batch_size and max_time in LSTM Tensorflow - tensorflow

I am trying to model multi-layered LSTM in tensorflow. I am using a common function to unroll the LSTM:
Here I am using time_major = True, so my data has to be of format [max_time, batch_size, depth].
According to my understanding max_time is the time step of the series. My input is [224], I am passing into FC layer in the beginning to make it to size of labels
I am using datapipeline to get the labels in batch(32) of one_hot vector(length=70).
70 length vector corresponds to 1 time-step.
So how can I make the input to [32, 32 ,70]? Presently I have [32,70](batch_size,num_classes).
Please correct my understandings if wrong.
Can I just pass [1,32,70], so that tensorflow detects on its own, that each batch is of time step 1?


Convert 2D Convolutionary Neural Networks to 1D Convolutionary Neural Networks in Tensorflow

Say I have some feature extracted and it is 10x10 data(maybe image or cepstrogram).
Usually I would feed this into my 2DConv and i ll be on my way.
My quesiton is if I had to convert this into 1D of 100 inputs what disadvantages would I get besides the obvious part where my filter would not be detecting the surrounding neighboors but only the previous and the next ones to detect pattern, which might lead to a worse performance.
And If I had to do this though, would I just reshape ,use reshape layer or use permute layer ?
Yes, you are correct regarding the GNA, our Intel GNA hardware is natively support only 1D convolution and 2D convolutions is experimental.
This article (GNA Plugin - OpenVINO™ Toolkit) specifies the steps to add Permute layers before or after convolutions.
You could try both methods and see which one works for you.
Generally,the 1d convolution in TensorFlow is created with 2d convolution wrapping in reshape layers to add H dimension before 2d convolution and remove it after that.
At the same time MO inserts permutes before and after reshape layers since they change the interpretation of data.
For advantages & disadvantages of 2D/1D CNN you may refer to this detailed thread
In TensorFlow, these are the process to build CNN architecture:
Reshape input if necessary using tf.reshape() to match the convolutional layer you intend to build (for example, if using a 2D convolution, reshape it into three-dimensional format)
Create a convolutional layer using tf.nn.conv1d(), tf.nn.conv2d(), or tf.nn.conv3d, depending on the dimensionality of the input.
Create a poling layer using tf.nn.maxpool()
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for additional convolution and pooling layers
Reshape output of convolution and pooling layers, flattening it to prepare for the fully connected layer
Create a fully connected layer using tf.matmul() function, add an activation using, for example, tf.nn.relu() and apply a dropout using tf.nn.dropout()
Create a final layer for class prediction, again using tf.matmul()
Store weights and biases using TensorFlow variables These are just the basic steps to create the CNN model, there are additional steps to define training and evaluation, execute the model and tune it
In step 2 of CNN development you create convolutional layer of 2D using tf.nn.conv2d() - this function Computes a 2-D convolution given 4-D input and filters tensors.
So if you have 1D vector as found in examples of MNIST datadet with 784 features, you can convert 1D vector to 4D input required for conv2d() function using the tensorflow reshape method, Reshape method converts to match picture format [Height x Width x Channel], then Tensor input become 4-D: [Batch Size, Height, Width, Channel]:
x = tf.reshape(x, shape=[-1, 28, 28, 1])
where x is placeholder vector
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, num_input])
You may refer to the official Tensorflow documentation

calculating attention scores in Bahdanau attention in tensorflow using decoder hidden state and encoder output

This question relates to the neural machine translation shown here: Neural Machine Translation
self.W1 and self.W2 are initialized to dense neural layers of 10 units each, in lines 4 and 5 in the __init__ function of class BahdanauAttention
In the code image attached, I am not sure I understand the feed forward neural network set up in line 17 and line 18. So, I broke this formula down into it's parts. See line 23 and line 24.
query_with_time_axis is the input tensor to self.W1 and values is input to self.W2. And each compute the function Z = WX + b, and the Z's are added together. The dimensions of the tensors added together are (64, 1, 10) and (64, 16, 10). I am assuming random weight initialization for both self.W1 and self.W2 is handled by Keras behind the scenes.
After adding the Z's together, a non-linearity (tanh) is applied to come up with an activation and this resulting activation is input to the next layer self.V, which is a layer with just one output and gives us the score.
For this last step, we don't apply an activation function (tanh etc) to the result of self.V(tf.nn.tanh(self.W1(query_with_time_axis) + self.W2(values))), to get a single output from this last neural network layer.
Is there a reason why an activation function was not used for this last step?
The ouput of the attention form so-called attention energies, i.e., one scalar for each encoder output. These numbers get stacked into a vector a this vector is normalized using softmax, yielding attention distribution.
So, in fact, there is non-linearity applied in the next step, which is the softmax. If you used an activation function before the softmax, you would only decrease the space of distributions that the softmax can do.

