How to find the index of an object in a list of objects? VB.Net -

I am creating a method FindPerson which searches for a given name in a list of objects and returns the index in the list of the object with this name if found, otherwise it returns -1.
Public Class TPerson
Private Name As String
Private Address As String
Private Age As Integer
Public Sub New()
Name = "x"
Address = "x"
Age = 0
End Sub
End Class
Public Class TGroup
Private Group As List(Of TPerson)
Private GroupSize As Integer
Public Sub New(size As Integer)
GroupSize = size
Group = New List(Of TPerson)
End Sub
Public Sub FindPerson(findname As String)
Dim index As Integer
index = Group.FindIndex(findname) 'error
End Sub
End Class
The output should be an index in the list, however when I run the program I get the error: BC30311 Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'Predicate(Of TPerson)'
I am not quite sure how to fix this any help will be appreciated

How exactly do you expect the FindIndex method to know what to do with that String that you are passing in? You seem to assume that it will know that it represents a name and that it needs to match an item by Name property but how do you think it's going to do that? Why do you think it would match on Name rather than Address?
As the error message says, you need to provide a Predicate which is a delegate that takes an object of type T and returns a Boolean. In your case, T is TPerson and the Boolean needs to indicate whether findname matches its Name property. The simplest way to do that is with a Lambda expression:
Dim index = Group.FindIndex(Function(person) person.Name = findname)
You could do it with a named method and a delegate if you wanted to but it would be more long-winded and it would mean getting the findname value in by some convoluted means. If you read the documentation for the FindIndex method (which you should have done before posting here) you can find an example of that sort of thing.


VBA List of Custom Datastructures

One of the main problems in VBA are custom data structures and lists.
I have a loop which generates with each iteration multiple values.
So as an example:
Each loop iteration generates a string "name" an integer "price" and an integer "value".
In C# for example I'd create a class which can hold these three values and with each loop iteration I add the class object to a list.
How can I do the same thing in VBA if I want to store multiple sets of data when not knowing how many iterations the loop will have (I cant create an array with a fixed size)
Any ideas?
The approach I use very frequently is to use a class and a collection. I also tend to use an interface model to make things more flexible. An example would look something like this:
Class Module IFoo
Option Explicit
Public Sub Create(ByVal Name as String, ByVal ID as String)
End Property
Public Property Get Name() as String
End Property
Public Property Get ID() as String
End Property
This enforces the pattern I want for my Foo class.
Class Module Foo
Option Explicit
Private Type TFoo
Name as String
ID as String
End Type
Private this as TFoo
Implements IFoo
Private Sub IFoo_Create(ByVal Name as String, ByVal ID as String)
this.Name = Name
this.ID = Name
End Sub
Private Property Get IFoo_Name() as String
IFoo_Name = this.Name
End Property
Private Property Get IFoo_ID() as String
IFoo_ID = this.ID
End Property
We get intellisense from the Private Type TFoo : Private this as TFoo where the former defines the properties of our container, the latter exposes them privately. The Implements IFoo allows us to selectively expose properties. This also allows you to iterate a Collection using an IFoo instead of a Foo. Sounds pointless until you have an Employee and a Manager where IFoo_BaseRate changes depending on employee type.
Then in practice, we have something like this:
Code Module Bar
Public Sub CollectFoo()
Dim AllTheFoos as Collection
Set AllTheFoos = New Collection
While SomeCondition
Dim Foo as IFoo
Set Foo = New Foo
Foo.Create(Name, ID)
AllTheFoos.Add Foo
For each Foo in AllTheFoos
Debug.Print Foo.Name, Foo.ID
End Sub
While the pattern is super simple once you learn it, you'll find that it is incredibly powerful and scalable if implemented properly. It also can dramatically reduce the amount of copypasta that exists within your code (and thus reduce debug time).
You can use classes in VBA as well as in C#: Class Module Step by Step or A Quick Guide to the VBA Class Module
And to to the problem with the array: you can create an array with dynamic size like this
'Method 1 : Using Dim
Dim arr1() 'Without Size
'somewhere later -> increase a size to 1
redim arr1(UBound(arr1) + 1)
You could create a class - but if all you want to do is hold three bits of data together, I would define a Type structure. It needs to be defines at the top of an ordinary module, after option explicit and before any subs
Type MyType
Name As String
Price As Integer
Value As Integer
End Type
And then to use it
Sub test()
Dim t As MyType
t.Name = "fred"
t.Price = 12
t.Value = 3
End Sub

