botium project in eclipse with multiple botium.json not working - automation

I have setup botium project according to direction given in and its working fine for single botium.json file.
but when i try to setup multiple connector together ex-
"botium": {
"Capabilities": {
"PROJECTNAME": "jokes",
"CONTAINERMODE": "dialogflow",
2) botium_watson.json
"botium": {
"Capabilities": {
"PROJECTNAME": "IBM Watson Conversation Sample",
"CONTAINERMODE": "watson",
in the same project but running 1 at a time using
mocha --reporter mochawesome --reporter-options
--convos ./spec/convo/dialog --config botium_dialog.json --exit spec "
its giving error
Error: Capability 'CONTAINERMODE' missing
at BotDriver._getContainer (node_modules\botium-core\src\BotDriver.js:316:13)
at async.series (node_modules\botium-core\src\BotDriver.js:154:30)

The "--convos" and the "--config" command line parameters are actually for the Botium CLI, not for mocha. You either switch your test scripts to Botium CLI, or you configure Botium in a way to use several configuration files and several convo directories. My recommendation would be to pack each section in an own subdirectory - so you have a "botium_dialog" and a "botium_watson" directory, each with it's own package.json, botium.json, spec/convo folders etc.
With some configuration changes, it is also possible to use your current folder structure.
Add multiple botium.spec.js in spec folder:
const BotiumBindings = require('botium-bindings')
const bb = new BotiumBindings({ convodirs: [ './spec/convo/dialog' ] })
BotiumBindings.helper.mocha().setupMochaTestSuite({ bb })
const BotiumBindings = require('botium-bindings')
const bb = new BotiumBindings({ convodirs: [ './spec/convo/watson' ] })
BotiumBindings.helper.mocha().setupMochaTestSuite({ bb })
Add multiple test scripts to your package.json:
"scripts": {
"test_dialog": "BOTIUM_CONFIG=botium_dialog.json mocha --reporter spec --exit spec/botium_dialog.spec.js",
"test_watson": "BOTIUM_CONFIG=botium_watson.json mocha --reporter spec --exit spec/botium_watson.spec.js"
Run both of the test scripts
For example:
npm run test_dialog
npm run test_watson


How to run Playwright in headless mode?

I created a new Vue app using npm init vue#latest and selected Playwright for e2e tests. I removed firefox and webkit from projects in the playwright.config.ts file, so it will only use chromium.
Running npm run test:e2e works fine, the process exists with a success code.
When forcing the tests to fail by modifying the ./e2e/vue.spec.ts file the output is
but the process does not exit with an error code, it still opened browser windows and so CI environments would freeze.
I searched the docs for a specific flag e.g. "headless" and tried --max-failures -x but that didn't help.
How can I tell Playwright to run in headless mode and exit with an error code when something failed?
Since playwright.config.ts already makes use of process.env.CI I thought about replacing reporter: "html", with reporter: [["html", { open: !process.env.CI ? "on-failure" : "never" }]],
but which arguments should I add to the script "test:e2e:ci": "playwright test", to ensure process.env.CI is set?
I tried to run the script inside my CI environment and it seems to work out of the box ( I don't know how it sets the CI environment flag but the pipeline did not freeze )
- name: Install Playwright Browsers
run: npx playwright install --with-deps
- name: Check if e2e tests are passing
run: npm run test:e2e
If any test fails it exists with an error code
It's serving the html report and asking to press 'Ctr+C' to quite.You can disable it using below configuration.
// playwright.config.ts
import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '#playwright/test';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
reporter: [ ['html', { open: 'never' }] ],
export default config;
Refer - Report Doc
Issue -
To add to the answer above, you can set headless: true in the 'use' block of the config which is above the projects block. Anything set at that level will apply to all projects unless you specifically override the setting inside a project specific area:
// playwright.config.ts
import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '#playwright/test';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
reporter: [ ['html', { open: 'never' }] ],
use: {
headless: true,
projects: [
name: 'chromium',
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
export default config;

How to debug custom mocha test reporter?

I'm writing a mocha test reporter that I want to use for customized Cypress tests documentation.
Which is the right way to debug reporter code (maybe with intellij Idea)?
I tried to debug using intellij Idea tools, running cypress (both open and run) in debug mode.
I also tried the IntelliJ Cypress plugin pro version that allow test debugging.
I can't stop in breakpoints.
So I'm trying at least to print some debug log but I can't see my logs anywere.
I couldn't make it work with Cypress, but I could do with Mocha in VSCode.
Working example here
Steps to debug:
Install ts-node and typescript for your project: npm i ts-node typescript --save-dev
Create custom-reporter.ts in your src folder with this content: (taken from and modified slightly )
import { reporters, Runner, Suite, Test } from 'mocha';
// This reporter outputs test results, indenting two spaces per suite
export class CustomReporter extends reporters.Base {
private indents = 0;
constructor(runner: Runner) {
const stats = runner.stats;
.once(EVENT_RUN_BEGIN, () => {'start');
.on(EVENT_SUITE_BEGIN, (suite: Suite) => {
.on(EVENT_SUITE_END, (suite: Suite) => {
.on(EVENT_TEST_PASS, (test: Test) => {
// Test#fullTitle() returns the suite name(s)
// prepended to the test title
console.log(`${this.indent()}pass: ${test.fullTitle()}`);
.on(EVENT_TEST_FAIL, (test: Test, err: any) => {
console.log(`${this.indent()}fail: ${test.fullTitle()} - error: ${err.message}`);
.once(EVENT_RUN_END, () => {
console.log(`end: ${stats.passes}/${stats.passes + stats.failures} ok`);
private indent() {
return Array(this.indents).join(' ');
private increaseIndent() {
private decreaseIndent() {
We will compile custom-reporter.ts by ts-node at runtime, but we have to pass a .js to Mocha as a reporter.
Therefore we create index.js as follows and we export our reporter as follows:
module.exports = require("./src/custom-reporter").CustomReporter;
Add test script to your package.json if you want to run without debugging:
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha -r ts-node/register specs/*.spec.ts --reporter index"
Create .vscode/launch.json in your project root, and add the following code:
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Debug Mocha tests",
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha",
"args": [
"protocol": "inspector",
"sourceMaps": true,
"console": "integratedTerminal"
Place some breakpoints in VSCode into src/custom-reporter.ts
In VSCode open the Run and Debug panel (Ctrl+Shift+D), select Debug Mocha tests and press the play button
This way you should be able to start the test running and hit your breakpoints in VSCode.

