Reddit image retrieval from url - vue.js

An url was postet at reddit:
But reddit was not able to retrieve an image from the website and is showing a default image.
How do you tell websites like reddit which image to show there? And how can you set this image in a nuxt vue file?

Reddit (and most of the other major sites that do this, like Facebook and Twitter) uses the og:url Open Graph tag, if present.
Full details of Open Graph can be found at, but fundamentally:
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
If an og:image is not present, most sites will try to guess which image on the page is the right one. They'll often get it wrong.


How to get URL preview of link shared in tweet using Twitter API?

I'm using the Tweet Lookup API (part of V2). When a user shares a link in a tweet, a preview of that URL is generated in that tweet. I want to recreate this using API. So how can I get the preview image of the URL and also other details like the domain, etc?
For example, if you look at this tweet:
If you see the above tweet, there’s a URL preview card, with image of starlink and a brief description of the link. How to get these details through the Twitter API?
I suppose I am a little late, but..!
Unfortunately, to my knowledge there is no way to get the preview image from the twitter API.
You have to find the link from the tweet, get that site and scrape the image from there. Websites can tell twitter what image they want to use by making a tag that has the property "twitter:image"!
What you can do, for example, is get the original URL for the post from entities!
E.g. making the tweet look-up like this:
From there, get the original url, for example from the "unwound_url" in the JSON response of that look-up example.
You need to make a request to that site and from the html response, look for a tag that has the property set to "twitter:image"
In that tags content you have your image link!
I hope my rambling made sense and good luck!
Unfortunately, this is impossible because Twitter requires URLs with Twitter meta tags in order to show these Links as cards with images. So the only way to do that is to add these meta Tags in the head of your website :
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="LINK TITLE HERE">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="LINK DESCRIPTION HERE">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="PREVIEW IMAGE HERE">
This is how I made it on my own website. I hope that will help you.

Google Plus doesn't show article image, just shows title and article link

I am trying to share a post from my website(blog) onto Google plus but it isn't showing the featured image of the article, instead it is just showing the title and link of the article. I have microdata and also "og" tags for my page. When tested using Google Structured data testing tool, it is showing all good. I expect to get some help here. If I am trying to share the home page, it is showing an image, however if I am trying to share any post from the website, it is not showing any image. Please help, let me know if you need any more info, would be happy to provide.
One of post's from website
The og:image meta tag is being used by google plus rather than the image property within your -as #abraham pointed out this is a broken link, it should go to - currently it includes /wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/07/ which isn't part of the image's path.
In the structured data it is valid, but not correct: BlogPosting has an image set but without a full path which may be why it gets ignored: the source should begin http:// etc. This is also needed if you want the image to appear in the google search results preview.
The WebPage element does not have an image set: only the BlogPosting does. Consider setting the same image property using a meta tag inside the WebPage element if fixing the BlogPosting image's path does not resolve the structured data issue, e.g.
<meta itemprop="image" content="" nt-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Print" />
In the structured data there are two unrelated mistake
the BlogPosting has author set to a link with fixed IP address this will reduce the chance of it connecting the blog with C Young's profile on the website.
the file name has 'releiving' in it, which is not the spelling used in the text on the image itself. This doesn't matter a great deal.

LinkedIn JS API Share

I am trying to figure out if it's possible to pass in more than a URL to share when using the LinkedIn JS API.
My code is:
url: ''
Now I have tried to pass in other params like:
url: '',
title: 'A Title',
summary: 'A Small summary'
But that did wot work. It seems to just ignore those extra params.
I know I can do it using the custom share functionality:{articleUrl}&title={articleTitle}&summary={articleSummary}&source={articleSource}
But I want to use the JS API so I can get back a token to verify if it was posted properly. With the shareArticle way it takes about 20-30 seconds to actually verify if it was shared using this: (
Unfortunately there is no way to do this. The Linkdin Javascript API and Linkdin Share button relies completely on meta tags to scrape information. Such a Pity.
Just set the og: property tags on the page that you are sharing, that way LinkedIn knows that the title, image, etc., fields, are all actually appropriate and right for the site. You can set them like so...
<meta property='og:title' content='Title of the article"/>
<meta property='og:image' content='// 1234567.jpg"/>
<meta property='og:description' content='Description that will show in the preview"/>
<meta property='og:url' content='// of the article" />
Source: LinkedIn Developer Docs: Making Your Website Shareable on LinkedIn.
Works for my site!
You can always use the LinkedIn Poster Inspector on your site's URL to make sure you did it right!

Google+ Sharer - preview image

I am using links like this : to share articles on Google+ from a website.
This works fine but the preview image of the share is not right.
I read in the Google doc that you need to specify an image like this:
<img itemprop="image" src="thumbnail.jpg" />
The thing is, the image I want to use is not being displayed on the page I want to share. I have specific thumbnail images (of smaller size than the images displayed in the article) that I'd like to use.
Is there a way to specify an image for Google, like the og:image tag for Facebook for example, without having to use the tag?
Is there a way to specify an image for Google, like the og:image tag for Facebook for example, without having to use the tag?
2. Open Graph protocol
If the page contains Open Graph properties for the title, image, and description, they will be used for the +Snippet.
Additionally, the tag that defines your page's preview image does not need to be displayed on the page, you could instead define it within your HEAD as metadata:
<meta itemprop="image" content="thumbnail.jpg" />

Whats purpose of RSS feeds link in header?

Most of the news/blogs websites include RSS feeds link in their header. For example:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Example Feed" href="" />
I want to know what is the practical use of adding above? Is it to tell the browser that the website has RSS feeds? In past Firefox has the button in the address bar, but now they have remove it. Also if some user want to subscribe the RSS, he needs to enter the feeds url directly. So where it is being used? Thanks
Yes, it is to tell anything consuming the page (e.g. a browser) that there is an alternative form of the content elsewhere.
Most browsers used to all have an RSS button that would light up if it saw this, to allow you to subscribe to the feed.
RSS has (arguably) dropped in popularity, so this is less common today by default in browsers. But extensions and so on will still use it.
Or indeed, if you add a "normal" url to something like Google Reader, it will fetch that page, and look for an rss link in the head tag, to find the final feed url.