My environment: Ubuntu 18.04
dia is a wonderful tool to draw flowchart. While I cannot input Chinese in box. I have tried fcitx and ibus and both failed.
Someone has prompt a method that edit script dia. But after dia upgrade,there is no dia-normal anymore.
Please help me. Any advise will be appreciated.
Try to switch you input methods to x input method after starting Dia.
Right click in a text box and select "Input Methods" -> "X Input
Method" from the popup menu
Or you can set GTK_IM_MODULE environment before start dia.
env GTK_IM_MODULE=xim dia
Ubuntu 18.04.4 environment:
~/.configis located under /home/[your user name]/.config
rm -R ~/.config/fcitx
reboot then everything works
I am trying to set up Powerline on WSL
On my Windows Machine
Which I have set up to be the terminal in Intellij which is running on windows
The colors were displayed in a very odd way. I came across the question How to change the output color of echo in Linux which suggested the use of the following command to test the color outputs.
for code in {0..255}; do echo -e "\033[48;5;${code}m $code "; done | paste - - - - - - - -
Which gave the following result.
I had similar results when trying to make use of the WSL bash terminal.
Edit: This only happens when in intellij. bash.exe and the ubuntu terminal do not have this issue.
What is the correct way to make use of 8-bit and/or 24-bit color in intellij/WSL?
As of Intellij Idea version 2021.3, the terminal now supports 24-bit color thanks to ConPTY support on Windows.
I think the answer to my questions is NO. But I need to get clarity be certain about this.
EXAMPLE: I have sqlcmd windows utility installed on windows and can use it with command prompt, simply type sqlcmd in command prompt and start typing T-SQL commands such as sp_databases;go will list the databases.
Next if I want to use WSL bash prompt for doing the same I believe the only way to do so is to first install sqlcmd for Ubuntu from WSL bash and then log in to localhost SQL Server with sqlcmd.
Please share what you know to help me get a better understanding of how to get full benefit of WSL for doing things such as using the sqlcmd command at WSL bash prompt.
Thanks for the help.
I have tried issuing this command at the WSL bash prompt which did not work:
/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ SQL\ Server/110/Tools/Binn/SQLCMD.EXE
OK I had some success, I needed some getting use to but there is some thing to go off here. To reiterate my name idea was that if a program such as R or Python is installed in windows I shouldn't have to re-install it in WSL with sudo apt-get install ...
So for using the sqlcmd utility the following command at bash worked:
/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe /C sqlcmd
This command will let give me a "black line/space" to type in T-SQL commands into. It gives me some success with my experiment, at first it looks funny since there was no prompt or anything but I just type the command sp_databases [enter] go [enter] and it does the trick.
Next I wanted to really wanted to test this and tried to run the R (installation that runs when I type >R at command prompt). This is command that worked at bash prompt:
/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe /C R --no-save
This was more satisfying as it printed R intro and started the R-shell/prompt, the issue was though (what I immediately noticed) was that if I use the up arrow key to scroll through previous commands its won't work rather ^[[A is printed on the screen at the prompt.
Next I tried another program Python, at command prompt in windows if I enter >python it starts a python with the intro, but at WSL bash prompt when I tried:
/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe /C python it takes me to blank line but unlike sqlcmd this time a simple python command like dir() dose not give back any output.
I would greatly appreciate if someone who knows more about these things could explain to me how I can use the programs already installed in windows with reinstalling them in WSL.
§ So why did the python program not start in WSL like it does at the command-prompt.
§ And in case of R program that did start how would I scroll through previous command if the up arrow key start printing ^[[A
Thanks for help, hope my question is clear enough.
No quick button does not work. The reason? Already search the entire Internet and found nothing. I was told that perhaps the problem in Ubuntu. We all know it works, but I have not. Who knows what?
Put the Russian keyboard layout above the English. Thanks LazyOne
Only this helped me to make Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V to work on Russian and English keyboard in RubyMine 7:
Download LinuxJavaFixes and put the contents of build folder to ~/LinuxJavaFixes/build
Add the following code to the RubyMine config file ..RubyMine-7.0.4/bin/rubymine64.vmoptions (for linux x64), or ..RubyMine-7.0.4/bin/rubymine.vmoptions (for linux x86):
Change YOUR_USERNAME to your system username.
