Android publisher permission Denied only check payment(other api successfully) - authentication

I'm trying to call api Purchases.products: get to verify your purchase
it yields such a result
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "androidpublisher",
"reason": "permissionDenied",
"message": "The current user has insufficient permissions to perform the requested operation."
"code": 401,
"message": "The current user has insufficient permissions to perform the requested operation."
the project is tied properly
A new service account with owner rights has been created
This service account has been granted rights in the google play console
Documentation here says what you can do
the received token does not work only for purchase checks for any other api it returns the result(Inappproducts: list is work)
The verification url is built right because if you get a token client to server then this api works too - but I need a server to server auth
scopes = ['']
authorization = Google::Auth.get_application_default(scopes)
uri = "{ENV['ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME']}/purchases/products/#{purchasable.purchase_uuid}/tokens/#{purchase_token}?access_token=#{authorization.fetch_access_token!['access_token']}"
response = RestClient::Request.execute method: :get,
url: uri,
headers: {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
file ='config/google_key.json')
values = JSON.parse(file)
oauth =
issuer: values[:client_email]",
audience: "",
scope: "",
client_id: values[:client_id],
jwt = oauth.to_jwt
url = ""
response = RestClient::Request.execute method: :post,
url: url,
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
payload: {
grant_type: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer",
assertion: jwt
result = JSON.parse response.body
rescue => e
puts e.response.to_str
result = JSON.parse(e.response.to_s)
I expect this result
update 1
add tokeninfo

I love google.
after 7 days with my first service account it worked - but 7 days !!!! 7 days !!!! it's just horror
Guys in Google you need 7 days to give access to api!! - this is ridiculous
Okay, you need to do this to get access
create service account in google cloud (admin rights)
create google play console and link project google cloud
add email service account in google play console
after 1 week it will work


"error": "unauthorized_client", "error_description": "AADSTS700016 (Microsoft Graph API)

I want to access my todo list using Microsoft graph API and so registered an app and after doing the required steps got the access token, but after trying to get the new access token using the refresh token it returns this message: "error": "unauthorized_client", "error_description": "AADSTS700016: Application with identifier 'id' was not found in the directory 'Microsoft Accounts'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant
class Refresh:
def __init__(self):
self.refresh_token = refresh_token
self.scope = scope
self.client_secret = client_secret
def refresh(self):
query = ""
response =,
data={"client_id" : client_id,
"scope": 'Tasks.Read%20Tasks.Read.Shared%20Tasks.ReadWrite%20Tasks.ReadWrite.Shared%20offline_access',
"refresh_token": refresh_token,
"redirect_uri": '',
"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"client_secret": client_secret
headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"})
response_json = response.json()
a = Refresh()
I am also not sure if I am entering the scopes in the right way. Any help would be really appreciated
I finally figured it out by changing the URL that refreshes the token from to this{tenant_id}/oauth2/token

