Mod_security turn off rule based on post data - apache

Is it possible to remove a specific security based on post data?
For example, if post data contain username='someone'
then turn off rule 95004:
SecRuleRemoveById 950004
I already have SecRequestBodyAccess turned on

Location of the manual, which will give you guidance for creating the proper syntax for your installation:
You're not entirely clear in what you're after, but in general I think you're wanting the directive to begin something like:
SecRule ARGS_POST:username "someone"
That will test the post argument 'username' for the value 'someone' and if they match, trigger the action part of the rule. The contents of the rest will depend largely upon your own configuration, so I can't include it here, but the general idea is:
"phase:1,id:nnnnnnn,t:lowercase,nolog,pass,maturity:2,accuracy:9,ctl:ruleRemove ById:95004"
You'll need to replace the values in this action list with those appropriate to your setup. The only other important thing is this rule needs to be executed before 95004 gets executed. Most configurations of mod_security have a place for local exceptions to go. Use that.


Modsecurity create config file with rules for specific URL

I'm starting to learn about ModSecurity and rule creation so say I know a page in an web app is vulnerable to cross site scripting. For argument's sake lets say page /blah.html is prone to XSS.
Would the rule in question look something like this?:
SecRule ARGS|REQUEST_URI "blah" REQUEST_HEADERS “#rx <script>” id:101,msg: ‘XSS Attack’,severity:ERROR,deny,status:404
Is it possible to create a config file for that particular page (or even wise to do so?) or better said is it possible to create rules for particular URL's?
Not quite right as a few things wrong with this rule as it's written now. But think you get the general concept.
To explain what's wrong with the rule as it currently stands takes a fair bit of explanation:
First up, ModSecurity syntax for defining rules is made up of several parts:
field or fields to check
values to check those fields for
actions to take
You have two sets of parts 2 & 3 which is not valid. If you want to check 2 things you need to chain two rules together, which I'll show an example of later.
Next up you are checking the Request Headers for the script tag. This is not where most XSS attacks exist and you should be checking the arguments instead - though see below for further discussion on XSS.
Also checking for <script> is not very thorough. It would easily be defeated by <script type="text/javascript"> for example. Or <SCRIPT> (should add a t:lowercase to ignore case). Or by escaping characters that might be processed by your parts of your application.
Moving on, there is no need to specify the #rx operator as that's implied if no other operator is given. While no harm in being explicitly it's a bit odd you didn't give it for blah but did for the <script> bit.
It's also advisable to specify a phase rather than use default (usually phase 2). In this case you'd want phase 2 which is when all Request Headers and Request Body pieces are available for processing, so default is probably correct but best to be explicit.
And finally 404 is "page not found" response code. A 500 or 503 might be a better response here.
So your rule would be better rewritten as:
SecRule REQUEST_URI "/blah.html" id:101,phase:2,msg: ‘XSS Attack’,severity:ERROR,deny,status:500,chain
SecRule ARGS "<script" "t:lowercase"
Though this still doesn't address all the ways that the basic check you are doing for a script tag can be worked around, as mentioned above. The OWASP Core Rule Set is a free ModSecurity set of rules that has been built up over time and has some XSS rules in it that you can check out. Though be warned some of their regexprs get quite complex to follow!
ModSecurity also works better as a more generic check, so it's unusual to want to protect just one page like this (though not completely unheard of). If you know one page is vulnerable to a particular attack then it's often better to code that page, or how it's processed, to fix the vulnerability, rather than using ModSecurity to handle it. Fix the problem at source rather than patching round it, is always a good mantra to follow where possible. You would do that by sanitising and escaping input HTML code from inputs for example.
Saying that it is often a good short term solution to use a ModSecurity rule to get a quick fix in while you work on the more correct longer term fix - this is called "virtual patching". Though sometimes they have a tendency to become the long term solutions then as no one gets time to fix the core problem.
If however you wanted a more generic check for "script" in any arguments for any page, then that's what ModSecurity is more often used for. This helps add extra protection on what already should be there in a properly coded app, as a back up and extra line of defence. For example in case someone forgets to protect one page out of many by sanitising user inputs.
So it might be best dropping the first part of this rule and just having the following to check all pages:
SecRule ARGS "<script" id:101,phase:2,msg: ‘XSS Attack’,severity:ERROR,deny,status:500,"t:lowercase"
Finally XSS is quite a complex subject. Here I've assumed you want to check parameters sent when requesting a page. So if it uses user input to construct the page and displays the input, then you want to protect that - known as "reflective XSS." There are other XSS vulnerabilities though. For example:
If bad data is stored in a database and used to construct a page. Known as "stored XSS". To address this you might want to check the results returned from the page in the RESPONSE_BODY parameter in phase 4, rather than the inputs sent to the page in the ARGS parameter in phase 2. Though processing response pages is typically slower and more resource intensive compared to requests which are usually much smaller.
You might be able to execute a XSS without going through your server e.g. If loading external content like a third party commenting system. Or page is served over http and manipulated between server and cling. This is known as "DOM-based XSS" and as ModSecurity is on your server then it cannot protect against these types of XSS attacks.
Gone into quite a lot of detail there but hope that helps explain a little more. I found the ModSecurity Handbook the best resource for teaching yourself ModSecurity despite its age.

