Documentum issue: Setup cannot copy the file ExJNIAPI.dll - documentum

I was using webtop for some time and it was working fine.
Now its started to give this error and if I cancel it, its asking to download some cab Files, which I allowed.
But again when installed it starts showing the same error.
Any suggestions?

This is a required file for Documentum Webtop client side file transfer. Odds are, an update on the PC that you are viewing / editing files, has caused trouble.
Personally I would
back up any checked out files on local PC. By default (I think), would be in %USERPROFILE%\Documentum\CheckedOut
Reboot PC, to free up any processes holding locks on files and folders
Delete local UCF install, by default: %USERPROFILE%\Documentum
Login to Webtop and do fresh clean install
For futher troubles shooting take a look at
or in the new OpenText webtop forums


MSI Installer revert the modified installation files if application starts with other user

I have a scenario,
On a particular machine, I am installing my custom software with MSI installer. MSI installer is created with PerMachine tag, so software is available for all the users of that machine.
I installed the software on C:\MyApp\ directory.
Then I modified a few configuration files present in C:\MyApp\Config folder to make sure the software connects with my other services.
I started the application, it's working fine.
Now, on the same machine, I logged in with another user.
I started the application.
MSI windows popup with some progress bar for installation.
It vanishes and the application starts but fails to load.
But all the files I have modified are reverted now, I need to again modify those.
Few points:
My installation direcotry is C:\MyApp, not any custom user directory. So modified files should be for all the users.
I think MSI is rolling back changes when I logged in with the new user.
How to stop this?
Please help
Self-Repair: Windows Installer self-repair is the cause of the behavior you see. See the link for an explanation of what happens. See more here - several links with information on self-repair from various angles.
Short Explanation: Essentially the launching of an advertised shortcut triggers an integrity check of the installed files and if a file or registry setting is found to be missing a self-repair ensues. It will put in place missing files and settings. During this process it will sometimes overwrite changed settings files - the problem you describe (due to various file overwrite oddities of Windows Installer - a long answer with various hints).
Fix?: My preferred fix for this is to not install the settings files and update them, but to rather have your application generate them on first launch - either one file per user or a shared one for all users. You can also use a read-only copy of the settings file that you install to copy to a new file that you generate and update. I also recommend you put these files in a writable location in the user profile and not in the main folder. Your setup will never interfere with these generated files. You can also try to set the hosting component for the files "permanent" and "never overwrite". Not very neat. Here is a whole rant on the subject. The very best solution - in my opinion - is to keep settings in databases and get them on launch. This allows good control of all settings. Look out for network and firewall issues.
I hope this answers your question. Are you installing IIS files? I find commercial tool Advanced Installer to have the better feature list for IIS installation - though I lack enough data to conclude. Some videos here: - WiX is also very good, but without the nice GUI of Advanced Installer.
Note: you really should not install to the root of C:\ anything at all. Windows Installer actively tries to make it hard, and side-effects are likely. You can, however, target the IIS folders - wherever they are located.
Update: I found this old answer on how to allow selective update of settings files - I had to resurrect the linked forum answers from Wayback.

Whys is IISExpress giving 404, when server IIS works

I am using Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8.7 on windows 10.
This issue is happening for MVC 4 websites and Web Api 2. Not for Aspnet.Core sites (so far)
Lately I have been having issues where I will be debugging a website and it will work fine then all of a sudden the next time you start the project up, it gives a 404 error. The only way to fix the error is to use a different computer, create a new project and copy the info over.
Every time I start the debugger and get 404, this event is recorded.
The directory specified for caching compressed content
C:\inetpub\temp\IIS Temporary Compressed Files\Clr4IntegratedAppPool
is invalid. Static compression is being disabled.
Things I have tried.
Uninstal VS / IISExpress and reinstall, including delete all folders in program files
Create a new project and copy code over. (works, but then happens again later on)
Use different computer. (works, but eventually that computer hits the issue too)
Tried creating the temporary folder and giving "Everyone" full control of it.
Tried changing port number and re-creating virtual directory
Tried deleting entire solution folder and re-cloning repo.
The issue does not happen on the web servers, only locally.
Any idea on what is going on? I can't find any configuration that is telling IIS to compress the files, so not sure why I keep seeing that error.
I determined that the application_start even in global.asax is never firing (StreamWriter code in it to log to a file in case debugger issue). So I assume the 404 is because the routes never get registered.
I tried updating Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc to the latest 5.2.6.
Edit 2
So I found a workaround. I installed IIS locally and publish to a folder and debug by attaching to the process. If I point IIS directly at the project or use IIS within VS it doesnt work.
I think the issue is related to some dll goofiness, project seems to work once published.
Edit 3
Found the root of the problem. I use Ubuntu/bash on windows. Cloning the git repo through bash seems to be setting the permissions wrong. If I clone through command line, the issue does not happen. Now I need to figure out why bash is screwing up the file permissions.
Same issue with VS2017 on Windows 10, default IIS Express and git for Windows. Suddenly iisexpress returns 404 on /Default.aspx!!??
Close VS2017
Delete the git repository in the file system.
Open VS2017
Clone the git repo
this helped on my machine.

