SQL - SUM TotalValue returning a null with LEFT JOIN Clause - sql

I'd to like SUM a TotalValue column based on Vendor and logged in user. I completely returning a right value of other info in logged user and the connected vendor, the problem is the SUM of TotalValue column is returning a null value. am I missing something?
This is what I've already tried:
SELECT ,v.VendorName ,
u.Product ,
v.[Description] ,
v.Status ,
SUM(cpm.TotalValue) AS TotalValue
FROM Vendor v
LEFT JOIN [ProductContract] c ON v.VendorId = c.VendorId
AND c.[Status] = 4
AND c.ProductContractId IN
(SELECT con.ProductContractId
FROM [ProductContract] con
INNER JOIN [ProductContractPermission] cp ON cp.ProductContractId = con.ProductContractId
WHERE cp.UserInfoId = #UserInfoId)
LEFT JOIN ProductContractPaymentMenu cpm ON c.ProductContractId = cpm.ProductContractId
AND c.[Status] = 4
AND c.VendorId = #VendorId
LEFT JOIN VendorContact vc ON v.VendorId = vc.VendorId
AND vc.[Type] = 1
LEFT JOIN UserInfo u ON vc.UserInfoId = u.UserInfoId
WHERE v.VendorId IN
(SELECT VendorId
FROM ClientVendor
WHERE ClientId = #VendorId)
GROUP BY v.VendorName,
ORDER BY v.[Status],

Seems that you want to apply an aggregate filter, this is the famous HAVING clause:
GROUP BY v.VendorName,
SUM(cpm.TotalValue) > 0
ORDER BY v.[Status],

Hi i think you have to add ISNULL(value,defaultvalue) because cpm table was on left join and it can be null.
SELECT v.VendorName ,
u.Product ,
v.[Description] ,
v.Status ,
SUM(ISNULL(cpm.TotalValue,0)) AS TotalValue
FROM Vendor v
LEFT JOIN [ProductContract] c ON v.VendorId = c.VendorId
AND c.[Status] = 4
AND c.ProductContractId IN
(SELECT con.ProductContractId
FROM [ProductContract] con
INNER JOIN [ProductContractPermission] cp ON cp.ProductContractId = con.ProductContractId
WHERE cp.UserInfoId = #UserInfoId)
LEFT JOIN ProductContractPaymentMenu cpm ON c.ProductContractId = cpm.ProductContractId
AND c.[Status] = 4
AND c.VendorId = #VendorId
LEFT JOIN VendorContact vc ON v.VendorId = vc.VendorId
AND vc.[Type] = 1
LEFT JOIN UserInfo u ON vc.UserInfoId = u.UserInfoId
WHERE v.VendorId IN
(SELECT VendorId
FROM ClientVendor
WHERE ClientId = #VendorId)
GROUP BY v.VendorName,
ORDER BY v.[Status],
Edit: other point you have miss ',' in your query after the SELECT.

Your left join on ProductContractPaymentMenu may not always get an item, so cpm.TotalValue can be NULL sometimes. When you use SUM and when one value is NULL then the result will be NULL. You might rewrite that part as:
SUM(ISNULL(cpm.TotalValue, 0)) AS TotalValue
In that case, it will treat non-existing records as value 0.


I'm Getting Count of a column same for all rows?How to count occurrences of a column value efficiently in SQL?

