How to convert data from object to string in mule 4? - mule

I used to convert payload to string whenever i need to log the payload on console using the syntax in mule 3 [message.payloadAs(java.lang.String)] and some times used to use object to string converter or object to array converter.
But in mule 4 i don't see any converter as in mule 3 and [message.payloadAs(java.lang.String)] is alos not working.
Please assist me any new syntax of component or consept has come in mule 4 ?
"firstName": "Ram",
"lastName": "Ram1",
"address": [
"street": "a",
"city": "b",
"state": "c"
"street": "a1",
"city": "b1",
"state": "c1"
Batch Image
<batch:job jobName="Batch_ProcessingBatch_Job" doc:id="2582eccb-720f-499f-99fe-424cab3c9a33" >
<batch:process-records >
<batch:step name="Batch_Step1" doc:id="cb045f6b-edd3-426f-8f28-0d20b301fb6d" >
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="2491184f-e8d7-47b7-bef0-29bafd43247f" message="In Batch_step1........... #[payload]"/>
<batch:aggregator doc:name="Batch Aggregator" doc:id="aa9c1b60-395f-4376-804d-bced200dfb43" size="2">
<set-payload value='#[write(payload, "application/json")]' doc:name="Set Payload" doc:id="9d4b27ee-5692-4a99-a93e-bd7c694f398d" />
<ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="06064422-1352-4ff9-8817-3e87eb1f4264" >
<ee:message >
<ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload map(item,index) -> {
name: item.firstName,
surname: item.lastName
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="c955490e-fab1-436e-8265-f706a577c9d2" message="In Batch_step1 Aggrigator........... #[payload]" />
<batch:on-complete >
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="a3923c90-557b-4955-9c40-afd748719abd" message="#['#####It is oncomplete result####': write(payload, "application/json")]"/>
Getting Error
Message : "You called the function 'map' with these arguments:
1: String ("[\n \"{\\n \\\"firstName\\\": \\\"Ram\\\",\\n \\\"lastName\\\": \\\"Ram1\...)
2: Function ((item:Any, index:Any) -> ???)
But it expects arguments of these types:
1: Array
2: Function
4| payload map(item,index) -> {
| ...
7| }
at map (line: 4, column: 1)
at main (line: 4, column: 9)" evaluating expression: "%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload map(item,index) -> {
name: item.firstName,
surname: item.lastName
Element : Batch_ProcessingFlow/processors/0/route/0/route/0/aggregator/processors/1 # training-1:Batch Processing.xml:27 (Transform Message)
Element XML : <ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="06064422-1352-4ff9-8817-3e87eb1f4264">
<ee:set-payload>%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload map(item,index) -> {
name: item.firstName,
surname: item.lastName
(set debug level logging or '-Dmule.verbose.exceptions=true' for everything)

After quick googling the new way is to use #[message.payload as String] as shown in link.

You can use the payload.^raw syntax for the loggers. It was introduced in mule 4 and can handles cases where string conversion is needed. Typically pairs well with output text/plain format in a logger.
NOTE its never a good idea to log entire payloads (that could contain PII etc..) with maybe an exception where you are building a report that you need to log at the end of your batch process which possibly could be the case here...


