Why integration bus executes 3 times on CreateObject event and why sitename is null during outgoing synchronisation in Kentico? - sap

I've installed a fresh new version of Kentico v12 and i'm using the basic goat template.
I would like to be able to synchronize the creation of users and updating of personal informations of those users in the frontend application with a SAP webservice.
I've added a new custom field in the user object "SAPID" and created a connector to manage the synchronization with SAP webservices.
Here is my poc code:
public class CMSIntegrationConnector : BaseIntegrationConnector
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the connector name.
/// </summary>
public override void Init()
// Initializes the connector name (must match the code name of the connector object in the system)
// GetType().Name uses the name of the class as the ConnectorName
ConnectorName = GetType().Name;
SubscribeToObjects(TaskProcessTypeEnum.AsyncSimple, PredefinedObjectType.USER);
public override IntegrationProcessResultEnum ProcessInternalTaskAsync(GeneralizedInfo infoObj, TranslationHelper translations, TaskTypeEnum taskType, TaskDataTypeEnum dataType, string siteName, out string errorMessage)
if (siteName == "DancingGoat")
if (infoObj.TypeInfo.ObjectType == PredefinedObjectType.USER.ToString())
if (taskType == TaskTypeEnum.CreateObject)
EventLogProvider.LogInformation("Connector", "CreateUser", "User created on SAP !!!!!");
UserInfo user = infoObj.MainObject as UserInfo;
// Call SAP webservice
user.SetValue("SAPID", Guid.NewGuid());
else if (taskType == TaskTypeEnum.UpdateObject)
EventLogProvider.LogInformation("Connector", "CreateUser", "User updated on SAP !!!!!");
// Call SAP webservice
catch (Exception ex)
EventLogProvider.LogException("Connector", "CreateUser", ex);
errorMessage = ex.Message;
return IntegrationProcessResultEnum.Error;
errorMessage = null;
return IntegrationProcessResultEnum.OK;
Here is a dump of the values of parameters I get when I debug on a createobject event:
I have 2 issues.
Why the parameter sitename is null ?
Why it's executed 3 times successively on each CreateObject event ?
I've checked this post: Kentico 12 DancingGoat MVC SiteName is empty or null
Adding "localhost" in the domain alias of the site didn't work.
Thank you by advance !

With the comment of Enn I understood that my problem came from this instruction "UserInfoProvider.SetUserInfo(user);"
I subscribed to apply a logic on any new User objects and update it again in the logic, that's why I it was executed more than once.
To solve it, I applied the proposition of Michal
using (CMSActionContext context = new CMSActionContext())
context.LogWebFarmTasks = false;
context.LogEvents = false;
context.LogExport = false;
context.LogIntegration = false;
context.LogSynchronization = false;
UserInfo user = infoObj.MainObject as UserInfo;
user.SetValue("SAPID", Guid.NewGuid());
Thank you !


Multiple Auth Handlers / Forwarding

Can anyone explain in simple terms what the 'forwarding' concept means in AspNetCore authentictation ? In the source code, comments on AuthenticationSchemeOptions class explain that the ForwardAuthenticate property is "If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward AuthenticateAsync calls to"... What exactly does that mean ? In what secnario would this happen ?
According to your source codes, you could find, it just remove the previous scheme and use the Forward scheme to authenticate the user.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scheme">The scheme to forward. One of ForwardAuthenticate, ForwardChallenge, ForwardForbid, ForwardSignIn, or ForwardSignOut.</param>
/// <returns>The forwarded scheme or <see langword="null"/>.</returns>
protected virtual string? ResolveTarget(string? scheme)
var target = scheme ?? Options.ForwardDefaultSelector?.Invoke(Context) ?? Options.ForwardDefault;
// Prevent self targetting
return string.Equals(target, Scheme.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal)
? null
: target;
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task<AuthenticateResult> AuthenticateAsync()
var target = ResolveTarget(Options.ForwardAuthenticate);
if (target != null)
return await Context.AuthenticateAsync(target);
// Calling Authenticate more than once should always return the original value.
var result = await HandleAuthenticateOnceAsync() ?? AuthenticateResult.NoResult();
if (result.Failure == null)
var ticket = result.Ticket;
if (ticket?.Principal != null)
Logger.AuthenticationSchemeNotAuthenticatedWithFailure(Scheme.Name, result.Failure.Message);
return result;
The usage for this is, if one of the old existing scheme is should be replaced by a new one, by using this option could avoid a lot of code changing.

