nativescript carousel by javascript - carousel

I want to create a horizontal scroll-view with stack-layout similar to 'olx' app. But the problem i am facing is to achieve endless scroll or carousel like scroll.
in the below link, carousel template was already implemented but it was too complicated to understand.
how to build and achieve endless horizontal scroll of the icons in stack-layout like in 'OLX' app. I am not expecting someone to code but just a flowchart of doing things would be very helpful.


Is there an way to make a SectionList with Tabs inside a ScrollView?

I'm developing a mobile app with react native, and i'm stuck to make a Visualization like the Image.
I can't get it to work with the ScrollView (witch wraps everything) and the SectionList itself (with tabs).
I need the Tab navigation to stick on the Header while scrolling and continue the scrolling to the sections.
I'm using this library, but i can't get it to work.
Have someone ever done this?

(iOS) Is it possible to move loading spinner in FlatList refreshing prop?

I am trying to use pull to refresh from FlatList. Is it possible to move the spinner to where the data actually starts rendering instead of the top of the screen? I found the progressViewOffset that works on Android but I am trying to find how I can implement this behaviour on iOS too. I feel like my solution is to watch scroll interactions and go on from there.
Any idea is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Bottom sheet over map content, similar to google maps UI, in React Native

I am trying to implement a UI layout similar to google maps "explore" on Android, (see gif) in React Native.
In my UI design I have app navigation tabs at the bottom of the screen, with a full page map background, overlaid with a "bottom sheet" coming from above the tabs, and a search box component at the top. See UI sketch below.
I have found various react-native ui components which look useful, but I can't figure out the styling to arrange them in the layout I want.
Several of the bottomsheet components I'm looking at, for example, rn-bottom-drawer show gifs similar to what I'm trying to create, e.g this animation, but I can't find an actual code example of how that UI was created. For example, the same library example just shows the bottom drawer over an empty screen.
What combination of wrapping elements and styles would allow me to create the layout described? I come from a XAML background and this kind of layout is very easy to create, but I can't get my head around how to do it in react native.
It is halfway possible with the component "react-native-swipe-up-down".
The swipe up above the App works, but it is really buggy. Had the same problem as you and couldn't find anything better than swipe-up-down til today.

React native scroll over interactive content

I watched this presentation and there's a section on how to build an IOS Maps like UI. When dragging from the bottom to top, it drags to the top, and after it reaches the top, it continues scrolling up. Also, when scrolling down, when it reached the top content of the ScrollView, it continues to drag down.
It is suggested that it can be done using ScrollView by adding an empty transparent cell as the first element on the ScrollView. I have tried implementing the same which can be found in this snack. In my case, instead of Maps, I am using another ScrollView.
But the problem is that the first element (transparent element) does not allow to interact with the First ScrollView elements. I have tried with pointerEvents inside the first transparent view and even in its parent ScrollView. But this does not help. Has anyone tried implementing this kind of use case with react-native? All I found was this library, but I think it's not maintained properly.
you need to set the z-index of the transparent view to send it under/behind the interactive content, here is a good resource:
Edit: Actually I could not accomplish it, it seems like everything inside a scrollview will always be behind or in front of other elements, it seems like you can't have part of the scrollview behind something else and another part in front of something else.

swipe.js swipe/drag support in bootstrap 3.0 carousel

I recently retrofitted bootstrap 3 carousels to my site and added swipe gesture support using jquery mobile swiperight and swipeleft. Like this:
How to make Bootstrap carousel slider use mobile left/right swipe
This works fine, however, the functionality isn't quite what I needed.
Previously I was using swipe.js which provided more of a drag and swipe mechanic. If you place your finger on the image in the carousel and then drag it left or right the image follows the movement instantly. This feels more natural and responsive than the jquery mobile swipe implementation.
I like using bootstrap carousel and swipe.js seems to be more than just a gesture library, it really provides some carousel functionality, so combining the two doesn't seem like an easy fit.
Is anyone aware of a plugin or an appropriate that brings swipe.js like functionality to bootstrap carousel?
I was looking for a solution to this problem recently and settled on this plugin:
It's relatively light weight and is written specifically for bootstrap. The only downside is that it requires hammer.js which adds some extra weight, but this isn't a big deal.