,ISNULL((Select Count(DISTINCT Tax_Percentage) From Sales_Detail
Left Join Sales_Master ON
Where Sales_Master.Invoice_Date = '14-Feb-2019'
And IsSaved='True'And IsCancelled = 'False'
And Card_Amount >0 Or Sales_Master.Cash_Amount>0
And Sales_Detail.Serial_No=10467),1) As Count_Tax
From Sales_Detail
Inner Join Item_Master On Sales_Detail.Item_ID = Item_Master.Item_ID
Inner Join Item_Brand On Item_Master.Brand_ID = Item_Brand.Brand_ID
Inner Join Sales_Master On Sales_Detail.Serial_No=Sales_Master.Serial_No
left Join Customer C on C.Customer_ID =Sales_Master.Customer_ID
Inner Join Tax On Tax.Tax_Percentage=Sales_Detail.Tax_Percentage
Where Sales_Master.Invoice_Date = '14-Feb-2019' And IsSaved = 'True'
And IsCancelled = 'False'
order by Sales_Detail.SGST_Percentage ,Tax_Percentage
While taking count from above query.
I'm getting count as 2 for all row .Why is it so??
If above select in the query expected the output count as 2 for all rows ,
But actually I want to set count as 1 for serial No 10467 and count as 2 for serial No 10468.
Count(DISTINCT Tax_Percentage)
From Sales_Detail
Left Join Sales_Master ON Sales_Master.Serial_No=Sales_Detail.Serial_No
Where Sales_Master.Invoice_Date = '14-Feb-2019'
And IsSaved='True'And IsCancelled = 'False'
And Card_Amount >0 Or Sales_Master.Cash_Amount>0
And Sales_Detail.Serial_No=10467
enter image description here
In your select you are hardcoding the Searial_No And Sales_Detail.Serial_No=10467 so for each row you will get the same value.
Change your like following.
,ISNULL((Select Count(DISTINCT Tax_Percentage) From Sales_Detail SD
Left Join Sales_Master ON
Where Sales_Master.Invoice_Date = '14-Feb-2019'
And IsSaved='True'And IsCancelled = 'False'
And Card_Amount >0 Or Sales_Master.Cash_Amount>0
And SD.Serial_No=Sales_Detail.Serial_No
),1) As Count_Tax
From Sales_Detail
Inner Join Item_Master On Sales_Detail.Item_ID = Item_Master.Item_ID
Inner Join Item_Brand On Item_Master.Brand_ID = Item_Brand.Brand_ID
Inner Join Sales_Master On Sales_Detail.Serial_No=Sales_Master.Serial_No
left Join Customer C on C.Customer_ID =Sales_Master.Customer_ID
Inner Join Tax On Tax.Tax_Percentage=Sales_Detail.Tax_Percentage
Where Sales_Master.Invoice_Date = '14-Feb-2019' And IsSaved = 'True'
And IsCancelled = 'False'
order by Sales_Detail.SGST_Percentage ,Tax_Percentage
Suggestion : As a good practice always use alias names for your table so that it can be easily used at multiple places without confusion.

Finding the count

I have the following SQL query and need to know the count of companyid as I can see repeating data. How do I find the count of it. Following is the query
SELECT a.companyId 'companyId'
, i.orgDebtType 'orgDebtType'
, d.ratingTypeName 'ratingTypeName'
, c.currentRatingSymbol 'currentRatingSymbol'
, c.ratingStatusIndicator 'ratingStatusIndicator'
, g.qualifierValue 'qualifierValue'
, c.ratingdate 'ratingDate'
, h.value 'outlook'
FROM ciqRatingEntity a
JOIN ciqcompany com
on com.companyId = a.companyId
JOIN ciqratingobjectdetail b ON a.entitySymbolValue = b.objectSymbolValue
JOIN ciqRatingData c ON b.ratingObjectKey = c.ratingObjectKey
JOIN ciqRatingType d ON b.ratingTypeId = d.ratingTypeId
JOIN ciqRatingOrgDebtType i ON i.orgDebtTypeId=b.orgDebtTypeId
JOIN ciqRatingEntityData red ON red.entitySymbolValue=a.entitySymbolValue
AND red.ratingDataItemId='1' ---CoName
LEFT JOIN ciqRatingDataToQualifier f ON f.ratingDataId = c.ratingDataId
LEFT JOIN ciqRatingQualifiervalueType g ON g.qualifiervalueid = f.qualifierValueId
LEFT JOIN ciqRatingValueType h ON h.ratingValueId = c.outlookValueId
AND b.ratingTypeId IN ( '130', '131', '126', '254' )
-- and a.companyId = #companyId
AND a.companyId IN
(SELECT distinct TOP 2000000
FROM ciqCompany c
inner join ciqCompanyStatusType cst on cst.companystatustypeid = c.companystatustypeid
inner join ciqCompanyType ct on ct.companyTypeId = c.companyTypeId
inner join refReportingTemplateType rep on rep.templateTypeId = c.reportingtemplateTypeId
inner join refCountryGeo rcg on c.countryId = rcg.countryId
inner join refState rs on rs.stateId = c.stateId
inner join ciqSimpleIndustry sc on sc.simpleIndustryId = c.simpleIndustryId
ORDER BY companyid desc)
ORDER BY companyId DESC, c.ratingdate, b.ratingTypeId, c.ratingStatusIndicator
This will list where there are duplicate companyID's
SELECT companyId, count(*) as Recs
FROM ciqCompany
GROUP BY ciqCompany
HAVING count(*) > 1
I understand that you wish to add a column to the query with the count of each companyId, you can use COUNT() OVER():
select count(a.companyId) over (partition by a.companyId) as companyCount,
<rest of the columns>
from ciqRatingEntity a
join <rest of the query>
This would return in each row the count of the companyId of that row without grouping the results.