User getting created before custom user validator runs in Identity core

I am using identity core for user management in .net core 3.1 web api. Now, I want to check the users email for something and if it meets the requirement only then he will be created. The code below tells a lot about what I want to achieve
I have a custom user validator as below:
public class CustomEmailValidator<TUser> : IUserValidator<TUser>
where TUser : User
public Task<IdentityResult> ValidateAsync(UserManager<TUser> manager,
TUser user)
User userFromEmail = null;
userFromEmail = manager.FindByEmailAsync(user.Email).Result;
if (userFromEmail == null)
return Task.FromResult(IdentityResult.Success);
return Task.FromResult(
IdentityResult.Failed(new IdentityError
Code = "Err",
Description = "You are already registered with us."
I add the validator in my startup as below:
services.AddDbContext<DataContext>(x => x.UseSqlite(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection")));
IdentityBuilder builder = services.AddIdentityCore<User>(opt =>
opt.User.RequireUniqueEmail = false;
opt.User.AllowedUserNameCharacters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789._-";
opt.Password.RequireDigit = true;
opt.Password.RequiredLength = 6;
opt.Password.RequireNonAlphanumeric = true;
opt.Password.RequireUppercase = true;
opt.Password.RequireLowercase = true;
builder = new IdentityBuilder(builder.UserType, typeof(Role), builder.Services);
As can be seen, I want to use the default user validation and my custom validation too. The problem being the user gets created right after the default validation and the email always turns out as exists in my custom validation. I don't really want to override my default validations.
Creating the user as below:
public async Task<IActionResult> Register(UserForRegisterDto userForRegister)
var userToCreate = _mapper.Map<User>(userForRegister);
var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(userToCreate, userForRegister.Password);
if (result.Succeeded)
var roleresult = await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(userToCreate, "Member");
return Ok(roleresult);
return BadRequest(result.Errors);
Note This is not my actual use case. I know I can check for unique email in my default validation by making opt.User.RequireUniqueEmail = true. This is just to clear a concept for further development.
Update After further debugging, I see that the custom validation method is called twice. Once before user creation and once after creation for some reason. I insert a new unique email and the custom validation passes success and after user creation, custom validation is called again and find the email registered already and throws an error message. This is weird
Found out that AddToRoleAsync was calling the custom validator again and was finding the user present in the table. Had to include a check whether the user found in the table with the same email is the same as user getting getting updated.
Code below:
public class CustomEmailValidator<TUser> : IUserValidator<TUser>
where TUser : User
public Task<IdentityResult> ValidateAsync(UserManager<TUser> manager,
TUser user)
User userFromEmail = null;
userFromEmail = manager.FindByEmailAsync(user.Email).Result;
if (userFromEmail == null)
return Task.FromResult(IdentityResult.Success);
else {
if(string.Equals(userFromEmail.Id, user.Id))
return Task.FromResult(IdentityResult.Success);
return Task.FromResult(
IdentityResult.Failed(new IdentityError
Code = "Err",
Description = "You are already registered with us."
This should help a lot of people