Cannot make the Mock for the Salesforce Connectors work in the Munit Tests

I have been struggling with the Munit tests for the flows I created. The Flow have couple of Salesforce connectors to Query, Create. So in my Munit tests I have the Mocks added but it seems like I am missing something. The Flow is like below
<sub-flow name="salesforce-Quote-create-flow" doc:id="310fe17f-64b3-448e-8c13-d5994352c3f5" >
<json-logger:logger doc:name="Begin Flow (Info)" doc:id="92cbe814-9391-4ef0-900b-33c72643f3d7" config-ref="JSON_Logger_Config" message="Starting salesforce-Quote-create-flow" category="${jsonlogger.category}">
<json-logger:content ><![CDATA[#[import modules::JSONLoggerModule output application/json ---
name: payload.quoteID,
opportunityId : payload.opportunityId,
<set-variable value="#[payload]" doc:name="Set the input Payload" doc:id="6b46a184-fabb-4063-a1b8-a074622f73dc" variableName="inputPayload"/>
<salesforce:query doc:name="Query Existing Quote" doc:id="19c396a3-8656-4600-beba-9e011e78d2b4" config-ref="Salesforce_Config">
<salesforce:salesforce-query ><![CDATA[Select ID,Opportunity.recordTypeID,Contact_Information__c, Executive_Summary_checkbox__c, Milestones_checkbox__c, Gantt_Chart__c,
Shipment_Schedule__c, Timeline_Tool__c, Product_Description__c, Materials_and_Pricing__c,
To_accept_this_statement_of_work__c, Animal_Health_Policy__c, Cancelation_Policy__c,
Fees_and_Invoicing__c, Terms_and_Conditions__c, Signature__c, Customer_Signature__c, Executive_Summary__c,(SELECT id,Quote__c FROM Quote_Sent_To__r) FROM Quote WHERE OpportunityId= ':opportunityId' Order by createddate desc limit 1
<salesforce:parameters ><![CDATA[#[output application/java
"opportunityId" : vars.inputPayload.opportunityId
<set-variable value="#[payload]" doc:name="Set Variable exisingQuote" doc:id="9e591720-7e19-4f8f-b86f-98b05ee896f7" variableName="existingQuote"/>
<ee:transform doc:name="Map the Request Body to Create New Quote" doc:id="f3d95e54-95a5-466d-b3c3-7d3323aef6b0">
<ee:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
output application/java
if(payload[0].Id != null)
Name :,
OpportunityId: vars.inputPayload.opportunityId,
Pricebook2Id: vars.inputPayload.pricebook2d,
AX_Instance__c : vars.inputPayload.axInstance,
Multiline_Discount__c : vars.inputPayload.multilineDiscount,
Total_Discount__c: vars.inputPayload.totalDiscount,
Customer_Signature__c : payload[0].Customer_Signature__c as Boolean,
Executive_Summary__c : payload[0].Executive_Summary__c
Name :,
OpportunityId: vars.inputPayload.opportunityId,
Pricebook2Id: vars.inputPayload.pricebook2d,
AX_Instance__c : vars.inputPayload.axInstance,
Multiline_Discount__c : vars.inputPayload.multilineDiscount,
Total_Discount__c: vars.inputPayload.totalDiscount
<set-variable value="#[payload[0]]" doc:name="Set Variable" doc:id="e31add26-4221-4004-9c19-b5d35d51a565" variableName="quoteBody"/>
<json-logger:logger doc:name="After Map Request Body" doc:id="381c37f1-7dfa-4085-a294-7571424bdda2" config-ref="JSON_Logger_Config" message="After Building the Request body for the in salesforce-Quote-create-flow" tracePoint="AFTER_TRANSFORM" priority="DEBUG" category="${jsonlogger.category}">
<json-logger:content ><![CDATA[#[import modules::JSONLoggerModule output application/json ---
payload: payload
<salesforce:create doc:name="Create Quote Record" doc:id="99e7fd61-af4f-4bed-bcb6-4f86e91c8a4b" config-ref="Salesforce_Config" type="Quote"/>
<json-logger:logger doc:name="After Create Request to Salesforce (INFO)" doc:id="113e7428-eb0b-48b9-b007-afc7f2e44f0d" config-ref="JSON_Logger_Config" message="After Salesforce Create Operation in salesforce-Quote-create-flow" category="${jsonlogger.category}">
<json-logger:content ><![CDATA[#[import modules::JSONLoggerModule output application/json ---
success: payload.successful
And Munit tests is