Getting keras LSTM layer to accept two inputs?

I'm working with padded sequences of maximum length 50. I have two types of sequence data:
1) A sequence, seq1, of integers (1-100) that correspond to event types (e.g. [3,6,3,1,45,45....3]
2) A sequence, seq2, of integers representing time, in minutes, from the last event in seq1. So the last element is zero, by definition. So for example [100, 96, 96, 45, 44, 12,... 0]. seq1 and seq2 are the same length, 50.
I'm trying to run the LSTM primarily on the event/seq1 data, but have the time/seq2 strongly influence the forget gate within the LSTM. The reason for this is I want the LSTM to tend to really penalize older events and be more likely to forget them. I was thinking about multiplying the forget weight by the inverse of the current value of the time/seq2 sequence. Or maybe (1/seq2_element + 1), to handle cases where it's zero minutes.
I see in the keras code (LSTMCell class) where the change would have to be:
f = self.recurrent_activation(x_f +,self.recurrent_kernel_f))
So I need to modify keras' LSTM code to accept multiple inputs. As an initial test, within the LSTMCell class, I changed the call function to look like this:
def call(self, inputs, states, training=None):
time_input = inputs[1]
inputs = inputs[0]
So that it can handle two inputs given as a list.
When I try running the model with the Functional API:
# Input 1: event type sequences
# Take the event integer sequences, run them through an embedding layer to get float vectors, then run through LSTM
main_input = Input(shape =(max_seq_length,), dtype = 'int32', name = 'main_input')
x = Embedding(output_dim = embedding_length, input_dim = num_unique_event_symbols, input_length = max_seq_length, mask_zero=True)(main_input)
## Input 2: time vectors
auxiliary_input = Input(shape=(max_seq_length,1), dtype='float32', name='aux_input')
m = Masking(mask_value = 99999999.0)(auxiliary_input)
lstm_out = LSTM(32)(x, time_vector = m)
# Auxiliary loss here from first input
auxiliary_output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='aux_output')(lstm_out)
# An abitrary number of dense, hidden layers here
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(lstm_out)
# The main output node
main_output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='main_output')(x)
## Compile and fit the model
model = Model(inputs=[main_input, auxiliary_input], outputs=[main_output, auxiliary_output])
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'], loss_weights=[1., 0.2])
np.random.seed(21)[train_X1, train_X2], [train_Y, train_Y], epochs=1, batch_size=200)
However, I get the following error:
An `initial_state` was passed that is not compatible with `cell.state_size`. Received `state_spec`=[InputSpec(shape=(None, 50, 1), ndim=3)]; however `cell.state_size` is (32, 32)
Any advice?
You can't pass a list of inputs to default recurrent layers in Keras. The input_spec is fixed and the recurrent code is implemented based on single tensor input also pointed out in the documentation, ie it doesn't magically iterate over 2 inputs of same timesteps and pass that to the cell. This is partly because of how the iterations are optimised and assumptions made if the network is unrolled etc.
If you like 2 inputs, you can pass constants (doc) to the cell which will pass the tensor as is. This is mainly to implement attention models in the future. So 1 input will iterate over timesteps while the other will not. If you really like 2 inputs to be iterated like a zip() in python, you will have to implement a custom layer.
I would like to throw in a different ideas here. They don't require you to modify the Keras code.
After the embedding layer of the event types, stack the embeddings with the elapsed time. The Keras function is keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=-1). Imagine this, a single even type is mapped to a n dimensional vector by the embedding layer. You just add the elapsed time as one more dimension after the embedding so that it becomes a n+1 vector.
Another idea, sort of related to your problem/question and may help here, is 1D convolution. The convolution can happen right after the concatenated embeddings. The intuition for applying convolution to event types and elapsed time is actually 1x1 convolution. In such a way that you linearly combine the two together and the parameters are trained. Note in terms of convolution, the dimensions of the vectors are called channels. Of course, you can also convolve more than 1 event at a step. Just try it. It may or may not help.