"+having+" in $GET/$POST causes server to return 403 Forbidden

One of my clients has a PHP script that kept crashing inexplicably. After hours of research, I determined if you send any PHP script a variable (either through GET or POST) that contains " having t", or escaped for the URL "+having+t", it crashes the script and returns a "403 forbidden error". To test it, I made a sample script with the entire contents:
<?php echo "works";
I put it live (temporarily) here:
Now if you try sending it some data like:
It fails. The last letter can be any letter and it will still crash, but changing any other letter makes the script load fine. What would cause this and how can it be fixed? The link is live for now if anyone wants to try out different combinations.
PS - I found that if I get the 403 error a bunch of times in a row, the sever blocks me for 15 minutes.
I had this type of issue on a webserver that ran apache mod_security, but it was very poorly configured, actually mod_security has very bad default regex rules, which are very easy to trip with valid POST or GET data.
To be clear, this has nothing to do with PHP or HTML, it's about POST and GET data passing through mod_security, almost certainly, and mod_security rejecting the request because it believes it is an sql injection attempt.
You can edit the rules yourself depending on the server access, but I don't believe you can do anything, well, if it's mod_security, I know you can't do anything via PHP to get around this.
/etc/httpd/conf.d/mod_security.conf (old path, it's changed, but it gives the idea)
Examples of the default rules:
SecFilter "delete[[:space:]]+from"
SecFilter "insert[[:space:]]+into"
SecFilter "select.+from"
These are samples of the rules
here they trip the filter:
Note that the article is very old and the rules actually are quite differently structured now, but the bad regex remains, ie: select[any number of characters, no matter how far removed, or close]from will trip it, any sql that matches these loose rules will trip it.
But since editing those default files requires access to them, and also assumes they won't be altered in an upgrade of apache mod_security at some point, it's not a good way to fix the problem I found, moving to a better, more professionally setup, hoster, fixed those issues for us. But it does help if you talk to the hosting support to know what the cause of the issue is.
In fact 'having' is not irrelevant at all, it's part of sql injection filters in the regex rules in the security filters run on POST/GET. We used to hit this all the time when admins would edit CMS pages, which would trigger invariably some sql filter, since any string of human words would invariably contain something like 'select.*from' or 'insert.*into' etc.
This mod_security issue used to drive me bonkers trying to debug why backend edit form updates would just hang, until I finally realized it was badly done generic regex patterns in the mod_security file itself.
In a sense, this isn't an answer, because the only fix is going into the server and either editing the rules file, which is pretty easy, or disabling mod_security, or moving to a web hoster that doesn't use those bad generic defaults.

How to force dispatcher cache urls with get parameters

As I understood after reading these links:
How to find out what does dispatcher cache?
The Dispatcher always requests the document directly from the AEM instance in the following cases:
If the HTTP method is not GET. Other common methods are POST for form data and HEAD for the HTTP header.
If the request URI contains a question mark "?". This usually indicates a dynamic page, such as a search result, which does not need to be cached.
The file extension is missing. The web server needs the extension to determine the document type (the MIME-type).
The authentication header is set (this can be configured)
But I want to cache url with parameters.
If I once request myUrl/?p1=1&p2=2&p3=3
then next request to myUrl/?p1=1&p2=2&p3=3 must be served from dispatcher cache, but myUrl/?p1=1&p2=2&p3=3&newParam=newValue should served by CQ for the first time and from dispatcher cache for subsequent requests.
I think the config /ignoreUrlParams is what you are looking for. It can be used to white list the query parameters which are used to determine whether a page is cached / delivered from cache or not.
Check for details.
It's not possible to cache the requests that contain query string. Such calls are considered dynamic therefore it should not be expected to cache them.
On the other hand, if you are certain that such request should be cached cause your application/feature is query driven you can work on it this way.
Add Apache rewrite rule that will move the query string of given parameter to selector
(optional) Add a CQ filter that will recognize the selector and move it back to query string
The selector can be constructed in a way: key_value but that puts some constraints on what could be passed here.
You can do this with Apache rewrites BUT it would not be ideal practice. You'll be breaking the pattern that AEM uses.
Instead, use selectors and extensions. E.g. instead of, use:
Most things you will need to do that would ever get cached will work this way just fine. If you give me more details about your requirements and what you are trying to achieve, I can help you perfect the solution.

