How to find selectionStart in CKEditor like Javascript selectionStart - ckeditor5

CKEditor getFirstPosition() return the line count and position of selection. But I only want to get position of selection like JS. How can I do? Any other Idea?
In CKEditor5
enter image description here
In JS selctionStart
enter image description here
So, I want to get selectionStart Value like JS in CKEditor 5

If I understand your question correctly, you want the positions in CKEditor 5 to be a single integer offset from the beginning of the document. Just like natively in a plain-text textarea.
While that'd be possible to calculate such an offset in CKEditor 5 (by summing up the lengths of all elements that precede the selection), that does not make much sense. In CKEditor 5 positions are represented by arrays of offsets. This representation makes finding the location of a position in the tree easy and fast. With a singular offset that'd be complicated and slow.
The concept of positions an offsets is explained in the documentation and I'd recommend changing the way of thinking when working with CKEditor 5's model. It's not a plain-text any more and thinking about it as about textarea's content will not work for you.


Offset SwiperJS pagination by one slide

This should be fairly simple, probably too simple, given I cannot find the API reference as of how to control it.
I am using to build a simple slider of images.
Specifically, this one
Now, I want the slider to start at Slide Item 2, not item 1.
Yet, I cannot find any single option or API control to offset the initial pagination by one.
What am I missing?
You can use
This parameter has default value 0 and defines the index number of initial slide.
Thus, setting it to 1 will make the slider start at the second slide item.

Passing HTML into labels

Is it possible to pass an HTML node into labels? I specifically was looking to make the label also a hyperlink - e.g. Label. I also saw someone asked about Chartist label as image, which this would also resolve.
I tired populating the labels array w/ HTML and with dom nodes (createElement). I also tried passing dom nodes and string containing HTML through labelInterpolationFnc without luck.
Is there any way to accomplish this?

Bootstrap 3 input spinner with negative values

I am coding a MVC 5 internet application and am wanting to add an input spinner control for my integer values in my MVC views.
I have looked on the Bootstrap 3 website and cannot find a spinner control. I am wanting the input spinner to be able to have negative numbers.
Does Bootstrap 3 have such a control and if not, where should I find one that works with negative numbers as well as positive numbers?
Thanks in advance.
I have found some third party spinners, yet they do not appear to enable negative numbers. Here is an example:
Does such a control exist?
By spinner if you mean an input field, then it is an HTML5 utility, not Bootstrap's.
<input type="number">
Above code will give you a spinner.

Dgrid - how to start row rendering at a specific index

I'm using Dgrid with an Observable JsonRest store. The JsonRest store is queried for 50 rows at a time. Now I have a function where the user can 'quicksearch' the data and the search is processed on the serverside. This works, and in this case the server returns for example "Content-Range: 210-260/1500". It returns 50 rows of data but Dgrid renders the full grid at the beginning, so the user can't scroll 'up' for previous entries.
How can I make Dgrid behave like that?
Not entirely sure if I'm completely grasping your problem, but if I am, it may require some thinking outside the box or compromising to get what you want. I assume your UI is basically jumping to the first match rather than simply filtering the grid to only show matches.
If your UI is such that the grid is always present and the search is basically intended to scroll the grid, you can use grid.scrollTo({ y: valueInPixels }) to scroll the grid. While this accepts a pixel value (not rows), if your rows are consistent height, you can multiply by grid.rowHeight (which is a property set by OnDemandList) to get the correct offset.
Another option, though probably not what you want, would be to use the Pagination extension and navigate to a specific page.
Of course, if you would rather actually filter the grid to only display matching items, that's possible too (assuming your server behaves as dojo/store/JsonRest expects, anyway). The Using Grids and Stores tutorial has an example towards the end.

Blueprint CSS form element size discrepancy

I love Blueprint CSS framework.
But there's something I don't understand about its default form element size.
As you can see at , [select] field is considerably smaller than [text] field. I think it's intentional. Do you think it's ok and good? If not, how do you cope with it?
I put a wrapper around the form elements and set the column size on that, then I set the form elements to be width of 98% of their parent, that gets them just about right with a bit of padding , much more visibly appealing.