SQL SUM columns from different tables

Good Afternoon,
I currently have the query:
SELECT erp_user.login,
SUM(invoice_header.invoice_amount) as 'Invoices Billed'
FROM erp_user
LEFT JOIN order_header ON erp_user.erp_user_id = order_header.req_by
LEFT JOIN invoice_instruct_header ON order_header.order_id = invoice_instruct_header.order_id
LEFT JOIN invoice_header ON invoice_instruct_header.instruct_id = invoice_header.instruct_no
WHERE erp_user.supervisor_id IS NOT NULL AND user_id_type = 'I' AND erp_user.company_id IS NOT NULL AND erp_user.is_active = 1
GROUP BY erp_user.login
It gives me a list of total billing in our system by employee where the employee is signed to a job on the job header.
I would love to add the total amount of open PO's to this query so I added:
SELECT erp_user.login, SUM(invoice_header.invoice_amount) as 'Invoices Billed', sum(po_header.po_amount) AS "Open PO's"
FROM erp_user
LEFT JOIN order_header ON erp_user.erp_user_id = order_header.req_by
LEFT JOIN invoice_instruct_header ON order_header.order_id = invoice_instruct_header.order_id
LEFT JOIN invoice_header ON invoice_instruct_header.instruct_id = invoice_header.instruct_no
LEFT JOIN po_header ON order_header.order_id = po_header.order_id
WHERE erp_user.supervisor_id IS NOT NULL AND user_id_type = 'I' AND erp_user.company_id IS NOT NULL AND erp_user.is_active = 1 AND po_header.status = 1
GROUP BY erp_user.login
ORDER BY "Open PO's"
That query gives me numbers in my Open PO's column, but they are incorrect and I'm at the point now where I can't figure out how to troubleshoot this.
Can someone please point me in the right direction? I don't mind doing the work, just need a pointer. Thanks!
Please be aware of conbination of Left join and Where clause.
SELECT erp_user.login
, SUM(invoice_header.invoice_amount) as 'Invoices Billed'
, sum(CASE WHEN po_header.status = 1 THEN po_header.po_amount ELSE 0 END) AS "Open PO's"
FROM erp_user
LEFT JOIN order_header ON erp_user.erp_user_id = order_header.req_by
LEFT JOIN invoice_instruct_header ON order_header.order_id = invoice_instruct_header.order_id
LEFT JOIN invoice_header ON invoice_instruct_header.instruct_id = invoice_header.instruct_no
LEFT JOIN po_header ON order_header.order_id = po_header.order_id
WHERE erp_user.supervisor_id IS NOT NULL
AND user_id_type = 'I'
AND erp_user.company_id IS NOT NULL
AND erp_user.is_active = 1
GROUP BY erp_user.login
ORDER BY "Open PO's";
If po_header joins to order_header, then in your original query it would be repeating each po_header for each invoice_header as well (leading to the incorrect calculation).
You could use outer apply() like so:
, [Invoices Billed] = sum(invoice_header.invoice_amount)
, x.[Open POs]
from erp_user
left join order_header
on erp_user.erp_user_id = order_header.req_by
left join invoice_instruct_header
on order_header.order_id = invoice_instruct_header.order_id
left join invoice_header
on invoice_instruct_header.instruct_id = invoice_header.instruct_no
outer apply (
[Open POs] = sum(po_header.po_amount)
from po_header p
inner join order_header oh
on oh.order_id = p.order_id
where oh.req_by = erp_user.erp_user_id
) x
where erp_user.supervisor_id is not null
and erp_user.company_id is not null
and erp_user.is_active = 1
and user_id_type = 'I'
group by erp_user.login

