are created as a result of the add/update product action with ps_specific_price DB entries having id_group with your restricted ID.
It is likely that the bulk module acts directly with DB queries to speed up things and bypasses this operation, I've seen this behaviour with those kind of modules in the past.
Since you are talking of a paid add-on, I would definitely seek help from the developer.

How to know which field from a table receives a variable?

I'm starting with SAPB1 and when I'm trying to set my file to import products to the inventory I've a field (select list) that's need to be filled, but I can't find what and where it is stored since on system information shows "form=150 pane=6 variable=82".
I still have no access to the development tools. How can I find where's stored, and what data is in the variable depending on the selected choice?
If you are referring to the Batch number / Serial number combo box?
I could not find the actual variable in the OITM table.
But you can see that:
If the item is managed by Batch number, the field OITM.ManBtchNum = Y.
If it is Serial number managed, the field OITM.ManSerNum = Y.
Hope it helps.

SQL mass updates on Volusion

Right now I am trying to update a field for a lot of products using SQL on Volusion but I can't seem to get it right.
I am trying to update the Package Type to UPS Package for every product but when I update it this way, it just adds another option on the drop down list titled the exact same thing
I imagine what I should be doing is changing things around so that instead of updating every product I'm making every product choose UPS Package from the existing menu? If I manually change a product to UPS Package (correctly) then export all product data the field is displayed as just a '2' on the spreadsheet, but I also can't just put a '2' in on the mass update.
Thanks in advance
Its the space before the SET value that is causing this, which you would need in order to keep this on the same line (otherwise this becomes products_joinedSET). This was a correction made to any SQL that can be run in a store that was made back in mid November. So any queries with a SET value will need a line break in order to remove that space between the table name and the SET.
UPDATE Products_Joined
SET Package_Type = 'UPS Package' WHERE ProductPrice = '0'
Of course, if you want to change ALL your products to UPS Package and have products that are more than $0.00 then you'll need to remove WHERE ProductPrice = '0'

SQL query to change text on export, but not in database

I was wondering if there is a way to write an SQL query that would change text upon export but not in the database.
For example:
I have a query that exports a .csv file with prices and quantities for selling products online. Then I manually change a few products prices to cover online fees and then upload the file. What I would like to accomplish is having this built into the query so I can have it update automatically but I do not want the price to be changed in my database.
Is this possible?
Thanks, and let me know if you'd like additional clarification.
You can manually modify the select without affecting the data in the database. For example, if ordering shoes adds a 15% online fee, you could do the following:
CASE WHEN [ProductType] = 'Shoes' THEN Price * 1.15 ELSE Price END AS OnlinePrice
If that doesn't help, can you provide a more concrete example of what you're trying to achieve?

Prestashop - Product default combination doesn't want to save

I'm relatively new with working with Prestashop and I cannot fix one problem.
After deleting one combination for a product new default combination doesn't want to save and therefore the price showing on the website is not correct.
Any ideas how to fix it?
It might be possible that the combination that you have deleted is a default combination, you can try the following steps to set another default combination.
Open table ps_product_attribute and filter the rows with product ID of the product you want to edit. You will see a column default_on in this table, just edit it to 1 for the combination you want to set as default.
Experienced exactly the same problem (Prestashop 1.6.23) - the default product combination did not want to save.
In debug mode received an error stating the "default_on" field was already set for this product.
Solved it by opening the database table "ps_product_attribute" and searched via the product ID. Deleted the old combinations manually (which were not displayed at the back-end anymore and not in use). Then I was able to set the default combination again.
Sidenote: in our Prestashop setup (with a custom theme) the price was showing as 0 EUR (front-end) before getting the default combination to save again.