Can I use filters in Intellij structural search to reference variable counts? - intellij-idea

I am trying to create a custom inspection in IntelliJ using structural search. The idea is to find all methods that have one or more parameters, of which at least one is not annotated. Bonus: Only hit non-primitive types of parameters.
So far, I have created the following Search Template:
$MethodType$ $Method$(#$ParamAnnotation$ $ParameterType$ $Parameter$);
using these filters and the search target "complete match":
$Parameters$: count[1,∞]
$ParamAnnotation$: count[0,0]
However, this only hits methods without any parameters annotated. I want it to also match methods where only some parameters have an annotation but others don't.
Is it possible to reference the count of one variable in the filter of another, e.g. by using script filters? If so, how?

You can do this by creating a Search Template like this:
$MethodType$ $Method$($TypeBefore$ $before$,
#$ParamAnnotation$ $ParameterType$ $Parameter$,
$TypeAfter$ $after$);
$Parameters$: count=[1,1] // i.e. no filter
$ParamAnnotation$: count=[0,0]
$before$: count=[0,∞]
$after$: count=[0,∞]
This will find all method with at least one parameter without annotation.


How can I change the mode column filter works in vue CSmartTable?

I am trying to change filters because I want to ignore accents and it must search by full words.
I don't know how to change the behaviour, override functions, nor create a custom filter.
I prefer not to use new inputs but use inputs already exist created by the component and change their behaviour.

Show all variables and their values in VBA during runtime

In my current project in Access VBA, I created a window which works like a console and now I am trying to add a possibility to display any public variable. It should work like:
Show_var [variable_name]
So it should be like in the direct window where i can type:
? pVar.variable_A
I found out that using
I can display the number of lines within a module or form so I thought perhaps I could somehow find the variables there, cycle through them and when the correct one is found, its value can be shown. OFC I could make a Select Case Statement where all variables are included but that is not the way I want to do it because it is complicated and must be changed every time update my public variable list.
There are so many problems that I think you are out of luck. Let me just list some of them:
There is no way to get a list of all variables - that would mean you would need access to the internal symbol table.
As a consequence, you would have to read the code (CodeModule lets you read the code of a module), and write an own parser to fetch all declarations (hopefully you use Option Explicit)
AFAIK, the is no method that can access the content of a variable via it's name.
Even if there would be any such method: What would you do with different data types, arrays and especially with objects.
If a user runs into problems, often it is a runtime error. If you don't handle that errors with some kind of error handler, the only option if a user cannot enter the debugger is to press "End" - which would destroy the content of all variables.
You have to deal with scope of variables, you can have several variables with the same name and you will likely have lots of variables that are out of scope in the moment you want to dump them.

Printing a MS Word document using JNA

I'm using the MSOfficeDemo/MSWord classes as a starter.
How can I print a document that is open in Word?
In a new method in the class I've tried:
this.invokeNoReply("Print", this.getDocuments());
this.invokeNoReply("PrintOut", this.getDocuments());
this.invokeNoReply("FilePrint", this.getDocuments());
I get an Unknown Name (hr=-2147352570) error for each of the above calls.
I've been searching for a week now and haven't found a solution.
Rather than guessing, you need to match your method signature to the documentation.
You need to actually print the active document (this.getActiveDocument()) rather than the collection of documents. Then refer to the Document methods to see which method (and arguments) to use, in this case PrintOut is the correct method.
What you pass for the parameters, you need to look at the various method signatures in ComLateBindingObject and pick the one that best matches your needs (you can pass one or two arguments, more than that you need an array.
This code should work... haven't tested it (don't have MSWord on my Windows VM) but combined with the links above it should get you in the right direction:
this.invokeNoReply("PrintOut", getActiveDocument());
If that doesn't work, try:
this.invokeNoReply("PrintOut", getActiveDocument().getIDispatch());
If you actually need to pass any of the parameters, you'll create a VARIANT for them and start filling in 1 or more of the parameters (or an array of them).