Too many results in query

I'm fetching some data from our database in MSSQL. Out of this data I want to determine who created the client entry and who took the first payment from this client.
There can be many payment entries for a client on a single booking/enquiry and at the moment, my query shows results for each payment. How can I limit the output to only show the first payment entry?
My query:
DATEDIFF(day, c.DateOfCreation, p.DateOfCreation) AS DaysToPayment,
CONCAT(u.FirstName, ' ', u.LastName) AS CreateUser,
(SELECT CONCAT(u.FirstName, ' ', u.LastName)
WHERE u.UserID = p.UserID ) AS PaymentUser
FROM tblBookings b
INNER JOIN tblPayments p
ON b.BookingID = p.BookingID
INNER JOIN tblEnquiries e
ON e.EnquiryID = b.EnquiryID
INNER JOIN tblCustomers c
ON c.CustomerID = e.CustomerID
INNER JOIN tblOrigins o
ON o.OriginID = e.OriginID
INNER JOIN tblSuperOrigins s
ON s.SuperOriginID = o.SuperOriginID
INNER JOIN tblBookingPackages bp
ON bp.bookingID = p.BookingID
INNER JOIN tblPackages pc
ON pc.PackageID = bp.packageID
INNER JOIN tblUsers u
ON u.UserID = c.UserID
WHERE c.DateOfCreation >= '2016-06-01' AND c.DateOfCreation < '2016-06-30'
AND p.PaymentStatusID IN (1,2)
AND e.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
AND p.DeleteMark != 1
AND c.DeleteMark != 1
AND b.DeleteMark != 1
I tried adding a "TOP 1" to the nested select statement for PaymentUser, but it made no difference.
you can use cross apply with top 1:
FROM tblBookings b
cross apply
(select top 1 * from tblPayments p where b.BookingID = p.BookingID) as p
Instead of table tblPayments specify sub-query like this:
(SELECT TOP 1 BookingID, UserID, DateOfCreation
FROM tblPayments
WHERE DeleteMark != 1
AND PaymentStatusID IN (1,2)
ORDER BY DateOfCreation) as p
I'm assuming that tblPayments has a primary key column ID. If it is true, you can use this statment:
FROM tblBookings b
INNER JOIN tblPayments p ON p.ID = (
FROM tblPayments
WHERE BookingID = b.BookingID
AND DeleteMark != 1
AND PaymentStatusID IN (1,2)
ORDER BY DateOfCreation)

How to use group by only for some columns in sql Query?

