Is it Possible to Use AWS Amplify Without Using Amazon Cognito? - amazon-cognito

I have android and iOS apps. I need to allow them to download and upload assets on S3, and sometimes want to send data to mobile without having to use Amazon Cognito as it costs lot of money to have. I have secret and access keys, and I want mobile users to use these keys instead of having to use Amazon Cognito.
So is it possible to use AWS Amplify without Amazon Cognito ?

This answer only addresses iOS, but I’m guessing that you’ll be able to do something similar on Android. Just replace “protocol” with “interface” :-)
In order to use Amplify you need to give the SDK an AWSCredentialsProvider. Luckily, this is just a protocol, not a concrete class, and it’s straightforward to implement your own:
// MyCredentialsProvider.swift
import AWSCore
import Foundation
class MyCredentialsProvider: NSObject, AWSCredentialsProvider {
func credentials() -> AWSTask<AWSCredentials> {
let credentials = AWSCredentials(accessKey: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
secretKey: "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz",
sessionKey: nil,
expiration: nil)
return AWSTask(result: credentials)
func invalidateCachedTemporaryCredentials() {
// I'm not entirely sure what this method is supposed to do, but it
// seems to be okay to leave it as a no-op.
You can use your class like this:
let provider: AWSCredentialsProvider = MyCredentialsProvider()
let serviceConfig = AWSServiceConfiguration(region: .USWest2,
credentialsProvider: provider)
AWSServiceManager.default().defaultServiceConfiguration = serviceConfig
// ...actually use AWS Amplify...
Of course, you would probably want to make your credentials provider hook into your own authentication system somehow, but this at least gives you an idea of how to pass your own access key and secret key to the SDK.

Yes, it's possible. You don't need user authentication to use AWS Amplify.


Session lost after redirect SAML: may be different webapps?

I am fairly new to webapps programming, so I thought of asking here.
I am implementing the SAML2 protocol in an open source app (namely OFBiz) but I am encountering a problem related to session loss after the protocol made its course.
I am following these steps to implement the protocol. Suppose is the URL of the site.
Installed a custom plugin named SAMLIntegration which exposes the ACS page and the logic for login. To my understanding, a plugin (gradle) is like an indipendent java project, which translates to a new set of resources for the application (the plugin enables, for example, to visit and setup some resources).
Exposed the ACS page to, as well as metadata
Created the logic for login. Basically, an entity called UserLogin is saved in the session and recovered by a "checker" to understand if an user is logged in. Suppose that this checker is a HTTP WebEvent handler which can be called by any resource requiring authentication.
Now, the problem. If redirect the user to a resource on SAMLIntegration (for example or any* by calling response.sendRedirect("aview")) check works and login is preserved. Visiting any resource (for example by navigating the application does not preserve the session.
OFBiz use internally a mechanism for preserving the userLogin between webapps, by creating an HashMap between and UUID and a UserLogin object. The UUID is passed between two different resources, appending this key to each path (so
To my understanding, changing from* to* determine a session loss. So, my idea was to replace the UUID mechanism with SAML2. However, I do not know how to solve this problem.
In particular, I would like to execute a SAML request each time the checker function is executed. If I can't find the user in the session, a SAML request is fired. However, my problem is HOW to manage the response. Normally, I would redirect it to the acs Doing so, however, does not allow me to handle the response in the checker function, as the control is passed to another servlet by an external request (the SAML response fired by the IdP). Should I provide a different acs for each different path? (so one for SAMLIntegration and one for aplugin?) And, even if this was the case, how can I return the control to the checker function which has invoked the SAML request?
Here you go for installing the Shibboleth HTTPD module:
You also need this method somewhere in OFBiz (I recommend, but you can put it where you want). It allows to use the externalAuthId of the userLogin for authentication, with the uid returned by the sso:
public static String checkShibbolethRequestRemoteUserLogin(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
LocalDispatcher dispatcher = (LocalDispatcher) request.getAttribute("dispatcher");
Delegator delegator = dispatcher.getDelegator();
// make sure the user isn't already logged in
if (!LoginWorker.isUserLoggedIn(request)) {
String remoteUserId = (String) request.getAttribute("uid"); // This is the one which works, uid at Idp, remoteUserId here
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(remoteUserId)) {
//we resolve if the user exist with externalAuthId
String userLoginId = null;
GenericValue userLogin;
try {
List<GenericValue> userLogins = delegator.findList("UserLogin",
EntityCondition.makeConditionMap("externalAuthId", remoteUserId, "enabled", "Y"),
null, null, null, true);
userLogin = userLogins.size() == 1 ? userLogins.get(0) : null;
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
Debug.logError(e, module);
return "error";
if (userLogin != null) {
userLoginId = userLogin.getString("userLoginId");
//now try to log the user found
return LoginWorker.loginUserWithUserLoginId(request, response, userLoginId);
return "success";
You also need to have this method as an OFBiz preprocessor in the webapp controllers. I suggest to have a look at common-controller.xml.
Finally you need the configs that redirect to the SSO page if no session. That should do the job, at least it works for them...
Finally I recommend in case of need.