This code helped me:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:attente/java-non-latin-shortcuts
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
restart unity-settings-daemon
I'm trying to build a Webkit Kiosk on a Raspberry Pi.
I found a good start at:
The things I want to do:
1) Start the kiosk without logging in (with inittab?)
Peter Schultz pointed out adding the following line:
1:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/startx -e /usr/bin/browser tty1 /dev/tty1 2>&1
But he did not explain the steps to make this work (for noobs).
What I did is add his code to a personal git repository and cloned this repo to /usr/bin/kiosk and sudo apt-get install libwebkit-dev and sudo make.
The line to add to inittab will be:
1:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/startx -e /usr/bin/kiosk/browser tty1 /dev/tty1 2>&1
If I do this, I generate a loop or some kind...
If you want to automatically load a browser full screen in kiosk mode every time you turn on the rpi you can add one of these two lines to the file /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
#chromium --kiosk --incognito
#midori -i 120 -e Fullscreen -a -p
The first is for chromium and the latter is for midori, the rpi default lightweight browser.
Hint : Since we will use the rpi as a kiosk we want to prevent the screen from going black and disable the screensaver. Edit the autostart file:
sudo pico /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
find the following line and comment it using a # (it should be located at the bottom)
##xscreensaver -no-splash
and append the following lines
#xset s off
#xset -dpms
#xset s noblank
Save, reboot.
More info on
The upvoted answer suggest to run LXDE for it. You could also do it without such a heaver desktop enviorment. You could just start midori or chromium in an X session:
xinit /usr/bin/midori -e Fullscreen -a
xinit chromium --kiosk
Sometimes Fullscreen mode of midori is not working as expected and midori is not using whole screen. In these cases you could map it inside a very simple window manager like MatchBox to get real fullscreen. Due to xinit you have to wrap everything in a shell script.
matchbox-window-manager &
midori -e Fullscreen -a
Autostart could be done simply be using /etc/rc.local.
More information concerning screensaver issues and an automated restart could be found here:
Chromium has a dependency problem on some debian derivate for arm architecture. For Cubian you find the bug report here. I am not sure if you could install chromium on latest Raspbian without problem.
But I really could recommend midori. It's very fast and support for modern web technologies is very good. As Chromium it is using webkit as rendering engine. If you miss some html5 / css3 features consider an update of libwebkitgtk (for example by using package of debian testing).
It's possible you haven't set the DISPLAY environment variable.
export DISPLAY=:0
/usr/bin/startx /usr/bin/browser
Or, browser can also take a display argument (so you don't need the environment variable):
/usr/bin/startx /usr/bin/browser :0
This works for me on Raspbian from a standard terminal shell (I'm logged in over SSH).
Updated for the current version of Raspbian (with Pixel desktop) install with noop 2.0.
I found you need to edit in two different places to get it to work.
So my configure file is:
# #xscreensaver -no-splash
#xset s off
#xset -dpms
#xset s noblank
#chromium-browser --kiosk --incognito http://localhost
And that's it.
You should probably start with checking if /usr/bin/kiosk/browser is working at all. You should start normal X session (graphical environment) on your RaspberryPi, launch terminal, try running this command:
and see what it prints on the terminal. Is this working? Do you see any error messages?
I'm trying to build a Webkit Kiosk on a Raspberry Pi.
I think Instant WebKiosk for Raspberry Pi could be useful for you.
I have a COM Server Component (a .Dll) which is developed by someone. When I invoke (using invoke()) a function in that COM Server, it throws the error 0x800706BE -The remote procedure call failed. Interestingly it throws this error only few times!!. it works fine for the rest of the times!!.
The issue is reported in a windows 2k8 64 bit OS & Win 7 32 bit.
Any idea what could be the issue?
would it an issue with the COM Server or COM Client ?
is there any way by which I can narrow down to know the culprit?
ok. It seems I have found out the problem. The COM Server(.dll) was crashing the moment I called Invoke() on that. The problem seems to be in the COM Server.
Hope it will be helpful for someone.
1 : Open an elevated command prompt. To do this, swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search. Or, if you are using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, and then click Search. Type Command Prompt in the Search box, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Allow.
2 : Type the following commands. Press Enter after each command.
Note: It may take several minutes for each command operation to be completed.
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
3 : Close the command prompt, and then run Windows Update again.