Target and manipulate single DOM element in vue - vue.js

Somehow I still can't wrap my head around some core vue concepts.
I have made some simple webpage using phalcon. Created it so, that it would work without JS and now is the time to add some bells and whistles - ajax queries and the like, for the user experience to be better.
I wanted to do everything using vue, to see how it all adds up. But after hours of googling I still can't find solution for the simplest of tasks.
Say: I want to get a text paragraph in a series of <li>-s and change it somewhat. Maybe make excerpt of it and add 'see more' button behind it. Now, in jQuery I would just iterate with each() and perform the tasks. With vue targeting set of DOM elements is much harder for me, probably because of whole paradigm being "the other way round".
I know I could iterate with v-for, but these elements are already in the DOM, taken from the database and templated with volt. I had even this wild idea of creating .js files from phalcon, but it would completely negate my strategy of making functional webpage first and then enhance it progressively.
Frankly speaking I feel like I'm overcomplicating for the sake of it, right now. Is vue even fit for a project like this, or is it exclusively a tool to build app from the ground up?

Vue's templating is client-side, which means if you are delivering an already templated html page (by your backend) there is little vue can still do for you. Vue needs data, not DOM elements to build its viewmodels.
This becomes pretty obvious when building a single page application for example, which would be rendered only on the client-side. You'd simply load the data asynchronously from a backend api (REST for example) and then do all the rendering on the client.
As far as I understand your usecase you want to mix client and server side rendering, rendering most of the non-interactable content using your backend's templating engine and adding some interactivity using vue. In this case you'll need to add some vue components (with their own rendering logic) to your backend template and pass data to that component using vue's data-binding.
Here's an example:
<div id="app">
<my-vue-list :products="{% products %}"></my-vue-list>
And in your JS:
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
components: {MyVueList} // You will have to register all the components you want to use here

Vue provides the ref attribute for registering a reference to a dom element or child component:
// accessible via this.$
<li ref="foo">...</li>
Do note, however, that refs are not reactive, as stated in the docs:
$refs is also non-reactive, therefore you should not attempt to use it in templates for data-binding.


How to Export Vue component and reuse it in any html page passing parameters?

I'm new to Vue 3 and I just created my first real life Vue project.
I would like to use and distribute this component (and it's subcomponents) to be used in any html page.
It's easy, right?
<div id="app"></div>
<script src="/js/chunk-vendors.99a5942c.js"></script>
<script src="/js/app.042d60b5.js"></script>
But how can I pass parameters to the main component when reusing it in some ordinary html page?
Parameters can be passed and read as globals:
<div id="app"></div>
window.myNamespace = { foo: 1 };
Or be passed as attributes and read from app element:
<div id="app" data-foo="1"></div>
This is suitable when Vue application is used as a sub-application (widget). For framework-agnostic reusable components, web components have to be used.
So I'm not sure what you're specific use case is, but if you're interested in making a multi-page app (MPA), then I suggest taking a look at the answer posted here.
What you would be doing here is actually mounting an instance of the Vue App itself onto an element every html page, and then pass props to that and it's children. Vue itself doesn't really support passing props to the root instance using element attributes, and it isn't the recommended way of using the framework, but if you are still interested in going down this route, I suggest taking a look at this answer here.
What I would suggest doing instead is taking a look at creating components, and passing those around. You can make separate files for each, and render them all in the main page, no need to create other pages. If that's something you're interested in, I suggest taking a look at routes or the making your project a multi-page app (MPA) instead of a single-page app (SPA) although the same concept would still apply, passing components to your main instance and building your app that way.
For passing parameters to components in Vue 3 I would suggest taking a look at the props page on the documentation here for more details.
I hope this is helpful! I tried my best to be thorough, I do suggest reading through the full documentation however!