Decrypting cognito codes with KMS client from aws-sdk-v3

I am following this instruction to implement custom message sender in Cognito
All works well with similar code (I use Typescript on AWS Lambda):
import {buildClient, CommitmentPolicy, KmsKeyringNode} from '#aws-crypto/client-node';
import b64 from 'base64-js';
const {decrypt} = buildClient(CommitmentPolicy.REQUIRE_ENCRYPT_ALLOW_DECRYPT);
const keyring = new KmsKeyringNode({keyIds: ["my-key-arn"]});
const {plaintext} = await decrypt(keyring, b64.toByteArray(event.request.code));
console.log(plainttext.toString()) // prints plain text exactly as I need
However, this library #aws-crypto/client-node makes my bundle really huge, almost 20MB! Probably because it depends on some of older AWS libs...
I used to use modular libraries like #aws-sdk/xxx which indeed give much smaller bundles.
I have found that for encrypt/decrypt I can use #aws-sdk/client-kms. But it doesn't work!
I am trying the following code:
import {KMSClient, DecryptCommand} from "#aws-sdk/client-kms";
import b64 from 'base64-js';
const client = new KMSClient;
await client.send(new DecryptCommand({CiphertextBlob: b64.toByteArray(event.request.code), KeyId: 'my-key-arn'}))
Which gives me an error:
InvalidCiphertextException: UnknownError
at deserializeAws_json1_1InvalidCiphertextExceptionResponse (/projectdir/node_modules/#aws-sdk/client-kms/dist-cjs/protocols/Aws_json1_1.js:3157:23)
at deserializeAws_json1_1DecryptCommandError (/projectdir/node_modules/#aws-sdk/client-kms/dist-cjs/protocols/Aws_json1_1.js:850:25)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async /projectdir/node_modules/#aws-sdk/middleware-serde/dist-cjs/deserializerMiddleware.js:7:24
at async /projectdir/node_modules/#aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist-cjs/middleware.js:14:20
at async StandardRetryStrategy.retry (/projectdir/node_modules/#aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/StandardRetryStrategy.js:51:46)
at async /projectdir/node_modules/#aws-sdk/middleware-logger/dist-cjs/loggerMiddleware.js:6:22
at async REPL7:1:33 {
'$fault': 'client',
'$metadata': {
httpStatusCode: 400,
requestId: '<uuid>',
extendedRequestId: undefined,
cfId: undefined,
attempts: 1,
totalRetryDelay: 0
__type: 'InvalidCiphertextException'
What am I doing wrong? Does this KMSClient support what I need?
I have also tried AWS CLI aws kms decrypt --ciphertext-blob ... command, gives me exactly same response. Though if I encrypt and decrypt any random message like "hello world", it works like a charm.
What am I doing wrong and what is so special about Cognito code ciphertext so I have to decrypt it somehow another way?
Short answer: Cognito does not use KMS to encrypt the text, it uses the Encryption SDK. So you cannot use KMS to decrypt Cognito ciphertext.
Longer answer: I spent the past day trying to get a Python email-sender-trigger function working against Cognito using boto3 and the KMS client until I found another post (somewhere?) explaining that Cognito does not encrypt data using KMS, rather the Encryption SDK. Of course these two encryption mechanisms are not compatible.
For JavaScript and Node.js applications, it looks like you have an alternative to including the entire crypto-client:
If all you are doing is decrypting, the above package will let you decrypt using the Encryption SDK and it's only 159KB.
I have managed to solve my task. I have realized that indeed it does not simply uses KMS to encrypt the text, the encryption/decryption process is much more complicated.
There is reference page
It describes how the message looks like, with all the headers and body, with IV, AAD, keys, etc... I have written my own script to parse it all and properly decrypt, it worked! Probably it's too long to share... I suggest to use the reference instead. Hopefully in future they will publish proper modular version of SDK.
The one from '#aws-crypto' didn't work for me, probably doesn't support all the protocols properly. This might be not the truth at the moment you are reading it.