Strapi doesn't authorize JWT

Good morning,
I've encountered a weird issue with my strapi-project.
I have a standard user model which I query for info on the user's profile page via the /users/me endpoint. This was all working fine last week but as I tried logging in this morning, the authorization appeared to not work anymore. I log my user in via this code:
async submitForm() {'http://localhost:1337/auth/local', {
'password': this.password
.then((response) => {
const { jwt, user } =;
window.localStorage.setItem('jwt', jwt);
window.localStorage.setItem('userData', JSON.stringify(user));
.catch((e) => {
this.$store.commit('LOGIN_ERROR', e)
Which then redirects to my dashboard which queries the /users/me endpoint like so:
let token = localStorage.jwt;
axios.get(`http://localhost:1337/users/me`, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
.then((response) => {
A few days ago this was working fine, also the token variable used in the post contais the token returned from the backend after logging in. Now strapi gives me an error in the console:
[2021-10-16T07:16:52.568Z] debug GET /users/me (5 ms) 500
[2021-10-16T07:17:03.231Z] debug POST /auth/local (76 ms) 200
[2021-10-16T07:17:24.915Z] error TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null
at module.exports (/home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/strapi-plugin-users-permissions/config/policies/permissions.js:35:14)
at async /home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/strapi-utils/lib/policy.js:68:5
at async serve (/home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/koa-static/index.js:59:5)
at async /home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/strapi/lib/middlewares/parser/index.js:48:23
at async /home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/strapi/lib/middlewares/xss/index.js:26:9
My first guess was that maybe something with axios was wrong e.g. that the token wasn't sent correctly in the request so I tried the same thing with webstorm's http client:
POST http://localhost:1337/auth/local
Content-Type: application/json
"identifier": "",
"password": "..."
Which returns the user and token:
"jwt": "<TOKEN>",
If I try using this token to authenticate the user, however a get a 401
GET http://localhost:1337/users/me
Authorization: "Bearer <token>"
Accept: application/json
"statusCode": 401,
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "Invalid token."
So I tried figuring out what was going on there and after an hour I noticed that when looking at the user in the backend the user didn't have the authenticated role assigned. When I changed this manually in the backend, the request authorization works again.
So can anyone maybe tell me what is going on here? Because from my understanding, when POSTing valid credentials to /auth/local the user's role should change to Authenticated, which was working some days back.
Is there something I'm missing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
greetings, derelektrischemoench
Okay, so let me reply to your first part:
"Because from my understanding, when POSTing valid credentials to /auth/local the user's role should change to Authenticated"
Answer is, not really. When you send valid credentials to the auth/local, Strapi just checks the database for matching username/email and password. If a user is found, then it fetches the role assigned that user and puts all the data in ctx.state.user.role. So you could have many other roles, like Viewer, Commenter etc with each having different set of access limits.
The different roles can be created here:
So depending on the roles assigned, Strapi will just fetch and store the values in ctx.state.user.role on each request via the strapi-plugin-users-permissions plugin for your convenience, so that you can easily check which user it is and which role it has in any controller or service file using the ctx from the request to provide any additional functionality.
You can check how it does it in the following file:
Now coming to what could have caused it:
Well it could have been you yourself. Possibly while saving the user or viewing user details you could have removed the role from the user and saved the record.
The other possibility could be a database switch.
It can also be a Strapi version upgrade that caused, but it's highly unlikely.
You could have a update query in the your code that updates the user model, where you might have missed the role parameter. So check your code once.
Nevertheless, it can simply be solved by re-assigning the user roles via the users module.

What type of app/authentication flow should I select to read my cloud OneNote content using a Python script and a personal Microsoft account?

I am completely new to MS Identity services and I am overwhelmed by the many options I have for what I need to do
Here is what I am trying to achieve: I have a OneNote personal account and notes stored in the MS Cloud (OneDrive I guess). I need to be able to run a Python script, get the content of my notes, do some processing and save them back. This will be from the command line on a home Windows10 computer
My question: what type of application should I register in MS AD and what type of authentication flow should I used for the above?
I have tried many things and this is as far as I could get:
-I registered an app with Azure AD (tried both personal and AD app)
-I configured the app as Windows App
-I selected a device authentication flow
I tried this code with both types of app
import requests
import json
from msal import PublicClientApplication
tenant = "5fae6798-ca1a-49d4-a5fb-xxxxxxx" ◄ regular app
client_id = "d03a79d3-1de0-494c-8eb0-xxx" ◄ personal app
endpoint= ""
authority = "" + tenant
app=PublicClientApplication(client_id=client_id, authority=authority)
flow = app.initiate_device_flow(scopes=scopes)
if "user_code" not in flow:
raise ValueError(
"Fail to create device flow. Err: %s" % json.dumps(flow, indent=4))
result = app.acquire_token_by_device_flow(flow)
endpoint= ""
if "access_token" in result:
# Calling graph using the access token
graph_data = requests.get( # Use token to call downstream service
headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + result['access_token']},).json()
print("Graph API call result: %s" % json.dumps(graph_data, indent=2))
print(result.get("correlation_id")) # You may need this when reporting a bug
Regular application
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code AH2UHFDXB to authenticate.
Graph API call result: {
"error": {
"code": "30108",
"message": "OneDrive for Business for this user account cannot be retrieved.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "016910d2-c193-4e3f-9d51-52fce86bfc72",
"date": "2020-05-14T16:45:44"
Personal application output
Fail to create device flow. Err: {
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "AADSTS9002331: Application 'bbd3d6df-f5f3-4206-8bd5-xxxxxxx'(OneNotePersonal) is configured for use by Microsoft Account users only. Please use the /consumers endpoint to serve this request.\r\nTrace ID: 1c4047e6-98a8-4615-9a0c-4b0dc9ba5600\r\nCorrelation ID: a6733520-6df9-422a-a6b4-e8f4e2de1265\r\nTimestamp: 2020-05-14 16:56:27Z",
"error_codes": [
"timestamp": "2020-05-14 16:56:27Z",
"trace_id": "1c4047e6-98a8-4615-9a0c-4b0dc9ba5600",
"correlation_id": "a6733520-6df9-422a-a6b4-e8f4e2de1265",
"interval": 5,
"expires_in": 1800,
"expires_at": 1589477187.9909642,
"_correlation_id": "a6733520-6df9-422a-a6b4-e8f4e2de1265"
This was solved this way
That error message suggests you to create your authority string as
authority = "",
because you were using the client_id of a "personal app". Change that authority, and you can proceed.

