iview drawer(transfer=false, inner=true ) show in tag outside rather than inside in IE10 - vue.js

Situation is OK in Chrome but also the IE11
With "transfer"(false) and "inner"(true) set, Drawer work as follow link:
normally effect
Problem occur when using IE10
The drawer show in tag outside rather than inside.
abnormally effect
And The html code of drawer has been place out of its parent tag

If you use F12 developer tools to check the HTML and CSS, you can see that the drawer is outside the iview card body, it seems that this issue is related to iView, you could contact them and feedback this issue.
The screenshot in IE 11:
The screenshot in IE 10:

I found the problem solution.(iview 3.2.2)
This js file handle the DOM transfer job, which lead to drawer panel transfer out of the parent DOM.
inserted (el, { value }, vnode) {
if ( el.dataset && el.dataset.transfer !== 'true') return false;
el.className = el.className ? el.className + ' v-transfer-dom' : 'v-transfer-dom';
const parentNode = el.parentNode;
if (!parentNode) return;
const home = document.createComment('');
let hasMovedOut = false;
if ( value !== false) {
parentNode.replaceChild(home, el); // moving out, el is no longer in the document
getTarget(value).appendChild(el); // moving into new place
hasMovedOut = true
if (!el.__transferDomData) {
el.__transferDomData = {
parentNode: parentNode,
home: home,
target: getTarget(value),
hasMovedOut: hasMovedOut
As file show
if ( value !== false)
The judgment on Line 9 is unappropriated.
After replacing code as below and rebuild the iview by running 'npm run dist',
if( value && value !== false )
drawer show well in IE10


Vue rerender from data by async method

I have an icon
that is displaying a favorite/not favorite state with a red or white heart.
<img :src="favoriteStatus ? '/icons/liked#3x.png' : '/icons/like#3x.png'">
I call the api to get the status
try {
const res = await .......... ;
if (res.cmd_data.code === 0) {
this.favoriteStatus = res.cmd_data.msg;
} else {
} catch ......
res.cmd_data.msg is a Boolean.
My vue devtools are showing that favoriteStatus can be correctly changed (true or false).
But the heart icon not changing and $forceUpdate() is not working neither.
You could maybe try this form
<img :src="`url(${require('/icons/${favoriteStatus ? liked : like}#3x.png')})`
EDIT: At the end, it was just some lifecycle issue.
The OP fixed it by fiddling when fetching the API.

Passing State in React-Navigation from TabsNavigation to Child StackNavigation

UPDATE: Now with a Snack Demo
I've created a demo on snack so you can see the issue first hand and help me demonstrate a solution in actual code.
Steps to duplicate
launch app
Tap "GO TO EVENTTABS" button
Tap each tab, noticing that the eventId is in scope for the first three tabs
Tap "More" tab
Tap "TEAM MEMBERS", noticing that eventId is no longer in scope. This is where the problem lies. How do I pass along eventId?
My App has the following navigation hierarchy, where every instance of <> is just a regular component
App <StackNavigator> {
EventList <>
EventTabs <BottomTabNavigator> {
Quests <>
Leaderboard <>
Gallery <>
More <StackNavigator> {
MoreList <>
TeamMembers <>
Upon entering the app, the user's first screen is EventList. They click a button to navigate into EventTabs, so I'm able to use the navigation.navigate() to transition while passing state like so...
EventList.navigation.navigate(EventTabs, passedParams);
To this point, everything makes sense. But TeamMembers also needs access to the passedParams. I'm confused how to pass those along. Hence my question...how do access passedParams from the TeamMembers component? They seem to be scoped just to the EventTabs.
If the answer is to use navigate.setParams(), then I'm not sure where I'd do that.
If the answer is to use NavigationActions.setParams(), then I'm also not sure where I'd do that.
Unfortunately we don't have good support for this, but you could use a function like this to recursively walk your navigation parents in search of the correct param.
function getParam(navigation, paramName) {
const { getParam, dangerouslyGetParent } = navigation;
let parent = dangerouslyGetParent();
let val = getParam(paramName);
while (val === undefined && parent && parent.getParam) {
val = parent.getParam(paramName);
parent = parent.dangerouslyGetParent();
return val;
The problem seems to continue for version 5.x of react navigation.
For me this works.
function getParentParam(navigation, paramName) {
const { dangerouslyGetParent } = navigation;
let paramValue = null;
const parent = dangerouslyGetParent();
const routes = parent.dangerouslyGetState().routes;
routes.some((r) => {
paramValue = r.params ? r.params[paramName] : null;
return paramValue !== null;
You can iterate over parent.dangerouslyGetParent() according to the depth level you have

