Opened this file in Blender.
Trying to delete a bottom part with a Knife, then with a Plane, but nothing works. For example I've tried hints from here, from this tutorial
When I used a Plane to cutt off a bottom, after the fourth step nothing happened (tried to press Apply button as well):
this is the result of the 4th step.
Are you trying to cut it flat on the bottom?
A few ways that I can think of are:
--Go to front orthographic view, go to wireframe mode, and in edit mode, press B(box select) and select how much you want to cut off from the mesh.
--Create a cube (not a plane) that covers what you want to cut off, and on the crater surface add the boolean modifier and instead of intersect, change it to difference, and set the Object to the cube.
example of boolean modifier:
--Create a line and use knife project, and enable "cut through", this will cut this line through the mesh from the angle that you are looking at it.
-- You could also use the bisect option in the tools tab, which will cut a line all the way around your object. Just click at the start point, and drag it out.
--To ensure a flat bottom, go to front orthographic, wireframe, select the bottom part, and hit "S" (scale), "Z" (z axis), and "0"
Bisect tool:
Hope one of these ways works, and good luck!
Writing to code to format a chart (all of which should be done by Microsoft, but that’s separate).
Am now positioning the legend. Taking a 9×9 block of possible positions, and counting the data points underneath each. As a fragment of the code: (ax.MaximumScale - ax.MinimumScale) * co.Chart.Legend.Width / co.Chart.PlotArea.InsideWidth.
Also coping with lines underlapping and text boxes overlapping the possible legend positions: same idea, more complexity.
Obviously, all this works better if the legend is as small as possible, as that gives a greater likelihood of finding a location with zero ’lapping.
If .Legend.Width is too small, then the individual legend texts (the Series.Name’s) wrap onto ≥2 lines, which isn’t wanted. So VBA could interval bisect to find the smallest .Legend.Width for which there isn’t line wrapping. But how can the VBA code ‘see’|‘detect’|‘know’ of the existence of the line wrapping?
And mutatis mutandis for .Legend.Height: if that’s too small, some legend entries aren’t shown. How can the VBA code ‘see’|‘detect’|‘know’ that a height is too small?
Thank you.
PS: I expect that the correct answer is that “VBA cannot ‘see’|‘detect’|‘know’ either of these.” Please refute this expectation.
If you create your own legend, using a text box, you have better options when it comes to sizing and flow control. This will create a new set of challenges, but it might be easier to handle.
I feel like that drag = cut & paste, drag with command = copy & paste. Is that correct?
If you mean that "simple" dragging an element from a place to another (let's say from shape to color, or from rows to columns) produce a sort of cut&paste in terms of "cut from original position and pase in final position", yes it's correct.
In the same way, holding Command (in Mac OS) or Ctrl (in Windows), will duplicate your element from its position to the final position.
This is something similar to copy&paste you're referring to.
In IntelliJ IDEA, when I have a vertically split window and I bring up "Search Anywhere" (SHIFT SHIFT) to jump to a new file, the file always appears in the left-hand split, even if my cursor is in the right-hand split.
How do I get the new file to open in the right-hand split?
Note that I'm using IdeaVim and I'm creating the initial vertical split by typing :vsp.
If you set up the right pane via right-click: Split Vertically, it works.
There must be an issue with :vsp.
(IDEA v14.0.2)
I want to be able to select some text, hit a keystroke that pastes what is on the clipboard over that selection, but at the same time copying that selection to the clipboard. I often find myself doing this operation when switching variables, etc from place to place.
First sentence here, I need to switch it with the second sentence below. (ctrl-c)
Second sentence here, I am going to put this where the first one is.
First sentence here, I need to switch it with the second sentence below.
First sentence here, I need to switch it with the second sentence below. (ctrl-"vc" after selecting second sentence, first sentence pasted, second sentence copied now)
Second sentence here, I am going to put this where the first one is. (ctrl-v)
First sentence here, I need to switch it with the second sentence below.
My question
Does anyone know if any IDE/software supports such a paste/copy functionality? Has anyone ever run into this?
More specifically, does any one know how to set up a keyboard shortcut to do this in sublime text 2?
You can do it with a plugin. I threw this together rather quickly. I don't do anything special for multiple cursors (though it should take the content of multiple cursors as well as paste to all the proper locations).
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class PasteAndCopyCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
current_content = []
cursors = view.sel()
for cursor in cursors:
for cursor in cursors:
view.replace(edit, cursor, sublime.get_clipboard())
After you save the plugin, use paste_and_copy as the the command for your key binding or command palette entry.
I have a notebook with various sections which I would like to contract (i.e show only the title of the section/subsection etc...) and expand as needed to reveal more or less of the content of the various parts (as done in the help section of Mathematica for instance).
I see the function OpenerView creates the icon but appears not to be suited for the purpose.
How do I accomplish that?
From the menu, try "Format->Option Inspector" and select "Selected Notebook" from the drop-down menu. Then in the search box type "opener", and make sure the "ShowGroupOpener" is checked. Then put the parts of your document into "Sections", "Subsections" etc. using the "Format->Style" menu options.
The blue brackets on the right side of the page are cell brackets. They show you want can or will be collapsed. Double click the one that surrounds the block you wish to collapse, or select the section and press: Ctrl+'
If you wish to expand or collapse all of the sections within a section or notebook, select the range you want to affect (Ctrl+a to select all), then use:
Ctrl+Shift+[ to open
Ctrl+Shift+] to close
In the menu Cell>Grouping if Manual Grouping rather than Automatic Grouping is selected, then the sections you want to collapse may not actually be grouped. You can see what is grouped or not, by the blue brackets on the right side of the Notebook. This is what I attempted to allude to above. If you change the setting to Automatic Grouping, or group the cells manually using Ctrl+Shift+g, you should see the brackets indicate the group, and the commands above should work.
If you refer to this post,
it will likely have your answer. To enter the expression for the cell, use Cell | Show Expression. There you can turn on the ShowGroupHeader option.