<munit:test name="salesforce-sys-implementation-test-suite-salesforce-Quote-create-flowTest" doc:id="40f70f6a-3453-4a8b-9ed8-673e4796c0be" description="Test">
<munit-tools:mock-when doc:name="Mock when" doc:id="5bfeb53b-2da1-45f9-bad3-67cf4d658fc2" processor="salesforce:query">
<munit-tools:with-attributes >
<munit-tools:with-attribute whereValue="Query Existing Quote" attributeName="doc:name" />
<munit-tools:with-attribute whereValue="19c396a3-8656-4600-beba-9e011e78d2b4" attributeName="doc:id" />
<munit-tools:then-return >
<munit-tools:payload value="#[output application/json --- readUrl('classpath://samples/quoteQueryResp.dwl')]" mediaType="application/java" encoding="UTF-8" />
<munit-tools:mock-when doc:name="Mock when" doc:id="2d8c3c7b-04fd-4119-a535-d8b72c3af685" processor="salesforce:create">
<munit-tools:with-attributes >
<munit-tools:with-attribute whereValue="Create Quote Record" attributeName="doc:name" />
<munit-tools:with-attribute whereValue="99e7fd61-af4f-4bed-bcb6-4f86e91c8a4b" attributeName="doc:id" />
<munit-tools:then-return >
<munit-tools:payload value="#[output application/json --- readUrl('classpath://samples/resp.dwl')]" mediaType="application/java" encoding="UTF-8" />
<munit:set-event doc:name="Set Event" doc:id="b09dba54-76cc-401b-85aa-5657849861c4">
<munit:payload value="#[MunitTools::getResourceAsString('samples/quote.json')]" encoding="UTF-8" mediaType="application/json" />
<flow-ref doc:name="Flow Reference" doc:id="875fa5b7-290d-4d3f-abfe-3098bf6c7ce1" name="salesforce-Quote-create-flow"/>
<munit:validation >
<set-variable value="#[output application/json --- readUrl('classpath://samples/quoteResponse.json', 'application/json')]" doc:name="Set Variable" doc:id="6fd61167-5025-4da3-8277-c9303ba9da57" variableName="expectedPayload"/>
<munit-tools:assert-that doc:name="Assert that Not Null Response" doc:id="dc4d4008-83bd-4da6-8773-fc4aa0285d0c" is="#[MunitTools::notNullValue()]" expression="#[vars.expectedPayload.Id]"/>
The quoteQueryResp.dwl file is like below
"Product_Description__c": "false",
"Shipment_Schedule__c": "false",
"Executive_Summary_checkbox__c": "false",
"type": "Quote",
"Milestones_checkbox__c": "false",
"Terms_and_Conditions__c": "true",
"Timeline_Tool__c": "false",
"Signature__c": "false",
"Executive_Summary__c": null,
"Quote_Sent_To__r": null,
"Contact_Information__c": "true",
"Gantt_Chart__c": "false",
"Animal_Health_Policy__c": "true",
"Opportunity": {
"RecordTypeId": "012U0000000QtmpIAC",
"Id": null,
"type": "Opportunity"
"Materials_and_Pricing__c": "false",
"Cancelation_Policy__c": "true",
"To_accept_this_statement_of_work__c": "true",
"Customer_Signature__c": "false",
"Id": "0Q02D0000005vu7SAA",
"Fees_and_Invoicing__c": "true"
But I keep getting the error
org.mule.runtime.api.el.ExpressionExecutionException: You called the function 'Value Selector' with these arguments:
1: String ("[")
2: Name ("Id")
4| if(payload[0].Id != null)
at anonymous::main (line: 4, column: 4)
Not sure what I am missing. Any help is greatly appreciated this is my first time creating the Mulesoft application
quoteQueryResp.dwl seems to be really a JSON document, which will work a DataWeave script but is missing the headers. Then you are adding an output to JSON in the expression instead of the script, then setting the media type of the mock to application/java. Maybe all these conversions are confusing DataWeave to believe the payload is a string. Try moving the output to the script and change the media type to match what is defined as output in the script. See the MUnit examples in the documentation to guide you.
Are you trying to read the mock .dwl's as java or json? Try to give the same media type in both places. Or better, remove the output application/json --- before readUrls and just give the output type in the mediaType attribute. Like this
<munit-tools:payload value="#[readUrl('classpath://samples/quoteQueryResp.dwl')]" mediaType="application/java" encoding="UTF-8" />

