Replace Vue data() completely - vuejs2

I am looking for a way to replace the object under data.
data() {
return {
form:{ .... }
I have learnt that I cannot directly change data itself so I moved all my variables under form. I want to replace all the data inside the form so that my form values are changed.
I have found a way to update single values like this;
this.$set(this.someObject, 'planes', true) where the solution is here but I want to replace all the form object.
let self = this
url: '/formdata/',
type: 'GET',
success: function(response){
self.$set(self.form, needToUpdateAll)
I am stuck right where it says needToUpdateAll. From the docs, it says target, key, value.
I am looking for a solution because I do not want to assign all values one by one (well the object has nested and nested objects :()
Any walk-around would be appreciated

This is not complicated. You don't need $set. Is update_form() in methods? If so, just do this.form = response. Top level names in your data are directly available in the rest of your Vue object.


Vue: Setting Data by matching route query

I'm attempting to set data fields provided by an array based on the Vue Router query. For example, when someone lands on my website using, I want to set the location data by an array.
An example the array:
locations {
slug: "texas",
tagline: "Welcome to Texas",
}, {
slug: "california",
tagline: "Welcome to California",
I know this should be done using a computed property, however I am unable to get anything functioning. I've tried simple tests like if (this.slug.location === "texas"), and I cannot get the location data to populate. I would also like to provide default data in case there are no route matches.
Any help is extremely appreciated!
I can accomplish this in a very manual way. Right now, I'm setting the query in data by the following:
slug: this.$route.query.location
I can display specific text by doing something like:
h3(v-if="slug === 'texas'") This will show for texas
h3(v-else-if="slug === 'california'") This will show for California
h3(v-else) This is default
The issue with this approach is there are various elements I need to customize depending on the slug. Is there any way I can create an array, and move whichever array matches a key in an array to the data??
You should be able to access a query param using the following (link to Vue Router documentation):
So based on what you listed I would do something like...
export default {
computed: {
displayBasedOnLocationQueryParam() {
switch(this.$route.query.location) {
case 'texas':
return 'Welcome to Texas'
return 'hello there, generic person'
Note that I'm not using your array explicitly there. The switch statement can be the sole source of that logic, if need be.

Resetting to initial data in Vue

I've got some form data that I display using a readonly input that is styled to look like plain text. When users click an edit button, they can then edit the inputs and either save or cancel.
My issue is obviously that when a user clicks cancel, the data they entered into the input remains (even though it isn't saved to the DB). I'm trying to figure out a way to reset the input to its initial data. I'm aware of this answer, but it doesn't seem to work because the data is fetched on creation.
This fiddle is similar except for the fact that the data in the real app comes from an axios call. The equivalent call is essentially:
fetch() {
.then(({data}) => { =;
Annoyingly, the fiddle actually works. However in my actual implementation it doesn't. The only difference with the app is that the data is an array.
How can I make this work?
This fiddle represents what my code actually does.
In the code:
data: () => ({
endpoint: '',
users: [],
initialData: []
edit: function(index) {
this.users[index].disabled = false
this.initialData = this.users
reset: function(index) {
this.users[index].disabled = true
this.users = this.initialData
Since users and initialData are arrays, you must use index when you access them.
So, at first sight, the change would be from:
this.initialData = this.users
this.initialData[index] = this.users[index]
But this won't work. Since this.users[index] is an object, whenever you change it, it will change what this.initialData[index] holds, since they are both just pointing to the same object. Another problem is that when you set it like that, the initialData won't be reactive, so you must use Vue.set().
Another thing, since you just want to reset the first_name property (the one you use at <input v-model="user.first_name" >), you should then assign user[].first_name to initialData[index].
Considering those changes to edit(), in the reset() method, the addition of [index] and of the .first_name field are enough. Final code:
edit: function(index) {
this.users[index].disabled = false
Vue.set(this.initialData, index, this.users[index].first_name);
reset: function(index) {
this.users[index].disabled = true
this.users[index].first_name = this.initialData[index]
Note: If you want to back up the whole user (not just first_name) you will have to clone it. An change the order of the disabled property:
edit: function(index) {
Vue.set(this.initialData, index, {...this.users[index]});
this.users[index].disabled = false
reset: function(index) {
Vue.set(this.users, index, this.initialData[index]);
JSFiddle here. In the example above the clone is created using the spread syntax.
Input is immediately updating the model. If you want to do something like edit and save you have to take a copy and edit that. I use lodash clone to copy objects then update the fields back when save is clicked. (of course sending message to server.)