How To Iterate Over Members of a Structure Array in Using Member Function

I have a enumeration that looks like this:
' define enumeration for keypad states
Enum KeyPadState
KEYPAD_NO ' no keypad
KEYPAD_UC ' upper case keypad
KEYPAD_LC ' lower case keypad
KEYPAD_NU ' numeric keypad
KEYPAD_SY ' symbol keypad
End Enum
I then defined a structure element to be used to translate the members of the above enumeration from enumeration values to string values and back again. The declared structure looks like below. Note the member functions that I have tried to insert. The "New" one is working.
' define keypad type look up structure
Private Structure KeyPadXlat
Dim KeyPadEnum As KeyPadState
Dim KeyPadStr As String
' initializer subroutine
Public Sub New(nKeyPadEnum As KeyPadState, nKeyPadStr As String)
KeyPadEnum = nKeyPadEnum
KeyPadStr = nKeyPadStr
End Sub
' translate string to enum
Public Function ToEnum(xKeyPadStr As String) As KeyPadState
For Each item As KeyPadXlat In ????
End Function
' translate enum to string
Public Function ToStr(xKeyPadEnum As KeyPadState) As String
End Function
End Structure
The actual instance of the structure array is shown below with its initializer code.
Dim KeyPadLookUp() As KeyPadXlat = { _
New KeyPadXlat(KeyPadState.KEYPAD_NO, "KEYPAD_NO"), _
New KeyPadXlat(KeyPadState.KEYPAD_UC, "KEYPAD_UC"), _
New KeyPadXlat(KeyPadState.KEYPAD_LC, "KEYPAD_LC"), _
New KeyPadXlat(KeyPadState.KEYPAD_NU, "KEYPAD_NU"), _
New KeyPadXlat(KeyPadState.KEYPAD_SY, "KEYPAD_SY") _
So my question is with regard to the member functions I am trying to create to translate back and forth between the enumeration value and the string value. I have copied one of them here again for reference:
' translate string to enum
Public Function ToEnum(xKeyPadStr As String) As KeyPadState
For Each item As KeyPadXlat In ????
End Function
What I need help with is how to write the code for the For Each loop so that it iterates across all of the elements of the structure array when being in a member function.
To be honest, you really don't need all that code. This should do it nicely.
Enum KeyPadState
KEYPAD_NO ' no keypad
KEYPAD_UC ' upper case keypad
KEYPAD_LC ' lower case keypad
KEYPAD_NU ' numeric keypad
KEYPAD_SY ' symbol keypad
End Enum
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim state As KeyPadState
state = KeyPadState.KEYPAD_LC
'this line will assign the name of the enum `state` to a string called `tempstring`
'It's hardly worth encapsulating it into a function so I've left it as is
'But if you want to provide consistent code, it would be better to.
Dim tempstring As String
tempstring = [Enum].GetName(GetType(KeyPadState), state)
Dim anyString As String = "KEYPAD_UC"
Dim tempState As KeyPadState
'the following line will try to parse `anyString` to an enum value of the same type as the variable to be assigned.
'In this case `state`
tempState = ParseToKeypadState(anyString)
End Sub
Private Function ParseToKeypadState(tempString As String) As KeyPadState
Dim returnValue As KeyPadState
If Not [Enum].TryParse(tempString, returnValue) Then
'handle parsing error here
End If
Return returnValue
End Function
There's all sorts wrong with your code there.
Firstly, I'd suggest that your naming conventions are poor. If you do as is done throughout the .NET Framework then you enumeration would look like this:
Enum KeyPadState
End Enum
That's clear and self-documenting.
Secondly, it is not recommended to use abbreviations like "Xlat". That's meaningless to anyone without prior knowledge. Is it so onerous to write "Translate" and then let Intellisense find it whenever you need to use it in code?
As for the implementation of your class, why does it need any methods at all? You are passing in the KeyPadState value and the text representation when you create an instance so what is there for those methods to do? Your structure should simply be a constructor and two properties:
Private Structure KeyPadStateTranslation
Public ReadOnly Property Value As KeyPadState
Public ReadOnly Property Text As String
Public Sub New(value As KeyPadState, text As String)
Me.Value = value
Me.Text = text
End Sub
End Structure
The property values are set when the instance is created and they are retrieved via the properties. Everything also has an appropriate name.
That said, you don't even need to provide the text because you can simply call ToString on the value to get it:
Private Structure KeyPadStateTranslation
Public ReadOnly Property Value As KeyPadState
Public ReadOnly Property Text As String
Public Sub New(value As KeyPadState)
Me.Value = value
Me.Text = value.ToString()
End Sub
End Structure
Also, the fact that that structure is declared Private is an issue. That indicates that it is declared inside another type. That's not right. Structures are first-class types, just like classes, so they belong in their own dedicated code file, just like classes.
What's the point of that structure at all though? You'd still have to loop through your array to find an instance that matches either a value or some text so it doesn't really help. A Dictionary might be better but you may as well just call ToString on a value if you need to convert that way and use Enum.Parse or .TryParse when you need to go the other way.