Get user info when someone runs Google Apps Script web app as me

I have a standalone Google Apps Script deployed as a web app. The app is executed as me, because I want it to access files stored on my Drive, and because I want it to generate Google Sheets files that have some ranges protected from the user that are still editable by the script. However, I want these files to be segregated into folders, and each folder is assigned to a user, so I need to know who the user is each time the app runs.
Session.getActiveUser().getEmail() doesn't work since the web app is deployed as me and not as the user. My other thought was to make the app "available to everyone, even anonymous" (right now it's just "available to everyone") to skip Google's login screen, and use some kind of third-party authentication service or script. Building my own seems like overkill because this seems like it should already exist, but so far my research has only turned up things like Auth0 which seem incompatible with my simple Google Apps Script-based app, or else I'm too inexperienced to figure out how to use them.
Does anyone have a suggestion for how to authenticate users for this kind of web app? Preferably something that comes with a beginner-friendly tutorial or documentation? Or, is there another way for me to find out who's running the app while still executing it as myself?
I am so new to this I'm not even sure I'm asking this question in the right way, so suggested edits are taken gratefully.
I can think of two ways you might approach this where the Web App is deployed to execute as the user accessing it:
Scenario A: Create a service-account to access files stored on your Drive and to generate google sheets.
Scenario B: Create a separate Apps Script project deployed as an API Executable and call its functions from the main Web App.
These methods are viable but there are a number of pros and cons to each.
Both require OAuth2 authentication, but that bit is fairly easy to handle thanks to Eric Koleda's OAuth2 library.
Also, in both scenarios, you'll need to bind/link your main Apps Script project to a GCP project and enable the appropriate services, in your case Google Sheets and Google Drive APIs (see documentation for more details).
For Scenario A, the service account must be created under the same GCP project. For Scenario B, the secondary Apps Script project for the API executable must also be bound to the same GCP project.
Issues specific to Scenario A
You'll need to share the files and folders you want to access/modify (and/or create content in) with the service account. The service account has it own email address and you can share google drive files/folders with it as you would with any other gmail account.
For newly created content, permissions could be an issue, but thankfully files created under a folder inherit that folder's permissions so you should be good on that front.
However, you'll have to use the REST APIs for Drive and Sheets services directly; calling them via UrlFetch along with the access token (generated using the OAuth2 library) for the Service Account.
Issues specific to Scenario B
You'll need to setup a separate Apps Script project and build out a public API (collection of non-private functions) that can be called by a 3rd party.
Once the script is bound to the same GCP project as the main Web App, you'll need to generate extra OAuth2 credentials from GCP console under the IAM (Identity Access Management) panel.
You'll use the Client ID and Client Secret, to generate a refresh token specific to your account (using the OAuth2 library). Then you'll use this refresh token in your main Web App to generate the requisite access token for the API executable (also using the OAuth2 library). As in the previous scenario, you'll need to use UrlFetch to invoke the methods on the API Executable using the generated access token.
One thing to note, you cannot use triggers within the API executable code as they are not allowed.
Obviously, I've glossed over a lot of the details but that should be enough to get you started.
Best of luck.
Now that I've implemented TheAddonDepot's suggested Scenario B successfully, I wanted to share a few details that might help other newbies.
Here's what the code in my web app project looks like:
function doGet(e) {
// Use user email to identify user folder and pass to var data
var userEmail = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
// Check user email against database to fetch user folder name and level of access
var userData = executeAsMe('getUserData', [userEmail]);
var appsScriptService = getAppsScriptService();
if (!appsScriptService.hasAccess()) { // This block should only run once, when I authenticate as myself to create the refresh token.
