Aggregate undetermined number of files for all wildcards in one rule - snakemake

I have a set of files which will be individually processed to produce multiple files. Exactly how many files is unknown before runtime. (If it matters, this is demultiplexing DNA sequencing results.) I then have a script which takes all of these files at once.
Right now I have something like this:
checkpoint demultiplex:
input: "{sample}.fastq"
output: directory("{sample}")
# in reality the number of output files is not known
"mkdir -p {output} &&"
"touch {output}/{wildcards.sample}-1.fastq &&"
"touch {output}/{wildcards.sample}-2.fastq &&"
"touch {output}/{wildcards.sample}-3.fastq"
def find_outputs(wildcards) :
outdir = checkpoints.demultiplex.get(**wildcards)
return glob.glob("{sample}/{sample}-*.fastq".format_map(wildcards))
rule analysis:
input: find_outputs
outputs: "results.txt"
script: "scripts/do_analysis.R"
This obviously doesn't work, because the values of {sample} (Assume they should be A, B, C, D) are never defined.

As I was writing the question, I came up with this answer, which seems to work. However, if you have something cleaner, I would be happy to accept it!
For checkpoints.<rule>.get() to work its magic, it has to be in the body of a function which is given as a reference, not called. Also, this function needs to take one argument, wildcards.
So we make a function that returns closures having the behavior we need. The value of wildcards (which will be empty in this case) is ignored, allowing us to specify the values manually.
def find_outputs(sample):
def f(wildcards):
checkpoints.demultiplex.get(sample = sample)
return glob.glob("{sample}/{sample}-*.fastq".format(sample = sample))
return f
rule analysis:
output: "results.txt"
script: "script/do_analysis.R"


How does snakemake handle possible corruptions due to a rule run in parallel simultaneously appending to a single file?

I would like to learn how snakemake handles following situations, and what is the best practice avoid collisions/corruptions.
rule something:
expand("/path/to/out-{asd}.txt", asd=LIST)
"cat {input} >> {output}"
With snakemake -j10 the command will try to append to the same file simultaneously, and I could not figure out if this could lead to possible corruptions or if this is already handled.
Also, how are more complicated cases handled e.g. where it is not only cat but a return value of another process based on input value being appended to the same file? Is the best practice first writing them to individual files then catting them together?
rule get_merged_total_distinct:
RCT=$(samtools view -#4 -c -F1 -F4 -q 30 {params.with_dups})
RCD=$(samtools view -#4 -c -F1 -F4 -q 30 {input})
printf "{wildcards.tomerge},${{RCT}},${{RCD}}\n" >> {output}
or cases where an external script is being called to print the result to a single output file?
expand("infile/{x}",...) # expanded as above
bash {params.x} {input} {params.y} >> {output}
With your example, the shell directive will expand to
cat /path/to/out-SAMPLE1.txt /path/to/out-SAMPLE2.txt [...] >> /path/to/merged.txt
where SAMPLE1, etc, comes from the LIST. In this case, there is no collision, corruption, or race conditions. One thread will run that command as if you typed it on your shell and all inputs will get cated to the output. Since snakemake is pull based, once the output exists that rule will only run again if the inputs change at which points the new inputs will be added to the old due to using >>. As such, I would recommend using > so the old contents are removed; rules should be deterministic where possible.
Now, if you had done something like
rule something:
"cat {input} >> {params.output}"
# then invoke
snakemake -j10 /path/to/merged-{a..z}.txt
Things are more messy. Snakemake will launch all 10 jobs and output to the single merged.txt. Note that file is now a parameter and we are targeting some dummy files. This will behave as if you had 10 different shells and executed the commands
cat /path/to/out-a.txt >> /path/to/merged.txt
# ...
cat /path/to/out-z.txt >> /path/to/merged.txt
all at once. The output will have a random order and lines may be interleaved or interrupted.
As some guidance
Try to make outputs deterministic. Given the same inputs you should always produce the same outputs. If possible, set random seeds and enforce input ordering. In the second example, you have no idea what the output will be.
Don't use the append operator. This follows from the first point. If the output already exists and needs to be updated, start from scratch.
If you need to append a bunch of outputs, say log files or to create a summary, do so in a separate rule. This again follows from the first point, but it's the only reason I can think of to use append.
Hope that helps. Otherwise you can comment or edit with a more realistic example of what you are worried about.

