Bulk copy from one server to another server - sql-server-2012

I have table contains 5 million records and one of its column contains PDF data in blob column. I want to move this table records from one server into another Server.
I tried below methods.
Import and Export wizard
Linked server.
But it is taking some time.So any other bulk copy method or commands to transfer this table records from one server to another server quickly.


Copy a subset of data from remote database to local SQL Server

I have a remote database that I want to copy on my local SQL Server.
IMPORTANT: I only want a sample data (1k rows for instance) from each table, and there are about 130 different tables.
I have tried to use the export data procedure in SSMS. Put simply, I go to TASKS> EXPORT DATA > CHOSE SOURCE (the remote db)> CHOSE DESTINATION (my local db) > CHOSE THE TABLES TO COPY > COPY
What I have tried:
I've tried to write down in this tool the SQL query like
But on the mapping step, it puts every result within a single table instead of creating the 130 different output tables.
FYI, the above procedure is taking 2min for one table. Doing it one by one for each table will take 130 *2min = 4hours and half... plus it is so boring
Do you have any idea for resolving this situation?
Thank you
If you only want a subset you are going to have problems with foreign keys, if there are any in your database.
Possible approaches to extract all data or a subset
Use SSIS to extract the data from the source db and load into your local db
Write a custom application that does the job. (You can use SQL Bulk Copy)
If you purely wan't to do do it in SSMS you can create a linked server on your local server to the remote server.
This way you can do something like this if the tables or not yet created on your local server:
INSERT INTO [dbo].Table1
FROM [yourLinkedServer].[dbo].[Table1]
Changing the INTO table and FROM table for each table you want to copy.

Copy 10k rows from table to table on other server

I cannot use linked server.
Both databases on both servers have the same structure but different data.
I have 10k rows to transfer from the DB on one server to the same DB on the other. I cannot restore the DB on the other server as it will take a huge amount of space that I don't have on the other server.
So, I have 2 options that I don't know how to execute:
Backup and restoring only one table - the table is linked to many other tables but these other tables exist on the other server too. Can I somehow delete or remove the other tables or make a backup only over one table?
I need to transfer 10k rows. How is it possible to create 10k insert queries based on selected 10k rows?
Can I somehow delete or remove the other tables or make a backup only over one table?
No you can not do this, unfortunately
How is it possible to create 10k insert queries based on selected 10k rows?
Right-click on Database -> Tasks -> Generate scripts -> (Introduction) Next
Chose Select specific database objects -> Tables, chose table you need -> Next
Advanced -> Search for Types of data script change from Schema only (by default) to Data only -> OK
Chose where to save -> Next -> Next. Wait the operation to end.
This will generate the file with 10k inserts.
Another way is to use Import/Export wizard (the most simple way for one-time-import/export) if you have link between databases.
There are many ways to choose from, here is one way using BCP. That's a tool that ships with SQL Server to Import and Export Bulk Data.
The outlines of the process:
Export the data from the source server to a file using BCP - BCP OUT for a whole table, or BCP QUERYOUT with a query to select the 10k rows you want exported
Copy the file to the destination server
Import the data using BCP on the destination database - BCP IN.
My suggestion would be to export these rows to excel( you can do this by copy pasting your query output) and transfer this to other server and import it there.
this is the official method :-
and this is the the unofficial method :
Here I have assumed that you only need to transfer the transactional data and your reference data is same on both server. So you will need to execute only one query for exporting your data
I would definietely go down the SSIS route once you use SSIS to do a task like this you will not use anything else very simple to script up. You can use any version and it will be a simple job and very quick.
Open new SSIS project in available visual studio version/s there are many different but even a 2008 version will do this simple task you may have to install integration services or something similar used to be called bids (business information development studio in 2008) (anything up to 2015 although support is nearly there in 2017)
add a data flow task
double click the data flow task
Bottom of screen add two connection managers (1 to source and 1 to destination database)
add oledb source pointing to source database table
add oledb destination pointing to destination database table
drag line between the source and destination (should auto map all columns if the same name)
hit Start and the data will flow very quickly
you have create DbInstaller. using dbInstaller you have share whole database. Dbinstaller work both ado.Net and Entity Frame Work but I have using Entity Frame Work.
you can do it by sql server query
first select first database like
Use database1 --- this will be your first database
after select first database we will put our table row in temp table by this query
select * into #Temp from select * from table1
now we select second database and insert temp table data into second database table by this code
use secondDatabaseName
INSERT INTO tableNameintoinsert (col1, col2, )
SELECT col1, col2 FROM #temp;

Export table data from one SQL Server to another another table sitting on different server

how to fetch the data from one database table on another server and insert in to another database table sitting on a different server....I can't to do this.Is it possible using SQL statement or do I need a tool?
You could create a linked server on the instance that you are importing data into. You will need to link the server that you are exporting data from. Here are a couple of links on how to set that up.
How to Create a Linked Server
StackOverflow Answer
Calling Linked Server In Query
Once you have the linked server set up, you could do this:
INSERT INTO yourtable --table you are importing data into
FROM [server].[database].[schema].[table] --server you are exporting data from

Load CSV using the headers SQL Server

I am looking for a good generic SP in SQL server to load CSV files using the header row to create the necessary table columns for the temp table.
For example, I have a table with 20 columns in it, and I have been told to load a csv file into SQL server I have to load all the columns into the table. So, that means I have to go in and create all this by hand and then load the data. Think that is a time waster.
So, I was wondering if there was a way to read the header row use it to create the columns, whether my table has 10 or 20 and the use bulk update to load the data itself.

Excel database values to SQL Server and different tables

I got an Excel file with data which I want to import into a database in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express edition.
I do this with right click on a database -> task -> import data.
After this, my data from Excel is loaded in the database in one table.
But I want to seperate the columns from the Excel file into different tables.
So instead of loading all Excel data into one database and table, I want to load the Excel data into one database, but in different tables.
For example: Save column 1,2,3 from Excel in table A, and save column 4,5,6 from Excel in table B.
Anyone that knows how to do this?
I followed the suggestion of #bendataclear:
"Personally I would just import into a temporary table then write INSERT INTO X SELECT queries to move in the correct columns."