Kendo UI autocomplete dynamically loading dBdata when typing

I am writing a kendo UI autocomplete widget. The requirement is EACH TIME when I type a letter after "minLength", the dataSource need to be dynamically loaded from dB EVERYTIME. One problem is that, when the dataSource load successfully in the first time, it stops loading data.
The code snippet is:
var data;
function getDataFromDb(){
// some code to grab dummyData from dB ...
return dummyData;
minLength: 2,
dataTextField: "someField",
dataSource: getDataFromDb(),
filter: "startswith"
Thanks a lot.
More details on the post. In my situation, I don't use the readOption. The data comes from another ajax call like:
var data [];
//fire this ajax call when input string length comes to 4...
$.ajax({url: "some working url", success: function(result){
var data = result;
function startKendoAutoComplete(){
if( !$.isEmptyObject(data)) // set a breakPoint, have data
minLength: 4,
dataSource : data,
Also, the ajax call will be fired when the input string length comes to 4. However, the KendoAutoComplete doesn't start working....
Thanks a lot for your sugesstion.
If you init your dataSource with an array of object, your widget will work with this array only.
The first thing you'll have to create an dataSource object and set the serverFiltering property to true. Then, if you don't specify an url where the data will be fetched, you set you own function and from there you'll be able to implement your own logic. The read function will receive the readOption which will include all the relevant information to query tour data (top / skip / filter / sort ...). The readOptions will also provide a success function that should be used to return the value:
dataSource: {
serverFiltering: true,
transport: {
read: function (readOptions) {

Modifying item created with rallyaddnew

I'm creating a portfolio item with a rallyaddnew button, but I'd like to modify it before it is created. For example, I'd like to add a particular parent, and add some tags.
I'm guessing I can modify the object in perhaps the beforeCreate() event. But if I do so what methods do I use? I see that modifying actually seems to work, but what is the correct way to do it?
For something like parent or tags, I figure I need a Rally.util.Ref object. But again, what is the correct way to modify the object? Doing a in response to a beforeCreate event again seems a bit direct...
Using the beforeCreate listener, you're given the record to modify:
var addNew = Ext.widget('rallyaddnew', {
recordTypes: ['User Story'],
ignoredRequiredFields: ['Name', 'ScheduleState', 'Project'],
listeners: {
beforeCreate: function(addNewComponent, record) {
record.set('Name', 'new name');
record.set('Parent', '/hierarchicalrequirement/123.js')
So, use the record.set function to set data, and for properties that are references like Parent you should use the ref string, like /hierarchicalrequirement/123.js (if you have a record, you can get the ref with record.get('_ref').

Simple store connected list for dojo

Is there a simpler list type than DataGrid that can be connected to a store for Dojo?
I would like the data abstraction of the store, but I don't need the header and cell stucture. I would like to be more flexible in the representation of the datalines, where maybe each line calls an function to get laid out...
You ask a really good question. I actually have a blog post that is still in draft form called "The DataGrid should not be your first option".
I have done a couple thing using the store to display data from a store in a repeated form.
I have manually built an html table using dom-construct and for each.
var table = dojo.create('table', {}, parentNode);
var tbody = dojo.create('tbody', {}, table); // a version of IE needs this or it won't render the table
store.fetch({ // this is a, but you cana dapt to the dojo.Store API
query: {},
onComplete: function(itms) {
dojo.forEach(itms, function(itm, idx) {
var tr = dojo.create('tr', {}, tbody);
// use idx to set odd/even css class
// create tds and the data that goes in them
I have also created a repeater, where I have an html template in a string form and use that to instantiate html for each row.
var htmlTemplate = '<div>${name}</div>'; // assumes name is in the data item
store.fetch({ // this is a, but you cana dapt to the dojo.Store API
query: {},
onComplete: function(itms) {
dojo.forEach(itms, function(itm, idx) {
var expandedHtml = dojo.replace(htmlTemplate, itm);
// use to put the html where you want it
You could also have a widget that you instantiate for each item.