Snakemake variable number of files

I'm in a situation, where I would like to scatter my workflow into a variable number of chunks, which I don't know beforehand. Maybe it is easiest to explain the problem by being concrete:
Someone has handed me FASTQ files demultiplexed using bcl2fastq with the no-lane-splitting option. I would like to split these files according to lane, map each lane individually, and then finally gather everything again. However, I don't know the number of lanes beforehand.
Ideally, I would like a solution like this,
rule split_fastq_file: (...) # results in N FASTQ files
rule map_fastq_file: (...) # do this N times
rule merge_bam_files: (...) # merge the N BAM files
but I am not sure this is possbile. The expand function requires me to know the number of lanes, and can't see how it would be possible to use wildcards for this, either.
I should say that I am rather new to Snakemake, and that I may have complete misunderstood how Snakemake works. It has taken me some time to get used to think about things "upside-down" by focusing on output files and then working backwards.
One option is to use checkpoint when splitting the fastqs, so that you can dynamically re-evaluate the DAG at a later point to get the resulting lanes.
Here's an MWE step by step:
Setup and make an example fastq file.
# Requires Python 3.6+ for f-strings, Snakemake 5.4+ for checkpoints
import pathlib
import random
rule make_fastq:
fastq = touch("input/{sample}.fastq")
Create a random number of lanes between 1 and 9 each with random identifier from 1 to 9. Note that we declare this as a checkpoint, rather than a rule, so that we can later access the result. Also, we declare the output here as a directory specific to the sample, so that we can later glob in it to get the lanes that were created.
checkpoint split_fastq:
fastq = rules.make_fastq.output.fastq
lane_dir = directory("temp/split_fastq/{sample}")
n_lanes = random.randrange(1, 10)-
lane_numbers = random.sample(range(1, 10), k = n_lanes)
for lane_number in lane_numbers:
path = pathlib.Path(output.lane_dir) / f"L00{lane_number}.fastq"
Do some intermediate processing.
rule map_fastq:
fastq = "temp/split_fastq/{sample}/L00{lane_number}.fastq"
bam = "temp/map_fastq/{sample}/L00{lane_number}.bam"
bam = pathlib.Path(output.bam)
To merge all the processed files, we use an input function to access the lanes that were created in split_fastq, so that we can do a dynamic expand on these. We do the expand on the last rule in the chain of intermediate processing steps, in this case map_fastq, so that we ask for the correct inputs.
def get_bams(wildcards):
lane_dir = checkpoints.split_fastq.get(**wildcards).output[0]
lane_numbers = glob_wildcards(f"{lane_dir}/L00{{lane_number}}.fastq").lane_number
bams = expand(rules.map_fastq.output.bam, **wildcards, lane_number=lane_numbers)
return bams
This input function now gives us easy access to the bam files we wish to merge, however many there are, and whatever they may be called.
rule merge_bam:
bam = "temp/merge_bam/{sample}.bam"
"cat {input} > {output.bam}"
This example runs, and with random.seed(1) happens to create three lanes (l001, l002, and l005).
If you don't want to use checkpoint, I think you could achieve something similar by creating an input function for merge_bam that opens up the original input fastq, scans the read names for lane info, and predicts what the input files ought to be. This seems less robust, however.

snakemake unpack with shell & conda

I have the basic "input can be single end or paired end reads" problem for my snakemake pipeline. I'd like to use unpack if possible, since it seems designed for this situation (as illustrated in the answer for this issue), but I also want to use conda:, which requires shell:. I believe that shell: will die if I have {input.read2} but it's not provided by unpack(). Is there any good way of getting around this besides either 1) creating 2 nearly identical rules 2) making an empty read2 (if single-end) and then creating an if-else in shell to check for whether read2 is empty. Neither is ideal.
Try to combine your input function with a params function to generate the flags for either paired or single end. Using the bowtie example from your link:
def bowtie2_inputs(wildcards):
if (seq_type == "pe"):
return expand("{reads}_{strand}.fastq", strand=["R1", "R2"], reads=wildcards.reads)
elif (seq_type == "se"):
return expand("{reads}.fastq", reads=wildcards.reads)
def bowtie2_params(wildcards, input):
if (seq_type == "pe"):
return f'-1 {input.reads[0]} -2 {input.reads[1]}'
return f'-U {input.reads}'
rule bowtie2:
conda: <env>
"bowtie2 -x {input.index} {params.file_args} -S {output.sam}"
Not sure it's any better than the shell option. I would use two rules with a ruleorder preferring the paired ends. That would be easier to modify if you wanted say a different aligner or to change parameters for each case. As is this requires a bit of jumping around to actually see what the rule does.