How to instantiate Class object with varying number of property values

Been working a lot with custom classes lately and I love the power you can have with them but I have come across something that I'm not able to solve and/or find anything helpful online.
I have a list of a class with properties I'm looking to only store information pulled from a database into.
Public Class CustomClass
Public _Values As String
Public _Variables As String
Public ReadOnly Property Values() As String
Return _Values
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Variables() As String
Return _Variables
End Get
End Property
Sub New(ByVal values As String, ByVal variables As String)
_Values = values
_Variables = variables
End Sub
End Class
I will be iterating through some database entries, and I'm looking to store them into the appropriate property when I hit them (since I won't have them all available immediately, which is part of my problem). I want to just be able to add either the value or the variable at a time and not both of them, but since I have the sub procedure 'New' passing two arguments, it will always require passing them both. I've found the only way around this is by making them optional fields which I don't feel is the right way to solve this. Is what I'm looking to do possible with a class or would it be simpler by using a structure?
You can overload the constructor:
Friend Class Foo
' using auto-implement props:
Public Property Name As String ' creates a _Name backing field
Public Property Value as Integer
Public Sub New(newN as String, newV as Integer)
' access "hidden" backing fields if you want:
_Name = newN
_Value = newV
End Sub
Public Sub New() ' simple ctor
End Sub
Public Sub New(justName As String)
' via the prop
Name = justName
End Sub
End Class
You now have 3 ways to create the object: with full initialization, partial (name only) or as a blank object. You will often need a "simple constructor" - one with no params - for other purposes: serializers, Collection editors and the like will have no idea how to use the parameterized constructors and will require a simple one.
If rules in the App were that there was no reason for a MyFoo to ever exist unless both Name and Value being defined, implementing only the New(String, Integer) ctor enforces that rule. That is, it is first about the app rules, then about coding convenience.
Dim myFoo As New Foo ' empty one
myFoo.Name = "ziggy" ' we only know part of it
Since the default of string is nothing, you could pass nothing for the value you don't have. IE
Collection.Add(New CustomClass("My Value",Nothing))
Every type has a default, so this works with more than just strings.

How does one dynamically declare variables during program execution?

