vagrant ssh uses wrong ssh executable - ssh

I have a vagrant box with CentOS7 running under KVM/QEMU (libvirt) on my Fedora 29 host. vagrant up works fine. vagrant ssh fails with:
in `exec': : Permission denied - /home/username/bin/sshPermission denied - /home/username/bin/ssh ( (Errno::EACCESErrno::EACCES)
The doc says: Vagrant will attempt to use the local SSH client installed on the host machine. However, which ssh correctly results in: /usr/bin/ssh. So why vagrant doesn't use it ?
The directory! /home/username/bin/ssh was included in the PATH env when the box was created and vagrant seems to have stored this information somewhere. Removing the directory from PATH didn't help. Only when I rename or remove the directory vagrant ssh does work.
Can anyone tell me where vagrant stored the wrong info ?
Edit: The Vagrantfile is nearly empty, only contained...

Guess I found the reason - seems to be a bug or strange behavior of the vagrant version 2.1.2 that I use:
I still had directory /home/username/bin in the PATH env. Vagrant seems to list all entries in all directories included in PATH to look for ssh and finds subdirectory /home/username/bin/ssh not realizing that this is a directory ...
After removing /home/username/bin the command vagrant ssh works as expected. So unless vagrant is improved I have to permanently rename my /home/username/bin/ssh directory ...


Vagrant commands failing

I am new to Vagrant!
I have installed Vagrant from
and when i checked the version in Powershell am getting Vagrant 2.2.19. But when i am trying to add box or init am getting error.
below are the details of the error am getting
PS C:> vagrant -v
Vagrant 2.2.19
PS C:> vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64
Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:
The executable 'cmd.exe' Vagrant is trying to run was not
found in the %PATH% variable. This is an error. Please verify
this software is installed and on the path.
PS C:> vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64
Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:
The executable 'cmd.exe' Vagrant is trying to run was not
found in the %PATH% variable. This is an error. Please verify
this software is installed and on the path.
I have searched on internet and youtube but did not find any help....
Please help me ...... !
FYI : I have restarted my windows 10 computer after installing Vagrant
I have done two things, firstly
vagrant plugin update
and secondly i have edited the environment variables
[This PC (rightclick) ---> Properties ----> Advanced system settings ----> Under Advanced Tab Select Environment Variables]
In the Environment Variables window Under System variables select PATH and click on Edit ----> Click on New and add
the Powershell bin path C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0
After this i have restarted my powershell thats it.....Vagrant commands started working.
hello,i just solved this problem ,you can remove the 'cmd.exe'from the PATH ,so you should see the cmd.exe's path like this
enter image description here
after this ,type 'vagrant' in your powershell ,it will run success.

wrong entry in limits.conf , unable to ssh to host

We have VirtualBox (using vagrant) env , by mistake made an entry in /etc/security/limits.conf [with out having a root shell open:( ] and now I am unable to ssh (the connections drops immediately).
Previously we had one such scenario (limits done by someone else) , was able to fix using vboxmanage guestcontrol copyto CLI and was able to overwrite limits.conf and then ssh was allowed, this time around the vboxmanage CLI also hangs
Tried to open the VM in GUI and went to console and tried few options , but could not get to single user mode.
Since you already tried vbox cli command and the commands hang, it means even virtualbox cannot access the system or get a shell to open.
In this case you will have to bring up a ubuntu VM and use the qemu-nbd module to fix this. The steps are given below.
Bring up a very simple ubuntu vm using hashicorp’s bionic64 on the same host machine by executing the following steps.
mkdir bionic
cd bionic
vagrant box add hashicorp/bionic64
vagrant init
Open the Vagrantfile and change the = "base" to = "hashicorp/bionic64"
Also mount the folder in the host where the .vdi file for the VM is located by adding the following to the Vagrant file by adding the following line(replace the file path with the correct one corresponding to your system. Here /nbd2 will be created on the ubuntu machine and will contain the files including the .vdi file.
config.vm.synced_folder "/home/topcat/VirtualBox\ VMs/your_vm", "/nbd2"
Now do vagrant up
Once the machine boots up
vagrant ssh #to ssh as vagrant
sudo su #to become root
apt-get update #This will refresh the apt cache
apt-get install qemu
modprobe nbd (to check if the module is loaded successfully. Will exit without any output if it is installed)
qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd1 "/nbd2/box-disk001.vdi" - (Here change the path to whatever you gave in the config.vm.synced_folder property)
mkdir -p /mnt/vdi-boot
mount /dev/nbd1p1 /mnt/vdi-boot
cd /mnt/vdi-boot/etc/security (This folder will have all the files as it were in your VM)
touch limits.conf (if the file is already there, delete it)
chmod 644 limits.conf
chown root:root limits.conf
open the /mnt/vdi-boot/etc/security/nsswitch.conf file and check if the following three lines are present
passwd: files
shadow: files
group: files
umount /mnt/vdi-boot (unmounts the mounted path)
qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd1 (disconnects from qemu-nbd)
Exit the VM and start the VM
Open another shell and try to ssh. It should go through fine this time.