MultiClass Keras Classifier prediction output meaning

I have a Keras classifier built using the Keras wrapper of the Scikit-Learn API. The neural network has 10 output nodes, and the training data is all represented using one-hot encoding.
According to Tensorflow documentation, the predict function outputs a shape of (n_samples,). When I fitted 514541 samples, the function returned an array with shape (514541, ), and each entry of the array ranged from 0 to 9.
Since I have ten different outputs, does the numerical value of each entry correspond exactly to the result that I encoded in my training matrix?
i.e. if index 5 of my one-hot encoding of y_train represents "orange", does a prediction value of 5 mean that the neural network predicted "orange"?
Here is a sample of my model:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dropout(0.2, input_shape=(32,) ))
model.add(Dense(21, activation='selu'))
model.add(Dense(10, activation='softmax'))
There are some issues with your question.
The neural network has 10 output nodes, and the training data is all represented using one-hot encoding.
Since your network has 10 output nodes, and your labels are one-hot encoded, your model's output should also be 10-dimensional, and again hot-encoded, i.e. of shape (n_samples, 10). Moreover, since you use a softmax activation for your final layer, each element of your 10-dimensional output should be in [0, 1], and interpreted as the probability of the output belonging to the respective (one-hot encoded) class.
According to Tensorflow documentation, the predict function outputs a shape of (n_samples,).
It's puzzling why you refer to Tensorflow, while your model is clearly a Keras one; you should refer to the predict method of the Keras sequential API.
When I fitted 514541 samples, the function returned an array with shape (514541, ), and each entry of the array ranged from 0 to 9.
If something like that happens, it must be due to a later part in your code that you do not show here; in any case, the idea would be to find the argument with the highest value from each 10-dimensional network output (since they are interpreted as probabilities, it is intuitive that the element with the highest value would be the most probable). In other words, somewhere in your code there must be something like this:
pred = model.predict(x_test)
y = np.argmax(pred, axis=1) # numpy must have been imported as np
which will give an array of shape (n_samples,), with each y an integer between 0 and 9, as you report.
i.e. if index 5 of my one-hot encoding of y_train represents "orange", does a prediction value of 5 mean that the neural network predicted "orange"?
Provided that the above hold, yes.

LSTM Followed by Mean Pooling (TensorFlow)

I am aware that there is a similar topic at LSTM Followed by Mean Pooling, but that is about Keras and I work in pure TensorFlow.
I have an LSTM network where the recurrence is handled by:
outputs, final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell,
where I pass the correct sequence lengths for each sample (padding by zeros). In any case, outputs contains irrelevant outputs since some samples produce longer outputs than others, based on sequence lengths.
Right now I'm extracting the last relevant output by means of the following method:
def extract_axis_1(data, ind):
Get specified elements along the first axis of tensor.
:param data: Tensorflow tensor that will be subsetted.
:param ind: Indices to take (one for each element along axis 0 of data).
:return: Subsetted tensor.
batch_range = tf.range(tf.shape(data)[0])
indices = tf.stack([batch_range, ind], axis=1)
res = tf.reduce_mean(tf.gather_nd(data, indices), axis=0)
where I pass sequence_length - 1 as indices. In reference to the last topic, I would like to select all relevant outputs followed by average pooling, instead of just the last one.
Now, I tried passing nested lists as indeces to extract_axis_1 but tf.stack does not accept this.
Any solution directions for this?
You can exploit the weight parameter of the tf.contrib.seq2seq.sequence_loss function.
From the documentation:
weights: A Tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence_length] and dtype float. weights constitutes the weighting of each prediction in the sequence. When using weights as masking, set all valid timesteps to 1 and all padded timesteps to 0, e.g. a mask returned by tf.sequence_mask.
You need to compute a binary mask that distinguish between your valid outputs and invalid ones. Then you can just provide this mask to the weights parameter of the loss function (probably, you will want to use a loss like this one); the function will not consider the outputs with a 0 weight in the computation of the loss.
If you can't/don't need to use a sequence loss you can do exactly the same thing manually. You compute a binarymask and then multiply your outputs by this mask and provide these as inputs to your fully connected layer.