Optimization and performance issue - sql

I have a Dashboard to display data from stored procedure,
Stored procedure contains calculations for data to be display in dashboard, I am getting an performance issue while executing the stored procedure, so I decided to run the SP in background and decided to dump data in a physical table, after that i can directly fetch data from this table, but again millions data again coming there I will get performance I am not getting a way to solve this kindly help me with this.

The problem lies in the amount of data the dashboard is trying to process.
Since it's okay for you to dump the output on a physical table, simply create an aggregate version of that table. For example instead of having millions of records, you can group by country, department, employee, etc then dump the output in a physical table instead. Usually we group the transactions into per day, or in other worlds 1 row per transaction day or GROUP BY CAST(transaction_date AS VARCHAR(12)).
Better yet, if it is possible, modify the stored procedure to return only a few rows of data that is already aggregated.
At least in the place we work in, we call that "reporting tables" and it only contains few thousand rows that drive the dashboards. So we have an SP.. let's say "usp_Report" that is used by the dashboard. It does two things (1) update the "reporting table" in aggregate form (2) return the data found in the "reporting table". The update the data portion only happens per day/hour so we program this change frequency control within the stored procedure.


What are the benefits of a Make Table vs a Select query in Access?

I know you can run SELECT queries on top of SELECT queries in Access, but the application also provides the Make Table query type.
I'm wondering what the benefits/reasons for using Make Table might be?
You would usually use Make Table for performance reasons. If you have a fairly complex query that returns a subset of your table's data, and that you may need to retrieve multiple times, it can be expensive to re-run the query multiple times.
Using Make Table allows you to incur the cost of running the expensive query once, and make a copy of the query results into a table. Querying this copy would then be a lot less expensive than running your original expensive query.
This is usually a good option when you don't expect your original data to change frequently, or if you don't care that you are working of a copy of the data that may not be 100% up-to-date with the original data.
Notice what the following article on Create a make table query has to say:
Typically, you create make table queries when you need to copy or archive data. For example, suppose you have a table (or tables) of past sales data, and you use that data in reports. The sales figures cannot change because the transactions are at least one day old, and constantly running a query to retrieve the data can take time — especially if you run a complex query against a large data store. Loading the data into a separate table and using that table as a data source can reduce workload and provide a convenient data archive. As you proceed, remember that the data in your new table is strictly a snapshot; it has no relationship or connection to its source table or tables.
The main defense here is that a make table query creates a table. And when you done with the table then effort and time to delete that table and recover the VERY LARGE increase in the database file will have to occur. For general reports and a query of data make much more send. A comparison would be to build a NEW garage every time you want to park your car.
The database engine and query system can fetch and pull rows at a very high rate and those results are then able to be rendered into a report or form, and this occurs without having to create a temp table. It makes little sense to go through all of the trouble of having the system create a WHOLE NEW table for such results of data when they can with ease be sent to a report.
In other words creating a whole table just to display or use some data that the database engine already fetched and returned makes little sense. A table is a set of rows that holds data that can be updated and the results are permanent. A query is a “on the fly” results or sub set of data that only exists in memory and is discarded after you use the results.
So for general reporting and display of data, it makes no sense to create a temp table. MUCH WORSE of an issue is that if you have two users wanting to run a report, if they both need different results and you send the results to the SAME temp table, then you have a big mess and collision between the two users. So use of a temp table in Access for the most part makes little sense, and this is EVEN MORE so when working in a multi-user environment. And as noted, once the table is created, then after you are done you need to delete and remove the table. And with many users in a multi-user database this becomes even more of a problem and issue.
However in a multi-user environment as pointed out that if the resulting data needs additional processing, then sending the results to a temp table can be of use. This approach however suggests that EACH USER has their own front end and own copy of the application side. And better is that the temp table is created outside of the front end application that resides on each computer. Since the application part (front end) is placed on each computer, then creating of a temp table does not occur in the production database (back end) and as a result you can have multiple users function correctly without each individual user creating a temp table in the production back end database. So if one is to adopt a make table query, it likely should occur on each local workstation and not in the back end database when you have a multiple user database application.
Thus for the most part a make table and that of reports and query of data are VERY different goals and tasks. You don't want nor as a general rule create a whole brand new table for a simple query. In a multi user database system the users might run 100's of reports in a given day and FEW if any systems will send such data to a temp table in place of sending the query results directly to the report.
It creates a table - which is useful if you have a need for that table which you may have for temporary use where you have to modify the data for calculations or further processing while not disturbing the original data.

BigQuery update multi tables

i'm holding huge transactions data on daily multi tables according the business date.
the process flow is like that:
1.i''m loading the batch of new files that that arrive to temp table
2.i group by the transcation_date field in order to notice on which date is belong -
for each date i query the temp table on this date and insert it to the proper trasaction_YYYYMMDD
3.i'm doing part 2 in parallel in order to save time, because the temp table might contain data that belong to 20 days..
my challenge is what to do if one these process failed and other not..
i can't run it all again , since it will cause for duplications for the table that been already successfully update.
i solve these issue by managing this update, but it's seems to be too complex.
Is this best practice to deal with multi tables?
i will be glad to get some best practice in order to understand how others deals when they need to load the data to multi tables according to business date and Not just insert date(this is easy..)
You could add an extra step in the middle, where instead of moving directly from today's temp table into the permanent business-date tables, you extract into temporary daily tables and then copy the data over to the permanent tables.
Query from today's temp table, sharded by day into tmp_transaction_YYMMDD. Use WRITE_EMPTY or WRITE_TRUNCATE write disposition so that this step is idempotent.
Verify that all expected tmp_transaction_YYMMDD tables exist. If not, debug failures and go back to step 1.
Run parallel copy jobs from each tmp_transaction_YYMMDD table to append to the corresponding permanent transaction_YYMMDD table.
Verify copy jobs succeeded. If not, retry the individual failures from step 3.
Delete the tmp_transaction_YYMMDD tables.
The advantage of this is that you can catch query errors before affecting any of the end destination tables, then copy over all the added data at once. You may still have the same issue if the copy jobs fail, but they should be easier to debug and retry individually.
Our incentive for incremental load is cost, and therefore we interested in "touching each record only once".
We use table decorators to identify increment. We manage the increments timestamps independently, and add them to the query on run-time. It requires some logic to maintain, but nothing too complicated.