MULE example: Sending a CSV file through Email using SMTP

I'm new in MULE, I try to learn "how to" following examples from Mule's sida:!/sending-csv-email-smtp?searchTerm=email
I think I did everything well, project is deploing good, but when file is taken exception is thrown and I'v got communicate:
Exception stack is:
1. Cannot coerce a :binary to a :array (com.mulesoft.weave.model.values.coercion.exception.UnsupportedTypeCoercionException)
com.mulesoft.weave.model.values.formatting.ArrayFormatTypeCoercionValue:31 (null)
2. Exception while executing:
payload map {
Cannot coerce a :binary to a :array (com.mulesoft.weave.mule.exception.WeaveExecutionException)
com.mulesoft.weave.mule.WeaveMessageProcessor:124 (null).
Abybody have idea what's happened. Anybody had same problem with that example?
Use the following mimeType in your DataWeave :- <dw:input-payload doc:sample="list_csv.csv" mimeType="application/csv"/>
So, the full code will be some thing like as follows:-
<smtp:gmail-connector doc:name="Gmail" name="Gmail" validateConnections="true"/>
<flow name="csv-to-smtpFlow">
<file:inbound-endpoint doc:name="Poll files" metadata:id="a75d5954-7fb4-4721-85f6-7ee66b793750" path="E:\test" responseTimeout="10000"/>
<dw:transform-message doc:name="Transform CSV to Map" metadata:id="84d175de-b3c6-4480-af9d-150e736f051e">
<dw:input-payload doc:sample="list_csv.csv" mimeType="application/csv"/>
<dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 1.0
%output application/java
payload map {
name: $.name,
orderId: $.orderId,
pricePerUnit: $.pricePerUnit as :number,
units: $.units as :number,
totalPrice: ($.units * $.pricePerUnit ) as :number
<logger doc:name="Log the processed objects" level="INFO" message="Processing objects: #[payload]"/>
<smtp:outbound-endpoint connector-ref="Gmail" doc:name="Send an email via SMTP" from="${mail.from}" host="${}" password="${smtp.password}" port="587" responseTimeout="10000" subject="${mail.subject}" to="${}" user="${smtp.user}"/>
This will solve your issue

How to convert HashMap to XML using dataweave in mule

I want to convert DB records into XML. Select query from DB records is giving LinkedHashMap as payload. Now I want to use dataweave to transform this into XML. I am pretty new to mule so a bit lost. What all steps do I need to follow to do this?
Thank you.
As informed by Victor please go through Dataweave Documentation which is the Data transformation component in Mule.
For you question the below methodology will help you to transform. The below script is an example that you can refer to be added to the data weave component in the mule code.
%dw 1.0
%output application/xml
payload map {
element: $.columnName_Or_aliasName
Map function will iterate over an array or complex xml or array in JSON.
Here for your DB response you can consider as every row in your DB resulset will be iterated
Transform Java Map to XML using DataWeave :
You can try below POC :
<sub-flow name="testdataweaveSub_Flow16_MapToXml" doc:description=" Literal Expressions Variable Reference Expressions">
<set-payload value="{ "item_id": "B0002345W45", "item_type": "Item Type 1", "item_type_name": "Item Type 1 Name", "item_name": "item 1 name", "item_summary": "item 1 summary", "item_brand": "Brand 1", "image_type_name": "SmallImage", "url": "http://a/b/c" }" mimeType="application/json" doc:name="Set JSON Payload"/>
<json:json-to-object-transformer returnClass="java.util.Map" doc:name="JSON to Object"/>
<dw:transform-message metadata:id="3dad12b9-422d-4c59-9ec6-dd220ebca9ef" doc:name="Transform Message">
<dw:input-payload doc:sample="sample_data\flow16_HashMap_1.dwl" mimeType="application/java"/>
<dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 1.0
%namespace mes
%namespace mod htto://
%output application/xml
mes#getItemResponse: {
mod#item : {
<byte-array-to-string-transformer doc:name="Byte Array to String"/>
<logger message="Test1 Transformer output : #[payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
POC contain DataWeave script to transform Java Map to SOAP XML response
%dw 1.0
%namespace mes
%namespace mod htto://
%output application/xml
mes#getItemResponse: {
mod#item : {
Hardcoded Input Java Map :
"item_id": "B0002345W45",
"item_type": "Item Type 1",
"item_type_name": "Item Type 1 Name",
"item_name": "item 1 name",
"item_summary": "item 1 summary",
"item_brand": "Brand 1",
"image_type_name": "SmallImage",
"url": "http://a/b/c"
Output :
<mes:getItemResponse xmlns:mes="">
<mod:item xmlns:mod="htto://">
<item_type>Item Type 1</item_type>
<item_type_name>Item Type 1 Name</item_type_name>
<item_name>item 1 name</item_name>
<item_summary>item 1 summary</item_summary>
<item_brand>Brand 1</item_brand>
You can try using
{`%dw 1.0
%output application/xml
xmlRootElement :
tagName1 : payload.DBEntryName1,
tagName2 : payload.DBEntryName2
} `