Webdriver instances not created for custom protractor.conf file

I want to integrate my E2E suite in Travis, so I followed this article. As mentioned in the article I've created a custom file of the Travis build. I've placed this file inside my e2e folder (path: e2e/
The only difference in my custom e2e/ and angular generated protractor.conf.js files is the value in args property displayed below.
chromeOptions: {
args: [
const SpecReporter = require('jasmine-spec-reporter').SpecReporter;
exports.config = {
allScriptsTimeout: 11000,
specs: [
capabilities: {
shardTestFiles: true,
maxInstances: 2,
'browserName': 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
args: ['--start-maximized']
directConnect: true,
baseUrl: 'localhost:4000/',
framework: 'jasmine',
jasmineNodeOpts: {
showColors: true,
defaultTimeoutInterval: 300000,
print: function () {
useAllAngular2AppRoots: true,
onPrepare: function () {
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter());
project: 'e2e/tsconfig.json'
In my package.json file there are 2 scripts one for running tests locally and one on Travis.
Package.json (at the same level where protractor.conf.js is located)
"scripts": {
"test": "ng test --watch=false",
"pree2e": "webdriver-manager update",
"e2e": "concurrently --kill-others \"ng e2e --port=4000\" \"npm run _server:run\"",
"e2e:ci": "concurrently --kill-others \"ng e2e --port=4000 --protractor-config=e2e/\" \"npm run _server:run\"",
"_server:run": "tsc -p ./server && concurrently \"tsc -w -p ./server\" \"nodemon dist/server/index.js\" ",
- staging
- prod
- functional-testing
- if [[ $TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE == *"[skip e2e]"* ]]; then echo "skipping E2E test"; else npm run e2e:ci; fi
- sed -i '/dist/d' .gitignore
- git add . && git commit -m "latest build"
When simply running npm run e2e, every test is working fine. But when I'm using npm run e2e:ci command scripts hangs and no instance of WebDriver runs.
I/launcher — Running 0 instances of WebDriver
is coming instead of 1 or 2 instances.
That's because since you made a new config file and apparently placed in the folder
/e2e instead of the default root folder.
The path to the test files in your case should also be updated.
So './e2e/**/*.e2e-spec.ts' will get changed to './**/*.e2e-spec.ts'
Since, currently the test is not able to find any files specified, it doesn't run any instances.

rendering css by environment

I'm looking to switch to webpack on an mvc website and there's 3 different environments of this website and each environment has their own color scheme (so people know what environment they're on) so I need a way to tell webpack which css file to load and when, but not sure how to go about that.
the end result is:
For example you have a certain theme enabled by default and you have a theme switcher control (layout page) which raises events client-side using JavaScript.
In your entry script you can attach to the changed event of the theme switcher control and do:
Dummy code: Index.js
function changedEventHandler(){
var selectedTheme = $(this).selectedValue;
switch (selectedTheme) {
case "themeA":
case "themeB":
resolve: {
alias: {
"theme$": path.resolve(theme),
"themeA$": path.resolve("./src/css/themeA.css"),
"themeB$": path.resolve("./src/css/themeB.css"),
If you want three different builds each with a different theme, you can do the following:
If you want a build with themeA run: npm run themeA
If you want a build with themeB run: npm run themeB
"scripts": {
"themeA": "webpack --env.theme=themeA --mode development",
"themeB": "webpack --env.theme=themeB --mode development",
module.exports = (env) => {
var theme = "";
if (env.theme) {
theme = "./src/css/" + env.theme + ".css"
return {
entry: './src/index.js',
output: {
path: distfolder,
filename: 'bundle.js'
resolve: {
alias: {
"theme$": path.resolve(theme)
In your entry point you can do:
import "theme"

project.json scripts events can delete folders?

I am trying to delete a folder on post compile but cant make rd or del commands to work. Is there a way to delete a folder and subfolders from the scripts events?
Put the commands that you need in a batch or shell file and invoke that file in the post compile step
Use npm and gulp task, that not depends on the OS
Add a package.json file in your project root with gulp and gulp-rimraf dependencies:
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "your description",
"name": "your project name",
"readme": "yuour readme",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"dependencies": {
"devDependencies": {
"gulp": "3.9.1",
"gulp-rimraf": "0.2.0",
"scripts": {
"gulp": "gulp",
Add a gulpfile.js in your project root containing the cleanup task :
/// <binding Clean='clean' />
"use strict";
var gulp = require("gulp"),
rimraf = require("gulp-rimraf");
gulp.task("clean:js", function (cb) {
return rimraf("path to js folder to delete", cb);
gulp.task("clean:css", function (cb) {
return rimraf("path to css folder to delete", cb);
gulp.task("default", ["clean:js", "clean:css"]);
In your project.json, call the npm script :
"scripts": {
"precompile": "npm run gulp" // this will call the default gulp task
For more information, you can read the doc about how to use gulp on the docs site
You can do the same using grunt instead of gulp if you want