log4net smtpappender custom email recipients

I am able to use log4net to send logging information to an email address using the smtpappender and a Gmail account in a VB solution (Visual Studio 2010). The recipient is configured in the log4net config file, however I would like to be able to change the recipient email address dynamically.
Is it possible without having to write a custom smtpappender?
Wether the answer is yes or no, please give me an example, preferably in VB.
It's not possible, the current SmtpAppender won't allow it. But you're lucky, the SendBuffer in the SmtpAppender can be overridden, so you can easily add some behavior to it. I think your best bet is to use the LoggingEvent properties to set the recipient:
public class MySmtpAppender : SmtpAppender
protected override void SendBuffer(log4net.Core.LoggingEvent[] events)
var Recipients = events
.Where(e => e.Properties.Contains("recipient"))
.Select(e => e.Properties["recipient"])
var RecipientsAsASingleLine = string.Join(";", Recipients.ToArray()); // or whatever the separator is
var PreviousTo = To;
To = RecipientsAsASingleLine;
To = PreviousTo;
You may want to change the way to select recipients, your call.
edit The tool recommended by stuartd works quite well (well, it is quite a simple class, but still):
Public Class MySmtpAppender
Inherits SmtpAppender
Protected Overrides Sub SendBuffer(events As log4net.Core.LoggingEvent())
Dim Recipients = events.Where(Function(e) e.Properties.Contains("recipient")).[Select](Function(e) e.Properties("recipient")).Distinct()
Dim RecipientsAsASingleLine = String.Join(";", Recipients.ToArray())
' or whatever the separator is
Dim PreviousTo = [To]
[To] = RecipientsAsASingleLine
[To] = PreviousTo
End Sub
End Class
it is possible. see my answer in this question - copied code below
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Mail;
using log4net.Layout;
using log4net.Core;
using log4net.Appender;
namespace SampleAppendersApp.Appender
/// <summary>
/// Simple mail appender that sends individual messages
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This SimpleSmtpAppender sends each LoggingEvent received as a
/// separate mail message.
/// The mail subject line can be specified using a pattern layout.
/// </remarks>
public class SimpleSmtpAppender : AppenderSkeleton
public SimpleSmtpAppender()
public string To
get { return m_to; }
set { m_to = value; }
public string From
get { return m_from; }
set { m_from = value; }
public PatternLayout Subject
get { return m_subjectLayout; }
set { m_subjectLayout = value; }
public string SmtpHost
get { return m_smtpHost; }
set { m_smtpHost = value; }
#region Override implementation of AppenderSkeleton
override protected void Append(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string t = Layout.Header;
if (t != null)
// Render the event and append the text to the buffer
RenderLoggingEvent(writer, loggingEvent);
t = Layout.Footer;
if (t != null)
MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage();
mailMessage.Body = writer.ToString();
mailMessage.From = m_from;
mailMessage.To = m_to;
if (m_subjectLayout == null)
mailMessage.Subject = "Missing Subject Layout";
StringWriter subjectWriter = new StringWriter(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
m_subjectLayout.Format(subjectWriter, loggingEvent);
mailMessage.Subject = subjectWriter.ToString();
if (m_smtpHost != null && m_smtpHost.Length > 0)
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = m_smtpHost;
catch(Exception e)
ErrorHandler.Error("Error occurred while sending e-mail notification.", e);
override protected bool RequiresLayout
get { return true; }
#endregion // Override implementation of AppenderSkeleton
private string m_to;
private string m_from;
private PatternLayout m_subjectLayout;
private string m_smtpHost;
You can use log4Net.GlobalContext class.
<appender name="SmtpLogAppender" type="log4net.Appender.SmtpAppender">
<to type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="%property{SenderList}"/>
C# Code
GlobalContext.Properties["SenderList"] = "abc#xyz.com, def#xyz.com";
It is possible, to a certain degree, to get dynamic recipient.
In the SMTP appender the replacements for To, CC, From etc is done during configuration. Not ideal (would be best if it were to calculate the values at every send) but still workable.
Re-configuring the logging is not free but is doable programatically. You can set your To field as such :
<to type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="SomeAccountThatReceivesAll#yourCorp.com%property{MailRecipient}" />
then in your code you can set a comma separated list of recipient like this :
log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["MailRecipient"] = "SomeOtherAccount#yourCorp.com,YourCorpSupportForThisApp#yourCorp.com";
the important bit is that you force a re-configuration AFTER you set these values. The exact syntax will depend on your config strategy, we use a central config file for all the logging so in C# it would look like this :
and voila ! Dynamic recipient without any custom appenders !
Personally I would prefer the custom appender, less hackish as it does not require constant re-configuring if you need to change them often. But if you only need the 10 minute fix and the config for recipient does not change once started then I found this to be good enough.

Using Enterpise Library 6 Exception Handling Application Block with WCF?

