Won't add a default custom row on combobox - vb.net

been having an issue displaying an empty item as default selected item on a combobox. This combobox is a filter for my gridview and currently my datagridview displays all data based on the first item of the combobox but what i wanted is to have an empty first combobox item so that datagridview will pull all data from database. When i run the app it says
System.ArgumentException: 'Input string was not in a correct
format.Couldn't store <> in ailment_id Column. Expected type is
My code to populate combobox from database:
Private Sub populateComboAilment()
data_adapter = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM ailment", myconnection.open())
Dim data_table As New DataTable
'assign default value
Dim row As datarow = data_table.NewRow()
row(0) = ""
data_table.Rows.InsertAt(row, 0)
comboAilment.DataSource = data_table
With comboAilment
.DisplayMember = "name"
.ValueMember = "ailment_id"
End With
End Sub
Update: All is working now when I changed combobox ValueMember to a
name since it's an id before. but when I select another item it
displays nothing on the gridview because my datagridview query doesn't
know the name, only id since it's a foreign key.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Ah, I just looked more carefully at the code and you're not actually assigning a String containing "<>" but rather an empty String. It doesn't really matter though. A String is a String and you can't put one where a number is required. You might be able to use a String that contained digits because that could be implicitly converted to a number but a empty String doesn't qualify.
If you want an empty field in a DataRow then you need to do what ADO.NET does to represent a database null, i.e. use DBNull.Value. That means an object of type DBNull, which is required because ADO.NET predates nullable value types. You can't just use Nothing because would work for reference types but not value types, e.g. if you assign Nothing to an Integer variable you are effectively setting it to zero.
In short, you need to change this:
Dim row As datarow = data_table.NewRow()
row(0) = DBNull.Value
row(1) = DBNull.Value
data_table.Rows.InsertAt(row, 0)
In the case of the name column, its data type is String so you could use an empty String there (preferably String.Empty rather than "" but either works) but null is more appropriate because it is actually no value, rather than a value containing no characters.


How can I change the column name from datagridview with access database

or how can I populate the rows only from my datagridview since I want to assign a columnheader name on my datagridview instead of filling the database with all my data. I want to adjust the column height/width and such of each column. Thank you
I know why you put an image, but you should perhaps try to avoid it for future questions; people tend to prefer seeing code as text they can copypaste
You have your DGV set to autogenerate columns so it makes columns with a HeaderText that is the same name as the column. Just change the column HeaderText after the columns have been bound (binding happens when you set the DataSource property):
For example you can look the DGV column up by the datatable column it is bound to:
yourDataGridView.Columns.Cast(Of DataGridViewColumn)().First(Function(c) c.DataPropertyName = "ip").HeaderText = "IP"
Bound columns don't have a name, only an index position, so if you want to find them by name you'll have to look through the columncollection searching for eg where the column's DataPropertyName is "ip", which is what the LINQ above does. It's a bit awkward as a syntax because a DataGridViewColumnCollection doesn't do LINQ without being cast. It might be simpler to put all your mappings into a dictionary and use a loop:
Dim d = New Dictionary(Of String, String) From
{{"ip", "IP"}, {"aws", "AmazonWebServices"}, ... }
For Each dgvc as DataGridViewColumn in d
If d.ContainsKey dgvc.DataPropertyName Then d.HeaderText = d(dgvc.DataPropertyName)
Next dgvc
If you know "ip" column will always be first you can more simply:
yourDataGridView.Columns(0).HeaderText = "IP"

Filter DataGridView across all columns

Sorry for my bad English. I am an old German man, I want to filter a DGV across all columns. In the Moment I use following filter:
Dim Such_Spalte = Me.DtS_DGV.DTT_1.article_1Column.ColumnName
But I have 10 Columns (article_1 to Article_10)
If as an example Sugar is in column 1,3,5 I want to see all records where sugar occurs.
I hope this is understandable
You seem to be using strongly typed datasets and as such I would expect that your datagridview is bound through a BindingSource (the windows forms designer sets it up this way, and my presumption is that you used te designer to do your binding)
If your datagridview is indeed bound through a bindingsource:
Dim bs = DirectCast(datagridviewX.DataSource, BindingSource)
Dim sb = New StringBuilder() 'it will hold the filter string
For Each col in DtS_DGV.DTT_1.Columns
sb.AppendFormat("[{0}] = '{1}' OR ", col.ColumnName, "Sugar")
Next col
sb.Length -= 3 'remove the trailing OR
bs.Filter = sb.ToString()
If your datagridview is bound direvtly to the table, it will have attached to the table's DefaultView property, a DataView, which also has a Filter that works in the same way. If this is the case, do the same thing with the loop to build the filter string, and then:
DtS_DGV.DTT_1.DefaultView.Filter = sb.ToString()

