LinkedIn V1 api migration to V2 existing user identification - migration

I would like to make my program compatible with the new LinkedIn V2 api. The user migration is my question. In my database, I store the LinkedIn V1 api generated user id-s and e-mail addresses and access tokens.
In the LinkedIn Marketing Developer Program at the top of the page, I read this:
I understand by applying for Marketing API my app will lose access to V1 APIs. Since these APIs are deprecated for LMS partners, the app cannot make API request to any of the V1 endpoints. Note: If you do not want to lose access to V1 APIs for the app you are applying for, create a new app to request access for LMS program using this form. We recommend migrating your apps from using V1 APIs as they are planned to be deprecated.
So I created new LinkedIn applications with new ClientId, and ClientSecret.
In the LinkedIn new developer documentation LinkedIn new developer documentation I read this:
id: A unique identifying value for the member. Referenced as personId in other API documentation pages. Can also be referenced as an URN such as urn:li:person:{personId}. This value is linked to your specific application. Any attempts to use it with a different application will result in a 404 error.
So if I make a new app in the LinkedIn developer console, the old app's user ids will be gone.
If I would like to find my "old" user with the e-mail address, the new LinkedIn V2 api doesn't provide this primary-contact-api, because it will provide primary contact, which can be the telephone number, not the e-mail address.
My question is, how can I migrate my "old" users?


Is it possible to pull reviews using a Service Account for a Google My Business Account?

Really straightforward question. Is there a way to use the Service Account credentials to gain access to a particular Google My Business location Reviews?
(Some context, I'm not pulling from an unowned business. I have access to the information and we're an authorized user. Essentially we are the business owners or agency)
For broader context, we came across this issue:
How do I authorise an app (web or installed) without user intervention?
... and we want to automate the acquisition of reviews for a client who wants to have access to their reviews. However, we need to manually get the refresh token...
Steps 11 and 12 are as such...
Click Step 2 and "Exchange authorization code for tokens"
Copy the returned Refresh token and paste it into your app, source code or in to some form of storage from where your app can retrieve it.
We would ideally like to automate this side of the process. Is this feasible using the Service Account and a Restful Endpoint or a library provided by the Nuget Package?

Linkedin APIs for authentication, connection invitations and user search

I wrote this same question to #Linkedin support service and I was redirected to this link where they indicate to ask questions in Stackoverflow.
We are developing a mobile App for the Polytechnic University of Madrid and we plan to expand to other Universities in the future. This aplication will need in a first instance OAuth via Linkedin. It will also need to allow the authenticated user to send connection invitations to other users contained in a list. For creating that list of users, it will be useful if the admin of the system could search in a bar similar to the one which Linkedin has, write a user name and select it, retrieving its user ID or what is needed to identify the invitation destination.
Summing up, the App needs:
Connection request API
User search API
I have read on the web that some of Linkedin's APIs suffered some modifications in which most of them where limited to allowed users or apps. So the aim of this post is knowing:
Do the APIs my mobile application needs exist?
What do I need to do to obtain the access to those APIs in case they exist?
User search API
For this feature you could use something like Algolia Instant Search
LinkedIn has changed many things related to user data. If you need access to its data then you must follow the given guidelines.
Basically you have to create a LinkedIn App and then the users have to grant permissions to your app by installing it in their device(s) and then only you can collect their data.

Another account access my Analytics API

I want to build a dashboard to my clients access your respective website analytics. But, after some research, I'm stuck.
Let's imagine the scenario:
My Analytics Account:
Client X -
Client Y -
In my dashboard, when the cliente Y log in, the data (pageviews) of is shown on graphics.
But, there's a way to do that? By the moment, the only thing i got is retrieve information for my logged account (my analytics ID), not the information about another account.
There's a way to use the Google API, or, I'll have a "separate database" to save data each website?
Sorry, I'm really lost at the moment.
You can only view Google Analytics Accounts that you are authorized to view. For some reason this is a source of major confusion (seeing that your are not the first to ask), although it should be fairly self-evident.
If you want to see data from your clients account you have to ask your client to add your Google email to the GA account. If an email address is added to multiple accounts you can, via the API, choose between the accounts. Clientside authorization (OAuth2) will only work as long as somebody is logged in via a client application (usually a browser). The practial effect is that everybody who is authenticated via OAuth against Google will see only his own GA accounts, not other peoples data.
If you want a serverside application to pull data from various GA accounts you need a service account. But even the service account needs to be added to the GA accounts.
You can use the core reporting API, but the API will not give you access to accounts that you are not authorized to look at; your client needs to authorize you (or your applications service account).

Google Youtube Data v3 not found

I have gone through a tutorial that takes me to the webpage. I created a new project, then i went to API & Auth .. clicked on the API key to try to then scroll down and select the Youtube Data API v3 and it is NOT there, why? I need to get the API key for an application I am using. I have logged in to two separate accounts and it is not available in either account. I need help in finding the API key so that I can use it in an application. I called the adwords team and asked them and they asked me to send a question to you in this forum.
By default, there were a few Google Cloud APIs enabled by default. When they were enabled, the Youtube Data API was not showing up in the list of available APIs. I disabled all the preselected APIs, and then the Youtube Data and Analytics APIs were available.
Looks like you just have to disable the default selections for some reason.

Accessing linkedin api without repetitive sign in?

I am new to linkedin api. I have a doubt regarding the api.
I am integrating the api in my application, so different user have to register in the linkedin to get the data using that api? Can it be pre registered and the user can get the data whatever he wants.
Suppose user wants to search about company. He will type the company name and will get the names of the company related to search. He should not log in in linked in before searching.
Is it possible?
If you are using the JavaScript API, then yes, you may need to have the user log in each time as the JavaScript API's authorization is cleared every time the user closes their browser.
If you are using the REST API, you can store the user's OAuth token and use that to make the calls on behalf of the user, saving them having to sign-in each time.