How in codeception to make rollback a database if the test failed? - codeception

I need to test the feature in account. But for this need register an account. If the feature does not work correctly and the test fails, how do I can automatically delete an account from a database (account created during testing)?

I think you have a few options.
You can do clean-up in your Cest class's _before or _after methods (if you use a framework you could use an ORM to delete all accounts for example).
Codeception's Db module (see also has a cleanup flag which, when true, will load a user-defined database dump before each test (you could create a dump with no accounts).
There might be other options too. If you use Yii2 for example, the Yii2 module for Codeception has a cleanup flag that will wrap tests in a transaction if true (see

We are facing problems like this, too. If you insert the account with the DB module of codception you can use the cleanup flag and it will automaticly clean up the database after each run.
If you create the account by a test and you want to go sure that the account isn't existing before you start the test you can extend the DB module by a delete function (that has to used with care, we only allow that in testing environments).
namespace Helper\Shared;
class DbHelper extends \Codeception\Module {
public function deleteFromDatabase($table, $criteria)
$dbh = $this->getModule('Db')->_getDbh();
$query = "delete from `%s` where %s";
$params = [];
foreach ($criteria as $x => $y) {
$params[] = "`$x` = '$y'";
$params = implode(' AND ', $params);
$query = sprintf($query, $table, $params);
$this->debugSection('Query', $query, json_encode($criteria));
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
return $sth->execute(array_values($criteria));
This can be used in the test code with ...
$I->deleteFromDatabase('account', ['id' => '123456']);
If it's possible the DB Module should be used to create the account and clean it up again. This method above is pretty dangerous dependend on the systems you are using it.


How to use existing data from the database in Codeception FactoryMuffin?

I'm trying to set up easy test data in my Acceptance tests:
public function shouldUseAFakeAccountHolder(AcceptanceTester $I) {
// ...
I've copied the example code from the Codeception documentation and modified it with my entity names (as well as fixing the bugs).
public function _beforeSuite()
$factory = $this->getModule('DataFactory');
// let us get EntityManager from Doctrine
$em = $this->getModule('Doctrine2')->_getEntityManager();
$factory->_define(AccountHolder::class, [
'firstName' => Faker::firstName(),
// Comment out one of the below 'accountRole' lines before running:
// get existing data from the database
'accountRole' => $em->getRepository(AccountRole::class)->find(1),
// create a new row in the database
'accountRole' => 'entity|' . AccountRole::class,
The relationship using existing data 'accountRole' => $em->getRepository(AccountRole::class)->find(1) always fails:
[Doctrine\ORM\ORMInvalidArgumentException] A new entity was found through the relationship 'HMRX\CoreBundle\Entity\AccountHolder#accountRole' that was not configured to cascade persist operations for entity: HMRX\CoreBundle\Entity\AccountRole#0000000062481e3f000000009cd58cbd. To solve this issue: Either explicitly call EntityManager#persist() on this unknown entity or configure cascade persist this association in the mapping for example #ManyToOne(..,cascade={"persist"}). If you cannot find out which entity causes the problem implement 'HMRX\CoreBundle\Entity\AccountRole#__toString()' to get a clue.
If I tell it to create a new entry in the related table 'accountRole' => 'entity|' . AccountRole::class, it works, but then it adds rows to the table when it should be using an existing row. All the role types are known beforehand, and a new random role type makes no sense because there's nothing in the code it could match to. Creating a duplicate role works, but again it makes so sense to have a separate role type for each user since roles should be shared by users.
I've had this error before in Unit tests, not Acceptance tests, when not using Faker / FactoryMuffin, and it's been to do with accessing each entity of the relationship with a different instance of EntityManager. As soon as I got both parts using the same instance, it worked. I don't see how to override the native behaviour here though.
It works (at least in Codeception 4.x) by using a callback for the existing relation:
public function _beforeSuite()
$factory = $this->getModule('DataFactory');
$em = $this->getModule('Doctrine2')->_getEntityManager();
$factory->_define(AccountHolder::class, [
'firstName' => Faker::firstName(),
'accountRole' => function($entity) use ($em) {
I've found it here:

How to set Attribute to PDO connection in Codeigniter

How to set attributes (PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE) on the PDO database handle in Codeigniter?
I think a better option is to use a MY_Model (which you then extend and this is available then across the application) and define something like this in the construct:
Note conn_id allows you to access the main PDO object.
There are two ways:
1. The lazy (hacky) way
Add to the following code into system/core/database/drivers/pdo/pdo_driver.php (in CI 3):
public function db_connect($persistent = FALSE)
$this->options[PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT] = $persistent;
// Added code start
// Added code end
return new PDO($this->dsn, $this->username, $this->password, $this->options);
2. The right way
Extend Database Driver and add the same line
Note: If you will set PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION in Codeigniter it will show exception errors even in Production environment.

how to use Yiic message command with CDbMessageSource

i used to use CPhpMessageSource but i want to try CDbMessageSource i though i just have to change this...
'components' => array(
'message' => array(
// 'class' => 'CPhpMessageSource',
'class' => 'CDbMessageSource',
But when i exectute Yiic message to insert translation data in the database it still generate files in protected/messages/"files".php
i must have miss one point...
i follow this
Even though Yii has a "reader" for database translations, it doesn't have a "writer". What I usually end up doing is writing some code that can populate the tables using the generated translation files.
You can also write a derivated "message" command for Yii and use that to insert in the database directly, it's not that much work:
Yii::import('system.cli.commands.MessageCommand', TRUE);
class DbMessageCommand extends MessageCommand
protected function generateMessageFile($messages,$fileName,$overwrite,$removeOld,$sort)
if (preg_match('#/(..)/([^\\/:"*?<>|]+?)\.php$#i', $fileName, $matches))
$language = $matches[1];
$category = $matches[2];
foreach ($messages as $message)
// $message contains the string, $category has the category and $language is the current language
// Add to your DB here
Just create a DbMessageCommand.php file in your commands subdirectory and finish the code and you should be in business.
In short, what this does is use the regular message command to parse the files, but when the generateMessageFile-function is called to write to the php file, it uses a regexp to determine what would be written (it's called per language/category) and adds it in the database.
I haven't included that code, because I don't use the models as they are included in Yii. I have my own CDbMessageSource-variant and my own string tables.