How to fix "The OAuth client was not found" error from a Bing Ads script

We've got scripts on Bing to automatically adjust ad bids based on ad performance and client goals, which are stored in a Google spreadsheet.
We had a contractor set this up initially, and it worked. But I guess that the contractor was using a temp Google account and when it went away the bidders stopped working. Because it did work before, it's likely a configuration error on my part that's breaking it now, but the contractor pointed us to the steps I was already following to no avail (
Stuff already tried
double checked for errant whitespace around the client ID and client secret
created new client secrets
created new client IDs
made sure that the project name, application name, and OAuth client id name were all the same
created whole new projects from scratch (configured to match the article cited above) to see if that would kick something loose
tried a different token URL ( that appears in the client_secret JSON downloaded from Google
function main() {
const credentials = {
accessToken: '',
client_id: '', // from Google developer console
client_secret: 'REDACTED', // from Google developer console
refresh_token: 'REDACTED' // created at
var access_token = '';
if (credentials.accessToken) {
access_token = credentials.accessToken;
var tokenResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch('', { method: 'post', contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', muteHttpExceptions: true, payload: { client_id: credentials.clientId, client_secret: credentials.clientSecret, refresh_token: credentials.refreshToken, grant_type: 'refresh_token' } });
var responseCode = tokenResponse.getResponseCode();
var responseText = tokenResponse.getContentText();
if (responseCode >= 200 && responseCode <= 299) {
access_token = JSON.parse(responseText)['access_token'];
throw responseText;
// use the access token to get client targets from the spreadsheet
A JSON encoded access token is the expected response, but instead, we get HTTP 400 with the message "The OAuth client was not found."
Manually creating an access token on the OAuth playground ( works as a stopgap, but this should work. This has worked. :P
The fix in this case switching the Application Type on > Credentials > OAuth consent screen to Internal instead of Public.
That wasn't in the steps provided by Microsoft, and I'm not sure if that will have implications down the road, but at least we're off the manual process for now.

Access to Calendar API return 401 Unauthorized

I'm new to office 365 and having problem with accessing rest api.
I'm trying to test the rest api of Calendar and Mail API, so I decided to use Postman. However, to test those APIs, I need an access token in Authorization header. To figure out how to get a token, I decided to get the sample project here , configure, run and sign in on this local site to get the token cached in local storage and use that token for further requests in Postman. However, all requests I tested returned '401 unauthorized request'.
What I did:
Register a new app on Azure ADD associated with O365 account
Add full app permissions and delegated permissions.
Update 'oauth2AllowImplicitFlow' to true in manifest file.
Clone sample project
In app.js, I change the alter the content of config function as following
function config($routeProvider, $httpProvider, adalAuthenticationServiceProvider) {
.when('/', {
templateUrl: 'views/home.html',
controller: 'HomeController',
controllerAs: 'home',
requireADLogin: true
redirectTo: '/'
// The endpoints here are resources for ADAL to get tokens for.
var endpoints = {
'': ''
// Initialize the ADAL provider with your tenant name and clientID (found in the Azure Management Portal).
tenant: '',
clientId: '<my cliend Id>',
endpoints: endpoints,
cacheLocation: 'localStorage'
Then I ran the app, it sign me in just fine and I can also get the token, but that token is also unauthorized to request.
I decoded the token and saw the value of 'aud', it didn't return "". In this url, the author said that "This should be "" for the Mail, Calendar, or Contacts APIs"
So what did I miss ?
How you call the Office 365 API in AngularJS?
When signing the user in, you will only get the id_token to authenticate the user.
The aud of id_token is the tenant id (GUID).
To call the Office 365 API, you need to use AugularJS http request.
Here is a sample of sending email using Microsoft Graph API in AngularJS:
// Build the HTTP request to send an email.
var request = {
method: 'POST',
url: '',
data: email
// Execute the HTTP request.
.then(function (response) {
$log.debug('HTTP request to Microsoft Graph API returned successfully.', response);
response.status === 202 ? vm.requestSuccess = true : vm.requestSuccess = false;
vm.requestFinished = true;
}, function (error) {
$log.error('HTTP request to Microsoft Graph API failed.');
vm.requestSuccess= false;
vm.requestFinished = true;
Before calling the API, ADAL.js will acquire another token - access token which you can used to send the email.
I also downloaded the sample you mentioned. To run this sample, please ensure you have the Exchange Online > Read and writer user mail Permission assigned in your application.