using "query user /server:XXX" command in c++ windows form application - c++-cli

I'm developing a small app to find out the users logged into the server( ip provided) using VS2008 windows form application.
i have wrote the below code which seems to be working fine only when i'm logged into any one of the remote servers, if i install the same application in my local machine and try to run it, i get below error :
'Query' is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
press any key to continue...
Note : if i just directly run 'system user /server:XXX' command via command prompt of my local machine, i will get the required details, without facing any error.
My doubt is, why am i facing error if i run the same command with my application?
PFB code which i have written :
static std::string toStandardString(System::String^ string)
using System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal;
if (string->Length == 0 || string->Length < 0)
MessageBox::Show("No field can be empty");
System::IntPtr pointer = Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(string);
char* charPointer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pointer.ToPointer());
std::string returnString(charPointer, string->Length);
return returnString;
#pragma endregion
private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
String^ com = "query user /server:";
String^ texStr= textBox1->Text;
String^ full = com + texStr + " & pause";
std::string str1 = toStandardString(full);
char str2[100];


(C++ / CLI) Set contents of textbox to content of a .txt

I am looking to set the contents of a textbox to that of a .txt file,
however I cannot get it to work. I have a button which would "refresh" the
content of the textbox to that of the .txt file, here is the code I am using:
private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
std::ifstream dat1("DataStore.txt");
String^ textHolder;
if (dat1.is_open())
while ( getline(dat1, line) )
textHolder += line.c_str;
textBox1->Text = textHolder;
else textBox1->Text = "Unable to open file";
I get these 2 errors when compiling the program:
error C3867: 'std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>>::c_str': function call missing argument list; use '&std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>>::c_str' to create a pointer to member
error C2297: '+=' : illegal, right operand has type 'const char *(__thiscall std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>>::* )(void) throw() const'
How do I make this work?
NOTE: I am trying to display the whole .txt file's contents in the textbox
If you are going to use C++/CLI you may as well take advantage of .net. You can use the File class to read the file for you:
System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
textBox1->Text = System::IO::File::ReadAllText("DataStore.txt");
You'll need to hope that the process working directory contains that file. In a GUI app you are better served by specifying full paths to files, since the working directory is typically ill-defined.
If you are trying to learn C++, then perhaps a .net C++/CLI WinForms application is not the place to start.
You forgot to end method c_str, change it to c_str()

Can Not find static text control when the test is executed on virtual machine

I am using Microsoft Automation UI framework to develop my automation test cases. The problem I faced with is related to interaction with static text control. I am just trying to get the control's text. The test work perfect when I run the test on my local machine. The problem is when I run the test via Test Controler on the (no matter which) Test Agent. The error which appear is that the static control text can not be found.
Theis is the part of my code where I am trying to initialize the control I want to interact with:
private void Init(TreeScope treeScope, params Condition[] properties)
List<Condition> propertiesList = properties.ToList();
bool controlFound = Wait.ForCondition(
() =>
TestControl = Parent.FindFirst(treeScope,
new System.Windows.Automation.AndCondition(propertiesList.ToArray()));
return !TestControl.Current.IsOffscreen;
return false;
if (!controlFound)
throw new ElementNotAvailableException(DescriptiveName + "Control is NOT found");
if (TestControl.Current.IsKeyboardFocusable)
string controlFullName = this.TestControl.Current.ControlType.ProgrammaticName;
DescriptiveName = "< " + DescriptiveName + " " + controlFullName.Substring(controlFullName.LastIndexOf(".")) + " >";
catch (ElementNotAvailableException ex)
catch (Exception ex)
Any ideas?
I am using Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 for managing my virtual machines (I think all machines are vmware). But from my prespective the problem is not in the virtual machine because all of the tests are executed without any problems on the VM except the one which verify the Static Text Control content. I am 100% sure that the desctop of the VM where the tests are executed is active because I am able to look at it using VMWare Remote Console.
In terms of execution of the tests on the remote machine I am using Test Controlers and Test Agents which comes with Visual Studio.