The following query returns 550 records, which I am then grouping by some columns in the controller via linq. However, how can I achieve the "group by" logic in the SQL query itself? Additionally, post-grouping, I need to show only 150 results to the user.
Current SQL query:
l.Id AS LoadId
, l.LoadTrackingNumber AS LoadDisplayId
, planningType.Text AS PlanningType
, loadStatus.Id AS StatusId
, loadWorkRequest.Id AS LoadRequestId
, loadStatus.Text AS Status
, routeIds.RouteIdentifier AS RouteName
, planRequest.Id AS PlanId
, originPartyRole.Id AS OriginId
, originParty.Id AS OriginPartyId
, originParty.LegalName AS Origin
, destinationPartyRole.Id AS DestinationId
, destinationParty.Id AS DestinationPartyId
, destinationParty.LegalName AS Destination
, COALESCE(firstSegmentLocation.Window_Start, originLocation.Window_Start) AS StartDate
, COALESCE(firstSegmentLocation.Window_Start, originLocation.Window_Start) AS BeginDate
, destLocation.Window_Finish AS EndDate
AS Number
FROM Domain.Loads (NOLOCK) AS l
INNER JOIN dbo.Lists (NOLOCK) AS loadStatus ON l.LoadStatusId = loadStatus.Id
INNER JOIN Domain.Routes (NOLOCK) AS routeIds ON routeIds.Id = l.RouteId
INNER JOIN Domain.BaseRequests (NOLOCK) AS loadWorkRequest ON loadWorkRequest.LoadId = l.Id
INNER JOIN Domain.BaseRequests (NOLOCK) AS planRequest ON planRequest.Id = loadWorkRequest.ParentWorkRequestId
INNER JOIN Domain.Schedules AS planSchedule ON planSchedule.Id = planRequest.ScheduleId
INNER JOIN Domain.Segments (NOLOCK) os on os.RouteId = routeIds.Id AND os.[Order] = 0
INNER JOIN Domain.LocationDetails (NOLOCK) AS originLocation ON originLocation.Id = os.DestinationId
INNER JOIN dbo.EntityRoles (NOLOCK) AS originPartyRole ON originPartyRole.Id = originLocation.DockRoleId
INNER JOIN dbo.Entities (NOLOCK) AS originParty ON originParty.Id = originPartyRole.PartyId
INNER JOIN Domain.LocationDetails (NOLOCK) AS destLocation ON destLocation.Id = routeIds.DestinationFacilityLocationId
INNER JOIN dbo.EntityRoles (NOLOCK) AS destinationPartyRole ON destinationPartyRole.Id = destLocation.DockRoleId
INNER JOIN dbo.Entities (NOLOCK) AS destinationParty ON destinationParty.Id = destinationPartyRole.PartyId
INNER JOIN dbo.TransportationModes (NOLOCK) lictm on lictm.Id = l.LoadInstanceCarrierModeId
INNER JOIN dbo.EntityRoles (NOLOCK) AS carrierPartyRole ON lictm.CarrierId = carrierPartyRole.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.Entities (NOLOCK) AS carrier ON carrierPartyRole.PartyId = carrier.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.EntityRoles (NOLOCK) AS respPartyRole ON l.ResponsiblePartyId = respPartyRole.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.Entities (NOLOCK) AS respParty ON respPartyRole.PartyId = respParty.Id
INNER JOIN Domain.LoadOrders (NOLOCK) lo ON lo.LoadInstanceId = l.Id
INNER JOIN Domain.Orders (NOLOCK) AS o ON lo.OrderInstanceId = o.Id
INNER JOIN Domain.BaseRequests (NOLOCK) AS loadRequest ON loadRequest.LoadId = l.Id
--Load Start Date
LEFT JOIN Domain.Segments (NOLOCK) AS segment ON segment.RouteId = l.RouteId AND segment.[Order] = 0
LEFT JOIN Domain.LocationDetails (NOLOCK) AS firstSegmentLocation ON firstSegmentLocation.Id = segment.DestinationId
LEFT JOIN dbo.Lists (NOLOCK) AS planningType ON l.PlanningTypeId = planningType.Id
LEFT JOIN dbo.EntityRoles (NOLOCK) AS billToRole ON o.BillToId = billToRole.Id
LEFT JOIN dbo.Entities (NOLOCK) AS billTo ON billToRole.PartyId = billTo.Id
WHERE o.CustomerId in (34236) AND originLocation.Window_Start >= '07/19/2015 00:00:00' AND originLocation.Window_Start < '07/25/2015 23:59:59' AND l.IsHistoricalLoad = 0
AND loadStatus.Id in (285, 286,289,611,290)
AND loadWorkRequest.ParentWorkRequestId IS NOT NULL
AND routeIds.RouteIdentifier IS NOT NULL
AND (planSchedule.EndDate IS NULL OR (planSchedule.EndDate is not null and CAST(CONVERT(varchar(10), planSchedule.EndDate,101) as datetime) > CAST(CONVERT(varchar(10),GETDATE(),101) as datetime))) ORDER BY l.Id DESC
//Get custom grouped data
var loadRequest = (from lq in returnList
let loadDisplayId = lq.LoadDisplayId
let origin = lq.OriginId //get this origin for route
let destination = lq.DestinationId // get this destination for route
group lq by new
RouteId = lq.RouteName,
PlanId = lq.PlanId,
Origin = lq.OriginId,
Destination = lq.DestinationId
into grp
select new
RouteId = grp.Key.RouteId,
PlanId = grp.Key.PlanId,
Origin = grp.Key.Origin,
Destination = grp.Key.Destination,
Loads = (from l in grp select l)
}).OrderBy(x => x.Origin).ToList();
I'm guessing you want to Group By column 1 but include columns 2 and 3 in your Select. Using a Group By you cannot do this. However, you can do this using a T-SQL Windowing function using the OVER() operator. Since you don't say how you want to aggregate, I cannot provide an example. But look at T-SQL Windowing functions. This article might help you get started.
One important thing you need to understand about GROUP BY is that you must assume that there are multiple values in every column outside of the GROUP BY list. In your case, you must assume that for each value of Column1 there would be multiple values of Column2 and Column3, all considered as a single group.
If you want your query to process any of these columns, you must specify what to do about these multiple values.
Here are some choices you have:
Pick the smallest or the largest value for a column in a group - use MIN(...) or MAX(...) aggregator for that
Count non-NULL items in a group - use COUNT(...)
Produce an average of non-NULL values in a group - use AVG(...)
For example, if you would like to find the smallest Column2 and an average of Column3 for each value of Column1, your query would look like this:
Column1, MIN(Column2), AVG(Column3)
group by