Snakemake - input function exception

I am trying to run snakemake code using.json file as input. While checking the dry run i got foloowing error
InputFunctionException in line 172 of /home/Snakefile_ChIPseq_pe:
KeyError: '130241_1'
This is the part of snakemake code
rule findPeaks:
sample = os.path.join(HOMERTAG_DIR, "{library}"),
input = lambda wildcards: os.path.join(HOMERTAG_DIR, config['lib_input'][wildcards.library])
os.path.join(HOMERPEAK_DIR, "{library}.all.hpeaks")
"findPeaks {input.sample} -i {input.input} {params} -o {output}"
There is single quote around input sample which is missing in the 'lib_input' part. How to add that single quote ahead of variable?
Also library names are like 12345_1, 12345_2 etc., never had this problem before however for the first time I have libraries with "underscore" in the names.
Snakemake will first try to interpret the given value as number. Only if that fails, it will interpret the value as string. Here, it does not fail, because the underscore _ is interpreted as thousand separator.
My guess is that in your json file the library IDs are not quoted. E.g. you have this:
"lib_input": {1234_1: "input.txt"}
Instead of:
"lib_input": {"1234_1": "input.txt"}
Or maybe library 130241_1 is not in the json at all?

Missing wildcards in S4 snakemake Object in R

I'm running a workflow with a main Snakefile including rules from the rules folder and calling rscripts from those included rules.
Here are a few lines and their specific files:
samples = pd.read_table("samples.csv", header=0, sep=',', index_col=0)
rule extract:
include: "rules/extract_expression_single.smk"
rule merge_umi:
expand('summary/{sample}_umi_expression_matrix.tsv', sample=samples.index)
samples = read.csv('samples.csv', header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)$samples
read_list = c()
for (i in 1:length(samples)){
temp_matrix = read.table(snakemake#input[[i]][1], header=T, stringsAsFactors = F)
cell_barcodes = colnames(temp_matrix)[-1]
colnames(temp_matrix) = c("GENE",paste(samples[i], cell_barcodes, sep = "_"))
read_list=c(read_list, list(temp_matrix))
# Little function that allows to merge unequal matrices
merge.all <- function(x, y) {
merge(x, y, all=TRUE, by="GENE")
read_counts <- Reduce(merge.all, read_list)
read_counts[] = 0
rownames(read_counts) = read_counts[,1]
read_counts = read_counts[,-1]
write.table(read_counts, file=snakemake#output[[1]], sep='\t')
The "clean" way to do it would be to call snakemake#wildcard.sample to attribute sample names to the script. But for some reason snakemake#wildcards is an empty vector.
In python:
<class ''>
which means it's also empty.
So right now I have to rely on getting back to the samples.csv file and getting the sample names there. I will also have to double check matching indexes maybe using greps, don't want the samples and the files to get mixed up.
Any idea why this is happening?
I've tried adding the sample_name as params to see if this would work and it actually does.
rule merge_umi:
expand('summary/{sample}_umi_expression_matrix.tsv', sample=samples.index)
sample_name = lambda wildcards: samples.index
I'm gonna use this for now, but my guess is there is still an issue with the scope of wildcards in included rules. Or maybe I'm doing it wrong.
The idea of using wildcards is to call a rule for each value in the wildcards. If you use the expand function in the input of a rule, then your rule will take all of the wildcard values and create a list of strings. Which means, your rule will be invoked just for once (not for each wildcard value). Per default, expand uses the python itertools function product that yields all combinations of the provided wildcard values.
By doing so, you cannot use that wildcard inside your rule any longer. Because when that rule is invoked, it gets all of the wildcard values and convert them into a list that will be given to your R script just for once (not for each wildcard value).
In your case, using wildcards is not suitable, since your merge_count rule will be run only for once (not for each wildcard value).