How do I create a list of all possible anagrams of a word/string in PostgreSQL - sql

How do I create a list of all possible anagrams of a word/string in PostgreSQL.
For example if String is 'act'
then the desired output should be:
I have one Table 'tbl_words' which contains million of words.
Then I want to check/search for only valid words in my database table from this anagrams list.
Like from above list of anagrams valid words are : act, cat.
Is there any way to do this?
Update 1:
I need output like this:
(all permutation for given word )
any idea ??

The query generates all permutations of 3 elements set:
with recursive numbers as (
select generate_series(1, 3) as i
rec as (
select i, array[i] as p
from numbers
union all
select n.i, p || n.i
from numbers n
join rec on cardinality(p) < 3 and not n.i = any(p)
select p as permutation
from rec
where cardinality(p) = 3
order by 1
(6 rows)
Modify the final query to generate permutations of the letters of a given word:
with recursive numbers as (
select generate_series(1, 3) as i
rec as (
select i, array[i] as p
from numbers
union all
select n.i, p || n.i
from numbers n
join rec on cardinality(p) < 3 and not n.i = any(p)
select a[p[1]] || a[p[2]] || a[p[3]] as result
from rec
cross join regexp_split_to_array('act', '') as a
where cardinality(p) = 3
order by 1
(6 rows)

Here is a solution:
with recursive params as (
select *
from (values ('cata')) v(str)
nums as (
select str, 1 as n
from params
union all
select str, 1 + n
from nums
where n < length(str)
pos as (
select str, array[n] as poses, array_remove(array_agg(n) over (partition by str), n) as rests, 1 as lev
from nums
union all
select pos.str, array_append(pos.poses, nums.n), array_remove(rests, nums.n), lev + 1
from pos join
on pos.str = nums.str and array_position(pos.rests, nums.n) > 0
where cardinality(rests) > 0
select distinct pos.str , string_agg(substr(pos.str, thepos, 1), '')
from pos cross join lateral
unnest(pos.poses) thepos
where cardinality(rests) = 0
group by pos.str, pos.poses;
This is quite tricky, particularly when there are repeated letters in the string. The approach taken here generates all permutations of the numbers from 1 to n, where n is the length of the string. It then uses these as indexes to extract characters from the original string.
Those who are keen will notice that this uses select distinct with group by. That seems like the easiest way to avoid duplication in the resultant strings.


SQL: Divide long text in multiple rows

I would like to divide a long text in multiple rows; there are other questions similar to this one but none of them worked for me.
What I have
ID | Message
1 | Very looooooooooooooooong text
2 | Short text
What I would like to do is divide that string every n characters
Result if n = 15:
Id | Message
1 | Very looooooooo
1 | oooooooong text
2 | Short text
Even better if the split is done at the first space after n character.
I tried with string_split and substring but I cannot find anything that works.
I thought to use something similar to this:
SELECT index, element FROM table, CAST(message AS SUPER) AS element AT index;
But it doesn't take into account the length and I don't like casting a varchar variable into a super.
You can use generate_series() to accomplish this:
select m.*, gs.posn, substring(m.message, gs.posn, 15) as split_message
from messages m
cross join lateral generate_series(1, length(message), 15) gs(posn);
Splitting on spaces after the length is a little trickier. We would have to split the message into words and then figure out how to break them into groups and then reaggregate.
I could not figure out how to split on spaces without recursion. I hope you don't mind that it treats all whitespace as word boundaries:
with recursive by_words as (
select m.*, s.n, s.word, length(s.word) as word_len,
max(s.n) over (partition by as num_words
from messages m
cross join lateral regexp_split_to_table(m.message, '\s+')
with ordinality as s(word, n)
), rejoin as (
select id, n, array[word] as words, word_len as cum_word_len,
word_len >= 15 as keep
from by_words
where n = 1
union all
select, c.n,
when p.cum_word_len >= 15 then array[c.word]
else p.words||c.word
end as words,
when p.cum_word_len >= 15 then c.word_len
else p.cum_word_len + c.word_len + 1
end as cum_word_len,
(p.cum_word_len + c.word_len + 1 >= 15)
or (c.n = c.num_words) as keep
from rejoin p
join by_words c on (, c.n) = (, p.n + 1)
select id,
row_number() over (partition by id
order by n) as segnum,
array_to_string(words, ' ') as split_message
from rejoin
where keep
order by 1, 2
db<>fiddle here
Edit to add:
Can you please tell me whether the below works in Redshift?
with gs as (
select generate_series as posn
from generate_series(1, 150000, 15)
select *, substring(m.message, gs.posn, 15) as split_message
from messages m
join gs
on gs.posn <= greatest(1, length(m.message))
order by, gs.posn
Thanks to #Mike Organek 's answer and his help I found a solution that works with Redshift too.
Problem in Mike's answer for Redshift is related to generate_series that is not well supported in Redshift, so here's a workaround.
with row as (
select t.*, row_number() over () as x
from table t -- big enough table
limit 100
result as
select (x-1)*15+1 as posn from row --change 15 to a number to split the long text with
select * into gs
from result
And then Mike's answer:
select *, substring( from gs.posn for 15) as split_message
from messages m
join gs
on gs.posn <= greatest(1, length(m.message))
order by, gs.posn

