Acumatica is not updating the project with Endpoint changes, even if RELOAD FROM DATABASE is done on the Project->WebServicesEndpoints page.
Since Endpoint changes are not updated in the project, if the project is published, then all work on the Endpoint is lost.
Verified by exporting project, and also viewing project XML.
If a new project is created, the Endpoint is added, then this new project has the updated Endpoint.
Steps to re-create:
Create Endpoint - Add a few entries
Create Project
Add Endpoint to Project
Add new ENTRY into Endpoint
In Project->WebServiceEndpoints, click RELOAD FROM DATABASE
View Project XML via Project->File->EditProjectXML (easier than exporting)
Verify that the new ENTRY to the Endpoint is not in the XML
This is an issue that has been fixed in the following builds
2017R2: 17.211.0022
2018R1: 18.109.0031
2018R2: 18.200.0075
You are using the build in 2018R1 that is just before the one that has the fix.
If this is really bothering you consider upgrading your Acumatica version, if not please make sure to delete the endpoint entry in the customization project and re-add it to the project. That will update it properly in the project.
I'm trying to add a service reference to a .NET5 project, and I'm following the directives given on the Microsoft page here, but I run into an error message which is not explanatory at all.
Here are my steps:
I click Next:
Next again:
And at last, I hit Finish and there's the error:
The steps are simple and straightforward, I can add the service through a WebForms application so how can I get past this error with a .NET5 application?
Is your service running successfully?
Do you add an external service or an internal service, and whether the url is automatically generated or manually entered. You can check out this tutorial for more details.
You can choose to use the dotnet-svcutil tool.
I created projects in Design Center and then publish to exchange. I tried to edit portal of my asset created in Exchange through REST method - PATCH{organizationId}/assets/{groupId}/{assetId}/v1/portal. But I got 404 error asset portal not found. But my asset is definitely in Exchange
The endpoint you mentioned is to publish the content of the public portal that is in the draft mode.
Please review that all the following items are correct:
Did you create a draft first before trying to publish it?
Are all the query parameters ({organizationId}, {groupId}, {assetId}) replaced with the correct values?
Is the version correct? It seems that the REST documentation of the API doesn't mention that the last v1 is the version to be replaced by the asset version.
See for more information.
I originally created a ASP.NET MVC4 project using the wrong authentication/template in Visual Studio. So I've been trying to make it use windows authentication (I already changed the project property to enable it) but there was a bunch of built-in garbage in my project:
- AccountController
- AuthConfig.RegisterAuth() im my Global.asax.cs
- AccountModel.cs
... and some other crap that I can't remember at this point
I went through and deleted all that junk but I still get the following error:
Error Page 404: The controller for path '/login.aspx' was not found or does not implement IController.
So it mentions some ASPX page in my ASP.NET MVC project that doesn't even exist. It would appear as though I didn't thoroughly go through and remove every reference to the "built-in" authentication login garbage that was put into the project when I first created it.
Can anyone provide any insight?
We would like to use Glimpse in our MVC project but are running into a problem when accessing the list of Web API descriptors.
We have installed Glimpse.Mvc4 1.2.2 using the Nuget Package Manager.
The following snippet gets all API descriptors and it works fine before we install Glimpse. After installing we do only get an empty list.
IEnumerable<ApiDescription> apiDescriptors = System.Web.Http.GlobalConfiguration
Does anyone know why this call does not work when Glimpse is installed?
The problem is that the Glimpse ASP.NET module wraps all routes in its own objects. So API Explorer ignores them (thinks that they are not Web API routes).
To work around this issue, you must initialize a fresh copy of System.Web.Http.HttpConfiguration instead of using GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.
// need to create a custom configuration instance because the default one can be
// processed by Glimpse and be thus full of wrapped routesthat the ApiExplorer
// does not recognize.
var config = new System.Web.Http.HttpConfiguration();
// these line is useful if you use WebAPI Help page package
Controllers.HelpController.Configuration = config;
// otherwise just get the `IApiExplorer` interface from the fresh configuration:
var apis = config.Services.GetApiExplorer().ApiDescriptions;
I created a brand new MVC 4 Project (using Web Api Template, not Internet template). How can I initialize the simple membership database at first run exactly as the internet template does? What I did so far:
created brand new MVC 4 Project -> Web Api Template
implemented the filter InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs and decorated the HomeController with it.
added the model AccountModels.cs
added enabled="true" attribute to roleManager under system.web in web.config
the connection string is pointing to SQL Azure and working fine
When I run this app for the first time, the database is created but are created just 1 table in it: UserProfile, all the other tables: webpages_Membership, webpages_Roles ... are missing. There are no errors nothing.
All I need is to be able that when my MVC4 Project (Web Api Template) runs for the first time, will ensure that the SampleMembership db and tables are created. In order to be able to authenticate a client rest call using membership authentication.
Please let me know if this is the right path.
Have you checked if the connection string name in the web.config is defined
in AccountModels.cs for the usercontext
in InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs for the database initialization