var authorizationUrl = appsScriptService.getAuthorizationUrl();
var htmlOutput = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput('Authorize.');
htmlOutput.setTitle('FMID Authentication');
return htmlOutput;
} else {
var htmlOutput = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Index');
htmlOutput.setTitle('Web App Page Title');
if (userData == 'user not found') {
var data = { "userEmail": userEmail, "userFolder": null };
} else {
var data = { "userEmail": userData[0], "userFolder": userData[1] };
return appendDataToHtmlOutput(data, htmlOutput);
function appendDataToHtmlOutput(data, htmlOutput, idData) { // Passes data from Google Apps Script to HTML via a hidden div with id=idData
if (!idData)
idData = "mydata_htmlservice";
// data is encoded after stringifying to guarantee a safe string that will never conflict with the html
var strAppend = "<div id='" + idData + "' style='display:none;'>" + Utilities.base64Encode(JSON.stringify(data)) + "</div>";
return htmlOutput.append(strAppend);
function getAppsScriptService() { // Used to generate script OAuth access token for API call
// See for documentation
// The OAuth2Service class contains the configuration information for a given OAuth2 provider, including its endpoints, client IDs and secrets, etc.
// This information is not persisted to any data store, so you'll need to create this object each time you want to use it.
// Create a new service with the given name. The name will be used when persisting the authorized token, so ensure it is unique within the scope
// of the property store.
return OAuth2.createService('appsScript')
// Set the endpoint URLs, which are the same for all Google services.
// Set the client ID and secret, from the Google Developers Console.
.setClientId('[client ID]')
.setClientSecret('[client secret]')
// Set the name of the callback function in the script referenced
// above that should be invoked to complete the OAuth flow.
// Set the property store where authorized tokens should be persisted.
// Enable caching to avoid exhausting PropertiesService quotas
// Set the scopes to request (space-separated for Google services).
// Requests offline access.
.setParam('access_type', 'offline')
// Consent prompt is required to ensure a refresh token is always
// returned when requesting offline access.
.setParam('prompt', 'consent');
function authCallback(request) { // This should only run once, when I authenticate as WF Analyst to create the refresh token.
var appsScriptService = getAppsScriptService();
var isAuthorized = appsScriptService.handleCallback(request);
if (isAuthorized) {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput('Success! You can close this tab.');
} else {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput('Denied. You can close this tab.');
function executeAsMe(functionName, paramsArray) {
try {
console.log('Using Apps Script API to call function ' + functionName.toString() + ' with parameter(s) ' + paramsArray.toString());
var url = '[API URL]';
var payload = JSON.stringify({"function": functionName, "parameters": paramsArray, "devMode": true})
var params = {method:"POST",
headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer ' + getAppsScriptService().getAccessToken()},
var results = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params);
var jsonResponse = JSON.parse(results).response;
if (jsonResponse == undefined) {
var jsonResults = undefined;
} else {
var jsonResults = jsonResponse.result;
return jsonResults;
} catch(error) {
console.log('error = ' + error);
if (error.toString().indexOf('Timeout') > 0) {
console.log('Throwing new error');
throw new Error('timeout');
} else {
throw new Error('unknown');
} finally {
I generated the OAuth2 credentials at under APIs & Services > Credentials > Create Credentials > OAuth Client ID, selecting "Web application". I had to add '[some long ID]/usercallback' as an authorized redirect URI, but I apologize as I did this two weeks ago and can't remember how I figured out what to use there :/ Anyway, this is where you get the client ID and client secret used in function getAppsScriptService() to generate the access token.
The other main heads up I wanted to leave here for others is that while Google Apps Scripts can run for 6 minutes before timing out, URLFetchApp.fetch() has a 60s timeout, which is a problem when using it to call a script via the API that takes more than 60s to execute. The Apps Script you call will still finish successfully in the background, so you just have to figure out how to handle your timeout error and call a follow-up function to get whatever the original function should have returned. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but here's the question I asked (and answered) on that issue.