PostgreSQL find all possible combinations (permutations) in recursive query

Input is an array of 'n' length. I need to generate all possible combinations of array elements, including all combinations with fewer elements from the input array.
IN: j='{A, B, C ..}'
OUT: k='{A, AB, AC, ABC, ACB, B, BA, BC, BAC, BCA..}'
With repetitions, so with AB BA..
I have tried something like this:
WITH RECURSIVE t(i) AS (SELECT * FROM unnest('{A,B,C}'::text[]))
,cte AS (
SELECT i AS combo, i, 1 AS ct
SELECT cte.combo || t.i, t.i, ct + 1
FROM cte
JOIN t ON t.i > cte.i
SELECT ARRAY(SELECT combo FROM cte ORDER BY ct, combo ) AS result;
It is generating combinations without repetitions... so I need to modify that somehow.
In a recursive query the terms in the search table that are used in an iteration are removed and then the query repeats with the remaining records. In your case that means that as soon as you have processed the first array element ("A") it is no longer available for further permutations of the array elements. To get those "used" elements back in, you need to cross-join with the table of array elements in the recursive query and then filter out array elements already used in the current permutation (position(t.i in cte.combo) = 0) and a condition to stop the iterations (ct <= 3).
SELECT * FROM unnest('{A,B,C}'::char[])
), cte AS (
SELECT i AS combo, i, 1 AS ct
SELECT cte.combo || t.i, t.i, ct + 1
FROM cte, t
WHERE ct <= 3
AND position(t.i in cte.combo) = 0
SELECT ARRAY(SELECT combo FROM cte ORDER BY ct, combo) AS result;

Find all possible combinations of array without permutations

Input is an array of 'n' length.
I need all combinations inside this array stored into new array.
IN: j='{A, B, C ..}'
OUT: k='{A, B, C, AB, AC, BC, ABC ..}'
Without repetitions, so without BA, CA etc.
Generic solution using a recursive CTE
Works for any number of elements and any base data type that supports the > operator.
WITH RECURSIVE t(i) AS (SELECT * FROM unnest('{A,B,C}'::text[])) -- provide array
, cte AS (
SELECT i::text AS combo, i, 1 AS ct
SELECT cte.combo || t.i::text, t.i, ct + 1
FROM cte
JOIN t ON t.i > cte.i
SELECT combo
FROM cte
ORDER BY ct, combo
) AS result;
Result is an array of text in the example.
Note that you can have any number of additional non-recursive CTEs when using the RECURSIVE keyword.
More generic yet
If any of the following apply:
Array elements are non-unique (like '{A,B,B}').
The base data type does not support the > operator (like json).
Array elements are very big - for better performance.
Use a row number instead of comparing elements:
SELECT i::text, row_number() OVER () AS rn
FROM unnest('{A,B,B}'::text[]) i -- duplicate element!
, cte AS (
SELECT i AS combo, rn, 1 AS ct
SELECT cte.combo || t.i, t.rn, ct + 1
FROM cte
JOIN t ON t.rn > cte.rn
SELECT combo
FROM cte
ORDER BY ct, combo
) AS result;
Or use WITH ORDINALITY in Postgres 9.4+:
PostgreSQL unnest() with element number
Special case: generate decimal numbers
To generate decimal numbers with 5 digits along these lines:
FROM unnest('{1,2,3,4,5}'::int[]) i
, cte AS (
SELECT i AS nr, i
SELECT * 10 + t.i, t.i
FROM cte
JOIN t ON t.i > cte.i
FROM cte
) AS result;
SQL Fiddle demonstrating all.
if n is small < 20 , all possible combinations can be found using a bitmask approach. There are 2^n different combinations of it. The number values 0 to
(2^n - 1) represents one of the combination.
e.g n=3
0 represents {},empty element
2^3-1=7= 111 b represents element, abc
pseudo code as follows
for b=0 to 2^n - 1 do #each combination
for i=0 to (n-1) do # which elements are included
if (b && (1<<i) != 0)
res= res+arr[i]
print res