My application will no longer run

My application was running fine. I went to lunch and just came back and now I keep getting this.
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\WindowsApplication4.exe" to "bin\Debug\WindowsApplication4.exe". Access to the path 'obj\Debug\WindowsApplication4.exe' is denied. WindowsApplication4
I rebooted, restarted VS, copied contents to another directory, installed the latest VS service pack. Other applications continue to run, even ones that I had open at the same time this one was. So its specific to this application. Nothing changed between working and me coming back from lunch.
Any ideas? I got way to much here to lose things.

XCode 4 Archive/IPA Error: "The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory"

I've found various proposed solutions to this problem on this internet, but none of them work for me. Does anyone know why this might be happening?
I've tried archiving with every combination of coding signing vs not using code signing, and I've tried using every combination of provisioning profiles, but I still get the same error every time.
I'm very confused as to why I'd even be getting an error like this when trying to save a file. I'm using XCode 4, my application builds for archive fine. In fact, I can even upload my application to itunesconnect (and it was accepted!). I just can't create an IPA for sharing and beta testing before submission.
Any ideas?
The error message
Right before I get the error
After much frustration, I filed a developer support request with Apple. The technician I spoke with was able to save my archive as an .ipa on her computer -- the exact same archive that I was not able to save on mine, which pointed to a possible bug in my system (and from the sounds of it, many other people's).
She recommended that I uninstall and reinstall XCode and the developer tools, and that worked!
Here were her uninstall instructions:
Make sure that your machine is running the latest Mac OS X (10.6.7) and iTunes.
Run the following command in the Terminal application to uninstall your SKD:
sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all (where <Xcode> is the path to the directory that contains your SDK.)
Drag your <Xcode> to the trash and restart your machine
Re-download and install Xcode (4.0.2) from the iOS Dev Center. Make sure that the System Tools, UNIX Development, Essentials packages in the Custom Install pane are selected before installing it.
I have the same issue after my distribution certificate was expired. I add new ones (private key and certificate) and xCode "Share" command starts to produce such error.
The problem resolves as soon as I remove old private key & certificate from Keychain Access.
Hope it helps
Selecting "Don't Re-sign" at Identity solved the same issue for me.
I actually had the same problem, but a different solution (and reason). I had Xcode 3 and Xcode 4 both running at one point. I recently deleted Xcode 3 and moved my Xcode 4 from /Xcode4 to /Developer directory. This caused me to have the same issue you describe.
I moved the directory back to /Xcode4 and now my archives save out correctly.
I also had the same problem but I could resolve the problem in the below way.
My project was on the portable disk (formatted as FAT-32) and the project referred some folders on the same disk as "add folder reference for any added folder". I could build it any configurations however I couldn't just make .ipa file with above alert.
So, I copied the referenced folders on the portable disk to the desktop of the disk installed XCode (MacOS). And adding again the folders into the project. I could make .ipa file.
I installed Xcode 4.0.2 in one directory and then manually moved it to another.
When I moved Xcode back to the first directory everything worked.

unable to build ant with Clearcase on VMware

So here is the problem.
I have a local snapshot in my local windows system and i run my ant script and it builds.
I have build system which is also winxp but its a vmware built inside ubuntu. i have also a snapshot there too in winxp , and my script runs against this. But clearcase doesnt allow to write anything on this folder and build fails. Tried and tired of changing everything thats possible.
I did try one more option, like copying snapshot from my local windows system to vmware winxp and run it from there, and it works cool. Coz clearcase doesnt hold any lock. Unable to figure out how to fix this.
Any thoughts friends ?.
ClearCase shouldn't prevent the creation of private files in a snapshot view.
A snapshot view is like a SVN workspace: a collection if files copied on the hard-drive (as opposed to dynamic views which allows for network-access to the same elements)
So I suspect your script fails when it tries to checkout and/or "add to source control" elements.
I which case you need to make sure of the:
user characteristics (CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP)
view protect ("cleartool lsview -l -full -pro")
If you have those informations, plus any specific error message, you can add them to your question and leave a comment on this answer. I will then update it accordingly.