Incorporating sendEmailVerification method in frontend handler or backend signup method?

I'm trying to incorporate an email verification step in the signing up process of my app. Looking at the docs online, seems like doing it in the front-end seems like the way to go.
Problem is the examples I see online have the entire sign in process done in the front-end, and just simply include the the sendEmailVerification method.
sendEmailVerification Method
firebase.auth().currentUser.sendEmailVerification().then(function() {
// Email sent.
}).catch(function(error) {
// An error happened.
I (instead) built my sign up method in the backend and its respective handler in the front.
Front-End Sign Up Handler
authHandler = () => {
const authData = {
password: this.state.controls.password.value
this.props.onTryAuth(authData, this.state.authMode);
// ontTryAuth is a backend action that creates new users in Firebase
Is it a good idea to include the sendEmailVerification method into this front-end handler code? If so, how do I go about doing it?
Yes you can use it. First this method is built by Firebase because people who use Firebase don't always/never have a server. You can yes build your own signup method in your server, but why you would use Firebase if you start to override all the stuff they give you? For me I see Firebase as a prototyping tool and so I use all the features they give, so that let me put an app working faster.
Let me know if that make sense.

Restlet: Adding a role depending on which 'project' (group) the user is accessing

Assume a blackboard type application. There are 2 Projects - ProjectA and ProjectB. User 'nupul' (me) is part of both projects. For A I'm an admin and for B I'm just a 'member' (no admin rights)
When accessing the resource at /MySite/ProjectA/Items I want to check if the user is an admin or not.
I know it can be simply done by picking out the {projectName} parameter from the request and using the identifier (of the user making the request) and forwarding that to check against a DB etc.,
My question is 'how' can I add the roles using an Enroler 'during' authentication itself. Since I don't have access to the {projectName} parameter at that stage. I don't know if you have to use Groups/Realms etc., to make this work, but honestly it's just taking me tooooooooooooooooooo long to even understand how to effectively use this? (i.e., before the request is forwarded to the resource)
I mean I know I can create these groups/realms but how do I access the correct 'role' from the resource???? Restlet seriously needs to have more realistic examples and a much better documentation showing the use of it's classes!! It's driving me insane!! Authentication shouldn't be THIS DIFFICULT! :)
The way to do what you want is to split your routers basing on project name within your application (method createInboundRoot). In this case, the projectname will be evaluated before calling the authenticator. See below some examples of implementing such approach:
public Restlet createInboundRoot() {
Router rootRouter = new Router(getContext());
rootRouter.attach("/{projectname}/", createApplicationForProject());
return rootRouter;
private Restlet createApplicationForProject() {
Router router = new Router(getContext());
ChallengeAuthenticator guard
= new ChallengeAuthenticator(getContext(),
ChallengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC, "realm");
router.attach("items", ItemsServerResource.class);
return guard;
Using such approach, you'll have access to the value of the projectname variable within the verifier and be able to use it in the authentication processing.
Hope it helps you,