I am using VS 2012.
I can't figure out how to dynamically declare variables while my code is running. I am trying to write a program that pulls data for EMS dispatches off a website. The website updates every several second, and each call that is posted has a unique ID number. I want to use the unique ID number from each dispatch, and declare a new incident variable using that unique id number and add it to a collection of active dispatches. The only part I cant figure out, is how do I declare a variable for each dispatch as it is posted, and name it with its unique ID number?
something like:
Structure Incident
Dim id As Integer
Dim numer As String
Dim date1 As String
Dim time As String
Dim box As String
Dim type As String
Dim street As String
Dim crosstreet As String
Dim location As String
Dim announced As Boolean
Dim complete As Boolean
End Structure
UniqueIDstringfromwebsite = "1234"
Dim (code to get variable declared with unique ID as variable name) as incident
This is my first post, and I cant quite get the codesample to work quite right in the post.
This is my first answer - so you are in good company!
Do you not need to implement a class instead of a structure - that way you can implement a constructor. I don't think you want to create a variable with the ID as it's name, but you should add the ID to the dispatches collection (this is could be a list(of Incident):
Public Class Incident
'define private variables
Private _id as integer
Private _number as string
Private _date1 as String
Private _time as String
'define public properties
Public Property Number as string
Return _number
End Get
Set (value as string)
_number = value
End Set
End Property
'Repeat for each Public Property
'Implement Constuctor that takes ID
Public Sub New(id as integer)
_id = id
'code here to get incident properties based on id
End Sub
End Class
Hope this helps!
You can use a Dictionary to identify your var:
Dim myVar As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Incident)
UniqueIDstringfromwebsite = 1234
myVar.Add(UniqueIDstringfromwebsite, New Incident)
I don't think you can change the name of a variable with a value dinamically, and sincerily, and don't get when it can be useful.
And, in this way, better turn your structure into a class.

How can I copy an object of an unknown type in

Rather than giving the very specific case (which I did earlier), let me give a general example. Let's say that I have a function, called callingFunction. It has one parameter, called parameter. Parameter is of an unknown type. Let us then say that I wish to copy this parameter, and return it as a new object. For example, in pseudo code, something along the lines of...
Function callingFunction(ByVal parameter As Object) As Object
Dim newObj As New Object
'newObj has the same value as parameter, but is a distinctly different object
'with a different reference
newObj = parameter
return newObj
End Function
EDIT: Additional Information
The first time I posted this question, I received only one response - I felt that perhaps I made the question too specific. I guess I will explain more, perhaps that will help. I have an ASP page with 10 tables on it. I am trying, using the VB code behind, to come up with a single solution to add new rows to any table. When the user clicks a button, a generic "add row" function should be called.
The difficulty lies in the fact that I have no guarantee of the contents of any table. A new row will have the same contents as the row above it, but given that there are 10 tables, 1 row could contain any number of objects - text boxes, check boxes, etc. So I want to create a generic object, make it of the same type as the row above it, then add it to a new cell, then to a new row, then to the table.
I've tested it thoroughly, and the only part my code is failing on lies in this dynamic generation of an object type. Hence why I asked about copying objects. Neither of the solutions posted so far work correctly, by the way. Thank you for your help so far, perhaps this additional information will make it easier to provide advice?
You can't do this in general. And it won't be a good idea, for example, if parameter is of a type which implements the singleton pattern. If parameter is of a type which supports copying, it should implement the ICloneable interface. So, your function could look like this:
Function MyFunc(ByVal parameter As Object) As Object
Dim cloneableObject As ICloneable = TryCast(parameter, ICloneable)
If Not cloneableObject Is Nothing Then
Return cloneableObject.Clone()
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
You could implement something like this:
Dim p1 As Person = New Person("Tim")
Dim p2 As Object = CloneObject(p1)
Dim sameRef As Boolean = p2 Is p1 'false'
Private Function CloneObject(ByVal o As Object) As Object
Dim retObject As Object
Dim objType As Type = o.GetType
Dim properties() As Reflection.PropertyInfo = objType.GetProperties
retObject = objType.InvokeMember("", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.CreateInstance, Nothing, o, Nothing)
For Each propertyInfo As PropertyInfo In properties
If (propertyInfo.CanWrite) Then
propertyInfo.SetValue(retObject, propertyInfo.GetValue(o, Nothing), Nothing)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
retObject = o
End Try
Return retObject
End Function
Class Person
Private _name As String
Public Property Name() As String
Return _name
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_name = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal name As String)
Me.Name = name
End Sub
End Class
Here's a simple class that will work for most objects (assumes at least .Net 2.0):
Public Class ObjectCloner
Public Shared Function Clone(Of T)(ByVal obj As T) As T
Using buffer As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream
Dim formatter As New BinaryFormatter
formatter.Serialize(buffer, obj)
buffer.Position = 0
Return DirectCast(formatter.Deserialize(buffer), T)
End Using
End Function
End Class