Runtime method to get names of argument variables?

Inside an Objective-C method, it is possible to get the selector of the method with the keyword _cmd. Does such a thing exist for the names of arguments?
For example, if I have a method declared as such:
- (void)methodWithAnArgument:(id)foo {
Is there some sort of construct that would allow me to get access to some sort of string-like representation of the variable name? That is, not the value of foo, but something that actually reflects the variable name "foo" in a local variable inside the method.
This information doesn't appear to be stored in NSInvocation or any of its related classes (NSMethodSignature, etc), so I'm not optimistic this can be done using Apple's frameworks or the runtime. I suspect it might be possible with some sort of compile-time macro, but I'm unfamiliar with C macros so I wouldn't know where to begin.
Edit to contain more information about what I'm actually trying to do.
I'm building a tool to help make working with third-party URL schemes easier. There are two sides to how I want my API to look:
As a consumer of a URL scheme, I can call a method like [twitterHandler showUserWithScreenName:#"someTwitterHandle"];
As a creator of an app with a URL scheme, I can define my URLs in a plist dictionary, whose key-value pairs look something like #"showUserWithScreenName": #"twitter://user?screenName={screenName}".
What I'm working on now is finding the best way to glue these together. The current fully-functioning implementation of showUserWithScreenName: looks something like this:
- (void)showUserWithScreenName:(NSString *)screenName {
[self performCommand:NSStringFromSelector(_cmd) withArguments:#{#"screenName": screenName}];
Where performCommand:withArguments: is a method that (besides some other logic) looks up the command key in the plist (in this case "showUserWithScreenName:") and evaluates the value as a template using the passed dictionary as the values to bind.
The problem I'm trying to solve: there are dozens of methods like this that look exactly the same, but just swap out the dictionary definition to contain the correct template params. In every case, the desired dictionary key is the name of the parameter. I'm trying to find a way to minimize my boilerplate.
In practice, I assume I'm going to accept that there will be some boilerplate needed, but I can probably make it ever-so-slightly cleaner thanks to NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings (thanks #CodaFi — I wasn't familiar with that macro!). For the sake of argument, I'm curious if it would be possible to completely metaprogram this using something like forwardInvocation:, which as far as I can tell would require some way to access parameter names.
You can use componentsSeparatedByString: with a : after you get the string from NSStringFromSelector(_cmd) and use your #selector's argument names to put the arguments in the correct order.
You can also take a look at this post, which is describing the method naming conventions in Objective C

Can I index source code using Lucene?

I would like to index source code using Lucene. The source code has already been pre-analysed using a compiler plugin. The output of the compiler is a list of IDs that appear in the source code. Each ID includes information about
the module the ID was defined in (as opposed to used in),
the source span where the ID appears (i.e. line:col-line:col), and
whether the ID is defined at this location or merely used here.
For example, given this source code module (in pseudo-code)
module MyModule
from MyOtherModule import bar
foo = ...
print bar
here's what the compiler might output when compiling MyModule:,3:1-3:3,definition,4:7-4:9,use
Note how all IDs that appear in the output are fully qualified, even though they might not appear that way in the source. This is why we use a compiler, it allows us to do more exact code search than just purely text-based search.
Question: Is it possible to write a custom tokenizer and analyzer that indexes the compiler output shown above in a way that the metadata (i.e. the fully qualified ID and whether the ID was defined or used at the given location) is kept an available when scoring the documents?
To be more precise, I'd like each term to be associated with the module where it was defined (e.g. foo would have associated metadata: defining module=MyModule). I want each posting in the posting list to store whether this particular appearance of an ID was a definition or a use of that ID.
In addition, I'd like to have Lucene store the non-qualified ID as synonyms for the qualified ID. This would allow users to search for "foo" and retrieve all documents that contain the IDs "" and "".
It's probably easier to put the various attributes into Lucene fields, so that you can query like:
parse module:MyModule use:yes
which would return only hits on 'parse' in 'MyModule' where 'parse' was used rather than defined.