No waiting while Truncate Table

I have an SSIS package that runs repeatedly after 1 hour. This package first truncates a table and then populate that table with new data. And this process takes 15-20 minutes. When this package runs, data is not available to the users. So they have to wait until package runs completely. Is there any way to handle this situation so users don't have to wait?
Do not truncate the table. Instead, add a audit column with date data type, partition the table with hourly partitions on this audit column, drop the old partition once the new partition is loaded with new data.
Make sure the users query are directed to the proper partition with the help of the audit column
You can do an 'A-B flip'.
Instead of truncating the client-facing table and reloading it, you could use two tables to do the job.
For example, if the table in question is called ACCOUNT:
Load the data to a table called STG_ACCOUNT
By doing this, you minimize the amount of time the users have an empty table.
It's very dangerous practice but you can change isolation levels of your transactions (I mean users queries) from ReadCommitted/Serializable to ReadUncommitted. But the behavior of this queries is very hard to predict. If your table is under using of SSIS package (insert/delete/update) and end users do some uncommitted reads (like SELECT * FROM Table1 WITH (NOLOCK) ), some rows can be counted several times or missed.
If users want to read only 'new-hour-data' you can try to change isolation levels to 'dirty read', but be careful!
If they can work with data from previous hour, the best solution is described by Arnab, but partitions are available only in Enterprise edition. Use rename in another SQL Server editions as Zak said.
[Updated] If the main lag (tens of minutes, as you said) is caused by complex calculations (and NOT because of amount of loaded rows!), you can use another table like a buffer. Store there several rows (hundreds, thousands etc.) and then reload them to the main table. So new data will be available in portions without 'dirty read' tricks.

When is the dm_db_partition_stats updated?

I want to create a scalar SQL function that checks the row count of a table using dm_db_partition_stats. I have a handful of tables that get pushed to me and during that time the tools that use those tables are rendered useless.
I have these tables backed up on another server. What I'd like to do is run a check on the row count. If the results are 0 then the scalar function will return a 1. In the .NET front-end if a 1 is returned then it can query the backup data.
My question is when will the row count get updated in dm_db_partition_stats? Is it immediately or is there some lag involved?
The Dynamic Management Views directly return information about the current internal state of the server, so they are as immediate and real time as it is possible to get. However, the row count from that view is only guaranteed to be approximate, and if there are active transactions in the process of inserting or deleting rows, the count you get may or may not match what you would see if you actually queried the table. So from what you describe it sounds possible that the code that runs subsequently might not find what it was expecting.

SQL Is it possible to setup a column that will contain a value dependent on another column?

I have a table (A) that lists all bundles created off a machine in a day. It lists the date created and the weight of the bundle. I have an ID column, a date column, and a weight column. I also have a table (B) that holds the details related to that machine for the day. In that table (B), I want a column that lists a sum of weights from the other table (A) that the dates match on. So if the machine runs 30 bundles in a day, I'll have 30 rows in table (A) all dated the same day. In table (B) I'll have 1 row detailing other information about the machine for the day plus the column that holds the total bundle weight created for the day.
Is there a way to make the total column in table (B) automatically adjust itself whenever a row is added to table (A)? Is this possible to do in the table schema itself rather than in an SQL statement each time a bundle is added? If it's not, what sort of SQL statement do I need?
It would be a mistake to do so unless you have performance problems that require it.
A better approach is to define a view in the database that will aggregate the daily bundles by machine:
CREATE VIEW MachineDailyTotals
(MachineID, RunDate, BundleCount, TotalWeight)
AS SELECT MachineID, RunDate, COUNT(*), SUM(WeightCol)
FROM BundleListTable
GROUP BY MachineID, RunDate
This will allow you to always see the correct, updated total weight per machine per day without imposing any load on the database until you actually look at the data. You can perform a simple OUTER JOIN with the machine table to get information about the machine, including the daily total info, without having to actually store the totals anywhere.
If you need the sum (or other aggregate) in real time, add a trigger on table A for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE which calculates the sum to be stored in B.
Otherwise, add a daily job which calculates the sums.
Please specify which database you are using.
Are you sure that you don't want to pull this information dynamically rather than storing it in a separate table? This seems like an indirect violation of Normalization rules in that you'll be storing the same information in two different places. With a dynamic query, you'll always be sure that the derived information will be correct without having to worry about the coding and maintenance of triggers.
Of course, if you are dealing with large amounts of data and query times are becoming an issue, you may want the shortcut of a summary table. But, in general, I'd advise against it.
This can be accomplished via Triggers which are little bits of code that execute whenever a certain action (insert/update/delete) happens on a table. The syntax is varies by vendor (MySQL vs. Oracle) but the language is typically the same language you would write a stored procedure in.
If you mention the DB type I can help with the actual syntax