.NET CF - MSMQ ActivateDevice() Crash

I have a .NET 3.5 Compact Framework application that uses MSMQ.
We are running this application on an Intermec CN3, Windows Mobile 5.0 device.
However, when our application first tries to active the MSMQ service with ActivateDevice (pinvoke), the application crashes and we get the error report message:
A problem has occuurred with myApp.exe
Please tell Microsoft about this problem, at not cost to you. ect..
What we have done is this:
Hard Reset the Device
Install msmq.arm.CAB
*Run a CF console app that sets up MSMQ and the registry
Soft reset the PDA
*Run our application which calls ActivateDevice() on startup
After doing a soft reset, the first time that ActivateDevice() is called, the application crashes.
However, now that we have called ActivateDevice(), MSMQ services are working on the device atleast until it is soft reset again.
Also, any calls to ActivateDevice() will not crash the application.
The console app that we run after a hard reset is basically this:
class InstallRegister
public void Main()
RunMsmqAdmin("register install");
RunMsmqAdmin("enable binary");
RunMsmqAdmin("enable srmp");
private void SetQuotaValueRegistry(string quotaValueName)
, quotaValueName
, 100000);
private void RunMsmqAdmin(string command)
using (Process _process = new Process())
_process.StartInfo.FileName = #"\windows\msmqadm.exe";
_process.StartInfo.Arguments = command;
_process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("CoreDll.dll", EntryPoint = "RegFlushKey", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern uint RegFlushKey(uint hKey);
Our applications call to ActivateDevice() is basically this:
class ActivateMSMQ
public void Active()
var handle = ActivateDevice("Drivers\\BuiltIn\\MSMQD", 0);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("CoreDll.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr ActivateDevice(string lpszDevKey, Int32 dwClientInfo);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("CoreDll.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private extern static Int32 CloseHandle(IntPtr hProcess);
ActivateDevice() still causes our app the crash whenever the device is soft reset.
Has anyone else experienced this with MSMQ on the compact framework?
Yes this problem occurs. the quick and easy fix for this is to put the code into a separate executable, then on the start of you app launch this process and wait for completion. The process will terminate due to the crash but will return with your calling app still intact. Then just make sure the executable is deployed in your cab so you app can call it.

Writing to console and stdout in

I have a winform app that is writing to console and it seems to work well. I'm using this code:
Console.Out.WriteLine("Hellow world")
The question is:
If I run the app's exe file from command line, and try to redirect the output into a file. It doesn't work.
For example:
C:\ > myapp.exe > c:\output.txt
I still get the output to console screen (c:\output.txt file is created but empty), but I want it to to be saved into c:\output.txt
What's going wrong ? How to do that?
Many thanks!
You can have your cake and eat it too if you first check if output was redirected. Here's a little helper class that contains the P/Invoke voodoo:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public static class ConsoleEx {
public static bool OutputRedirected {
get { return FileType.Char != GetFileType(GetStdHandle(StdHandle.Stdout)); }
public static bool InputRedirected {
get { return FileType.Char != GetFileType(GetStdHandle(StdHandle.Stdin)); }
public static bool ErrorRedirected {
get { return FileType.Char != GetFileType(GetStdHandle(StdHandle.Stderr)); }
// P/Invoke:
private enum FileType { Unknown, Disk, Char, Pipe };
private enum StdHandle { Stdin = -10, Stdout = -11, Stderr = -12 };
private static extern FileType GetFileType(IntPtr hdl);
private static extern IntPtr GetStdHandle(StdHandle std);
bool redir = ConsoleEx.OutputRedirected;
if (!redir) AttachConsole(-1);
// etc...
You are attaching to the parent process to provide output, which in your case is probably cmd.exe. The parent process' stdout stream has not been redirected and therefore continues to display the output on the screen.
I am not aware of a direct approach. If you do not call AttachConsole you will find that the redirect works as expected, but of course then you loose the option to have a console window. However, there is a work around that I think is reasonable.
If you want the output to go to a console window then you provide your application with a commandline switch that indicates this requirement, something like
C:\> myapp.exe /console
When the /console argument is present you call AttachConsole and the output will be written to the console. When this switch is not present you do not make the call to AttachConsole and you will be able to redirect the output to a file.

How to start a windows service in Visual Studio 2008?

IN Visual Studio when I try to start a windows service project it tells me I cant because I have to use "NET Start" and so forth.
I remember in VS 2003 that when I pressed play it started the service and stop stopped it. Is there any way that when I press play or start for that windows service project I can have this same functionality.
What I currently do is install them using installutil and I put a pre-processor command with System.Diagnostics.Debug.Launch() when I have a compilation variable defined and when I use the service manager it shows me the window to select the debugger. Still this method is somewhat cumbersome.
For anyone else reading this, remember to try to debug ONE thread at a time.
I usually allow for a command line switch that I can pass to my service using the command line argument settings in the IDE. When this switch is on I can run my service as a regular app. The only issue here is that you need to remember that services usually run under accounts with restricted permissions, so debugging as an app in your user context may behave differently when accessing secured resources. Here is example code:
static void Main()
if (IsDebugMode())
MyService svc = new MyService();
bool bContinue = true;
MSG msg = new MSG();
// process the message loop so that any Windows messages related to
// COM or hidden windows get processed.
while (bContinue && GetMessage(out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0) > 0)
if (msg.message != WM_QUIT)
DispatchMessage(ref msg);
bContinue = false;
ServiceBase.Run(new MyService());
public void DebugStart()
static bool IsDebugMode()
return (System.Environment.CommandLine.IndexOf("debug") > -1);