Compare DataTable and DataGridView and hightlight matching rows in DataGridView

I have a database table which contains a list of usernames and their current active location, an integer called SEQUENCE.
I get this list of sequence numbers into a datatable with a single column (e.g. "SELECT SEQUENCE FROM TABLE"):
dtUsers = CLS_USERS.GetUsers(User)
It excludes the current user, which is why I parse in User.
What I then do is loop through the datatable and for each number I want to set the matching row in a datagridview (which also has a SEQUENCE column) to a different colour. This is my current code:
For Each row As DataRow In dtUsers.Rows
intSeq = row("SEQUENCE")
For Each dgv_row As DataGridViewRow In dgvCandList.Rows
If dgv_row.Cells("CURRENT_SQ").Value = intSeq Then
dgv_row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Cyan
dgv_row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Grey
End If
However, all rows are highlighted rather than just those where dgv_row.Cells("SV_CURRENT_CAND_SQ").Value = intSeq is True... I've verified that this loop is working correctly, so it must be dgv_row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Cyan which is incorrect?
If so, how should I correctly be assigning the row back colour of specific DataGridRow?
EDIT: This code works correctly, my issue was related to bug outside this loop causing the BackColor to be sent for everything, and then never setback to default if where BackColor wasn't being set back to the default if it wasn't in dtUsers.

Compare values with 3 states Y/N as String or DbNull

I have database table with a column DECISION which can have the following values:'Y','N', or (null). There can be multiple people updating the values in this database table via an application.
I want to ensure that the DataGridView which displays this information is kept up to date for all users regularly.
I have a background thread which does the following:
For Each new_row As DataRow In dsData.Tables("Progress").Rows
For Each cur_row As DataRow In dsData.Tables("List").Rows
If new_row("SEQ") = cur_row("SEQ") And new_row("DECISION") <> cur_row("DECISION") Then
cur_row("DECISION") = new_row("DECISION")
End If
Essentially dsData.Tables("Progress") is populated with the latest data and then compared to the current values in the DataGridView column, based on a sequence number SEQ.
What I want to happen is that if they are different, the cur_row value is changed to that of new_row.
However, it falls over because sometimes it tries to compare a string 'N' or 'Y' with (null) which can't be done.
What is the best way to work around this?
I do want to compare and update any (null) as it is a genuine state in this system.
The TryCast operator can help you here. You can try to cast as type String and a field containing DBNull.Value will simply return Nothing.
Dim cur_val = TryCast(cur_row("DECISION"), String)
Dim new_val = TryCast(new_row("DECISION"), String)
If new_val IsNot Nothing AndAlso cur_val <> new_val Then
cur_row("DECISION") = new_val
End If

How to iterate display values in a combobox

I have a combobox whose values (displayvalue) are formatted (from a database query):
John Doe (11111)
where 11111 is the userID. The UserID is the login name for their machine and I want to default the selected value to the login UserID.
Since combobox.findstring(UserID) only matches if the entry begins with that string, I need to iterate through the values to look for the substring of UserID in the entries.
I've searched around here, but solutions seems to land all around this specific example. I can't seem to find a method that returns the display value at a specific index. What am I missing?
This is how I am populating my combobox:
Private Sub PopulateDropdown(strSQl As String, objControl As ComboBox, strTextField As String, strDataField As String)
Dim objdatareader As New DataTable
objdatareader = DataAccess.GetDataTable(strSQl)
objControl.DataSource = objdatareader
objControl.DisplayMember = strTextField
objControl.ValueMember = strDataField
End Sub
This may actually help folks trying to find the ValueMember of a combobox as well.
I am populating my combobox from a datatable, so this solution may only be valid from that. I am not really sure why this works. I just stumbled upon it.
First, I started by doing a for each item in combobox.items. According to intelisense, there is no property of .value, .text, .DisplayMember, or anything related to that. I did notice that the return type on combobox.items is a DataRowView. I am not sure why that is, but I went with it. One of the members of DataRowView is Row. It turns out, each column from the DataTable is added to the Row collection in 'item's' DataRowView. Rows(0) is the first column, Row(1) is the second, etc. I was then able to look in the Row's full text to find my userid, and then select that row by using the FindExactString of the combobox. The below code works (I built the datatable manually in this example):
dim UserID As String="12345"
dim MyTable as New Datatable
MyTable.Columns.Add("Value", Type.GetType("System.String"))
MyTable.Columns.Add("Text", Type.GetType("System.String"))
MyTable.rows.add("1","Bob Smith(11223)"
MyTable.rows.add("2","George Brown(12345)"
For Each item In cboAssignedID.Items
If InStr(item.Row(1).ToString, UserID) > 0 Then
cboAssignedID.SelectedIndex = cboAssignedID.FindStringExact(item.Row(1).ToString)
End If