What URI should I expect HTTP DELETEs at?

This is more of a conceptual integrity question for something that's been bothering me.
HTTP's DELETE method is supposed to be idempotent, and REST's URIs are supposed to actually represent things. But it seems to be only defined in the reverse direction: each resource must have one URI, but a given URI doesn't seem to need a resource. More charitably I guess URIs could be defined to point at empty/null resources.
The only time this seems actually relevant is in a DELETE request. Where is the best place to put it? with the content identifying the resource to be deleted, or is better?
Content in DELETE seems fine in HTTP and REST. (Conceptually: according to other SO questions various frameworks will silently drop content from DELETE requests before you can process it.)
So here's my thinking: every example seems to use the latter scheme--where you're deleting a resource at its URI, not deleting a resource from its parent collection URI--but the resource should stop existing after a successful DELETE. In which case the URI should fail loudly, imho. But that would negate the idempotence of DELETE, leading me to think that DELETE should operate on collections, with the content specifying the actual resource to be deleted.
Obviously everybody just does the thing that I don't like and I should probably go along with it for the sanity of my users, but is there anywhere where this is clearly spelled out, or obvious things that I'm missing that make me wrong?
According to the HTTP standard "The DELETE method requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the Request-URI." - there's nothing about any sort of request body.
In which case the URI should fail loudly, imho. But that would negate the idempotence of DELETE
Just return a 404. The point of idempotence is, submitting the same DELETE request twice doesn't cause the server state to end up any different from having submitted it once. Failing doesn't cause a problem for that (unless the server shuts down or something)
A DELETE request should only apply to the URI of the resource you would like deleted. For deleting something via a collection, a POST or PUT to that collection would be more appropriate.
You can implement a response to the DELETE request by checking for the resource and deleting it if it exists and return 2xx, otherwise just return 2xx (e.g., in case duplicate requests were sent). The point of making the method idempotent is that it won't "fail loudly"—it isn't considered a failure at all. Just like how PUT doesn't differentiate between "create" and "update".

Double request from mod-rewrite

I've written a module that sets Apache environment variables to be used by mod-rewrite. It hooks into ap_hook_post_read_request() and that works fine, but if mod-rewrite matches a RewriteRule then it makes a second call to my request handler with the rewritten URL. This looks like a new request to me in that the environment variables are no longer set and therefore I have to execute my (expensive) code twice for each hit.
What am I doing wrong, or is there a work around for this?
You can use the [NS] modifier on a rule to cause it to not be processed for internal subrequests (the second pass you're seeing is an internal subrequest).
As I understand it, the NS flag (suggested in another answer) on a rule makes it evaluate as "if I am being called a second time, ignore me". The trouble is, by then it's too late since the hook has already been called. I believe this will be a problem no matter what you do in mod_rewrite. You can detect the second request, but I don't know of any way to prevent the second request.
My best suggestion is to put the detection in your handler before your (expensive) code and exit if it's being run a second time. You could have mod_rewrite append something to the URL so you'd know when it's being called a second time.
If your (expensive) code is being called on every request, it's also being called on images, css files, favicons, etc. Do you really want that? Or is that possibly what you are seeing as the second call?
Thanks a bunch, I did something similar to what bmb suggested and it works! But rather than involving mod-rewrite in this at all, I added a "fake" request header in my module's request handler, like so:
apr_table_set(r->headers_in, "HTTP_MY_MODULE", "yes");
Then I could detect it at the top of my handler on the second rewritten request. Turns out that even though mod-rewrite (or Apache?) doesn't preserve added env or notes variables (r->subprocess_env, r->notes) in a subrequest, it does preserve added headers.
As for my expensive code getting called on every request, I have a configurable URL suffix/extension filter in the handler to ignore image, etc requests.