Binding some Vue code to existing, server-side generated HTML

I have an old-style, multiple-page website, with a multiple steps checkout process. This all works with JS disabled, and it is critical that it keeps doing so.
The checkout form has no JS at all, at the moment, and I'd like to improve it progressively (eg. dynamically showing or hiding fields, doing live validation, etc...).
I have already wrapped the entire website with an #app div, and I mounted a Vue instance to it. Then I created a few components which work correctly (but are not critical, so if JS is disabled then the whole thing keeps working and the components are just empty).
Now I have a long checkout form which is generated server-side (say: <form id='address-form'>).
The best course would be to put it into a component (say <checkout-form>) and use it. I can't do this, because 1) the form is generated server-side 2) it needs to work without JS.
Ideally, I would love to create a component with no template, and attach it to the existing HTML.
Is this even possible?
Edit: continuing to dig the Internet, I found this tutorial. This is exactly my problem, but if this is the only way to do it, then I will revert to JQuery :) Manually duplicating the entire HTML (one server side, the other in Vue) is definitely not a good idea.

what is the right way or the vuejs way to data bind the entire page?

Coming from the knockoutJs background. If you don't specific the binding to an element. You can use the model to cover the whole page of elements. For example, i can make a div visible if a click event happened. I'm learning VueJs and from the documentation. I see the vue instance required you to speicif an element with el.
like this:
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue!'
what if my button is not in the same div as the '#app' div. How do i communicate between two vue instance or can I use one vue instance to cover more than one element. what's the vuejs way?
It's very common to bind to the first element inside <body>. Vue won't let you bind to body, because there are all sorts of other things that put their event listeners on it.
If you do that, Vue is managing your whole page, and away you go. The docs cover the case where you have more than one Vue instance on a page, but I haven't come across this outside the docs, and I can't think of a good reason off the top of my head. More commonly, you will be constantly chopping bits out of your root Vue instance and refactoring them into "child" components. This is how you keep file sizes manageable and structure your app.
This is where a lot of folk needlessly complicate things, by over-using props to pass stuff to components. When you start refactoring into components, you will have a much easier time if you keep all your state in a store, outside vue, then have your components talk directly to your store. (put the store in the data element of all components). This pattern (MVVM) is fabulous, because many elements of state will end up having more than one representation on screen, and having a "single source of truth", normalized, with minimal relationships between items in the store, radically reduces the complexity and the amount of code for most common purposes. It lets you structure your app state independently of your DOM.
So, to answer your question, Vue instances (and vue components), don't need to (and shouldn't) talk much to each other. When they do need to (third party components and repeated components), you have props and events, refs and method calls (state outside the store), and the $parent and $root properties (usage frowned on!). You can also create an event bus. This page is a really good summary of the options.
Should your store be Flux/Redux? Vuex is the official implementation of the flux/redux pattern for vue. The common joke goes: when you realize you need it, it's too late. If you do decide to leave Vuex for now, don't just put state in Vue components. Use a plain javascript object in window scope. The right way is easier than the wrong way, and when you do transition to Vuex, your job will be much simpler. Your downstream references might be alright as they are.
Good luck. Enjoy the ride.
You usually put the main Vue instance on the first tag inside the body, then build the rest of your site within it. Everything directly inside that instance (not in a nested component) will have access to the same data.
You can then do this in your HTML:
<div id="#app">
<p v-if="showMessage">{{message}}</p>
<button v-on:click="showMessage = !showMessage"></button>
And set your data to something like this:
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue!',
showMessage: true
If you want to pass data between components later on you'll have to look up how to emit events, use props, or possibly use Vuex if you got Vue running with the Vue-CLI (which I highly recommend).
If you want to reach tags (such as head tags) outside of the main Vue instance, then there are tools for that. For example you could try:
I haven't tested it thought.