React DnD change div style only when dragging

I am implementing the drag and drop mechanic using react-dnd library, but I find it hard to style my drop targets. I want to show the user which drop target is available to drop on, but using the isOver and canDrop will only style the item that is currently being hovered on.
If I use the !isOver value, all the divs are being styled, without even dragging any of the elements.
How can I style the drop targets only when the dragging of an element happens?
This is my code so far, for a #DropTarget:
import React from 'react';
import {DropTarget} from 'react-dnd';
import {ItemTypes} from './Constants';
const target = {
drop(props, monitor, component){
// console.log("Dropped on", props.id);
canDrop(props, monitor, component){
var cardColumn = monitor.getItem().column;
var targetColumn = props.column;
return false; // still testing styling when only an element is being dragged on the page
#DropTarget(ItemTypes.CARD, target, (connect, monitor) => ({
connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget(),
isOver: monitor.isOver({shallow: true}),
canDrop: monitor.canDrop(),
class CardList extends React.Component{
this.addClass = this.addClass.bind(this);
const {isOver, canDrop} = this.props;
if(isOver && canDrop){
return "willDrop"; // green background for .card-list
if(isOver && !canDrop){
return "noDrop"; // red background for .card-list
if(!isOver && !canDrop){
return ""; // will style all the backgrounds in a color, but not when dragging
const {connectDropTarget} = this.props;
return connectDropTarget(
<div class={"card-list col-xl-12 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 " + this.addClass()} id={this.props.id}>
export default CardList;
Is there a way to get the isDragging value when an element is being dragged on the page, since this is the only possibility to obtain what I want.
Both isOver and canDrop implicitly do the isDragging check, per http://react-dnd.github.io/react-dnd/docs-drop-target-monitor.html - note that they only return true if a drag operation is in progress. Therefore, if you want to style drop targets such that only when something that can be dragged is being dragged, then I think you need another case in your addClass() function to handle that, like this:
const {isOver, canDrop} = this.props;
if(isOver && canDrop){
return "willDrop"; // green background for .card-list
if(isOver && !canDrop){
return "noDrop"; // red background for .card-list
if(!isOver && canDrop){
And I don't think you want the !isOver && !canDrop block - this will execute even when nothing is being dragged at all.

Riot JS unmount all tags in a page and then mount only one tag is not working

I am using Riot JS and in my index.html, I have 3 custom tags - header, login-panel and candidates-panel inside my body. In my main app.js, in the callback function of $(document).ready, I execute the current route and also register a route change handler function. In my switchView, I unmount all custom tags and then try to mount only the tag pertaining to the current view being switched. Here is my code. If I do unmount, then nothing is displayed on the page
<header label="Hire Zen" icon="img/user-8-32.png"></header>
<login-panel class="viewTag" id="loginView"></login-panel>
<candidates-panel id="candidatesView" class="viewTag"></candidates-panel>
<script src="js/bundle.js"></script>
function switchView(view) {
if(!view || view === '') {
view = 'login'
//unmount all other panels and mount only the panel that is required
//TODO: unmount all view panels and mounting only required panel is not working
$(document).ready(function () {
RiotControl.addStore(new AuthStore())
RiotControl.addStore(new CandidatesStore())
//register route change handler
riot.route(function (collection, id, action) {
riot.route.exec(function (collection, id, action) {
Answer for riot.js v2.1.0:
The function
is not available as far as I know. However, you can unmount saved tags.
The trick is to remember the mounted tags to be able to unmount them later:
var viewTag = riot.mount(document.getElementById('viewTag'))
You can store all those view tags in an object and loop them to unmount all and mount only the active one.
Answer for 2.3.18
Based on the previous answer and this tutorial I have created following concept:
app.currentPage = null;
var goTo = function(page){
if (app.currentPage) {
app.currentPage.unmount(true); //unmount and keep parent tag
app.currentPage = riot.mount(page)[0]; //remember current page
riot.route(function() {
console.info("this page is not defined");
//do nothing (alternatively go to 404 page or home)
riot.route('/inventory', function(){
riot.route('/options', function() {
I think you are looking for riot.util.tags.unmountAll(tags)
How to achieve the goal?
var tags = [];
var some = this;

In Extjs4 how to set scrollbar position to bottom of form panel

i am working in extjs4. i have form panel with autoscroll true. I have 20-25 fields with fileUpload field at bottom. When i am uploading file, form's scroll is going to top by default. i want to keep scroll of form as it is on where it was while uploading file. So how to set this scrollBar at bottom of or at upload field section in extjs4
You can try by adding the following method to your form declaration:
scrollToField: function(fieldId) {
var field = Ext.get(fieldId);
Here you have a working sample
IMHO,it will be better, however, to group fields using tabs or something similar to avoid having a long a and hard to read / fill form
I have solve this problem into Ext js 4.2 for Ext.form.panel
See the following code. It will helpful to you.
onRender function call on render event
onRender: function () {
if (!this.restoreScrollAfterLayout) {
this.mon(Ext.get(this.getEl().dom.lastElementChild), 'scroll', this.onScroll, this);
this.restoreScrollAfterLayout = true;
onScroll: function (e ,t, eOpts) {
this.scroll = Ext.get(this.getEl().dom.lastElementChild).getScroll();
afterLayout: function () {
if (this.restoreScrollAfterLayout && this.scroll) {
var el = Ext.get(this.getEl().dom.lastElementChild),
scroll = this.scroll;
el.scrollTo('left', scroll.left);
el.scrollTo('top', scroll.top);