Coreldraw Multiple Contours in VBA - vba

Guys I Am trying to set up a three colour text that is editable
Basically what I want is the text to be black
A 1st contour of 1mm that is white
a 2nd contour of 2mm thick which is black
I have tried the following 2 step contour
ActiveSelection.CreateContour cdrContourOutside, 2, 2, , , CreateRGBColor(0, 0, 0), CreateRGBColor(255, 255, 255)
this works perfectly as I want and when I edit the text the contour changes to the new text however the contours are both the same width (2mm) and not 1 & 2mm as i want
Also I cant get it to specify the correct color for each contour
If I break apart the 1st contour then add another this gives me contours of different widths and colors but I then loose the edit ability as the contour is not attached to the text
Any Ideas I Know its possible as I have seen a commercial macro that does it
Any Help appreciated

The best I can do for you is to show you the object model. I do not have CorelDraw and therefore cannot test anything.
Here is the link to the CorelDraw Object Model.
And here is a link to a Programming Guide for CorelDraw.
You can look up "Applying Effects" on page 72 of the programming guide which may help.
I would suggest also looking at creating curves from the .Shapes object and then looking at the TextRange object. the TextRange.Text property is the actual text you want to see and the TextRange.colorindex is the color of the text I believe. You will have to do some exploring, but this should help.


Referencing text from a 1D array for use in a line of code (vb)

I'm working on a small project, and one of the components utilizes an animated dice. I've got the mechanics of the dice down, however, I wish to make the dice colour change each time it rolls.
As of now, I have to manually set the colour
(e.g. pnl1.Backcolor = system.Drawing.color.Red).
I've already set up an array with the various different colours and intend to reference them randomly using the random number function, but my question is how can I refer to an item in the array in such a way that that makes the above mentioned pnl1.Backcolor match said colour?
I'm well aware I can't just use system.Drawing.color.Colours(1), so how might I go about this/what are some possible alternate options to an array?
Any and all help is massively appreciated and I do apologise if the way I've formatted this question is not in line with that which the website demands (I'm relatively new).
~ John
I'm not sure whether you have a different panel for each side of the die or just one with a picture change, nevertheless, below is an example of something you could do. Change as needed (I'm assuming just one panel with color change - pnl1).
Dim PanColor() As Color = {Color.White, Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue, Color.Purple, Color.Yellow}
pnl1.BackColor = PanColor(put_random_number_here_0_to_5)

Can VBA detect line-wrapping in an Excel chart legend?

Writing to code to format a chart (all of which should be done by Microsoft, but that’s separate).
Am now positioning the legend. Taking a 9×9 block of possible positions, and counting the data points underneath each. As a fragment of the code: (ax.MaximumScale - ax.MinimumScale) * co.Chart.Legend.Width / co.Chart.PlotArea.InsideWidth.
Also coping with lines underlapping and text boxes overlapping the possible legend positions: same idea, more complexity.
Obviously, all this works better if the legend is as small as possible, as that gives a greater likelihood of finding a location with zero ’lapping.
If .Legend.Width is too small, then the individual legend texts (the Series.Name’s) wrap onto ≥2 lines, which isn’t wanted. So VBA could interval bisect to find the smallest .Legend.Width for which there isn’t line wrapping. But how can the VBA code ‘see’|‘detect’|‘know’ of the existence of the line wrapping?
And mutatis mutandis for .Legend.Height: if that’s too small, some legend entries aren’t shown. How can the VBA code ‘see’|‘detect’|‘know’ that a height is too small?
Thank you.
PS: I expect that the correct answer is that “VBA cannot ‘see’|‘detect’|‘know’ either of these.” Please refute this expectation.
If you create your own legend, using a text box, you have better options when it comes to sizing and flow control. This will create a new set of challenges, but it might be easier to handle.

Excel VBA : Use the color of a shape in an If/Then case

I have created a chart on Excel using macros. Each of the shapes on the chart is filled with a color according to its category. I was wondering if it is possible to use the color of the shapes in an If/Then case to perform different actions, such as displaying the shapes with specific colors only.
For example, something similar to:
If shape.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 1 Then
I have tried that, but it doesn't seem to do anything to my chart. Does anyone have an idea of how to do it?
Thank you !!
Did you try checking the color with the corresponding RGB value? Since SchemeColor depends on the current color scheme it might be looking for a different color than you'd expect

Customized report colors "snapping" to windows default colors

I have a chart in an Access 2010 report for which I am trying to set colors of different series dynamically. The user can use checkboxes to select series to chart, with the intent being that the series on the chart will take its color from the BackColor property of the checkbox's label.
The problem is that when I run my code to create the report, the colors used are not the ones on the corresponding labels. Instead it looks like they are "snapping" to the list of colors at the following link, referred to as "standard windows colours". List of standard windows colors in RGB and Long
For example:
With myChart.SeriesCollection(1)
.Interior.Color = RGB(195, 215, 155)
End With
Sets series 1 to a dark grey color, and debug.print myChart.SeriesCollection(1).Interior.Color returns 12632256, rather than 10213315 like it should. (Long color = Red + Green*256 + Blue*65536)
I have tried opening the chart object and defining the custom colors that I want to see on the palette for the chart, and setting the appropriate colors for the series manually. This works until I try to programatically change anything, at which point, all of the colors snap to the list I linked above.
Any ideas for how to dynamically set chart colors to custom values?
Managed to answer my own question. Manually customizing the palette in MS Graph was necessary, but from there, I need to reference the colors by their index on the palette (using .Interior.ColorIndex), rather than from their RGB or Long code. The index numbers for the palette are not in any logical order, but can be found in a file accessible from this site.
It's not quite as dynamic as I had hoped for, but this is definitely good enough for what I need to do.

How to cut out numbers from an image dynamically?

i've got to this stage:
where i can find the numbers in the above image but i need to cut them out so i can retain the order etc. but the as the number increases the spacing changes and the position of the number?
so i think it should be a find a white PX the continue until it find a solid black col and then use the points to do a simple cut any help would be great.
A simple solution would be this:
Find the first upmost horizontal line which contains white pixels
From that line find the first horizontal line which contains only black pixels
Those two lines are your upper and lower borders.
Between this borders proceed like this:
Find the first most left vertical line which contains white pixels
From that line find the last vertical line which contains only black pixels and which comes directly after a line with white pixels.
Those two lines are your left and right borders.
The steps to separate single numbers can be performed analogously.
If you need to identify which numbers are in your picture, I recommend using specialized computer vision libraries.
Some pseudo code to get you going:
Sub FindTopBorder(image As MyImage) As Integer
For y = 0 to image.Height - 1
For x = 0 to image.Width - 1
Dim pixel = image.GetPixel(x, y)
If ('Check if pixel is white here with RGB or Color') Then
Return y
End If
' Just in case there are no white pixels or use an exception instead
Return -1
End Sub
I would start looking into Connected component segmentation. You find a pixel which is within a character (number). Then run the connected component algorithm which finds all connected pixels under specific set of rules (e.g. slight deviation in color, stop at hard borders etc).
If you can use libraries, I'm sure OpenCV or similar libraries support this out of the box.
I see you need Probably it is easiest to port some algorithm to VB or create one yourself.
See e.g.
What to expect
An image containing two shapes:
Now each is separated into single images.