Ho to fix odoo report missing PDF Layout? - pdf

I have customized the layout of sales order template ( added footer and header, formatted content etc. ). For this i created a new module and installed it. When i use this module locally (mac os), i am receiving the sales order document as pdf in the way i set it up. When using this module on a server and all changes do not apply at all. I can see that the module is installed, loaded and also if i switch the PDF-Report to HTML i can see that the Layout is set.
There are no 404 Errors in Logfile, so i am somehow stuck
As far as i understood the PDF File is a rendered HTML-File, therefore i am obviously missing some information here.
So my question is, where can i check what layout is used to generate the PDF-File?
Thanks for any help on that!

After finally finding something via more searches i found the solition which i want to share:
It is important to understand that if odoo is running public on any other port than 8069 ( portforwarding etc. ) this issue will always occur.
Generating the pdf will try to find needed assets on the public port which will not lead where needed.
The Solution is so easy but somehow i wasnt able to find it easily:
All you need to do is to set a proper url for report generation.
Goto -> Settings -> Parameters -> System Parameters
and add:
key: report.url
value: http://localhost:8069
localhost is here the correct domain, do not change this, so the machine will call the report url on itself.

Can you check your report layout in Settings ->Technical Settings ->Actions->Reports then search for your report and check qweb views

I also faced the same problem, struggled for a long period. After reading #patrick.tresp explanation I understood the reason.
For my case, I made made the odoo port (8069) as the default port, which made the base url as the localhost (domain.com) without the port number. However report url is not detecting the port, hence the problem occurs.
When I explicitly defined the report url, the problem get sorted.
i.e., Goto
Settings -> Parameters -> System Parameters
and add:
key: report.url
value: http://domain.ext:8069


Why Odoo 15 emails do not show images?

When I open an email sent from Odoo, it does not show any images:
If I inspect the link of the image, I see:
If I paste that link on a new tab, I get a 404. However, if I paste the substring:
I see the main company logo.
I have only one database running in the instance. I am using the IP http://myip:myport to access Odoo so far. I have that IP http://myip:myport set in the parameter web.base.url. I also have web.base.url set to True and report.url set to, although I think both have nothing to do here.
I've googled about this problem for hours, but the solution is not very clear.
Does anyone know the solution to this problem or have any idea of what can be happening?

Modify product labels xml in Odoo

I’m having several issues when trying to modify the default template of product labels. I need to add some new fields to the existing template that generates the document of product labels (and to design in with proper dimensions).
I am not able to find the xml template to modify it because I can’t find the file. This is a topic I have been researching deeply through the internet during the lasts days and all my attempts have been unsuccessful.
On the Internet, it is said that the product labels are generated using the product/report/product-label.xml and product_label.xsl:
The issue is that I can’t files these files in my Odoo installation folder (tested with both Windows and Ubuntu). These are my folder contents in Ubuntu usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons/product/report:
Should I create the xml and xsl files?
If so, how can I reference them? I have already tried to modify the xml file to try if the options for rendering the report change and nothing’s happens...
Here is the xml that I have been modifying (looks like it is an index of the different available reports but I haven’t found any official documentation regarding this) (note that I’ve added a number to each report title to see if something changes):
And the select options are still the same, as it can be seen in the following screenshot.
Am I’m missing something? It looks like these templates are located somewhere else and I’m editing these files without success (and restarting the Odoo server doesn’t work either...).
I'm using Odoo v12.
Thank you for your help!
<report> tag in odoo is actually shortcut of ir.action.report model record creation, qweb-pdf or qweb-html type of report needs a qweb template to render the report output, which is mentioned in name and file properties in the report tag.
After changing the files in a odoo module, if that module is already installed before change, you have to update the module. You can update from Apps menu of odoo web panel. For example, in this case, you are making change in product module which is named Products & Pricelists in odoo Apps. After making change, update that module and you will find the changes effective. Also, if you are adding new XML file, you have to add respective file name in __manifest.py__, or have to import in __init.py__ if you are adding new python file in the module.

Odoo 9 - cannot load custom module

I am brand new to odoo, just installed version 9 and made a module 'aidentest' using
.>>python odoo.py scaffold aidentest addons
That created the aidentest module in the addons folder. Uncommented everything in the autogenerated files
but when I went to check out my 'Hello World' page at
I got a 404 not found
So I went to apps to try and load my module, but I could not find it.
Does anyone know what I need to do on Odoo 9 to load up and start coding my custom module?
Briefly: You have to activate developer mode by going to Top right menu>about>activate developer mode
I had basically given up, and was mindlessly clicking about when I hit the 'About' link on the generic-whiteguy dropdown. I had to actually stop thinking before I was able to locate the completely senseless place where they put the thing I need.
The About modal window popped up, and in it was an activate the developer mode button
Some things changed immediately, but I still couldn't find my custom module.
Then I walked away, came back and when I returned I had some auto-generated emails (new things had loaded - slowly). Did this mean that maybe my module had also become accessible? I checked, and sure enough, there it was.
Please check the config file.Then send the last error it has.

Bigcommerce - Side Cart Total always shows $29.00

I am having some issues with a BigCommerce theme. It is an exact copy of a working theme, but on the new site, the mini basket/cart always shows $29.00 no matter what is in the cart (site is also set up to use £)
The issue lies with %%LNG_SideCartTotalCost%%.
Whats odd is that I checked the language file (via the url) and the text for this variable should be:
"Your sub total is <strong>%s</strong>."
Yet its coming through as:
"Total: <strong>%s</strong>."
I'm unsure who this was changed (the site is a clients, who has had work done by other developers)
How would someone change this language variable in BigCommerce? I was under the impression you could only edit themes, and not code?
So, any thoughts on how to fix this?
I work at Bigcommerce. The file you will need to edit is the sidecartcontents.html file. You are able to customize HTML, CSS, Javascript and JQuery. The only thing you don't have access to is any global variables that require PHP files. As a SaaS platform, we don't provide our clients access to the PHP files.
Turns out is was an issue with the language file. The support staff had to update it.

Use of XMLHttpRequest in Dashboard widget failing

I am unable to get an XMLHttpRequest object to work correctly in a Dashboard widget I am writing. I've isolated it to a trivial example not working in the global scope of the main.js file:
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
xhr.open( 'GET', "http://google.com", false );
When the last line is executed I get the error "ABORT_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 102" (this is in the Dashcode debugger).
Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong here?
You need to select "Allow Network Access" in the "Widget Attributes" pane.
OK, I've found it (three hours): you need to add the following key to the Info.plist file:
I've got the same trouble unresolved even after AllowNetworkAccess were added to my info.plist. I've tried to change this key to AllowFullAccess, but nothing changed. After system reboot it worked fine o_O
The steps to take are:
From the menu, choose "Dashcode > Preferences..." and click on the Destinations tab.
Below the left column, click on the plus sign to create a new destination.
For an external website, choose FTP in the Type drop down. Fill out the Server, Path, User name and Password. Close the Preferences pane.
Back in Dashcode, click on the Widget Attributes icon in the left column.
Check the boxes of Allow network Access and Allow External File Access in the main column.
You should be able to run the widget without the 102 Exception error (if you are online)