Select records where column has n character occurrences

I was wondering if this is possible in sqlite.
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE substr_count(f, '*') = 5
It should return records that have 5 asterisks in the "f" column, like
and so on
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE length(f)-replace(f,'*','') = 5
This solution is easy if you have a tally or numbers table which simply contains a sequential list of integers. This would be a table you populated once but has many uses. With that you have:
Create Table Tally ( N int );
Insert Tally( N )
Select Z.<PrimaryKeyCol>, Sum( Z.Val )
From (
Select <PrimaryKeyCol>, 1 As Val
From tbl
Cross Join Tally As T
Where substr( tbl.f, T.N, 1 ) = '*'
) As Z
Group By Z.<PrimaryKeyCol>
Having Sum( Z.Val ) = 5

SQL: how to get all the distinct characters in a column, across all rows

Is there an elegant way in SQL Server to find all the distinct characters in a single varchar(50) column, across all rows?
Bonus points if it can be done without cursors :)
For example, say my data contains 3 rows:
The distinct inventory of characters would be "productwigenka123"
Here's a query that returns each character as a separate row, along with the number of occurrences. Assuming your table is called 'Products'
WITH ProductChars(aChar, remain) AS (
SELECT LEFT(productName,1), RIGHT(productName, LEN(productName)-1)
FROM Products WHERE LEN(productName)>0
SELECT LEFT(remain,1), RIGHT(remain, LEN(remain)-1) FROM ProductChars
WHERE LEN(remain)>0
SELECT aChar, COUNT(*) FROM ProductChars
To combine them all to a single row, (as stated in the question), change the final SELECT to
SELECT aChar AS [text()] FROM
(SELECT DISTINCT aChar FROM ProductChars) base
The above uses a nice hack I found here, which emulates the GROUP_CONCAT from MySQL.
The first level of recursion is unrolled so that the query doesn't return empty strings in the output.
Use this (shall work on any CTE-capable RDBMS):
select x.v into prod from (values('product1'),('widget2'),('nicknack3')) as x(v);
Test Query:
with a as
select v, '' as x, 0 as n from prod
union all
select v, substring(v,n+1,1) as x, n+1 as n from a where n < len(v)
select v, x, n from a -- where n > 0
order by v, n
option (maxrecursion 0)
Final Query:
with a as
select v, '' as x, 0 as n from prod
union all
select v, substring(v,n+1,1) as x, n+1 as n from a where n < len(v)
select distinct x from a where n > 0
order by x
option (maxrecursion 0)
Oracle version:
with a(v,x,n) as
select v, '' as x, 0 as n from prod
union all
select v, substr(v,n+1,1) as x, n+1 as n from a where n < length(v)
select distinct x from a where n > 0
Given that your column is varchar, it means it can only store characters from codes 0 to 255, on whatever code page you have. If you only use the 32-128 ASCII code range, then you can simply see if you have any of the characters 32-128, one by one. The following query does that, looking in
with cteDigits as (
select 0 as Number
union all select 1 as Number
union all select 2 as Number
union all select 3 as Number
union all select 4 as Number
union all select 5 as Number
union all select 6 as Number
union all select 7 as Number
union all select 8 as Number
union all select 9 as Number)
, cteNumbers as (
select U.Number + T.Number*10 + H.Number*100 as Number
from cteDigits U
cross join cteDigits T
cross join cteDigits H)
, cteChars as (
select CHAR(Number) as Char
from cteNumbers
where Number between 32 and 128)
select cteChars.Char as [*]
from cteChars
cross apply (
select top(1) *
from sys.objects
where CHARINDEX(cteChars.Char, name, 0) > 0) as o
for xml path('');
If you have a Numbers or Tally table which contains a sequential list of integers you can do something like:
Select Distinct '' + Substring(Products.ProductName, N.Value, 1)
From dbo.Numbers As N
Cross Join dbo.Products
Where N.Value <= Len(Products.ProductName)
For Xml Path('')
If you are using SQL Server 2005 and beyond, you can generate your Numbers table on the fly using a CTE:
With Numbers As
Select Row_Number() Over ( Order By c1.object_id ) As Value
From sys.columns As c1
Cross Join sys.columns As c2
Select Distinct '' + Substring(Products.ProductName, N.Value, 1)
From Numbers As N
Cross Join dbo.Products
Where N.Value <= Len(Products.ProductName)
For Xml Path('')
Building on mdma's answer, this version gives you a single string, but decodes some of the changes that FOR XML will make, like & -> &.
WITH ProductChars(aChar, remain) AS (
SELECT LEFT(productName,1), RIGHT(productName, LEN(productName)-1)
FROM Products WHERE LEN(productName)>0
SELECT LEFT(remain,1), RIGHT(remain, LEN(remain)-1) FROM ProductChars
WHERE LEN(remain)>0
SELECT N'' + aChar AS [text()]
FOR XML PATH, TYPE).value(N'.[1]', N'nvarchar(max)'),1, 1, N'')
-- Allow for a lot of recursion. Set to 0 for infinite recursion