Yii-rights params/data for bizrule

Using Yii-rights + Yii-user module in my project. In Rights, I generated operations based on my controller action, under update I added a child UpdateOwn.
For UpdateOwn, the bizrule is suppose to be a simple comparison that the logged in user's ID is equal to $model->user_id field.
I understand yii checkaccess allow you to pass in variables as parameters and comparing with your defined bizrule. But how does it work for Yii-rights module? How or what are the data/params passed in to be used in bizrule? How can I define or pass my own data/params?
Yii-rights is a wrapper for standart yii-rbac. In rights module you have web-interface for your RBAC. When you creating AuthItem (Operation in rights web interface) you can define your own bizrule.
Here is code for creating AuthItem:
$item = $this->_authorizer->createAuthItem($formModel->name, $type, $formModel->description, $formModel->bizRule, $formModel->data);
$item = $this->_authorizer->attachAuthItemBehavior($item);
_authorizer here is an example of RAuthorizer class. Then we go to RDbAuthManager, which extends CDbAuthManager, where we createAuthItem function:
public function createAuthItem($name,$type,$description='',$bizRule=null,$data=null)
->insert($this->itemTable, array(
return new CAuthItem($this,$name,$type,$description,$bizRule,$data);
This is how created AuthItem, in rights. Personally i prefer to use web interface. It have alot of great fetures and much easier to handle then go to code each time.
Then when we perform checkAccess() on AuthItem we call execute bizRule:
public function executeBizRule($bizRule,$params,$data)
return $bizRule==='' || $bizRule===null || ($this->showErrors ? eval($bizRule)!=0 : #eval($bizRule)!=0);
This is how RBAC in yii work, and rights is just a cool wrapper for it. Rights doesn't change logic of how things must be done.
So in basic yii-rbac if you want to allow update only Own records you do:
$bizRule='return Yii::app()->user->id==$params["user"]->username;';
$task=$auth->createTask('updateOwnUser','update a your own account',$bizRule);
Then you call it like this:
$params = array('user' => $user);
if(Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('updateOwnUser', $params){
In rights it's already implemented with filters. Only thing what you need to do is add to your controller:
class MyController extends RController{
public function filters()
return array(
So define your bizrule for item in web interface, change your controller code, and actually thats it. To know what variables to use in bizrule you can watch on RightsFilter.php code, where checkAccess() performed.
And on top of all of this i'll say about how checkAccess() does :
For each assigned auth item of the user, it first checks if the bizRule for the assignment returns true.
If true, it calls the item's checkAccess method. If the item's bizRule returns true,
2.1. If the item name is the same as the name passed in the original checkAccess() method, it returns true;
2.2. Otherwise, for every child item, it calls its checkAccess.
Hope this will clarify some aspects of RBAC and help in your task.
The yii-rights module has the following properties:
* #property boolean whether to enable business rules.
public $enableBizRule = true;
* #property boolean whether to enable data for business rules.
public $enableBizRuleData = false;
To set bizrule data via the web interface you have to set $enableBizRuleData = true in your application configuration.
Please note that the UI is limited and you can set data only for Auth-Items not for Auth-Assignments. Also the value for data has to be a serialized PHP variable.
As mentioned by #ineersa you can access $data in unserialized form in your bizRule.
It's also worth noting, that Yii checks first the bizRule for the Auth-Item and then additionally for the Auth-Assignment.
[edit] added example
Auth Item
Check if the assignment has all the keys specified in the item data
return BizRule::compareKeys($params, $data, 'Editor');
Auth Assignment
Check if the application language matches the assignment data
return BizRule::compareApplicationLanguage($params, $data);
[edit] added code link
Here is the full Helper Code

zend_db standalone

i want to use zend_db standalone cos zend framework is too much for my project but i'm new with it,
is it correct to do this:
$params = array(
'host' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'ss_fraat',
'password' => 'jos10',
'dbname' => '_a2hDB',
'driver_options' => $pdoParams
try {
$db = Zend_Db::factory('PDO_MYSQL', $params);
//set default adapter
} catch (Exception $e) {
//save Db in registry for later use
Zend_Registry::set('dbAdapter', $db);
then in any class do this:
$db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
/** quote to avoid sql injection */
$date = $db->quote('1980-01-01');
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM product WHERE name = ' . $date;
$result = $db->query($sql);
$db->query(); //run a query
i really need to do this
i get this code from a website,
is it necessary to use Zend_Db_Table_Abstract if i'm not using the full zend framework,
or it is better for example to use this:
$db = Zend_Db::factory( ...options... );
$select = new Zend_Db_Select($db);
what i want is to setup a pdo/mysql connexion in my bootstrap php page and be able to get that db instance in any class without starting a new connexion to execute queries but i'm not sure how to do that use Zend_Db_Table_Abstract or Zend_Db_Select use the registry Zend_Registry::set('dbAdapter', $db) or not
thanks a lot
The purpose of Zend_Db_Table_Abstract is so you can create your own model classes based around the Table Data Gateway design pattern. The idea of that pattern is that you have a class that encapsulates all the sql you would need for interfacing with a table. So the assumption is that you will be creating model classes that extend Zend_Db_Table_Abstract for each table. If you are going to do that, then you will want to call Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::setDefaultAdapter($db) in your setup/bootstrap. Recent versions of ZF provide as an alternative a quick way of getting basic functionality without having to create a custom class definition by just instantiating Zend_Db_Table:
$userTable = new Zend_Db_Table('users');
In summary, none of this particularly has to do with the MVC part of the framework, although some people choose to use Zend_db as the basis for db connections and models, instead of using a more fully featured ORM like Doctrine or Propel.
The other code you provided simply illustrates that you do not need to use Zend_Db_Table_Abstract either -- you can simply setup an instance of a Zend_Db_Adapter and use that instance to call query() or its other methods.