I have these three packages loaded to my WCF service project:
EnterpriseLibrary.Common Version 6.0.1304.0
EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling 6.0.1304.0
EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling.WCF Version 6.0.1304.0
Here is the service interface and MyTestFault DataContract:
public interface IRepairService
string SaveRepairCode(string failureCode, string description);
public class MyTestFault
#region Member Fields
private string _message = "An unexpected error occured while executing the service method.";
#region Properties
public string Message
get { return _message; }
set { _message = value; }
#region Constructor(s)
public MyTestFault() { }
Here is the implementation of the service:
public class RepairService : IRepairService
#region Private members
private WimDAL wimDAL;
ExceptionManager exManager;
#region Constructor(s)
public RepairService()
wimDAL = new WimDAL();
var testPolicy = new List<ExceptionPolicyEntry>
new ExceptionPolicyEntry(
new IExceptionHandler[]
new FaultContractExceptionHandler(
"SqlException Occurred.",
new NameValueCollection(){ { "Message", "Message" }})
new ExceptionPolicyEntry(
new IExceptionHandler[]
new FaultContractExceptionHandler(
"Exception Occurred.",
new NameValueCollection(){ { "Message", "Message" }})
var policies = new List<ExceptionPolicyDefinition>();
policies.Add(new ExceptionPolicyDefinition(
"TestPolicy", testPolicy));
exManager = new ExceptionManager(policies);
/// <summary>
/// Insert a new fail code with description into RPCODE.
/// Duplicate primary key will throw SqlException that should be processed by EHAB
/// </summary>
public string SaveRepairCode(string failureCode, string description)
using (TransactionScope txScope = new TransactionScope())
WimSQLCommand sc = new WimSQLCommand() { StoredProcedure = "Repair.RPCODE_Insert" };
sc.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#FailureCode", failureCode));
sc.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#Desc", description));
exManager.Process(() => wimDAL.Execute_NonQueryNoReturn(sc), "TestPolicy");
return "<Save_Repair_Code></Save_Repair_Code>";
Now, I have a TestClient console application that is part of the same project that has a reference to the project and a service reference. From there I call the SaveRepairCode() method and try to catch the specific fault exception like so:
ServiceReference1.RepairServiceClient r = new ServiceReference1.RepairServiceClient();
Console.WriteLine("Enter a new repair code:");
string repairCode = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter description:");
string description = Console.ReadLine();
r.SaveRepairCode(repairCode, description);
catch (FaultException<MyTestFault> ex)
//do something
catch (FaultException fex)
//do something
Finally, I run the console app and try to save a duplicate repair code. I know through debugging that this causes the SqlException to occur. After I step over the SqlException, I see the "FaultContractWrapperException was unhandled by user code" exception and it has the message I specified in the policy of "SqlException occurred.". When I step over that I get back to the client and see this error:
CommunicationException was unhandled
The server did not provide a meaningful reply; this might be caused by a contract mismatch, a premature session shutdown or an internal server error.
PS - this is Enterprise Library 6 with WCF and I made no manual changes to the web.config... and yes, includeExceptionDetailInFaults is set to false.
What am I missing here? Thanks in advance.
Looks like I was missing this one line of code after instantiating the new ExceptionManager.
Nice to see that this one line of code is NOT in the Enterprise Library 6 - April 2013.chm but it IS in the "Developer's Guide to Microsoft Enterprise Library-Preview.pdf" on page 90 of 269. After including that one line I get into the proper FaultException catch on the client.
With that being said, I still can't get other MyTestFault properties on the client. For example, if I add public string StoredProcedureName to MyTestFault and map it to the SqlException's "Procedure" property, I always see null on the client. The only change in the policy for this would be to add the mapping like so:
new NameValueCollection(){ { "Message", "{Message}" }, { "StoredProcedureName", "{Procedure}" } }
It turns out this line was the culprit.
exManager.Process(() => wimDAL.Execute_NonQueryNoReturn(sc), "TestPolicy");
Insead of using the ExceptionManager's Process method, just execute the command you expect a potential exception for like so.
This does not follow what the "Developer's Guide to Microsoft Enterprise Library-Preview.pdf" says but I guess the documentation is still a work in progress. I hope this helps someone else.

How to properly handle WCF faults with Silverlight?

No matter how hard I try I cannot seem to be able to handle WCF faults in Silverlight.
In fact the error seems to never leave the server !
E.g. when I debug it, it stops on the line where I throw the FaultException saying it was not handled:
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
public class StoreService : IStoreContract
public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> GetStoreDesignNames()
StoreDataContext swdc = new StoreDataContext();
var query = from storeDesign in swdc.StoreDesignDBs select storeDesign.Name;
return query.ToList();
catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqlExcept)
throw new FaultException<SqlFault>(new SqlFault() { Message = sqlExcept.Message });
The class that implements this method derives from a contract interface:
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "Store")]
public interface IStoreContract
/// <summary>
/// Obtain the list of store design names.
/// </summary>
List<String> GetStoreDesignNames();
And the SqlFault class is defined like this:
public class SqlFault
public String Message { get; set; }
On the client side I handle the error as follow:
// swc is the client
swc.GetStoreDesignNamesCompleted += new EventHandler<ServiceReference.GetStoreDesignNamesCompletedEventArgs>((obj, evt) =>
if (evt.Error == null)
// In case of success
else if (evt.Error is FaultException<ServiceReference.SqlFault>)
FaultException<ServiceReference.SqlFault> fault = evt.Error as FaultException<ServiceReference.SqlFault>;
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
ErrorWindow ew = new ErrorWindow(fault.Detail.Message, "No details");
I have tried to put the [SilverlightFaultBehavior] attribute on the interface, to no avail. Even if I do without the interface I still have this error.
I have also tried to use a behavior extension in the web.config as described here but I get a warning saying the extension is not valid.
How does one go about properly handling WCF fault in Siverlight ?
Thanks in advance.
I haven't used WCF (been using WCF RIA Services) but I did come across this article a while ago.
Getting something better than “Server not found.” from WCF in Silverlight
After battling with this for hours I finally hacked something together that works.
This is really a horrible hack and I would have much preferred to use BehaviorExtension for this task. The trick is to set manually the HTTP status code in the body of the WCF method like so:
public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> GetStoreDesignNames()
StoreDataContext swdc = new StoreDataContext();
var query = from storeDesign in swdc.StoreDesignDBs select storeDesign.Name;
return query.ToList();
catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqlExcept)
System.ServiceModel.Web.WebOperationContext ctx = System.ServiceModel.Web.WebOperationContext.Current;
ctx.OutgoingResponse.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
throw new FaultException<SqlFault>(new SqlFault() { Message = sqlExcept.Message });
The error message then correctly displays on the client side.
If anybody has a better solution than this I'd like to hear it.