Vagrant GuestAdditions issue

Host OS: Windows 10
Vagrant: 2.2.4
VirtualBox: 6.0.6 r130049
When I run vagrant up, it prints this error message:
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
Stdout from the command:
Stderr from the command:
bash: line 4: setup: command not found
The machine can be booted normally and SSH from my host to Virtual machine is OK but the synced folder is not working. I know this may not be a critical issue but still feel frustrated as I use my host machine to develop codes and "sync" these codes so that they can be loaded in my virtual machine.
Any advice is highly appreciated.
ps: When I boot a full UI virtual machine (different from my above mentioned) from my VirtualBox directly, it seems OK to have a "sync" directory and the VBGuestAdditions can be installed without errors.
It is a bug in VirtualBox 6.0.6 and it still exists in 6.0.8. The solution is to downgrade your VirtualBox itself and the Guest Extensions to 6.0.4.

vagrant puppet unable to chmod to make executable

I have a vagrant 1.6.3 debian 7.5 with a TYPO3 6.2.9 installation and I'm trying to make a php file executable
chmod a+x typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh but it's not working - not even as root.
When I log out, however, I see that the file has changed permissions outside in my host machine.
I tried adding
file {'/home/vagrant/docs/typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh': mode => 0777} to the puppet manifest, but nothing seems to happen.
Can somebody perhaps shed some light on how to make files executable inside the vagrant box?
reson could be the folder you are working with is protected ,
you can try
chattr -i /home/vagrant/docs/typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh
and try to change permissions again

Apache fails to start on Vagrant

In my Vagrant environment I have a guest Ubuntu Virtualbox with a LAMP with default settings.
I have my source code on the host machine in the same folder as my Vagrantfile. So on the guest Ubuntu I can access the files in the mounted /vagrant dir like this
Now in my Apache config I add a line
Alias /mysite /vagrant/mysite
After reloading config and restarting apache I can go to localhost:8558/mysite/index.php and it works.
The problem is that when I reload Virtualbox with vagrant reload it starts Apache service before mounting the /vagrant folder. So Apache can't find the aliased dir and fails to start. i have to start it manually then
My question is - is there a way to delay Apache start so that it starts after the mounting?
Update: As a workaround I added script to the crontab that starts apache 30 seconds after the boot as described here. But I wonder if there is a better solution.
while upstart probably is a valid option, I had several issues using it with vagrant. I had to run several tasks that needed to be run as a privileged user, which I did not manage to get working with upstart.
Starting from version 1.6.0 (May 6, 2014), vagrant provides the option to run a specific provisioner every time, so also after booting a halted VM with vagrant up.
In your Vagrantfile, add:
# a file, eg
config.vm.provision "shell", path: "", run: "always"
# or just inline
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "service apache2 restart", run: "always"
note the run: "always", this will force vagrant to run the provisioner always, obviously it works just as well with any other provisioning system like chef or puppet.
I would like to add a little to Zauberfisch's answer (Apache fails to start on Vagrant)
What needed to happen was this command needed to be run as a superuser AKA 'Sudo' so this was the command that was needed:
`config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "sudo service apache2 restart", run: "always"`
The reason why this didn't work for you without the sudo appears to be that Vagrant tries to run the command without /usr/sbin in PATH. For me, this worked just as well:
`config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "/usr/sbin/service apache2 restart", run: "always"`
If upstart is installed (as in Ubuntu), Vagrant emits "vagrant-mounted" event. See to get the idea. In your script you can (re)start the Apache server.
Btw, I have a feeling that newer Apache versions just warn, but still start even if the doc root doesn't exist. The same with nginx.