aperak edi file in mule dataweaver

I am trying to create aperak-edifact file from mule data weaver component.
Here is my piece of code
<edifact-edi:config name="EDIFACT_EDI" delimiterUsage="USE_SPECIFIED_FOR_WRITES" doc:name="EDIFACT EDI" interchangeIdPartner="YYYY" interchangeIdSelf="XXXX">
<flow name="new1Flow">
<file:inbound-endpoint path="C:\Users\Desktop" responseTimeout="10000" doc:name="File">
<file:filename-regex-filter pattern="aperak.xml" caseSensitive="true"/>
<dw:transform-message doc:name="Transform Message">
<dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 1.0
%output application/java
Messages: {
D98B: {
Interchange: {
UNB0201: "XXX",
UNB0301: "YYYY"
MessageHeader: {
UNH01: "1"
Heading: {
"0020_BGM": {
BGM0101: "7"
<edifact-edi:write config-ref="EDIFACT_EDI" doc:name="EDIFACT EDI"/>
<file:outbound-endpoint path="C:\Users\Desktop" outputPattern="out.json" responseTimeout="10000" doc:name="File"/>
But the output created is all in one line where I want it to be appeared line by line. So how can I introduce new line for edifact
Any help is appreciated
Expected Output
Set the lineEnding configuration attribute of edifact-edi:config to output a CRLF.

Dataweave equivalent of SQL join

How can I do the equivalent of a SQL join in Dataweave? I'm basically implementing a lookup. I have CSV data and JSON data in flow variables. I'm able to use both of them, but I can't figure out how connect them. Let's say the CSV has two columns:
The JSON data is:
ExternalEntities: [
{ "Id": 1, "Name": "One", "Description": "Thing One" }
, { "Id": 2, "Name": "Two", "Description": "Thing Two" }
In the end, I'd like a List<Hashmap> with the following (expressed here in JSON format for convenience.)
{ "Name": "Foo", "ExternalName": "One", "ExternalDescription": "Thing One" }
, { "Name": "Bar", "ExternalName": "Two", "ExternalDescription": "Thing Two" }
, { "Name": "Baz", "ExternalName": "Two", "ExternalDescription": "Thing Two" }
So here is a sample using the json as the payload and the csv as a lookup table. The first flows parses the json and does a flow lookup passing the 'Id' as the payload. The second flow loads the csv as an array and does a search by the Id passed in. This returns a map of the CSV record found where you can then extract the 'Name' field.
It is possible to do this in one transformer, but for demo sake this was easier. You can also reverse the lookup with some tinkering if you want the csv as your payload and the json as your lookup.
<flow name="lookuptest" processingStrategy="synchronous">
<poll doc:name="Poll">
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" />
value="{ "ExternalEntities": [ { "Id": 1, "Name": "One", "Description": "Thing One" } , { "Id": 2, "Name": "Two", "Description": "Thing Two" } ] }"
doc:name="Set Payload" mimeType="application/json"></set-payload>
<dw:transform-message doc:name="Transform Message">
<dw:input-payload doc:sample="string_2.dwl" />
<dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 1.0
%input payload application/json
%output application/json
payload.ExternalEntities map ((value , index) -> {
Name: lookup("NameLookup", [value.Id as :string]).Name
<object-to-string-transformer doc:name="Object to String"/>
<logger level="ERROR" message="#[payload]" doc:name="Logger"/>
<flow name="NameLookup" processingStrategy="synchronous">
<set-variable value="#[payload[0]]" variableName="ExternalId"
doc:name="Variable" />
mimeType="application/csv" doc:name="Variable" />
<dw:transform-message doc:name="Transform Message">
<dw:input-payload doc:sample="string_2.dwl" />
<dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 1.0
%input payload application/csv
%output application/java
(payload[?($.ExternalId == flowVars['ExternalId'])])[0]
Here's a second solution that works, though I accepted #Ryan Carter's answer.
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
flowVars.myCsv map (
(row0, i) -> using (lookupElement = (flowVars.jsonLookup.ExternalEntities filter ((obj1) -> row0.ExternalId ~= obj1.Id))[0]) {
Name: row0.Name
, ExternalName: lookupElement.Name
, ExternalDescription: lookupElement.Description
} mapObject ({"$$": $, (StartsWithB:$[0] == "B") when $$ ~= "Name"})