Understanding the lifecycle of Vue Instance

I'm going through the official documentation of Vue.js and found this diagram about different stages and steps in a Vue instance's lifecycle. I understand the basic features of Vue but I am unable to understand the meaning of many stages mentioned in the diagram. For example, "Compile template into render function" or "Virtual DOM re-render and patch". I have no idea what they mean.
I know it says in the documentation that you don’t need to fully understand everything right now, but I was hoping if some Vue(or frontend) expert could briefly explain these steps in simple language.
It can all be a little overwhelming, here's what those things are
Render Functions
When Vue compiles your Vue instance, it creates a render function, which is a pure JavaScript representation of your HTML. Something like this:
new Vue({
template: `<div>{{msg}}</div>`,
msg: 'Hello Vue
Will actually turn into something like this:
new Vue({
render: function(createElement) {
return createElement('div', this.msg)
data: {
msg: 'Hello Vue'
Here's a JSFiddle:
You don't need to handle that, Vue does it for you, and most of the time you won't find yourself writing render functions. However, it is important to understand that Vue is doing some behind the scenes work to represent your templates in pure JavaScript.
Virtual DOM re-render and patch
You really don't need to know about this, but Vue uses a virtual DOM, because it's is easier to track changes and decide which parts of the DOM need updating.
In reality, what happens is that Vue builds up a tree that represents the DOM (called a vTree), then when you change state it uses something called a diffing algorithm which compares the previous vTree to the current vTree as it now stands, and attempts to figure out which part of the page it needs to change to reflect that state in your view. The changing of a small part of your page to represent the new state is called patching.
That's a pretty high-level overview of a virtual DOM, it's fiendishly complex to get this working efficiently which is why frameworks like Vue exist in the first place. If you're interested in learning more about that then try taking a look at Matt-Esch/virtual-dom on Github, which does a great job of explaining this concept in more detail.

Is there a recommended way to have all the HTML pre-loaded for SEO purposes while using VueJS, without using SSR?

As the title implies, I need solid SEO and thus I need to have all the HTML loaded on my site on initial load. However, because the backend is written in PHP, and because it would be more work to write my Vue components with the server in mind, I don't want to use server-side rendering (SSR).
That leaves me with the option to send HTML over the wire, the "old school" way. What I am thinking of doing is writing each page's HTML like normal, but make one of the root html elements a Vue element in order to "upgrade" it. So the initial load downloads the finalized HTML, with all the data (tables, lists, etc already populated), but then after all the scripts are loaded, javascript can take over to make things easier and give a better UI experience. This poses a few questions, however:
Am I limited to a single component, the root? It'd be nice to still have many sub-components that would each have their own state. Perhaps inline templates can be used somehow?
Vue templates have their own templating system, like the mustache braces for displaying variables {{ myVar }}. Will I not be able to use them? The one way I can think of is to create a Vue template (that can be loaded from an external script) that is identical to the part of the HTML that it "takes over". The downside is that I'd have to maintain that component both in the original HTML and in the vue template.
Are there any good examples of what I'm trying to accomplish here?
Edit: I want to clarify that I'm aware I can put in various components here and there throughout the page. This still poses the question of how to make those components already start out rendered. Better yet would be to turn the whole page into Vue, much like an SPA.
I need solid SEO and thus I need to have all the HTML loaded on my site on initial load.
This is not entirely true. Google (80% of search traffic) easily parses SPAs now, so SSR purely for SEO isn't required anymore.
But to answer your question in general, you should check out Laracast's Vue.js series. They go in-depth on how to use PHP with Vue.js (including templating and variables).
I'd ask what it is you want to achieve with Javascript/Vue.js in your page. If everything is already rendered in PHP, does Vue provide a simple UX enhancement or takes over most of the page's heavy lifting (navigation, etc.)? If you have no reactive data and want Vue to simply be a controller for rendered components, then knock yourself out, although it might be approaching an 'overkill' scenario.
Have you looked into Prerender SPA Plugin ( )?
It is offered in the Vue documentation as a viable alternative to server side rendering ( )
Recently I've developed a multi-page application using Vue, here is how i tried to solve the SEO (Maybe this can help you ):
Htmls of header and footer (and other main common components) are packed to the page.html(eg: home.html, search.html).
Script and style are of header and footer imported in page.js(eg: home.js, search.js).
Add div.seo-zone to page.html's div#app, which includes the main SEO data(using some h1,h2,p,div and so on), and add
.seo-zone {
display: none;
in your css.
4. Make sure your app's root component's el is '#app'(each page's main content can be a Vue app).
Develop your app as usual.
After Vue rendered, the div.seo-zone will be replaced with your Vue components (although it can not be seen)